Burning Moscow

Chapter 1645

Chapter 1644 Elementary version of electronic jamming

Chapter 1644: The Elementary Edition of Electronic Jamming Warfare

Don’t look at how confident I am in front of everyone, but I still lack confidence in my heart. You have to know that the communication technology during World War II simply cannot match the rest of the world. Whether my strategy can work or not depends entirely on luck.

Similarly, the commanders who stayed in the same room as I obeyed my command on the surface, but I knew in my heart that it was probably Rokosovsky who didn’t quite believe that the plan I made would succeed.

Fortunately, after not waiting long, the chief of staff of the 65th Army took a call and reported to me in surprise: “Comrade deputy commander, just received a report from the observation post of the Serotsk landing site that the German bomber group has turned. Fly directly towards Wei Richa.”

Kazakov, who was sitting next to me, widened his eyes and said in surprise: “Is it true that the Luftwaffe should, in accordance with our army’s order, go bombing their own armored units?”

After hearing this news, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, but I still tried my best to control my emotions. As long as the Luftwaffe bomb did not fall on the head of the German armored cluster, then my plan could still fail, so I ordered Chief of Staff: “Tell the Observatory that they will strictly stick to the movements of the Luftwaffe and report to me as soon as the latest situation becomes available.”

Taking advantage of the time the Chief of Staff gave orders to the observation post, I called Maksimenko and said politely to the old general: “Comrade General, I just got information. The bomber of the Luftwaffe has already flown towards Wizha. Go. Now your task is to continue to continuously interfere with the German radio system, and at the same time find a way to let our bombers bomb the enemy’s telephone lines, completely losing contact between their subordinates.”

After putting down the phone, I stared at the map in a daze. Rokosovsky asked me kindly: “Lida, what are you thinking about?”

“Comrade Marshal,” I looked up at him, feeling a little unsure: “Although the German radio system has been interfered by our army, from the actual situation, the enemy’s regiment to battalion and battalion to company command, It can still be carried out via a wired telephone. I am considering what measures should be taken to make the German troops more chaotic, so as not to wait for them to recover, this battle is not easy to fight.”

Batov came over and said to me: “Comrade Deputy Commander, you are worrying too much. Our army has the enemy’s strength in this area, and it is continuously advancing toward the enemy’s defense, and the enemy is cut off due to the liaison with the level. , Unable to organize limited resistance, the situation is very beneficial to us. If we continue to follow this trend, even if they recover, then the situation will be irreversible.”

“General Batov, I have an idea.” I pointed to the map and said to him: “We can take advantage of the large number of German troops to attack on the right flank and in the middle area. The units are in regiments and use walkie-talkies to communicate. , Launch a large-scale battle in this wide area.”

After listening to my arrangement, Batov did not immediately express his position, but instinctively gave Rokosovsky a glance. The latter waved his hand and said, “I said earlier that Lida is in charge of the battle today, how she arranges it, and how you execute it.”

Seeing Batov not speaking, I went on to add: “After each regiment has contact with the German army, after finding out the enemy’s strength, it will report to the division-level commander; if time is too late, each regiment can deal with it immediately. As long as you can destroy the enemy and fight how you want to fight. General Batov, you immediately issue this order of mine to the infantry divisions and tank brigades. The sooner the better!”

After I finished speaking, Batov asked blankly: “Comrade Deputy Commander, I think the army should set a time for returning to the army. Otherwise, the army will be too scattered until the end of the fight, which will weaken our army. Combat power.”

I know that this tactic of my own can only work in a short time. After being hit by our army, the German army will quickly wake up and organize forces to counterattack frantically. After hesitating for a while, I said decisively: “The troops stopped the offensive at 6 o’clock this evening and regrouped with divisions.”

With Batov’s orders, the fighting near the Serotsk landing site became more intense. Due to the paralysis of the German command system, the German troops were caught in a dilemma and suffered heavy losses under the strong blow of our army. And the Luftwaffe who flew to Wižica to bomb the armored clusters, after some indiscriminate bombing, they threw out all the bombs and all the machine gun bullets, turning the small town of Wižica into smoke. After rolling, dead and wounded, on the way back, it was intercepted by our air force fighter group. Except for two or three bombers, they were all shot down.

At lunch, Rokosovsky said to me: “Lida, to be honest, I really didn’t understand your command this time. Generally speaking, our army will carry on before the attack. After a long time of artillery preparation, the tank accompanied the infantry to launch an impact. You are good, and only five minutes of artillery preparation, the tank and the infantry start the charge. I now finally understand that you cannot do this for the artillery to correct the shooting direction , To prepare for the next Xu Jin barrage.

What surprised me most was that you actually used an unheard of letter tactics to paralyze the German command system with electronic interference, let alone the German air force to bomb your armored cluster. When I heard your arrangement, I felt it was a fantasy. I didn’t expect this plan to be successful. The Luftwaffe really followed our instructions to eliminate the armored clusters that threatened our flanks. ”

Rokosowski’s praise did not make me complacent, on the contrary, it gave me a new inspiration. I quickly pushed away the plate in front of me, picked up the phone at the table, and called Maksimenko again: “Hey, Comrade General, I now order you to find a way to bring the German armored forces in Naschelsk immediately. Called out, and at the same time ordered the German infantrymen who were northwest of the landing field to retreat towards Naschelsk…

After listening to my series of orders, Rokosovsky couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded. He stared at me and asked: “Lida, if the German armored units in Naschelsk are really transferred out, I am worried about the landing site. The situation will become severe again.”

“Comrade Marshal, please rest assured.” Faced with Rokosovsky’s concerns, I explained to him with a smile: “Due to the continuous rain, the road near the landing site has become muddy, regardless of whether the enemy is from Naschelsk. If you come out or withdraw, you can only go through Road 622. When the tank clusters going south and the defeated soldiers from the north are huddled together to fight for the road, it will inevitably make the German army more chaotic. At that time, we only need to send the air force to bomb. Can achieve great results.”

Rokosovsky is also a smart man. Hearing what I said, he immediately made inferences about it: “I understand, you will transfer all the German tank units that are still fighting our army near the landing field to Izca in the southwest. It is to reduce the offensive pressure of our army.”

“Yes,” I said for Rokosovsky’s guess: “As long as the German armored units are completely withdrawn from the battlefield, we will have a greater chance of winning.”

The battle lasted until the evening, and as our troops stopped attacking, the German troops who were beaten in a panic finally got a plan to breathe. However, not only did their two-day battle results vanish, but some of the original defensive areas also fell into the hands of our army in the melee.

After reading the battle report, Batov said excitedly to me: “Comrade Deputy Commander, our Army Group originally established the Serotsk landing on the west bank of the Narew River, with a frontal width of 25 kilometers and a depth of 10 kilometers. After today’s battle, the frontal width has been expanded to 40 kilometers, and the depth has also increased to 18 kilometers.”

“Very good result.” Rokosovsky looked at me with a gratified smile: “Lida, you are good! After today’s battle, we can bring Popov’s 70th Army , Has also been transferred to this landing field. At present, we no longer need to consider how to defend against the German attack, but should consider how to turn this landing field into a springboard to advance to the German mainland.”

After he had said this to me, he turned his head and looked at Batov, and said with a serious expression: “Comrade Batov, I remind you that you must keep this lesson in mind. Germans are cannibals. Beasts, beasts are injured, they can also eat people, and even become more ferocious before being injured. Do you understand?”

In response to Rokosovsky’s criticism, Batov said sincerely: “Comrade Marshal, I will definitely remember the painful lesson this time, as long as the Germans don’t finally put down their weapons I will always Maintain a high level of vigilance.”

“Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, as long as you can make corrections, you are still a good comrade.” Rokosovsky really didn’t say anything to his lover. He just criticized him with the front foot, and started to comfort him with the back foot, so as not to have any emotions and affect the reception. Fight down. “In order to consolidate the area occupied today, you have to urge the troops to rush to repair and strengthen the fortifications overnight. As long as Popov’s 70th Army enters this area, the situation will become completely beneficial to our army.”

Seeing that Batov had understood his intentions, Rokosovsky nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand to look at his watch, and then ordered: “Comrade Batov, prepare some cars for us. I will rush overnight. Back to the headquarters.”

“It’s dark, so let’s leave tomorrow.”

Rokosovsky rejected Batov’s stay, and said firmly: “Okay, Comrade Batov, don’t say it anymore. We have all left Lublin for several days, and it is time to go back.”

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