Burning Moscow

Chapter 80

79 Bloody Battle Station (6)

The troops left the road and continued to advance towards Volokramsk in the northeast.

Because of the presence of heavy, wounded, and prisoners, the advancement speed of the entire team was much slower than before the battle. The company led by Felstorf and Lukin separated from the large army by two hundred meters and walked at the forefront of the entire army. They searched forward in units of squads.

The more you go to the northeast, the more gunfire comes from the front. Pavlov and I were standing on a small hill, observing the place where the gunshots were fired. From the binoculars, we could see that the gunpowder in front of us was tumbling and the flames were leaping into the sky, accompanied by a large group of fires that erupted from time to time, and we could clearly hear a few Sporadic explosions.

“Pavlov, where is the battle ahead?” I put down my binoculars and turned to ask the battalion political commissar standing nearby. Hearing my question, he raised the German-made binoculars he had just captured and looked at the place where the fierce fighting took place for a while, and then replied in a positive tone to me: “Comrade Commander, from the direction, it is Warlock. Ramsk’s bus station.”

“Oh!” I said thoughtfully: “When I contacted General Rokosovsky the night before, he mentioned that the German army occupied the bus station in Volokramsk, and Pan Division Commander Filov is organizing troops to counterattack, trying to drive the Germans out of the station. Two days have passed, and I don’t know if our army is attacking the station or the Germans are attacking the station?”

“No matter who is in the hands of the station now, as long as the gunfire has not stopped, it means that our people are still fighting.” Pavlov put down his binoculars and calmly said to me: “We should help them. ”

“Well, Instructor Pavlov, you go and gather all the company commanders, and I will assign them combat tasks.”

“Yes!” Pavlov agreed, then turned around and ran down the hill. After running two steps, he stopped and said to me, “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, you can’t let me stay here again. I heard gunshots from behind.”

I smiled bitterly and replied, “No problem, I will definitely let you participate in the battle this time.”

Not much effort, dozens of company platoon leaders ran up the hill from all directions, stopped in front of me, and lined up neatly in two rows. Festov, who was standing at the front of the queue, took a step forward, and after the salute, he reported to me loudly: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, all the commanders are assembled, please give instructions!”

I waited for Felstorf to return to the line, and walked to the front of the line with my hands on my back. I coughed first, then pointed to a place where the gunfire was intensive, and asked them straight to the door: “Look, Warlock is in front of you. At the Ramsk bus station, our army is engaged in a fierce battle with fascist bandits. What should we do?”

Even the platoon commanders looked at me and didn’t speak. Everyone’s performance made me very dissatisfied, because the scene I imagined did not appear before me: I thought that we had only fought a beautiful ambush a few hours ago, so These commanders should all be extremely emotional in participating in the war. It is inevitable that rhetoric is inevitable, and they will be red-faced for who can lead the battle. My gaze inspected again and saw that their expressions were still the same, still looking at me silently. I realized that they were used to obedience. Whatever the superiors say is nothing, even if it is wrong. Implementation at a discount. There have always been differences between Eastern and Western cultures, but I have always been thinking about issues with Eastern thinking. No wonder this embarrassing situation has occurred.

Since everyone did not express any opinions, then I arranged the tasks according to my ideas. I announced a series of tasks to them with a blank face. First of all, I named a few familiar names: “Felstoff, Pav Love, Lukin, Sapochuk, Isayev!”

“Here!” The five answered neatly, and then took a step forward at the same time.

“The first company, second company and artillery company you led, follow me to the bus station for reinforcements.”

“Yes!” The five returned to the team.



“You lead the third company and **** the heavy and wounded back to the defense line of the 316th division.”

Hearing my order like this, his face showed a very unhappy expression. He complained to me: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, in the ambush just now, the third company of us listened to the gunfire for a long time. The soldiers have a lot of emotions. Now, with great difficulty, they are looking forward to the war, and as a result, you…, look at this… In this case, the minds of the comrades are afraid that they will not turn around.”

Hearing what he said, I couldn’t help but smile. My heart said that the one who couldn’t turn his mind was you. If you jumped out and said this earlier, I must arrange for you to go to the battle. It’s too late to say it at this time, but I still have to patiently explain to him: “Comrade Restaev, you should know that the presence of wounded and captives has greatly slowed the marching speed of our team. If we continue at the current speed, it is estimated that By the time we arrived at the station, the battle was over and our reinforcements lost their meaning. Do you understand?”

“I fully understand, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel.” He reluctantly answered me.

“However, since the comrades of the third company want to participate in this battle, I will definitely fulfill their wish.” The infantry company is composed of four or four platoons. It has four platoons, and each platoon has four squads. Even 180 people. After the battle just now, the first and second companies have reduced their personnel to varying degrees. If they want to attack, they need to replenish their troops. Now only three companies are fully staffed, so I plan to mobilize manpower from them. That’s why I said so.

“Really?!” Hearing what I said, Restaev’s face showed a surprised expression.

“Yes, in the ambush just now, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com had different levels of casualties in the first and second companies, so I decided to draw a squad from each platoon of the third company and add it to the first and second companies. Go inside.”

“But…” Restayev wanted to explain, but I interrupted it politely: “I promised you to let the soldiers of the third company participate in the battle. I didn’t break my promise.” My heart said to me. Only promised to let the soldiers of the third company participate in the battle, but did not say that you should also participate in the battle.

“Yes!” He saluted me and returned to the middle of the queue disappointedly.

The three companies were assembled very quickly, leaving the soldiers who had been transferred out, and the rest followed Lesdayev to the northeast defense zone. When Lesdayev led the troops under my hill, he stopped alone, paid a solemn military salute to me, and put down his raised hand after a long time.

Just as I watched the three consecutive miles away, Aguminte’s voice suddenly sounded around me. My guard platoon leader said to me, “Comrade Commander, you should follow them and leave!”

“Why?” I asked inexplicably.

“Because you are a woman! You also know that this battle is dangerous. Maybe all of us will sacrifice. We don’t have the right to let the future mother accompany us on the adventure!”

I was very touched by his words, at least he cares about me. But I still said in a calm tone: “There is no distinction between men and women on the battlefield. We are all soldiers.” After a pause, I asked, “Are the troops assembled?”

“Well, all the additional soldiers have entered the company. I’m here to ask you to give instructions.”

“No instructions, ready to go.”

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