Burning Moscow

Chapter 79

78 Bloody Battle Station (5)

Yesterday, when I knew that there were four hundred soldiers under my command, I used to take them to attack the German headquarters and capture Guderian alive. But soon I discovered that the soldiers had too few weapons, and most of them were still unarmed. Besides, I didn’t know what kind of weapons the German defensive headquarters was equipped with, and how the troops were deployed. Under such circumstances, they attacked rashly. , Is undoubtedly going to die, so in the end I had to dispel this tempting idea.

Now the newly formed reinforced battalion has a total of 700 people, equipped with a large number of submachine guns, machine guns, and even a mortar company. From any angle, it is a force that is not weak in combat effectiveness. After the assembly of the troops, I took them back to Volokramsk instead of going to Tolstoy Manor where Guderian was located. Because I clearly know that even if a surprise attack is launched, it will not have much effect. The commander and the fighters of this newly patched unit are not familiar with each other, and their cooperation is not good, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Moreover, there are bunkers, trenches and tanks around the manor. With our equipment, it is difficult to end the battle in a short time. Once entangled by the defenders, we will be wiped out when the surrounding German reinforcements come up. Rather than taking this risk, I might as well go back and report the situation to Zhukov faithfully, so that he can send a plane to bomb it more easily.

With such a huge force, I don’t want to make a fuss behind the enemy. I just go back quietly. I am really unwilling, so I want to find an opportunity to beat the Germans, so as to inspire and motivate the morale of our army.

When the troops marched near the simple road where we saw the German mechanized troops two days ago, I finally made up my mind and prepared to organize the troops to fight an ambush here. According to my speculation, since the German army has opened up such a simple road in the forest, its purpose is to dispatch troops and transport materials. It is impossible for large troops to pass by here every day, most of the time only small troops or transport teams pass. With the current strength of our army, it is no problem to eat the small German army.

The independent battalion now has four companies, of which three infantry companies and one mortar company. The battalion commander is Lieutenant Festov, the instructor Pavlov is the battalion political commissar, one company commander Lukin, and the second company commander Sabo Chuuk, commander of the third company Restaev, and commander of the mortar company Isayev. In addition, forty people remained, forming a guard platoon, with sniper Aguminte as the platoon leader. The reason why I arrange all the people I know to take command positions below is because I am very familiar with them, and I can command them when fighting. Second, I am somewhat selfish and want to cultivate myself. It is not a bad thing for the forces in the army to have several units under their direct command after the officials become senior officials.

The simple road runs north-south. I divided the troops into two parts. Lukin’s first company went to the east of the road to ambush, and I led the second company, third company, mortar company and guards in ambush on the west side of the road.

To fight an ambush, burying landmines is indispensable. Festov was originally the engineer platoon commander, and landmine burying was his old line, so this technique was naturally handed over to him. He’s an expert at all. It doesn’t work if you don’t admire it. In less than ten minutes, all forty mines were buried.

Before the ambush, I summoned several company commanders to arrange tasks. Based on my knowledge, I issued a series of orders to them: “Felstoff, you and the second company are lurking fifty meters away from the highway. Once the German vehicle enters the ambush circle, you immediately detonate the mine.” Among the mines just laid, the only anti-tank mine needs to be detonated remotely, so I told him that.

“Yes, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel.” He answered very simply.

“Sapochuk, after the mine exploded, the German army would fall into a temporary chaos. At this time, the second company’s light and heavy firepower fired together, firing a round of firepower on the enemy and then began to charge. At such a close distance, because of the trees Blocking, mortars are useless, you can only use hand grenades to exert their power. They have to charge and drop bombs to inflict maximum fire damage on the enemy. Understand?”

“I understand completely, Comrade Commander.”

“Lu Jin,” I turned my head to Lu Jin, who had a good impression on me for the past two days. “When the German army can’t resist the attack of the second company and retreat in your direction, you will lead the army to attack all the way. Be sure to take the rest The Germans were wiped out. Do you understand?”

“Understood! Comrade Commander” he replied excitedly. Seeing his expression, he seemed to have longed for such an opportunity to give a good lesson to the German devils.

“Pavlov,” I gave Pavlov one final order: “You and the third company stay in the middle of the forest, take care of the cover and take care of the wounded, and come and join us when the battle is over.”

“Comrade Lieutenant Colonel,” he said aggrieved: “When other comrades are fighting the enemy, how can I stay behind as a political worker?”

“I put the wounded in the back, and need someone to calm their emotions. Only you are the most suitable for this job.” During the war, I don’t like having a political worker gesticulating next to me, so I can send him away. Send it as far away as possible.

Two and one guard platoon more than 400 people were lying motionless in the snow, all wearing white cloaks. This is a good thing found in the warehouse, which can keep out the cold and achieve the effect of concealment.

Time passed every minute and a second, and it had been two hours since the troops entered the latent position. There was still no movement on the road, and I was so cold that I started to tremble. Just as I was about to announce the cancellation of the lurking order, the roar of the car’s motor came from the north.

“Come, here, Aguminte, listen to the motor of the car, the German convoy is coming soon!” I said, holding up the binoculars and looking in the direction of the sound.

The German motorcade appeared in my binoculars. A machine gun was mounted on the roof of the driver’s cab of the leading car. The compartment was full of German soldiers with loaded guns, helmets and gray-green military coats. There were six trucks full of soldiers. Vehicles.

“Comrade Commander,” Aguminte, who had been observing the enemy’s situation with a scope, said softly to me, “There are 30 soldiers in each car, plus three in the cab, and a car has 33 people. There are a total of 198 people in the six vehicles.” After a pause, he said with some worry: “Although we have twice as many people as they are, it is still difficult to wipe them out quickly.”

I watched the car squad that were getting closer and closer, and found that the German army was not very vigilant. The machine gunner of the lead car actually held the machine gun in one hand, turned his head and chatted with the people next to him. Maybe they would never dream of it. The rear was accidentally ambushed. So he said to Agumint disapprovingly: “Don’t worry, you see that the Germans have no defense at all. As long as our attack speed is fast, we can end the battle before their reinforcements arrive.”

The German car team drove into our army’s ambush circle without realizing it. There was a loud bang, and the earth was trembling. I didn’t have to look at it. It was Felstoff who detonated the remote-controlled landmine. The poor army vehicle was blown up to a height of more than three meters by a powerful anti-tank mine. The fragments of the vehicle and the broken limbs of the German soldiers fell from the sky and scattered irregularly on the snow near the explosion point.

The five trucks immediately behind stopped, and the machine guns on the roof of the cab roared. Because they didn’t know where the attack came from, the German machine gunners shot around aimlessly.

I heard Aguminte pulling the trigger next to him, and then I saw the machine gun shooter in the second car tilted his head back, and then the whole person disappeared from my field of vision. The deputy shooter next to him quickly grabbed the machine gun, and before he pulled the trigger, he was shot headshot by Aguminte. At the same time, all the light and heavy weapons of Erlian opened fire together, and a dense group of bullets shot towards the convoy.

Although    suffered a sudden attack, the German army did not panic. Well-trained soldiers jumped out of the car and shot around with the car as cover. But more soldiers just stood up, before they had time to jump out of the car, they were hit by our bullets. They either fell directly into the car or hung upside down on the car deck. The cab door of the third car opened, and a German officer with a big brimmed hat stumbled out. After looking around in a panic, he held the pistol in his right hand and shouted loudly at the messy team. At this time, Aguminte shot another shot without losing the opportunity. The German officer covered his right shoulder with his hand and sat down on the pedal of the car door. He didn’t know where the pistol was dropped. He struggled to stand up, and when he wanted to shout a few more words, he was hit by a bullet flying from nowhere, covered his chest and fell to the snow.

“Ula! Ula!!!” The soldiers jumped up from the snow, rushed forward with their weapons and shouted slogans, running and shooting. Many soldiers slowed down during the charge and pulled the strings. The grenade was thrown into the German convoy. As soon as a soldier pulled the string, before throwing the grenade, he was hit by an enemy bullet, his body shook, and then he fell silently. When a soldier was about to rush past his corpse with a gun, the grenade that fell on the ground exploded, and the charging soldier screamed and fell on his back on the snow covered in blood.

Facing the charge of our army, some desperadoes in the German army also greeted them with submachine guns, but as soon as they rushed to the edge of the road, they stepped onto the mines that Festov had planted long ago, and they were blown up. After 20 or 30 people were killed and injured, they had to retreat, relying on the car as cover to continue their resistance.

At a distance of fifty meters, the soldiers quickly rushed up and started close combat with the enemy. There was a melee on the highway, with endless gunfire like bursting beans, the short explosion of grenade, and the screams of those who were shot, intertwined with one another…

Although the German army suffered heavy losses, they still resisted stubbornly on the spot, and did not retreat into the east forest as I thought. Fortunately, Lu Jin was not a stickler. He saw that the German army had not retreated according to the route we set beforehand, so he took the initiative to lead the troops to attack. When a company of soldiers rushed onto the road, unfortunately they also stepped on the mines we planted ourselves. This kind of landmine that explodes as soon as it is stepped on can not distinguish the enemy from us, and it blows up a dozen soldiers in an instant. However, a series of offensives became the last straw that overwhelmed the enemy’s defense. The tenacious resistance of the German army was quickly completely destroyed. The gunfire fell silent. The remaining soldiers obediently put down their weapons and raised their hands to surrender to us.

After the battle, I took the guard platoon on the road. After all, now I am a lieutenant colonel, and there is no need to lead the troops to charge like a lieutenant. I took Aguminte to patrol the battlefield that was being cleaned Several **** German soldiers lay on the ground and moaned, watching me walk by, they stretched out their hands and opened their eyes, Liwala said something I didn’t understand, probably because he wanted me to save them. Although they are our enemies, the look in their eyes makes people look very worried. I turned around and told Aguminte behind me: “Aguminte, you go and arrange some stretchers to carry these German soldiers together.”

“Comrade Commander, we still have so many wounded to carry, and there are more German devils, I’m afraid there are not so many people!”

“Who said that our comrades should be lifted?!” I said impatiently: “Isn’t I caught even a German prisoner? These wounded let them be lifted.”

Lukin quickly counted the casualties for me. In this ambush, 145 Germans were killed, 18 wounded and 35 captured. Our army suffered 47 casualties and 21 wounded. Half of the casualties were caused by mines planted by ourselves.

I gathered Felstorf, Pavlov, Lukin and some company platoon leaders together, I walked two back and forth in front of the queue excitedly, and then raised the note with the number of casualties in my hand. Yes. They said loudly: “Comrades, today’s ambush was really beautiful. This battle wiped out nearly two hundred German devils, and we only casualties less than seventy people. What does this mean?” I paused for a while to see everyone whispering in excitement. No one answered my question, so I went on to say: “It shows that our team’s combat effectiveness is not worse than the German devils. As long as the deployment is careful and the command is correct, we must fight. A beautiful victory does not necessarily need to pay a huge price, and it can also wipe out the enemy’s large amount of vitality….”

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