Burning Moscow

Chapter 1665

Chapter 1664 Thoughtful attack plan

After Malining introduced the situation and issued relevant combat orders, he sat down. Zhukov, who had not spoken all the time, looked at everyone and asked briefly: “Is there a problem?”

The answer to him was silence.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Zhukov stood up and said with a serious expression: “Comrades commanders, according to the original idea of ​​the front army headquarters, we will launch an offensive against the German army no earlier than January 15, 1945, but for the sake of rescue. For the allied forces on the western front, the Supreme Command made a new decision to let us launch the offensive ahead of schedule. As a result, the preparation time for the battle was greatly shortened. All the generals who have led the troops to the landing site, you Can you talk about your views on this battle.”

My gaze swept across the commanders sitting below, seeing Cui Kefu a little eager to try, guessing that he might have something to say. As soon as Zhukov had finished speaking, I said to Cuikov: “General Cuikov, the Magnusev landing field was established by your troops, and you have the longest time to help in the landing field. It is up to you to talk about it. .”

“Yes, General Cuikov, just talk about it.” Malinin also echoed: “As far as I know, your group army has done a very detailed reconnaissance work, not only mastering the position of the German artillery and tank units, but also By observing the daily life and work and rest time of the Germans, we have grasped the time when the enemy eats, how they rest, the time when the lurking guards and the guards change shifts, etc. In a word, here, you are the person who has the most say. .”

Cui Koff, who was praised by Malinin, stood up and said with a red face: “The Chief of Staff is right. In order to verify the intelligence obtained by ground reconnaissance, we have also widely adopted aerial reconnaissance methods. After a period of time, After repeated reconnaissance, we have accurately grasped the fortifications in the depths of the German defense, as well as the locations and numbers of the reserve, infantry division, and armored divisions.”

In the eyes of everyone’s curiosity and approval, Cui Kefu continued: “Analyzed according to the configuration of the enemy’s reserve team, in the face of the offensive launched by our army, the enemy will mobilize the armored division and infantry division of the defense depth to carry out a fierce counterattack. In order to fight the enemy, we should have an anti-tank reserve and a combined reserve of various arms, and use aviation to destroy the enemy’s rapid combat reserve maneuver.”

“General Cui Koff,” Zhukov heard this and couldn’t help but interject: “Although we have maintained a long confrontation with the enemy, we still cannot know exactly where the enemy will be in a decisive battle with our army. Yes. So, what do you think?”

“Comrade Marshal,” Cui Koff said with a smile looking at Zhukov: “As far as I can guess, the Germans will not resist tenaciously in the areas we know well. They understand the power of our artillery. After our shelling began, they Usually, only a few security forces are left on the first line of defense, and the main force is withdrawn to the safe second line of defense.

I suggest that after our artillery fire preparations begin, send out a number of reconnaissance battalions reinforced by tank companies or self-propelled artillery companies to occupy the first line of defense of the German army and hold on here. The reason why I did not mention that the reconnaissance battalion should continue to attack the second line of defense is because the enemy has established a solid defense there. Our reconnaissance battalion alone is not enough. The offensive mission must be completed by our main force. .

I have carefully studied the situation of the enemy’s first line of defense. At night, the enemy deploys more mobile forces and weaponry in the trenches of the first line of defense than at other times. At 10 o’clock in the morning Moscow time, which is 8 o’clock local time, they would retreat the extra personnel, leaving only observers and watchman teams in the trenches of the first line of defense. Therefore, I suggest that our army’s 25-minute artillery preparation should not be started later than 9:00 a.m. local time at 7:00 local time, so that when the enemy soldiers have not withdrawn to the rear, they can be fired at the first burst of artillery fire. wipe out.

Our commanders are not afraid to attack in the dark. In the years of war, night combat has become a feature of our army. Our infantry and artillery have fully grasped the situation of the enemy’s first line of defense, and the reconnaissance battalions performing offensive tasks will not mistake the offensive position and direction. The attack on the second line of defense of the German army should be carried out one and a half to an hour after we seized the first line of defense. At this time, it is dawn, our artillery and aviation will no longer choose the wrong target, and neither will the offensive troops. Disorientation and confusion. ”

Zhukov looked at Cui Kefu and asked with his usual expression: “General Cui Kefu, I would like to ask you, how can the preparations of our army before the attack not attract the attention of the enemy?”

“Comrade Marshal, I have also considered the question you asked.” Cui Kefu said confidently: “Our troops and technical equipment can only be mobilized at night, and at the same time, a certain number must be limited so that they can be used before dawn. Everything is concealed and disguised.

During the day, the troops that were originally stationed in the trenches in this area should actively carry out soil work. It makes the enemy have an illusion, making them think that due to the consumption of soldiers and weapons and ammunition, our army is preparing to strengthen the defense, rather than preparing to attack, so as to achieve the effect of paralyzing the enemy.

At the same time, we try our best to use radio amplifiers for broadcasting and play music on the battlefield, to encourage our soldiers on the one hand, and relax the enemy’s vigilance on the other. ”

After listening to Cui Kefu’s whole plan, Zhukov’s face showed a smile, and he nodded at the other party, “General Cui Kefu, your plan is very good. I think it can be implemented according to your plan. Please sit down first. Come on!” After Cui Kefu sat down, he continued, “Which general would like to express his opinion?”

As soon as Zhukov’s words fell, Kolpakic stood up and asked with a serious expression: “Comrade Marshal, Comrade Chief of Staff just said that the time for our offensive campaign is 10-20 days, and we should reach the designated area. 150-180 kilometers I would like to ask, do we have enough supplies to support this battle now?”

As soon as Kolpakchi’s voice fell, the commanders below began to whisper to each other, discussing the situation that the troops are about to face. Although the pontoons are constantly transporting trucks every day, no one knows how much materials are hoarded.

“Comrades commanders, please be quiet, please be quiet!” I saw that Zhukov’s face was covered with a layer of frost as the buzzing in the venue rang, and he quickly stood up and shouted at the participants. Shouted. After calming down in the meeting place, I turned my head and glanced at the logistics minister of the front army who was sitting behind, and then said: “Next, I would like to ask Lieutenant General An Ji Pianke, the logistics minister of the front army, to tell you about the situation!”

Lieutenant General An Ji Pianke stood up, opened the notebook in his hand, looked at it, and then said loudly: “Comrades, please rest assured that the materials we are hoarding are enough to support a month and a half of battle. All armies After the meeting is over, the troops can be arranged to the front army supply base to receive materials including 30-day food reserves.”

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