Burning Moscow

Chapter 1702

Chapter 1701 U.S. soldiers who popped up suddenly

Just as we were preparing for the attack on the Zerauf Heights, an unexpected episode occurred.

While I was reporting to Zhukov about the details of the capture of the fortress, military commissioner Terekin came over with a telegram in his hand and smiled. I thought he had something important to report to Zhukov, so I stopped quickly, wanting to hear what he said.

Unexpectedly, he waved his hand at me, motioned me to continue reporting to Zhukov, and then found a chair to sit down at Zhukov’s desk. Since I was eager to know what good news about Terekin had, I had to report it to Zhukov, so I speeded up the report. After I put the list of honors drawn up by Cuikov in front of Zhukov, I turned my head and looked at Terekin and said, “Comrade Military Commissioner, I have finished reporting. If you have anything you want, you can tell Comrade Marshal. ”

Zhukov quickly flipped through the honoring roster, handed it to Terekin sitting next to him, and said with a smile: “Comrade Military Commissioner, you have always been responsible for the honoring of honors, and you will leave these to you. It’s processed.” After Terekin took over the roster, he then asked, “Looking at you, there seems to be good news to tell me, right?”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal.” Terekin said, passing the telegram in his hand to Zhukov, and at the same time said: “This is a marriage application sent by General Katukov.”

As soon as I heard that it was the marriage application transferred by Katukov, I instinctively asked: “General Katukov is going to get married again?” After I finished the question, I realized how silly my question was. Tukov’s wife is still alive, how could he stop his wife and marry again?

When Zhukov received the message, he asked in a puzzled manner: “The marriage application transferred by Katukov? Is it because which of his deputy is about to get married, so he telegraphed us so solemnly for instructions?”

“Comrade Marshal, you misunderstood.” Terekin quickly explained to Zhukov: “The one who applied for marriage was the deputy commander of the tank battalion of the 21st Brigade of the 8th Guards Mechanized Corps, Lieutenant Alexandra Samousenko. , And she was married to an American soldier.”

Terekin’s words aroused Zhukov’s vigilance. He frowned and asked: “How did Katukov’s commander come into contact with American soldiers?”

“That’s it, Comrade Marshal.” Terekin quickly took out a few pieces of paper from the briefcase he was carrying, and began to introduce Zhukov: “After I received the call, I was also puzzled, so I personally I sent an inquiry message to Katukov and his military commissioner. This is their reply to me. The American soldier is Joseph Robert Bell, who belongs to the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army. On the night before landing in Normandy, his unit flew to the rear of the German army for airborne landing. The C-47 transport he was riding was unfortunately shot down by German anti-aircraft fire. Fortunately, he successfully parachuted and landed.

He lost contact with his comrades and carried out the destruction as planned in the rear of the German army, successfully blowing up a German power station and some communication lines. But not long after, he was captured by the Germans in the process of carrying out sabotage operations.

After entering the prisoner of war camp, he and his inmates made two escapes. The first time was unsuccessful, and the second time, he successfully escaped from the prisoner of war camp. According to his statement, he originally thought of Poland to join our army, but because he didn’t know the way in an unfamiliar environment, he got on the train to Berlin by mistake.

After being reported by German civilians, he was arrested by the Gestapo and detained in prison for a period of time. Probably because Germany tried to make peace with Britain and the United States in private, the detention of British and American prisoners of war became loose. He was transferred to a new prisoner-of-war camp and successfully escaped again from the clutches of the German army.

During his escape, he was rescued by the tank battalion of our 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade. The deputy battalion commander, Captain Alexandra Samousenko, took the initiative to become his translator because he knew some English. After learning about his willingness to continue fighting the fascist invaders, he became an infantry soldier in the tank battalion. …”

After listening to Terekin’s narration, I said with emotion: “This soldier’s experience can almost write a full-length novel.” After I said this, I turned my head and looked at Zhukov and asked, “Comrade Marshal. , What shall we do next?”

Seeing Zhukov’s silence, Terekin added: “Comrade Marshal, what should we do about this marriage application? Should it be rejected or agreed?”

Zhukov stood up, walked back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, frowning and thinking about this headache. When he stopped, he said to Terekin: “Comrade Military Commissioner, before we reach a conclusion, we must first find out the identity of this American soldier, and after everything is clear, we can decide whether to agree to their marriage.”

“This is a good way.” Terekin looked at the phone on the table and asked tentatively: “Comrade Marshal, I don’t know if this call is made by you or me?”

“I’ll come.” Zhukov said as he walked to the table, picked up the high-frequency phone, and said into the microphone: “Get me Moscow, the People’s Committee of Foreign Affairs, and Molotov.”

After the call was connected, I heard Molotov’s voice from the receiver: “Marshal Zhukov, I don’t know if you are calling me. Is there anything important?”

“That’s it, Comrade People’s Committee for Foreign Affairs.” Zhukov said politely: “A US soldier we rescued fell in love with one of our female commanders, so I would like to ask you to check with the US Embassy to confirm this. Human identity.”

“What, American soldiers like our female commander?” Molotov couldn’t help being surprised when he heard Zhukov say this, and then tentatively asked: “He doesn’t like Lida, right?”

I didn’t expect that this incident would cause me to lie down and blush. When I was considering whether I should defend Molotov personally, Zhukov had already spoken first: “Comrade Molotov, you are mistaken. Yes, the American soldier likes a female tank driver in Katukov’s army, not Lida.”

“It turned out to be so, I understand.” Molotov immediately said solemnly: “Comrade Zhukov, tell me the name of the American soldier and the original unit.”

Zhukov quickly picked up the paper Terekin had placed on the table and read from it: “His name is Joseph Robert Bell, and he belongs to the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army. He was killed shortly after landing in Normandy. German prisoner, just escaped from the German prisoner of war camp.”

“I wrote it down.” Molotov solemnly said to Zhukov: “I will contact the U.S. Embassy immediately to verify whether there is such a person. As long as there is news, I will contact you immediately. .”

Seeing Zhukov put down the phone, Terekin asked again: “Comrade Marshal, how can I reply to General Katukov?”

Zhukov thought for a while, and then said: “Comrade Military Commissioner, you tell Katukov that we are verifying the identity of this American soldier. Once it is confirmed that he is reliable, we will consider whether to approve their marriage.”

Seeing this alien love application, there will be no results for a while. I am about to say goodbye to Zhukov, and then return to Cui Kefu’s headquarters. But before I could speak, Zhukov said first: “Lida, I have something to discuss with you. If the identity of such an American soldier is confirmed, I intend to approve their marriage application, and then I intend to let you represent it. Headquarters of the Front Army, go to the Pomerania area to officiate their wedding. You have no objections, do you?”

“Comrade Marshal, this is a good thing.” I heard that Zhukov was planning to let me support the wedding of the two couples. I quickly said with a smile: “It won’t be long before our troops will join forces with the British and American troops in Berlin. If they are meeting together. At that time, it will be of great historical significance for the new couple to appear at the meeting.”

“Yes, I think so too.” Zhukov nodded and said: “The first thing to do now is to wait for Molotov’s reply and figure out the true identity of the American soldier.”

In the evening, Molotov’s answer finally came. On the phone, he said to Zhukov in a serious tone: “Marshal Zhukov, things are a bit troublesome. According to the investigation results of the U.S. Embassy, ​​he has been on the list of the dead. An obituary has been posted in his hometown and a memorial service has been held. …”

After listening to Zhukov, he closed his eyes with the microphone in his hand and thought for a while, and then said: “Comrade Molotov, you should know that some small mistakes during the war are inevitable, and it is entirely possible to treat a missing person as a missing person. The dead,…”

“Comrade Zhukov, I haven’t finished my words yet.” Molotov interrupted Zhukov’s words and said: “In order to find out the true identity of this American soldier, the U.S. Embassy will send a military attache and several others overnight. Marines, rush to you by plane, I hope you can provide him with the necessary assistance.”

“Don’t worry, I will arrange this.” Zhukov put down the phone and handed the matter to Terekin: “Comrade Military Commissioner, there will be American military attaches and marines coming by plane tonight. At that time, you will be responsible for the reception.”

Although we were ready to receive US military attachés, what happened next was completely beyond our expectations. Katukov sent another telegram, stating that the Germans had launched an unexpected attack in the area of ​​the 20th Guards Mechanized Brigade, although after fierce fighting, they had successfully smashed the German attack. Regrettably, Captain Samousenko died in the battle, and Robert was also injured.

After receiving this news, Zhukov immediately gave an order to Malinin: “The Chief of Staff, immediately send a plane to send the American soldier here, and we must do everything possible to save his life.”

As soon as Malinin dispatched the plane to pick up the wounded, Terekin walked in with an American officer. Just as I was considering whether to remind Zhukov and ask him to find an interpreter, I saw that the five sense organs came to Zhukov, raised his hand to salute, and said in plain Russian: “Hello, Mr. Marshal, I am a military attache from the U.S. Embassy. I was ordered to verify the identity of Robert, a soldier in our army.”

Zhukov stepped forward and shook hands with him. After welcoming him to sit down, he said with some embarrassment: “Mr. Officer, there was an accident. Before you arrived here, Robert’s army had a fierce exchange of fire with the German army…”

Before Zhukov had finished speaking, the military attache jumped up from his seat and asked nervously, “Mr. Marshal, did Robert die in the battle?”

“No, no.” Zhukov hurriedly waved his hand, motioned the military attache to sit down, and then continued: “He was only injured in the battle, but there is no danger to his life. I have sent a special plane to Pomerania and put him down. Pick it up overnight. You can see him tomorrow morning.”

After the two chatted for a few more words, Zhukov told Malinin: “Comrade Chief of Staff, arrange a place for our American allies and let them have a good rest.”

Ma Lining agreed, walked in front of a military attache, smiled and made an inviting gesture to him: “Mr. Military attache, please come with me, I will arrange a comfortable accommodation for you and your subordinates, so that you can have a good time. rest.”

Early the next morning, Zhukov took me, Terekin and the US military attache to the military hospital where Robert was placed. When the director of the military hospital saw a group of high-ranking officers enter the hospital, he looked a little flustered, and he hurriedly walked up to us and was about to raise his hand to report to Zhukov, but Zhukov stopped him.

Zhukov opened the door and asked, “Where are the wounded American soldiers sent last night?”

After the dean figured out our intentions, he immediately calmed down and replied clearly: “Report Comrade Marshal, he is in the special ward on the second floor.”

“Hurry up and take us.” After Zhukov ordered the dean, he turned to the U.S. military attache and said, “Mr. attache, your compatriot is in the special ward on the second floor. Let’s see him now.”

Under the leadership of the dean, we walked into the intensive care unit on the second floor. There is a bed in the room. On the bed lies a man with short blond hair, who should be the Robert that everyone is paying attention to. He was sleeping soundly at the moment, and he didn’t notice that many uninvited guests were coming to his room.

After confirming the identity of the opponent with the dean, the military attache winked at a Marine who followed him, and the latter immediately stepped forward and took out a stack of paper from the bag he was carrying. With the tip of my eyes, I saw that it was some faxes with fingerprints and palm prints printed on them, and I immediately understood that the military attache intends to determine the identity of the other party by comparing fingerprints and palm prints.

With the assistance of the military attache, the Marines printed Robert’s fingerprints on a few sheets of paper. After some comparisons, the military attache nodded, indicating that the two were completely consistent. The military attache walked in front of Zhukov and said: “Mr. Marshal, we have now confirmed that the fingerprints and palm prints match, but for the sake of safety, I plan to make further confirmations. Can you think of a way to wake him up?”

After Zhukov waited for the military attache to finish speaking, he turned his attention to the dean. The dean raised his hand to look at his watch, nodded and said, “After he arrived last night, we treated his injury and injected a tranquilizer. Now it’s almost time, and I should wake up soon.”

After Robert woke up, he saw a lot of people standing in the room, and the level was very high, he couldn’t help but look a little flustered The US military attache quickly walked to his bed, bent over, and whispered in English. Asked a few words. Robert was shocked for a moment, and then began to speak quickly in English. I still know some English. From the conversation between the two, I heard that the military attache was asking about the details of Robert’s capture and escape.

After going through all the necessary procedures, the military attache came to us, looked at Zhukov and said, “Mr. Marshal, it can be fully confirmed now that he is our missing soldier Robert. If you allow me, I want to as soon as possible. Bring him back to the embassy in Moscow.”

Hearing the military attache’s words, the dean hurriedly interrupted and said: “I’m sorry, Mr. Officer, his injury is not suitable for moving at the moment. Let him rest here for a while, and then bring him back to Moscow.”

After listening, the military attache didn’t speak, but looked at Zhukov asking for help, waiting for him to make the final ruling. Zhukov thought for a while, and then said to the military attache: “Mr. military attache, you have also heard that, for the sake of your compatriot’s health, it is not suitable to move at the moment. I think it is better to let him rest here for a while.”

Seeing that Zhukov had made the final decision, the military attache nodded and replied helplessly: “Well, Mr. Marshal, if you can say that, let Robert stay here first. I will talk to the embassy as soon as possible. Make contact and report to them what happened here.”

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