Burning Moscow

Chapter 1646

Chapter 1645 Make wedding dresses for others

When we returned to Lublin, it was already eleven o’clock in the evening. However, the enthusiastic Rokosovsky still called Moscow. He wanted to report the good news of expanding Serotsk to six games to the General Staff Headquarters overnight.

“Georgi Konstantinovich!” As soon as he heard Zhukov’s voice, Rokosovsky reported to him excitedly: “After three days of fighting, our Serotskden 6 The field has been consolidated, and at the same time the area of ​​6 games has expanded. The next thing we have to consider is not how to hold this 6 games, but use it as a springboard for us to attack Germany.”

“What, Serotsk’s 6 games have been consolidated. This is really great!” Zhukov praised Rokosovsky and then asked: “I believe this battle must be repeated. From the handwriting, otherwise it would not have won so beautiful.”

“Comrade Marshal, you made a mistake.” Rokosovsky glanced at where I was, then smiled and said to the microphone: “This time, I will give Lida full responsibility for the counterattack mission. I thought it would be nice to be able to recover the lost positions in another two or three days. I did not expect that she would give us a surprise. It took only one day to not only restore all the lost positions, but also to play 6 games in a large area. The ground has expanded.”

“Oh, the battle is under the command of Lida?” Zhukov was surprised by Rokosovsky’s words. Although before I left Moscow, he and Vasilevsky gave me the opportunity to face-to-face, but according to their deployment. Fighting, there is no way to solve the battle without three or five days, so he asked curiously: “How did she do it?”

When Zhukov listened to Rokosovsky’s recount, he said thoughtfully: “I originally provided you with electronic equipment there, just to try to interfere with the German radio communications, but I didn’t expect Lida to be able to grasp it. The opportunity for the German radio communication to be interfered with, let us mobilize the enemy, and ultimately add to the enemy’s defeat. This is really remarkable.”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal, this is the first time I have discovered that the battle can be fought like this. It is really subverting our understanding.” Rokosovsky also smiled and praised me and said: “I thought it would strengthen the West Bank. If you want to defeat the Germans, it will take at least two or three days to regain your original 6-game position. Unexpectedly, according to her style of play, it took only one day and not only regained all of us. The position of the team also greatly expanded the six games.”

After the two chatted a few more words on the phone, Zhukov turned his words back to the topic: “…Since Serotsk has been able to accommodate our two armies in six games, then you must work out a new one as soon as possible. The plan for the battle was reported to the General Staff Headquarters. The weather is getting colder every day. You must strive to go to the border between Poland and Germany before the winter in Poland arrives.”

After Rokosovsky put down the phone, he called everyone together to discuss how to use Serotsk to play 6 games and launch a new offensive against the Germans.

After two hours of intense discussion, finally came up with a preliminary plan: from Pultuskoden on the Narew River to conduct the main assault in 6 games, and detour to Warsaw from the north. And from Magnuszev and Puławeden, there were 6 far-reaching assaults from the south of Warsaw towards Poznan. Plan to concentrate forces based on this idea.

I stared at Pultusk, north of Serotsk, on the map where I played 6 games. I thought to myself that this area belongs to the Belarusian Second Front. Unless they cooperate, I will rely on the First Front’s troops to perform a one-man show. , The feasibility of the plan will be greatly reduced.

Maybe it was because I was too quiet when everyone was discussing, so I got Rokosovsky’s attention. He specifically asked me: “Lida, what do you think of this battle plan?”

“This plan looks pretty good, but under the current circumstances, I think it is unlikely to be implemented.” After I said this, the faces of the commanders around the table showed up. With a surprised expression, he quickly explained to them: “At present, our troops have been downsizing very severely after a long battle. I don’t think they are capable of reaching such a combat plan until they are supplemented by soldiers, weapons and ammunition.”

After listening to me, the first thing I said was the military commissioner Terekin: “Comrade Oshanina, although the reduction in troops is very large, our political workers at all levels have been encouraging the soldiers to build meritorious services. I believe that if we If you can enter the battle as scheduled, you will be able to achieve ideal results. Moreover, the tactics you use at the 6th location in Serokden can completely match the German divisions.”

“Comrade Military Commissioner,” I said with a wry smile at him: “Electronic jamming tactics were used by the United Kingdom and the United States as early as last year. The Germans also developed a series of countermeasures. The reason why they were in Serozkeden We suffered a big loss in 6 games because they didn’t expect us to use this tactic suddenly and were caught off guard. I guess they are already formulating countermeasures, and when we use the same tactic, the effect can be achieved. It’s very limited.”

In fact, there is one more word I haven’t said. It won’t be long before Zhukov will take over Rokosovsky’s position and serve as the commander of the army. Rokosovsky’s plan now is nothing more than making wedding dresses for others. But it’s good for me to know this in my heart, but I can’t tell anyone.

After listening patiently to my conversation with Terekin, Rokosovsky asked, “Then how do you think about it?”

“Although we currently do not have the ability to attack the German forces in the direction of Warsaw, we can still report this combat plan to the General Staff Headquarters to see how the Supreme Command considers it.” I looked at the outgoing commander in front of me. , Expressing his own views calmly: “At the same time, we should hurry up and let the troops rest and replenish the existing defensive areas.”

Rokosovsky nodded, “You make sense. Regardless of whether we have the ability to start a new campaign in the near future, this battle plan should still be reported to the General Staff Headquarters as soon as possible. Do you have anything to add?”

“Perhaps,” I didn’t intend to say anything, but when Rokosovsky asked, I said instinctively: “We should focus on the offensive of the campaign and focus on Magnusev and Magnusev in the south. Puwawi appeared in 6 games in two, instead of taking both north and south directions at the same time.”

My words aroused Ma Lining’s interest. He asked me curiously: “Lida, tell me, why should we focus on the south and ignore the north?”

“Comrade Chief of Staff, I think you have misunderstood what I mean.” I patiently explained to Malinin: “Our army has appeared in six games in two of the Narew Valley in the north, belonging to us and the Second Front. According to the staff. According to the consistent style of the headquarters, it is entirely possible that one day they will place the 65th and 7th armies that controlled Serotsk on 6 games under the command of the second front. In this way, the battle that was originally in charge of one front is in charge. It will become the participation of the two fronts at the same time, and then our plan will have to be adjusted.”

“Lida makes sense.” After listening to me, Rokosovsky immediately added: “The 7th Army of the husband was briefly incorporated into the Second Front in February this year. Do not rule out the possibility of the Supreme Command’s division of the 65th and 7th Army into the Second Front Army for the needs of the future. The Chief of Staff,” he said later to Malinin, “You should make us first. The combat plan was reported to the General Staff Headquarters, and at the same time, an offensive plan focusing on six games south of Warsaw was prepared.”

Ma Lining nodded and said in an easygoing manner: “Okay, Comrade Commander, I will immediately follow your orders.”

“Well, today’s meeting ends here.” Rokosovs base station got up and waved to everyone, “Due to the six games of Serotsk these days, everyone has not slept well, so I will go back and rest today. Come on.”

When I stood up and was about to go outside, Rokosovsky stopped me. He said to me with concern: “Lida, you were injured in a plane crash the other day, and you haven’t had a good rest in the past two days. I will give you a two-day holiday, so you can take a good rest at home! ”

When I left the headquarters and got on the special car arranged by Malinen for me, when I went to my residence, I suddenly thought of a key question: after Rokosovsky was appointed as the commander of the Second Belarusian Army, the original commander General Zakharov was transferred to the First Front Army as the Deputy Commander. If according to the real history, the superior appoints him here as the Deputy Commander of the Front Army, how will I be placed?

Just as I was thinking about it, the car suddenly stopped. The officer sitting in the co-pilot’s position turned his head and said to me, “Comrade Deputy Commander, your residence is here!”

I looked at the light yellow three-story building outside through the car window , and asked curiously: “Where is this place?”

“It’s an officer’s dormitory.” The officer replied politely: “Please follow me, and I will take you to the duty officer.”

I followed the officer and walked into the hall. Although it was late at night, it was still brightly lit here. Seeing us coming in, a young female officer in a straight military uniform sitting behind the counter saw us entering the door and immediately got up from her seat and greeted politely : “Is this General Oshanina?”

After seeing me nodding to express affirmation, she respectfully said: “Your room has been arranged for you. On the second floor, I will personally take you up later. Do you need someone to help you carry your luggage? ?”

“No,” I shook my head hurriedly, and replied, “I have no luggage. Please take me to the room now.”

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