Burning Moscow

Chapter 1664

Chapter 1663 Final attack time

Thanks to our efforts, by the afternoon of December 18th, the number of troops assembled on the Magnushev landing field had reached 23 divisions and 5,348 artillery pieces.

At the same time, we also learned about the German counterattacks launched by the Allied forces in the Ardennes through formal channels.

After hearing this news, Zhukov actually sneered: “The Germans are really getting impatient. They are almost unable to support the Allied attack. It is really disgusting to launch a counterattack at this time. I didn’t die fast enough.”

And Malinen also said with enthusiasm: “Comrade Marshal, since the Germans are really fighting the Allies on the Western Front, they may be transferred to the area for reinforcements if they are deployed in our front reserve team. You. See if we are launching an offensive against the Germans at this time?”

“The time to attack the German army is not yet ripe.” Before Zhukov could speak, I rushed to say: “Although the enemy has fought against the Allied forces in the Ardennes area, the German troops deployed on the front of our army must be maintained. With a high degree of vigilance, if we launch an offensive at a time when the enemy is most heavily guarded, it is estimated that even if we pay a huge price, it will be difficult to achieve ideal results.”

“Lida, talk about it.” After Zhukov heard what I said, he asked with interest: “When is the best time to attack?”

“One more week, it will be Christmas in the West.” I replied with a smile: “We can let the Germans spend another quiet Christmas Eve, and then launch a sudden attack on them in the early morning of December 25th, hit them one by one. Caught off guard.”

“Lida makes a lot of sense. In the early Christmas morning, it should be the most relaxed time for the German army. We attack at this time and we will definitely achieve the desired result.” Zhukov nodded after hearing this, but he was very Quickly said: “Now there is only one week left, which is not enough for us to complete the assembly and material hoarding. I think the best time should be after the new year. By then, the Germans and allied forces will be exhausted. If we are exhausted, if we launch an offensive by surprise, we will definitely be able to beat the enemy to the ground.”

As soon as Zhukov set the date for the attack, Stalin’s call came in unexpectedly. He said to Zhukov on the phone: “Comrade Zhukov, our allies asked us for help, saying that their troops were suddenly attacked by the Germans on the Western Front. The defense line had been breached and the troops were in chaos. President Roosevelt called me. Call me and ask if I can take some necessary military actions in Poland to contain the main force of the German army on the eastern front, preventing them from going to the Ardennes region for reinforcements.”

“Comrade Stalin,” Zhukov was surprised by Stalin’s order. He said solemnly into the microphone: “Just a few minutes ago, Lida also persuaded me to land on Magnusev in the early hours of Christmas Day in the West. The German army on the opposite side launched a sudden attack. I rejected her on the grounds that the troops had not yet been assembled and the supplies for continued fighting were not sufficient.”

“Comrade Zhukov,” Stalin also asked in a serious tone after Zhukov finished speaking, “Then when do you think is a good time to attack?”

“I think our troops will not be able to prepare for the offensive until January 15th at the earliest.” Zhukov solemnly reported to Stalin: “At that time, we will have enough power to destroy the enemy’s defenses.”

As soon as I heard Zhukov’s date, I knew it would definitely be rejected by Stalin. Sure enough, after listening to Zhukov’s date, Stalin said slowly: “Comrade Zhukov, our allies are now facing a difficult situation. We must not let them die and let them be defeated by the Germans. That way, the Germans will be there. It may be possible to transfer troops from the Western Front to the Eastern Front, which will make our subsequent offensive more difficult.”

Although Stalin did not say that Zhukov’s date was too late, Zhukov was also a wise man. He heard Stalin’s out-of-picture voice and asked politely: “Comrade Stalin, I don’t know when you think it is the best time. Best offensive time?”

“December 29.” Although I can’t see Stalin’s expression, I can guess that he is holding his cigarette **** in his mouth, holding the microphone in one hand, and waving non-stop with the other: “Comrade Zhukov, just put Let this be our final attack date!”

Seeing that Stalin had set the final date for the offensive, Zhukov could not object, and could only bite the bullet and said: “Well, Comrade Stalin, our troops will face the front of Magnusev’s landing field in the early morning of December 29. The Germans launched a New Year offensive and completely shattered their defenses.”

As soon as Zhukov put down the phone, he instructed Malinin: “The chief of staff, immediately call all the commanders of the group army and inform them that they will convene an emergency military meeting at the headquarters of the front army at night.”

After dark, all commanders, military commissars, and chiefs of staff who received the notification came to the conference room of the front army headquarters. Seeing that everyone was coming, Zhukov stood up and said to everyone: “Comrades, we have just received an order from the Supreme Command to launch an offensive against the German army in the early morning of December 29. Next, I would like to ask the Chief of Staff, General Malinin, to give Everyone introduces the situation and issues combat orders.”

Ma Lining stood up and faced the swarthy commander and said: “Dear leaders of the group army, we have assembled six group armies at the two landing sites on the West Bank. The defensive assault against the enemy will be divided into two steps.

First of all is the 8th Guards Army, Assault 5th Army and 61st Army assembled at the Magnusev landing site, as well as the 1st and 2nd Guards Army Groups behind the landing site, plus one The combined armies of the various arms carried out a powerful attack in the direction of Lava-Mazowitzka and Skernivitsovic from the south, in order to make a detour towards Warsaw. The assault was to cut off the entire German Warsaw Group from the rear. At the same time, our tank group army will also advance to the enemy’s line of communication.

Secondly, we carried out the second assault from the Puławy Landing Field towards Radom, Tomashov-Mazovitsky. What will be attacking there is: the 69th and 33rd groups reinforced by 2 tank corps and 1 cavalry corps. The Polish 1st Army and the 47th Army will occupy the front along the Vistula River from the Magnušev landing site to the north. ”

Malinin finally announced to all the army chiefs: “We should completely crush the enemy in this battle, but we must keep Warsaw and other Polish cities from being destroyed. Do you understand?”

“Understood!” The dozens of group army chiefs below replied in unison.

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