Burning Moscow

Chapter 3

Section 2 Different endings

I don’t know how long it took, and the cool rain made me wake up again.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I found myself covered by a large pile of branches, looking at the gray sky through the gaps between the branches, trying to remember what happened just now, am I dreaming, why this dream is So true? Female soldiers, warrant officers, and Germans. What is the connection between these three? Why did I have a particularly familiar feeling when I heard the dialogue between Lida and warrant officer?

Except for the sound of wind and rain, there are still no other sounds around. It’s really quiet everywhere here. Quietly? ! Thinking of this word, my mind suddenly flashed. By the way, everything that happened just now is the plot in the movie “The Dawn Here is Quiet”. No wonder I feel so familiar.

I lifted the branches covered with my body and sat up suddenly. What is strange is that just now, my whole body was burning and hurting like resting on a soldering iron, but at this time there was no pain at all.

Thinking of Lida firing a shot in the head just now, I quickly touched my temple and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were no bullet holes there, only blood oozing from the right eyebrow bone. Maybe it was because Lida was weak after being injured, her limbs were weak, and she couldn’t hold the pistol firmly, so that the bullet was slightly missed when the shot was fired, so that I could escape from death. Then I untied my military uniform and checked the injury on my abdomen. I saw a pool of dark blood pooling on the area where the gauze was wrapped in my abdomen. I couldn’t see the injury at all. The blood oozing out had dripped to the ground, and the flow of muddy rain gone.

I looked around, Warrant Officer Fidot was gone, and the gun I used just now was gone. According to the development of the plot, he should be carrying the pistol with only one bullet to find the remaining German soldiers desperately. Up.

I sat on the ground and continued to think about the plot in the movie: it was first that Lida went to see her son in the city at night, and found two German soldiers in the woods when she returned early in the morning, so she went back to the deputy platoon leader Kirianova and warrant officer Vasco The husband made a report. Because there were only two German soldiers, the warrant officer set out with five female soldiers to hunt down the two enemies. It turned out later that it was not two, but sixteen German devils. As a result, after a few days of dealings, the German devils were wiped out one by one, and all five female soldiers died. As long as the wounded warrant officer survived, the remaining German soldiers were captured…

The five female fighters who participated in the battle died, and the Lida I possessed also died, but why am I still alive now? Could it be that I borrowed the corpse to resurrect, occupying Lida’s body?

Suddenly, the sound of the monastery bell from a distance interrupted my thoughts. I stood up and followed the prestige, and I could see the spire of the monastery in the distance. This is an abandoned monastery. It stands to reason that there will be no people in it. Why would the bell ring inexplicably? Could it be that the Germans were there?

I checked the direction of the monastery and strode forward. Along the way, I saw explosive boxes, helmets, water bottles, and even a submachine gun abandoned by the German soldiers. I picked up the submachine gun and drew the bolt skillfully, and found that there was no bullet inside, so I threw the gun to the side of the road. To me, this bullet-free weapon is no different from a fire stick.

It is just these items that have become important guideposts for me to search for Fedauth Warrant Officer and German Devils.

The rain continued untiringly, as if to clean the world and all things again. I staggered and walked to the lake, the lake is vast and the sky is full of colors. Standing by the lake, you can see the abandoned monastery not far away, and there are messy footprints on the muddy road.

I am now with my bare hands, and rushing over is no different from dying. So, under the cover of trees, I approached the church cautiously, hid carefully in the bushes next to the monastery, pulled out the branches, and looked towards the monastery.

There were two corpses of German soldiers by the well platform, which were probably killed by the warrant officer. I took a few steps over and picked up a submachine gun from the corpse of the German soldiers, opened the bolt and looked at it, and saw that there were plenty of bullets in the gun. , And then quickly rushed towards the dilapidated iron door of the church.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard the warrant officer yelling inside: “Hender Hoch! (German: raise your hand! I slowly looked in. Under the lighting of the pine torch in the room, I saw Fedot. The warrant officer was pointing his pistol at several German soldiers standing on the opposite corner.

Although there were a large number of German soldiers standing opposite, they all stared at the gun in the warrant officer’s hand hesitatingly. I hurriedly stepped into the door, leaned back against the door frame, and aimed the submachine gun in my hand at them.

“Hender Hoch!” The warrant officer shouted again.

A German soldier rushed at the submachine gun beside him desperately. This was their last chance to get rid of being a prisoner.

The gun in Warrant Officer’s hand went off.

But it was a pity that he hit the wall behind the German soldiers. I instinctively squeezed the trigger and fired two bursts, which accurately hit the German soldier. He covered the shot chest and threw himself forward to the ground.

The stubborn German soldier died like a bear, and the last hope of others was dashed. “Ryagayi! Ryagayi!” The German officer shouted again and again. Under his leadership, the German soldier raised up. Own arrogant hand. Watching the enemy raise his hand to surrender, the warrant officer leaning against the wall breathed a sigh of relief and slid down the wall to the ground, but still held the gun tightly in both hands.

The German commander seemed to have fluke hope, but as soon as he saw the muzzles of the two black holes in our hands, his hands immediately raised higher.

“Feijia 1” I called the warrant officer loudly, but he ignored me. Instead, he scolded the German soldier on the opposite side viciously in Russian: “How about it, won it? It’s a victory… five girls, There are five girls in total, and there are only five in total!…but you don’t want to go over and die…Even if your superiors forgive you, I will kill you one by one, personally! Let them judge me, let them go. !…” He picked up the dirtiest words, coupled with the most ferocious expressions, there was no reason for the terrified German soldiers not to follow his instructions.

He gestured with a pistol and ordered the four German soldiers to tie each other’s hands with belts. Finally, he called the commander to the front again, and tied it up by himself, making it strong.

All this was done safely and securely, the warrant officer stood up with difficulty supporting the wall, staggered over and picked up the submachine gun, opened the bolt, and pointed the muzzle at the five tied German soldiers.

“Feijia, don’t!” At the moment he pulled the trigger, I rushed over and pushed his muzzle up. A string of bullets hit the wall, shocking the German soldiers. They were shocked and shocked. Angrily looked at the situation in front of him.

“Go.” The warrant officer still ignored me, and yelled hoarsely with the German soldier’s own gun.

The German soldiers passed in front of us one by one, bowed their heads helplessly and embarked on the road of prisoners of war.

The captives walked ahead in frustration. The German commander secretly turned back to us from time to time. It seems that his fear has not passed. Maybe he was worried that the Soviet soldier might shoot them again at any time, because extreme anger can make a person. Completely crazy.

I suddenly felt a burning pain all over my body. Maybe when I pushed the warrant officer’s muzzle away, the wound broke again. The pain made me confused and thirsty. It seemed that my whole body needed to drink water desperately. I tried my best to stay awake, following the prisoners in a row and the warrant officer who escorted them, and walked forward staggeringly.

waded the creek with difficulty. Almost out of the forest. I felt that I was getting tired and I couldn’t support it, but I didn’t dare to stop, because I knew that once I fell I would never be able to get up. The only thing that can be done is to follow the warrant officer in front of him and continue to move forward until he reaches his destination.

In the silent forest, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has only heavy strides.

Dawns Here Are Quiet.

Suddenly, countless Red Army soldiers emerged from the surrounding forests, hills, and rivers. They shouted and rushed to us. It was the major and platoon commander Kirianova who came with a large army to search for us in the forest. However, Warrant Officer Fidao didn’t seem to feel anything, so he staggered forward, passed the prisoner, and walked forward.

I stopped and waited until the major and platoon leader Kirianova came in front of me. I stood firm and saluted the two of them: “Comrade Major, the squad leader of the five companies, three rows and one squad of the anti-aircraft machine gun independent battalion. Corporal Lida reported to you that the squad was ordered to chase down the German devils lurking behind our army to destroy them. It has completed the mission, eliminated eleven and captured five alive.” After saying this, I couldn’t help but be stunned. , How come I speak Russian so smoothly? Is it possible that when I became Lida, I also merged with her original consciousness?

Before I could understand, the major had walked in front of me, put his hands on my shoulders, patted hard twice, and said loudly: “Good job! Girl, you are really good! I feel for you. proud!!”

When the report was over, I felt that my whole body was extremely weak, a little shaky. I was slapped so fiercely by the major, and suddenly felt black in front of me, and I fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

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