Burning Moscow

Chapter 81

80 Bloody Battle Station (7)

I led my troops in the forest and marched in the direction where the gunfire was most intense.

After a short time, we were close to the edge of the forest. From here, we could see with the naked eye the smoke, shrapnel flying across the sky, and the sound of gunfire! The black smoke and air waves from the explosion were like scorching thick fog, covering the fighting area for a long time.

I asked the troops to stop and stand by, and then I came to the forest by myself, standing next to a birch tree, raising the telescope to observe the battle in the distance.

I don’t know what Volokramsk Bus Station was like. Anyway, I only saw a ruin through the telescope. Except for a two-story building without a roof that stood stubbornly on the horizon, and a few sections of nearby half-height walls that hadn’t collapsed, there were still smoking rubble everywhere. There are many dark pits on the periphery of the rubble. There are a lot of corpses lying around the crater. From their uniforms, it is easy to recognize that these are the corpses of the German army. They were probably killed during the attack. Our soldiers wiped out.

In the window of the two-story building, you can vaguely see a lot of people shooting outwards. This should be our soldiers who are fighting stubbornly. Between the building and the rubble, there were many buses that burned to the extent that only the frame was left. The Germans used these vehicles as cover and cautiously launched an attack on the building. Perhaps because our army’s firepower was too fierce, the German offensive did not work. After dropping a pile of corpses in front of the building, the remaining soldiers had to retreat and hid behind the cars, lying on the rubble and the building. Our soldiers fired on each other.

“Comrade Commander,” Festov’s voice sounded next to me: “It looks like our people are fighting. We should help them.”

I put down the telescope and turned to take a look. He is standing next to me, and he is also watching the enemy with the telescope. Looking to the side, not only him, but other company commanders and deputy company commanders are here. I was the only one in the team who had binoculars, but since the army came back from the quarters, almost every company platoon has a binoculars around the neck. Except for a few captured from the Germans, the rest should be all. Inventory in the warehouse.

I raised the telescope again and looked at it. I used the scale on the lens to measure the distance between us and the destination. Then I shook my head regretfully and said, “We are nearly 300 meters away from the station. If it is normal, then I shook my head. At this distance, the soldiers can rush through with only one charge, at most minutes. However, the snow on this section of the road is too deep, and the soldiers’ charge speed will inevitably be affected. If they are discovered by the Germans, they will only If you need to turn the gun, you can easily wipe out our unit in the snow.”

“Look! German tank.” Pavlov, who had been silent for a long time, called out suddenly.

I quickly raised the binoculars and looked nervously towards the station. Pavlov was right. There was a German tank coming from a distance. It seemed that it was coming to provide fire support for the German soldiers. Perhaps it was because they saw their tanks coming. The German soldiers who had been lying on the rubble suddenly gained confidence and immediately jumped up, holding their weapons and rushing into the building. I didn’t know that within two steps of the run, I was overwhelmed by the crossfire formed by the windows on the first and second floors of our army.

The German tank stopped behind the pile of rubble, the turret slowly turned half a circle, aimed at the building and opened fire violently. A shell hit the wall between the two windows on the ground floor. As the shell exploded, the bricks and stones splashed on the wall, and the firepower of the two windows near the explosion point was interrupted. The smoke dissipated, and a circular deep hole appeared on the wall, but the wall was not penetrated by the shells. Seeing that the wall had not been penetrated by German shells, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. From the bottom of my heart, I admired Lao Maozi. When they built the building, they really kept the quality and quantity. They didn’t cut corners at all. Quality engineering to wear.

Just as I was very emotional about this trustworthy project, the German tank fired another shot and hit the position just right. This time I was not as lucky as the last time. The wall was directly blown up. A big hole for two people to run side by side. The German soldiers hiding behind the bus saw that the cannonball had exploded the breach, so they rushed out of the shelter and rushed towards the hole.

This new German offensive was still unsuspectingly repelled by the crossfire of our soldiers. Except for those who dodge quickly, the rest were defeated. However, a German soldier rushed harder, and after hitting a few bullets, he fell into the hole by virtue of the inertia of the forward rush.

Less than a minute after the German soldier fell in, a dozen of our soldiers armed with rifles came out of the cave, shouting and attacking the German army hiding behind the car. The tank shell exploded in the crowd, exploding the soldiers in the middle. The soldiers in front fired only one shot and were knocked to the ground by the fierce German fire. The soldiers who just rushed out of the hole saw that the situation was wrong, and quickly turned around and ran back. Unfortunately, it was already a step too late, and the bullets fired by the Germans found their final destination on their bodies.

A funny counterattack just fell apart like this. I watched this stupid action of the defenders dumbfounded, cursing in my heart which idiot had made such a short assault on a whim.

The German tank backed up a few steps and stopped. With a puff of black smoke coming out of the car, the tank suddenly accelerated to the rubble and rushed towards the station building.

“Not good!” Lu Jin yelled next to him.

“What’s the matter?” I put down my binoculars and looked at Lu Jin dissatisfied, thinking that there is something worth making a fuss about.

“Comrade Lieutenant Colonel!” He walked to my side, pointed to the station in the distance and said to me: “The fascist tank wants to rush over and hit the building. If it breaks a few walls, the building will collapse and guard it. The army is buried alive inside.”

I didn’t speak, and again raised the binoculars and looked at the station. I was fighting between heaven and man. Should I go to rescue or not? For such a long impact distance, apart from the huge price paid by the soldiers in the middle, after rushing past, this German tank also poses a great threat to us.

was thinking about it, and suddenly felt that my vision was starting to be a bit blurred, and the two sides of the war who had seen clearly became a little vague.

“It’s great, it’s snowing!” Someone beside him shouted excitedly.

I moved the telescope to take a look. As expected, the sky really started to snow, and snowflakes like shredded pieces of paper fell one after another, and the denser the scattered, the visibility quickly dropped to within a few meters. The weather in Russia is just like this. It is often sunny a minute ago, and snow will fly after a minute. Seeing such heavy snow I was ecstatic: God helped me, I don’t have to worry about being spotted by the Germans when the troops approach the station.

I immediately summoned everyone and assigned them a task loudly: “The first and second companies outflanked the left and right sides, and the guard platoon and artillery company attacked me from the front. Tell the soldiers to be smart when fighting, just Courage is not enough. You must also learn to use tactics correctly. Flesh and flesh alone cannot stop the enemy’s bullets, so don’t brave the enemy’s fire silly and rush forward. That way, the enemy can only let the enemy treat us. All targets are knocked out…”

“Comrade Commander! How shall we attack?” The short sergeant who spoke yesterday stood up and asked loudly.

“Good question! You have to remember that we have good equipment now, and each squad is equipped with machine guns. So when attacking, use squads as a unit to attack. When encountering enemy fire interception, first use machine guns to suppress them. , And then destroyed him with a grenade. When encountering a difficult point of fire, the artillery bombed him with artillery.” I paused, looked at the commanders gathered in front of me, and continued: “In this battle, I don’t ask you to fight quickly, as long as you can eliminate the enemy at the least cost, it doesn’t matter if you fight slower. At the end of the battle, if one more soldier survives, we will have more hope of holding the position. Do you understand?”

“Understood!” Everyone answered me in unison.

“Okay! Go back to the team and lead the troops to attack! Remember, we used the heavy snow to approach the station, and we launched a sneak attack on the enemy instead of a force attack, so the troops are not allowed to make any noises until they approach the Germans. Understand?”

“Understand!” Everyone suddenly agreed.

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