Burning Moscow

Chapter 1703

Chapter 1702 Zhukov’s way of persuasion

With the elimination of the German army in the Pomerania area, several divisions of our army have successfully advanced to the Baltic coast. At this time, Stalin, who saw the victory in his hand, made a decisive decision. In order to quickly occupy the German capital Berlin, he planned to use the troops of the three fronts to attack Berlin at the same time. The three fronts are: The First Belarusian Front under the command of Marshal Zhukov, the Second Belarusian Front under the command of Marshal Rokosovsky, and the First Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal Konev.

According to the order of the base camp, the three front armies, which have a large number of artillery and aviation reinforcements, will break through the defenses in three directions. The troops of the Belarusian Second Front are preparing to break through the German defenses in the area from the south of Szczecin to the city of Schwerte; the troops of the Belarusian First Front are in the Glitzen, Koschin, and Loebs zones. Combat; and Konev’s Ukrainian First Front Army’s main breakthrough areas were Foster and Muskau.

On February 18, there were only five days left until the offensive was launched. Zhukov, who had just returned from Moscow, once returned to the headquarters, he immediately ordered Malinin: “The chief of staff, call the commanders of the army groups under the front army, and ask them to go to the front army headquarters to hold important military meetings.”

Taking advantage of Malinin’s call, I tentatively asked Zhukov, who was frustrated: “Comrade Marshal, did something happen to you in Moscow?”

Hearing my question, Zhukov nodded and said to me, Sokolovsky and Terekin with a serious face: “I, Konev and Rokosovsky were ordered to rush back to Moscow. The Kremlin met with Comrade Stalin. He showed us a copy of the latest information provided by the Soviet Intelligence Agency. The US-British High Command is preparing to attack Berlin. Its task is to occupy Berlin before our army. At present, they have formed one. The main force under the command of Marshal Montgomery planned to choose the main attack direction north of the Ruhr and chose the shortest route between the main British force and Berlin.”

“What did Comrade Stalin say?” Terekin couldn’t wait to ask as soon as Zhukov had finished speaking. Neither Sokolovsky nor I spoke, but stared at Zhukov, quietly waiting for his answer.

“Comrade Stalin is very angry.” Zhukov replied: “He said that although the possibility of private peace between Britain and the United States and fascist Germany has been basically ruled out after the Yalta Conference, Germany is likely to open up to the Allies for its own interests. Access to Berlin.”

He said this, paused for a moment, and added: “Comrade Stalin asked the three of us severely: Then who will occupy Berlin? Is it us or the Allies?”

After listening to Zhukov’s brief introduction of the situation, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem. If the German army really faced the Allied forces in the west, but concentrated their main forces to fight against us, which one of our army or the Allied army would enter Berlin first , Will become an unknown. Sokolovsky asked tentatively: “Does our attack time need to be advanced?”

Before Zhukov could speak, Ma Linin, who came back after the call, went on to say: “No, some of our deployments are not fully in place. If we advance the attack time, it will disrupt our campaign deployment.”

“Yes, the Chief of Staff was right.” As soon as Malinin’s words fell, Zhukov echoed: “Our preparation time is already very hasty. If we launch an offensive in advance, it will inevitably disrupt the original battle deployment.”

After listening to Zhukov’s statement, Terekin asked inexplicably: “Since we don’t plan to launch an offensive in advance, what is the purpose of our emergency military meeting today?”

“Arrange offensive combat missions for the troops.” Zhukov said slowly: “In five days, we will launch an attack on the Zerauf Heights, but the combat orders to the various armies have not been officially issued. I just intend to use today. The meeting to issue detailed offensive orders to the commanders.”

After Zhukov finished speaking, he called Malinin aside and said in a low voice, as if he was assigning some tasks to him, while Malinin kept nodding his head while listening.

Sokolovsky snarled at the two who were finished talking, and asked me: “Lida, what do you say that Comrade Marshal and Chief of Staff Malinin are talking about?”

I shook my head and said that I didn’t know: “I don’t know, but after the combat meeting is over, the answer should be revealed.”

An hour later, the commanders of the various army groups came to the headquarters one after another, and under the guidance of Ma Lining, sat in their own positions. Seeing that everyone was here, Zhukov stood up, and after scanning everyone’s body with his eyes, he said in a loud voice: “Commanders of the group army, I am calling you here today to prepare to tell everyone Arrange combat missions. As you all know, the Supreme Command ordered us and Rokosovsky and Konev’s forces to attack Berlin. And our first attack on the Zerauf Heights is scheduled for February 23 In order to launch the offensive on the day of the Army’s Day, our logistics units made every effort to work overtime to transport the ammunition and fuel supplemented to the troops to the designated locations…”

After Zhukov briefly introduced the information, he turned to look at Malinin and said: “Next, Comrade Malinin, Chief of Staff of the Front Army, will assign combat tasks to everyone.”

Malinen stood up from the table, picked up the folder on the table, opened it, and read to the documents placed inside: “…In order to be at the absolute juncture and decisive direction, that is, in the direction of Berlin. , Resulting in an overwhelming superiority in military strength and technical equipment, and the three most powerful front forces have been assembled in this direction…….

We have 160 divisions against 60 German divisions; 2 million people against 650,000 people; 39,000 artillery and mortars against 700 artillery; 5,800 tanks and self-propelled artillery against 1,100; 7,000 combat aircraft against 2,500. …”

Upon hearing the series of data reported by Ma Lining, the commanders who participated in the meeting showed knowing smiles. But in my heart, I was whispering to myself that the battle was carried out two months ahead of schedule. Both the Soviet and German forces in the battle were greatly reduced.

Malinin walked quickly to the map hung on the wall, picked up the explanation stick, drew a large circle on the map where our army was assembled, and then announced: “The breakthrough in the central area is the guard of General Cui Kefu. The 8th Army should break through the enemy’s defenses at the Hortsov railway station and the village of Saxendorf, and attack Selo, Trebnitz, Garzei, Darwitz-Silesia railway station, and Schaller. Assault in the direction of Tunborg.

The right-wing breakthrough is…

The breakthrough for the left is…. ”

After introducing the combat missions of the various armies, Ma Lining put down the explanation stick and nodded at Zhukov, who was looking sideways at him, indicating that he was finished.

Seeing that Malinin had already deployed his mission to the commanders of the various army groups, Zhukov stood up again and began his concluding remarks: “The battle we are currently undertaking to capture Berlin is an unparalleled battle. We must annihilate them on the outskirts of Berlin. The strength of the four armies is no less than 650,000.

From the outbreak of the war to the present, we have never conquered a city as large as Berlin with such a strong defense. It has a large area, and every street, alley, house, waterway, bridge, and subway is an integral part of Berlin’s overall city defense. From the Oder River to Berlin, there is a complete and dense fortification system. Therefore, the front army headquarters decided to launch a fierce attack on the enemy in an overwhelming manner to fundamentally shake and destroy their defenses. In order to achieve this goal, the front army has concentrated 18,000 artillery and mortars of various calibers, 3,600 tanks and self-propelled artillery, and 4,000 aircraft. I think everyone should understand how powerful our strikes can be. ”

Upon hearing this, the excited commanders began to whisper to each other, discussing the exciting good news in a low voice. Zhukov did not interrupt them, but with a smile on his face, letting them talk privately.

After the meeting room became quiet again, Zhukov went on to say: “But in order to completely shake the enemy and overwhelm them mentally. I now have this idea, that is, at night, two hours before Buddha Xiao, 140 air defenses Under the illumination of the searchlight, it launched a fierce attack on the enemy’s position.”

When I heard this, I couldn’t help feeling funny. According to Zhukov’s original plan, 150 searchlights were used. However, during the recent experiment, ten of them have been reimbursed, so only the remaining 140 can be used.

As soon as his voice fell, Cui Kefu, who was sitting next to me, spoke first: “Comrade Marshal, please allow me to speak.”

Seeing Zhukov nodded at himself, Cuikov stood up and said: “During the entire war, we have never launched such a large-scale offensive campaign at night, because in this way, it is difficult to effectively command the troops. As for the searchlights, “Speaking of this, he shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands. “The enemy only needs one round of shelling to put them all out.”

Seeing Cuikov taking the lead, the commander of the 69th Army Kolpakchi also stood up and asked to speak. After Zhukov’s permission, he said loudly: “I think the effect of using searchlights to attack is not great, but it will let the enemy Our offensive troops can see clearly…”

Zhukov waited for Kolpakchi to finish speaking, then closed his gaze, stared at the table in front of him, and asked calmly: “Among the commanders here, who has the same opinion?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a hand was raised around the conference table. I took a closer look. Except for the newly appointed 3rd Assault Group Commander Kuznetsov, and the 5th Assault Group Commander Berzalin, the rest of the group army commanders counted as one, and they all lifted up. hand.

Seeing so many people opposing him, Zhukov did not get angry, but calmly said: “Well, we will temporarily adjourn the meeting. After two hours, everyone will go to the exercise site and we will continue to discuss whether we should use searchlights when attacking. , The meeting is over!”

When the commanders left, Zhukov stopped Malinin and asked with a serious expression: “Chief of Staff, are you all ready?”

If others see this scene, they will definitely feel confused, but my heart is like a mirror, knowing that Zhukov asked Malinin if he is ready, it must be the searchlights arranged in the exercise field.

Two hours later, the sky was completely dark. A group of commanders of the group army, guided by the faint light of flashlights, walked forward along the bumpy exercise field, one foot and one shallow. I followed them and listened to the conversation between them. Cui Kefu didn’t know who he was saying to: “When attacking, use searchlights. This idea is really terrible. As a commander, could it happen on the battlefield? Covering, I don’t know the common sense that it will absorb the searchlight, it’s just too funny…”

Regarding Cui Kefu’s comments, I remained silent and continued to listen to other people’s opinions. Another general said: “I agree with General Kolpakchi’s statement that using searchlights on the battlefield will expose our offensive forces to the enemy. Do this…”

Before he finished speaking, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of us, shining all around us like daylight. I knew it was Zhukov who let the commanders at all levels feel the power of the searchlight, so he quickly turned around with his eyes closed, his back facing the dazzling searchlight.

“Well, comrades, what do you think of the power of the searchlight?” Soon When the surroundings fell into darkness again, I heard Zhukov’s triumphant voice. After he finished speaking, when no one responded, he immediately added: “If someone hasn’t understood what I mean, I can make you feel it again.”

“No need, Comrade Marshal.” The Cui Kefu who spoke, he may realize that no matter how they object, Zhukov will stubbornly use searchlights on the battlefield, so he said: “You are right, you convinced us in your way , The searchlight can indeed play a deterrent effect on the battlefield.”

I opened my eyes and walked to Zhukov’s side with the help of the faint light on the exercise field. Just listen to him continuing to say: “Since everyone agrees to my proposal, it is so decided. On the day of the attack, we used these 140 searchlights to illuminate the German positions to shock the enemies hiding in the fortifications.”

No one spoke. Although everyone might still have some resistance in their hearts, since Zhukov’s words were for this purpose, everyone could only obey them unconditionally. After a while, Cui Kefu asked on behalf of everyone: “Comrade Marshal, allow us to return to the army to deliver your combat orders?”

Zhukov waved to the commanders in front of him and said generously: “Well, anyway, it’s too early, so everyone will return to the army as soon as possible to make final preparations before the attack.

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