Burning Moscow

Chapter 94

93 Chat

“Master, you should go back to the office first. I will stay and chat with Comrade Oshanina. After three hours, you will come to pick me up.” After listening to the interpreter, Master Lin told me about the situation. Dismissal order.

Hearing what he said, I couldn’t help being stunned. What is going on, why does he send the translator away? How can he communicate with me if there is no interpreter present?

“Comrade Master,” Not only me, but Shi Zhe was stunned. He hesitated and said, “You don’t understand Russian. If I leave, who will translate for you?”

“Don’t worry about this, just obey the order.”

“Yes!” Shi Zhe had no choice but to salute him, then glanced at me again before turning around and leaving and closing the door of the room.

I helped Master Lin hang the taken off army coat on the coat rack by the door, and then I could see clearly that besides the Soviet army coat, he was still wearing the gray Eighth Route Army uniform. He sat at the table and saw me standing aside somewhat restrained. He stretched out his hand to the chair and said, “Please sit down, Comrade Oshanina, this is your room. Don’t be too restrained. Sit down and let’s sit down. Talk about it.” I hesitated, and sat down on the chair opposite him.

“Can we talk frankly?” He said to me in a sincere tone.

I’m a little dilemma, I don’t know how to answer him, speak Russian, he doesn’t understand; speak Chinese, and I’m afraid of scaring him. So just stared at him quietly without speaking.

He seemed to see my embarrassment, and smiled and said, “Comrade Oshaninna, there are only two of us here. You don’t have to hide it. I know you understand Chinese and you speak very well!”

I was a little surprised: “General Lin?” I still said this sentence in Russian.

He said in a calm tone: “When you met at the office yesterday, the few sentences you said were very standard. It is absolutely impossible to learn it temporarily. And during the whole conversation, I also watched you carefully. Sometimes Shizhe Comrades have not completely translated what I said, and you have already begun to answer my questions.”

I smiled at him, noncommittal, and leaned my body on the back of the chair as comfortably as possible. On the surface, although I am very calm, I am engaged in a fierce ideological struggle in my heart. Can I admit that I can speak Chinese?

He went on to say: “Don’t worry, I will keep the matter of your knowledge of Chinese confidential. Didn’t you see that I even opened the translation? This matter is only known to you and I will never let a third person know.”

Now that he has said this, it doesn’t make much sense for me to pretend that he doesn’t understand Chinese. Besides, I also believe that he is a man of great promise, and he will never break his words when he says it. So I nodded and answered him in standard Mandarin: “General Lin, you are right, I do understand Chinese.”

Hearing my fluent Chinese, he said with emotion: “Your Chinese is really fluent, you learnt it? Or is there any of your parents who are Chinese?”

I said in my heart that my parents are both Chinese, and I’m just borrowing someone else’s body. But I can only say: “General Lin, my parents are both Russians. As for why I speak Chinese.” Having said that, I thought a little bit, and it was useless for the former Chinese school worker. To teach me the reason, but rather vaguely said: “I was injured once a few months ago. The injury was very serious and almost died. Fortunately, I was rescued by the doctor. After the injury healed, I suddenly spoke Chinese. , I don’t know what’s going on.”

He chuckled and repeated my words with interest: “I have suffered an injury, and I can speak Chinese after the injury.” Then he said jokingly: “I was injured too, and I almost lost my life, but to I don’t speak Russian yet. It seems that God takes care of you.”

I smiled, did not speak, not that I didn’t want to say, but I didn’t know what to say.

“Do you think Moscow can hold on?” He finally asked the most critical question.

“Of course,” I replied in a serious tone: “Don’t look at the fierce German offensive now. They are already at the end of the battle. Even if they can gain an advantage in the short term and achieve some small victories, they will eventually come across under Moscow City. The Soviet army is massing under the city of Moscow. When the forces and technical equipment of both sides are roughly equal, it is the best time to counterattack.”

“But!” He hesitated for a moment, and then said something: “I just got the news that the Supreme Command has issued an order for the Western Front to use the eleventh of the 5th, 16th, and 30th Army Corps. This division carried out a full-scale counterattack against the Germans within a week.”

“What?!” I abruptly got up from my chair, “Preparing to fight back against the Germans! I heard it right?”

Seeing him nodded affirmatively, but I still asked with a fluke: “General Lin, where did you hear your news? Maybe it’s an error.”

He shook his head and said, “No, this is what Comrade Stalin said personally when he met me.”

I fell into the chair feebly, thinking: It’s over, all eleven teachers are over. In my memory, the Soviet army only launched a full-scale counteroffensive against the Germans at the beginning of December. Throughout November, the Germans occupied the advantage and approached Moscow step by step. I have never heard of the Soviets conducting an effective counterattack during this period. Counterattack.

The room fell into a deadly silence, and Master Lin and I sat face to face, and no one spoke.

After a while, he asked, “Do you think this counterattack was too hasty?”

“Yes.” I replied without hesitation: “Not only was it too hasty, but it was also a completely wrong military operation. The failure of the counterattack will exhaust all our current reserves. The consequence is that the German army will be there. Grasping the initiative of the war for a period of time, we will have to be forced to continue to retreat in the direction of Moscow.”

“In this case, do you still insist on the view that Moscow will not fall?”

“Yes, the German army will never occupy Moscow.” I replied in a positive tone: “In order to defend our capital, the Soviet army will fight to the last person.”

“You know from the situation of today’s meeting, even if your supreme commander is not sure whether you can hold Moscow. But you, almost without thinking, said that the German army will never occupy Moscow. It seems to be foreseen in advance. The ending of the war is average. Do you have the ability to predict the future while you learn Chinese without a teacher?”

“What do you think?” I pushed the problem to him.

“By the way, I have always wanted to ask you about something.” He did not answer my question, but changed the subject wisely: “I have seen your speech in the Kremlin, which summarized the reasons for the Soviet army’s early failure. It is roughly the same as the summary of our party’s chairman at the Zunyi Conference in 1935. It stands to reason that although the records of this meeting were also copied to the Soviet government, there are only a handful of people who can see this document, and you seem to be about it. The content of this meeting is well known, and it was quoted in many places in the speech. What is the matter, is it because the heroes see the same thing?”

When I heard him ask like this, I secretly groaned, Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, there is no similarity between the heroes, and I just copied the chairman’s speech. Although in this era, there are only a handful of people who can see the chairman’s speech, but in my era, these contents can be easily found in history books.

“I don’t know this too much,” I said perfunctorily: “Since I learned Chinese without a teacher, there have been many inexplicable things in my mind. Everything that is said on the Kremlin podium is taken from me out of thin air. Came out of my mind.”

“It’s so funny, so funny!” He sighed and asked me again: “What do you think I should do after the 20th Army, do you have any good suggestions?”

“There is a lot of work to be done,” I suggested to him: “For example, you can teach your commanders about your guerrilla tactics, so that they can also learn what is “the enemy advances and we retreat, the enemy is stationed in our harassment, and the enemy” I’m tired and fight, the enemy retreats and I chase’, don’t let them go stupidly and go head-to-head with the enemy.”

“Oh, it seems that you are quite familiar with our tactics.” He couldn’t help being surprised when he heard me skillfully utter the sixteen-character policy of guerrilla warfare.

“Of course, in addition to guerrilla tactics, I also know a lot of commanders to you.” After receiving his compliment, I couldn’t help feeling a little airy.

“Really? You know those people.”

“Commander Liu and Political Commissar Deng of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, Commander Chen of the 386 Brigade, and Chen Su from the New Fourth Army.”

“Just these few, are there anymore?” He was obviously disappointed when he heard that I only said a few names.

“What I said is particularly good at war.” I quickly explained to him.

“But Commander He of the 120th Division and Commander Ye of the New Fourth Army are also particularly capable of fighting. Why didn’t you hear their names?”

“Master He’s reputation is not small, but he seems to be lacking a little in commanding wars. His ability is more suitable for managing logistics supplies. As for Commander Ye, I admit that he is quite capable of fighting, but he is already If he is emptied, he can’t command the troops at all. What’s the use of a commander who is not in power but cannot command the troops again?”

After hearing this, he thought about it thoughtfully, and then nodded in agreement with my point of view: “You make sense.” After a pause, he asked me: “Can you talk about your overall view of the Soviet army.” ?”

“Yes.” I first filled the cup in front of him with water, and then expressed my opinion: “In the early battles, the reason why the Soviet army was eaten by the Germans with inferior firepower in the field conditions. The main reason is hesitancy when attacking and retreat from the beginning to the end. This is closely related to the overall lack of training and the inadequate level of officers. On the contrary, once the troops are in a strong fortified area and have been trained and prepared for independent operations, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com, the performance of the Soviet army is better. This is also verified from another aspect. From the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union’s intention for the war was to defend against the enemy as far as possible outside the country, and to build strong defenses in the fortified areas. Defensive warfare under conditions.”

He took out a notebook and a fountain pen, and carefully wrote down every word I said. In order to make him remember more comprehensively, I deliberately slowed down my speech, repeating it twice in some places, until I watched him fully record the points I explained, and then continued.

I always said he remembered, but when it came to specific battle cases, the opinions and opinions in the forums I quoted were refuted by him. At first I had to argue with him a few words, but soon I stopped talking. Some of the people who joined the forum in later generations have personally led soldiers and fought for many years, so it seems logical in our time. Many arguments are actually totally unrealistic. So when he retorted, I immediately shut up and asked him humbly. The small talk between us, unconsciously, became a military seminar.

I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly there was a knock on the door. Before I got up, the door of the room was pushed open, and Aksala’s voice came from the door: “Lida Chika!”

The moment I heard Aksala’s voice, my language program immediately switched from Chinese to Russian, and I turned to ask her: “Aksala, what’s the matter?”

“A Chinese soldier is looking for you outside!”

“Oh, it’s getting late.” The Master Lin behind him raised his hand and looked at his watch, then screwed on the cap of the pen, put it in his pocket together with the notebook, and said, “It’s been so long before you know it. It was the little teacher who came to take me home.”

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