Burning Moscow

Chapter 95

94 Plain Life

In the next few days, the Luftwaffe continued to carry out frantic air raids on Moscow day and night, and the whole city was shrouded in gunpowder. Although the windows of my room are always closed, I can still smell the thick smoke of gunpowder in the air.

After the visit two days ago, President Lin never showed up again. I guess he may have taken office with General Vlasov in the 20th Army. But Kroshkov, who placed me in the hotel, never showed up, nor even sent anyone to tell me what to do next, whether to stay in Moscow or return to the front line. I seemed to be forgotten by everyone. People.

I was very upset at the beginning of the lack of attention from the relevant departments, but after a few days when I stretched out my clothes and opened my mouth, I gradually got used to the current leisurely days. In addition to being able to sleep and wake up naturally every day, three meals a day will also be delivered to me on time. Although there is a danger of being bombed by enemy planes, it is very safe compared to the front line. At least there is no need to worry about shells falling around or not knowing what kind of bullets hit you.

In the past few days in the hotel, in addition to reading books, I was chatting with Aksala who came to visit. The days were a bit monotonous, so I planned to take a walk outside while I was fine. I struggled with where to go for a long time. The most visited places in future generations are Red Square, Wieden Khan and Victory Square. I went to the Red Square to participate in the military parade a few days ago, and there is no need to go again in the short term; Victory Square was built in 1995, and it is still a forest at the moment; it seems that only Wieden Khan can go to visit.

Vuitton Khan, later called the “All-Russian Exhibition Center”, and the Soviet Union has not yet disintegrated, so it is also called the “Soviet National Economic Achievement Exhibition Hall.” It occupies an area of ​​300 hectares, with a wall circumference of 35 kilometers, and the scale is very large. In more than 50 exhibition halls, 15 participating republics have their own special exhibition halls. Showcasing the latest great scientific and technological achievements in the fields of economics, science and technology. Because here is a combination of science, knowledge, and entertainment. The park has beautiful scenery, strong architectural features and different styles. Therefore, it is not only an exhibition center, but also a good place to broaden your horizons, increase knowledge, and enjoy sightseeing and leisure.

Although it was just going out shopping, it was during the war, and everything could happen, so before going out, I still carried the submachine gun that I never left.

As soon as I walked out of the gate, I regretted it a little. The smoke outside was a bit too big, and only faint shadows could be seen from buildings more than ten meters away. Right now during the war, many buses and trams leading to that direction were stopped. If you want to go to Vuitton Khan, you have only two options: one is to walk directly there, and the other is to walk to the Chinatown subway near the Red Square. Stop by the subway. I chose the latter option almost without thinking.

I walked carefully along the path where the pedestrians stepped out of the snow. I estimated my travel speed, and I could walk to the subway station in about forty minutes.

As I was walking, suddenly a truck stopped next to me. A soldier wearing a helmet poked his head out of the cab and asked loudly, “Hey! Comrade female soldier, where are you going? Do you want to take a ride? ?”

When I heard him call me a female soldier, I was stunned for a moment, and then I saw the white camouflage clothes I was wearing, and I immediately understood that the collar of this dress was quite high, which just blocked my military rank, plus he saw I was carrying a submachine gun, and it was normal to treat me as an ordinary female soldier.

“I want to go to the Chinatown subway station, and then take the subway to Vuitton Khan, is your car on the way?” Since it was taken to let me take a ride, I’m not welcome, and explained where I was going.

“Get in the car, the place we are going is not far from Wieden Khan, and we can take you directly to your destination.”

Hearing his affirmative answer, I pulled the car door, grabbed the doorknob, and climbed up. The soldier took the handle and pulled me into the cab. I sat in my seat, thanked the soldier, and pulled my hand on the car door.

The driver saw me closing the door, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car continued to drive forward.

The soldier who pulled me into the car was holding a submachine gun in his arms, which looked like a escort. I asked curiously: “What are you pulling on the car?” At the same time, I took off the submachine gun that was on my back, and hugged it in my arms like a soldier.

The driver held the steering wheel silently and drove his car intently. The soldier sitting in the middle replied in a very general way: “What is being pulled is military supplies.” I nodded, then turned my head to the right and looked at the scenery outside the car window.

After a while, maybe seeing that I didn’t speak, the soldier asked again: “Girl, what’s your name?”

“My name is Oshanina.”

“Huh?” The soldier listened, with a surprised expression on his face, “I can’t tell, you got married at such a young age.” After a while, he thought to himself: “Oshanina, Oshanin, then your husband is called Oshanin. I seem to have heard of this name somewhere.”

Hearing his self-talk clearly, I couldn’t help but narrowed my mouth contemptuously, thinking that I was using such an old-fashioned way to pick up girls, so I asked him, “What should I call you?”

“Victor, but you can call me Vega.” Then he asked curiously: “Where is your husband? Is he also on the front line?”

“I disappeared. The Civil Affairs Department notified me that he had disappeared on the battlefield.” Although it was only Lida’s husband who was missing, my emotions went down inexplicably when it came to this.

After hearing what I said, Victor became silent again thoughtfully. After a while, maybe he saw that my mood was a little depressed, so he comforted me and said, “Oshanina, don’t worry, it’s just missing and not sacrificed. Then there is hope of reunion. Maybe one day you open the door. , Your husband stood in front of you intact.”

“Thank you.” I extended my hand gratefully and shook his hand.

He asked me with concern: “Look at your dress, as if you are ready to go to the front line at any time.”

“Yes, I have participated in several battles on the front line. Now I am on vacation in Moscow. As long as there is an order, I am ready to go back to the front line at any time.”

“Just you?” Victor’s face showed an expression of disbelief: “War is our man’s business, and you women should stay behind.”

“Don’t you think I’m already a neutral person? The war has wiped out the gender of human beings. At least I don’t want others to think of me as a woman.” After hearing his words, I immediately struck back with a very unfriendly tone. he.

The atmosphere in the cab suddenly became awkward. Fortunately, when the car stopped, the driver suddenly broke the silence: “Comrade Oshanina, Wieden Khan is here.”

I looked out the window, and at a glance I saw the tall arches of Wieden Khan, and the bronze statues of the male and female members of the collective farm holding wheat ears high above it. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thanked the driver and Victor, opened the door and jumped down. After walking a few steps, I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t said goodbye to them. I quickly turned around and raised my hand to say goodbye to them. Through the window glass, I saw that they were also waving goodbye to me.

It may be because of the direction of the wind. The smoke from the combustion has drifted here, and most of it has been blown away by the wind. The air here feels much better than the city center, and the view has become wider.

At the gate stood a dozen Red Army soldiers wearing helmets and rifles. They watched the people entering and exiting vigilantly, but they did not stop anyone to check their documents. When I passed by them, someone who was obviously the captain asked me: “I said Comrade Female Soldier, where are you going?”

“I will go shopping inside.”

“The exhibition halls are closed, so what can I do?” The captain murmured, and walked to the side to smoke.

I walked along the wide road towards the main exhibition hall, which was directly opposite the gate. Bypassing the bronze statue of Lenin covered in snow, I stepped up the steps and came to the gate of the exhibition hall. I stood on the steps and looked around. There were not many visitors to Vuitton Khan today. Almost all of them were walking on the cleared cleared snow. There were really no people like me who went straight to the exhibition hall. I yanked the tall and thick oak door that was closed, the wooden door did not move. At this time, an old lady ran out of the side and yelled at me: “Hey! Comrade female soldier, what are you doing there? The exhibition halls are closed and will not open until the war is over. Come again. ”

The war is over? ! Isn’t that another four years? I released the door handle, shook my head and turned around and walked down the steps. After finally coming, I was not reconciled to go back like this, so I bypassed the main exhibition hall and continued to walk back.

Behind the main exhibition hall is a huge central fountain named “People’s Friendship Fountain”. The fountain is large in scale and novel in design. It is a group of 15 girls of different nationalities who hold wheat ears in their hands. It is composed of gilded statues, symbolizing the 15 republics of the Soviet Union. Because of the advent of winter, the fountain no longer sprayed water, and the water in the pool was frozen.

When I passed by the fountain pool, I saw a dozen young girls jumping into the middle of the pool, all holding tools like steel drills, and struggling to cut the ice. Judging by their neat clothes, they are already the staff in Vuitton Khan, but what do they do for ice-cutting, is it to catch fish?

I went to the exhibition hall further back in the park, and found that there are still many differences from the memories of later generations. At least there is no aerospace museum now, and the soaring carrier rocket, Schematic passenger plane, and MiG fighter plane that were originally placed on the square are gone.

I wandered around the park for a long time. I felt a little hungry. I just saw a coffee kiosk in front of me and ran over. It’s also a coincidence that the location of the coffee kiosk next to the coal pavilion is where the later generations sell barbecue. Although the Turkish barbecue tastes good, it is too strong. The same food is more expensive than Other places are ten times more expensive.

The sales clerk in the coffee booth is an old lady. Seeing me passing by, she immediately greeted me politely: “Hello! Girl, what do I need?”

I asked, “Are there baked potatoes?”

“No, they are all sold out.”

“Are there boiled corn?”

“Girl, don’t you see what season it is now? Corn usually disappears at the end of September.”

“Oh, let’s have a cup of coffee.” I was a little disappointed to hear that I didn’t have two things I liked, so I had to order something to eat.

“Black coffee?”

“No, I’m not used to drinking black coffee. Let’s have milk coffee.”

The old lady was very dexterous, and she made the coffee in a short while and handed it to me. At the same time, she asked me, “Do you need anything else?”

“One more bread,” I looked at the bread in the cupboard, pointed at one of the buns that looked good, and said, “I want this kind of jam bread.”

“There are two flavors of jam, one is strawberry, and the other is peach. Which one do you want.” The old lady is really patient. If I change me, just take a piece of bread to the buyer and it will be over. As detailed as she asked.

“Then it will taste strawberry.”

“Okay, four kopecks for coffee, three kopecks for bread, do you have anything else?” Seeing me shaking my head, he continued: “There are seven kopecks in total.” Fortunately, I still have the money Zhukov gave me last time in my pocket. Hastily took out a one-ruble banknote and handed it over.

There are usually two or three round tables for customers to eat next to the coffee kiosk. They are more than half a person high and have no stools or chairs. Customers are all standing by the table to eat. After I collected the ninety-three kopecks that the old lady had found, I brought the coffee and bread to the round table next to the pavilion.

After eating, I walked back slowly and leisurely. When I was approaching the big fountain, I suddenly heard the laughter of the girls coming from the pool in front of me. With curiosity, I speeded up my pace, wanting to see what happened.

I approached and took a look, and I was taken aback. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com It turned out that the girls just cut through an area of ​​20 to 30 square meters, and they were swimming in the winter. What surprised me was not the winter swimming itself, but the girls swimming naked in the water. I can’t help but admire their good physique. Although it’s not too cold today, there are still seven or eight degrees below zero. It’s amazing that they can swim in the winter in such a cold weather.

Although there are so many young girls swimming naked in the pool, there are not many visitors who come and go around to stop and watch. In contrast, standing by the side and staring at them intently looks a bit strange.

“Hey! Comrade female soldier, don’t always stand by and watch. Come and swim with us.” Maybe it was a little longer for me to watch. One of the girls stood up and greeted me loudly. The water in the pool is not deep, it just reached her waist. Looking at her fair skin and graceful figure, I couldn’t help swallowing a few saliva secretly, waved my hand and said: “No, no, I’m afraid of the cold, I will catch a cold in such a cold world.” At the same time, I continued to stare at them. I keep looking at my body, and at the same time I am thinking: I am also a woman now, and when a woman takes a bath, she probably won’t have needles.

At this moment, the girl in the water screamed, and then shrank her body into the water, revealing only one head. Huh? what happened? He looked so bold just now, why did he become shy all at once.

“Lida Chika! Lida Chika!” Aksala’s voice came from behind, and I looked back and I understood everything. Aksala is walking towards me with five or six soldiers, no wonder that girl is embarrassed. But from this posture, I knew in my heart that my vacation in Moscow was officially over.

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