Burning Moscow

Chapter 4

Section 3 More memories

······I remembered what happened after the fall.

I remember when I opened my eyes, I was lying on a stretcher that was temporarily tied. A few male soldiers carried me and were marching in the dense forest. The platoon leader Kirianova followed the stretcher closely and secretly wiped it. With tears.

“Kirianova,” I called her weakly, she bent down and grabbed my right hand, and asked me with concern: “Lida, how do you feel?”

“I’m not going to die, I’m dead, who will take care of my mother and son Alek.” Although this is not what I want to say, I can’t help but say it. It seems that Lida’s body is in I am not alone in the final decision.

Kiryanova nodded and wiped her tears, comforting me: “Lida, no, no, you will definitely not die. Hold on again and we will be back to the station soon.”


Hundred birds crowed in the woods at dawn, and the mist curled up. When I saw my son Alek, I always felt very happy. I walked and found that the boots on my feet were getting wet with dew. I immediately remembered that the mud on my boots had exposed my whereabouts, so I sat down. Take off your boots and put them on your shoulders.

I was walking with bare feet, and my two boot shafts were dangling behind my back. I have to hurry up now. This time I was delayed too long on the road. If I went back late and was discovered by the Warrant Officer Vaskov, I would be in trouble.

At this time, I heard some noises. Someone carefully and hopingly pushed aside the branches in front of them and walked over.

“It’s not a patrol team?!” My heartbeat suddenly accelerated. I didn’t have any documents. I was caught by them. I was sure to be sent to the warrant officer. In that case, I had to be confined by Vaskov.

Suddenly I heard the sound of talking—some unintelligible pieces of words, some people’s laughter…

“What are they talking about, why can’t I understand it?” I thought a little puzzled, and suddenly, I suddenly realized that this is a German devil! Speaking in German!

I flashed into the bushes, holding my breath, looking at the road ahead through the sparse leaves. The first one came out was a tall man, dressed in a camouflage shirt, with a rectangular small bag tied tightly with a belt in his right hand, and a German submachine gun hung on his chest. He looked back, and for a moment, another man in the same costume came out of the woods, carrying the same small bag, but his head was shorter. I couldn’t help but moved, and the shrub shook, and the dew splashed all over me.

The two strangers looked around warily, and I never dared to move. He pulled off the boat-shaped cap on his head to block his mouth, lest he couldn’t help but make a noise to startle them, but he stared at the two strangers with wide eyes. Yes, this is a German ghost. They lowered their voices and talked, slowly approaching where I was hiding.

At the first moment, because I realized my isolation and helplessness, I was very scared to think that the Germans would find me soon. I was totally desperate… I understood that everything was over and my destiny was set. Now, I will never see my comrades-in-arms, my mother and Alek, in a few minutes, I will no longer live in the world, and everything will never exist for me.

Fortunately, the two German soldiers murmured a few words in a low voice, and then continued to move forward. I hid in the bushes, saw the German soldiers disappear in the woods, and carefully observed the direction of the German soldiers, except for the birds’ cry, no one appeared.

Then I popped out of the bushes and rushed towards the stream. I ignored the density of the bushes and the depth of the stream, and ran forward desperately until I reached the 171 concession place where the troops were stationed, and reported to Vaskov and Kiryanova that Germany had been found in the woods. Human things.

Then we organized a small team to hunt down these two German devils. Leading the team is Warrant Officer Vaskov. In addition to me, there are soldiers Jalka and Lisa, Sonia who speaks German, and Genia the sharpshooter in the platoon.

I thought it would be easy for the six of us to deal with two German devils, and everyone was relaxed along the way. Genia kept teasing Vaskov, who had to say “according to the rules of the code…”, and Lisa, who had a crush on the warrant officer, kept saying good things to the warrant officer.

Under the leadership of the warrant officer, we walked through the swamp and established a blocking position on the only way for the German devils to meet the regulations of the code. We are ready to start a blocking battle and try to capture a German soldier. However, when I used a telescope to see the German devils walking out of the woods, not just the two people I saw that day, but 16 people, I couldn’t help being stunned.

Faced with 16 German soldiers armed to the teeth, we cannot deal with one man and five women alone. The others are 16 submachine guns with powerful firepower, and we only have one pistol and five rifles. Whether it is a small number of people or weapons and equipment, we are at a distinct disadvantage. Not to mention destroying them, whether you can save yourself is a question.

Warrant Officer sent Lisa back to report the letter and asked her to bring a large army to support her. The remaining five of us did everything possible to drag this group of German devils here.

However, we did everything that should be done. The German devils were dragged by us for a day and night, but we still didn’t see the shadow of the large army. The confrontation with the German devils inevitably happened. Jalka and Sonia died in the battle.

Vaskov led Genia and I to re-establish a blocking position on the only way. As soon as the remaining German devils entered the effective range, he immediately yelled: “Shoot!” and took the lead in firing down the German soldiers. With a short burst of fire, I defeated four German soldiers in a row. Genia hid behind the bushes and calmly knocked down a German soldier who was about to drop a bomb with a rifle. When the grenade hit the ground and exploded, it blew up another German soldier next to her.

Because I saw Vaskov being suppressed by the German firepower, I was in a moment of urgency. I stood up from the hidden rock and fired fiercely at the enemy, hoping to relieve him a little pressure. Unexpectedly, at this time, a grenade that did not know how to fly from a place exploded not far in front of me. I only felt a shock in my abdomen, and then a wet liquid came out. The submachine gun slipped from my hand, and I covered my abdomen with my hands, bent and leaned against the rock.

Seeing that I was injured, Vaskov and Genia lowered their heads and rushed over. I covered my belly with my hands, grinned and grinned at both of them with dry lips.

“What hurt?” Vaskov asked with concern.


Vaskov wanted to take off Da’s hand and inspect the wound. I resisted the pain and said shyly, “Nothing to look at.”

Vaskov didn’t care about what I said, he just ordered Genia loudly: “Take a bandage!” As I spoke, Vaskov had already taken off my military uniform and took over Genia. The bandage in Ya’s hand carefully wrapped up the wound for me.

At this time, the enemy’s gunfire became more intense. A string of bullets hit the rock. We all knew that our location was discovered by the enemy. In order to cover us, Genia led the enemy away and leaped out abruptly, followed by her submachine gun.


The sharp pain from the abdomen, painful to the heart and lungs, is exceptionally real and clear. I opened my eyes and it turned out that everything just now was a dream. I wanted to move my body slightly, but I felt like my whole body was broken, and there was no pain in any part, and I couldn’t help groaning.

“Leda! Leda! Leda!” A familiar shout let me know. I have returned to the 171 concession place where the troops are stationed, and the female soldiers who are getting along day and night are surrounding my stretcher.

I dumbly heard the words of people talking, someone was cutting my clothes, and then I lost consciousness. When I wake up, the wounds on my abdomen and head have been bandaged.

At this time, I heard the major’s voice ringing outside the door: “The ambulance from the city has arrived. You move quickly, put Lida and the warrant officer in the car, and send them to the hospital behind.”

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