But for a Slime

089.1 - The Aftermath with Grand Epics

Chapter Eighty Nine

Joe found himself stalking back home, stomping down the road while the others fluttered around him with caution, obviously walking on egg shells around him. Joe reveled in the silence for a block or two before he finally sighed and turned to the others.

“Guys. Relax. I’m not angry at you at all. I’m just… very unhappy with… all this right now.”

The other four watched him carefully, but Joe easily noticed the tension easing from their shoulders and he sighed to see it. He then put on a smile, struggling to hide his despair at the world.

“Really. I’m good. OK?”

Kilniara came up to him and wrapped an arm around him, “I’m OK, Joe.”

Joe laughed incredulously at that and stared down at her before wrapping her in his arms and holding her tight, “I’m the one who should be comforting you. What you went through… must have been horrible!”

Kilniara smiled up at him, her mood quite brittle, and he watched it crack, her smile vanishing into horror and fear. Joe quickly wrapped her up and pulled her in.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should have walked you back home.”

Kilniara buried herself in his arms, shaking her head then nodding, then shaking entirely and Joe simply held her. She let loose a few tears, sobbing just a few times before suddenly gripping and pulling him tight.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. You saved me. Thank you… so much!”

Joe smiled weakly at that, and a bit sadly, before pulling her to his side. Gwenvair quickly rushed up at this time and wrapped herself around Kilniara as well, ending up taking both her and Joe into a hug. Garnedell and Zilnek stood around, shifting uneasily as they were uncertain of how to react. Joe noticed and laughed, calling them in as well to hug all of them. The boys responded, although they then backed away in some discomfort and Joe let them, finding it a bit humorous. After a few moments, Kilniara pushed Joe away and looked up at him with wet eyes but recovered strength.

“Let’s get home. I still really want to see the clan epics!”

Joe raised an eye at that, smiling lightly and leaning into the normal as Kilniara sought it out, “Still want to see them?”

This time, Kilniara’s emotions were much truer, and she delightfully cried out, “Yes!”

Joe smiled, turning to walk away, but kept Kilniara in his arms. She gratefully remained there and all five headed back home, Gwenvair mirroring Joe on Kilniara’s other side while Garnedell and Zilnek took up protective guard positions around the area. They walked in relative silence, although Kilniara chattered about inconsequential things, growing a bit more manic in her conversation as they walked. Joe talked with her, and Gwenvair played along, but Joe knew she was far from well.

They made it to their villa and Kilniara disappeared into her room with a chipper goodbye and Joe returned one in kind before turning to look at Gwenvair. He sighed and Gwenvair saw his look and immediately came forward.

“Joe. I can bring a healer.”

Joe blinked at that, raising an eyebrow, “Healers can help… with psychological harm?”

Magic coalesced around them then erupted outward in a bubble and Gwenvair nodded with her new understanding, “Yes. They can.”

Joe frowned, “Do they erase the memories or…”

“What?! No! That would be… horrible. No. The memories remain, but a… stronger understanding and acceptance of their actions and how to respond to them is given.”

Joe breathed at that before nodding, “Ask her permission first, though.”

Gwenvair nodded and turned to head into the bedroom after Kilniara before Joe caught her hand and stopped her, “Do you know who did this?”

Gwenvair frowned and shook her head, “No. We do not know. Our Seekers were not able to find any hint of who the person is.”

Joe frowned, “You will investigate it?”

Gwenvair blinked in surprise at that, “Yes. Our guards will find the answer.”

Joe sighed and nodded, “That’s good.”

“Our magics are reaching the end of usefulness.”

Joe nodded, “And your investigations without magic?”

Gwevnair sighed, “Less useful. Magicless pursuits truly are weak.”

Joe nodded again with a frown but said little. After a bit, he looked towards Kilniara’s closed door and Gwenvair stepped forward, putting a hand on his arm, “Go. Leave her to me! I will make sure she is well taken care of.”

Joe looked at Gwenvair before nodding and walking away, the two boys following him to the bathroom in the guy’s wing. When they went around the corner, he heard Gwenvair calling for a house servant then quickly sending the servant out to fetch the healers and captain of the guards. Joe almost paused at that, but pushed himself to the bathroom, shucking his clothes and settling into the hot bath with a sigh. Zilnek and Garnedell joined him silently, basking in the warmth of the bath. They stayed long, but no one found enjoyment in bathing that evening as all simply sat in silence.

Zilnek finally proved the most discomfited and he fled the room quite quickly. Garnedell stayed with him, silently watching on but also growing ever more concerned as he looked at Joe. Joe didn’t notice, his eyes were closed for the most part while his head lolled back against the edge of the large pool. After a while, Garnedell interjected softly.

“How are you, Joe?”

Joe huffed, laughing at his concern while also struggling to stifle a bitter annoyance at the fact that Garnedell seemed concerned for him and not for Kilnaira. Joe sighed, and berated himself. Calm down… maybe he’s worried for you and her… just… you’re here now, but… yeah.

Joe tried to remain calm, “Not too well.”


Joe’s smile grew, “Thanks for caring, Garnedell. It means a lot.”

Garnedell smiled at that, “You cared about me.”

Joe’s head came up, and he opened his eyes to look over at Garnedell with a grateful smile. Garnedell stared back, a bit embarrassed and Joe nodded.

“I’m glad you’re getting it.”

Garnedell frowned with some confusion, “Getting it?”

Joe shook his head and dropped it, “It’s fine. I’m just being… a bit depressed right now.”

Garnedell nodded at that, his confusion clearing, “Yes. I can understand this.”

“Hmm,” Joe replied, not certain what to say but simply grateful to have Garnedell there with him and for him. They fell silent for a time until Garnedell began again.

“So… what can I do for you?”

Joe looked up at that, glancing over at Garnedell and searched his face carefully before smiling and dropping his head back, “Just be here for me. I’m just… yeah…”

Garnedell nodded, “OK. If you need help figuring out what to do, I’ll be able to help.”

“Hmm,” Joe replied absently to Garendell then grew a bit confused, “Figuring out what to do? What … do I need to do something?”

Garnedell nodded, “It would be wise to … politely and quietly release Kilniara. Maybe we can move to another city and when we arrive, simply tell them she’s an apprentice… if you still wish to train her.”

Joe’s head came up at that, more in confusion than surprise, “What do you mean?”

Garnedell noticed Joe’s consternation and focus so also sat up, bringing himself more fully into the conversation, “We can go to another city and then simply let people know that Kilniara is an apprentice… or… possibly leave her behind, if you wish, although I don’t think you are…”

“No. I mean. Why would I leave her behind? Or… I don’t understand.”

Garnedell paused at that and stared at Joe, searching his face carefully, “You do not want her as wife, anymore, do you? You still have time to remove her. You do not want to wait too long or she will…”

“I … don’t … wait! Why …” Joe felt his anger surging wildly out of control and took a deep breath to calm himself. Calm down… Garnedell’s on your side… relax… relax…

“Right. Try again. What are you talking about?”

“Well… I am trying to help you … release Kilniara wisely and quietly.”

Joe narrowed his eyes, “And why would I do that?”

“Because she is tainted?”

Joe frowned at that, “But she isn’t.”

“People believe she is.”

Joe’s frown deepened, “So?”

Garnedell frowned at that, “You do not care?”

Joe paused, searching Garnedell’s face in turn, “I’m… I don’t think I should? I don’t want to… should I? Why are you bringing this up?”

Garnedell considered for a bit, “You do not wish to?”

Joe also thought for a bit, fighting against his kneejerk rejection, “Tell me why you want me to? And... all the reasons? Because, right now, I really want to say no, I do not want to ‘release’ her quietly.”

“If she were tainted, she would die. But even if not, she is not pure. Why would you take her. There is no need or purpose to. She is already unworthy of you, let alone being tainted or even the image of being tainted.”

Joe frowned, “That is it? Her position and status… the image of her that others would have for her?”

“Yes?” Garnedell replied with confused certainty; certain of his position and confused why Joe was questioning him.

Joe struggled to keep the snort in and shook his head, “No. I meant it when I told her at the … breeders…” Joe’s lips curled in disgust with the name, “that I would not reject her, even if she had been… yeah.”

Garnedell stared at him and replied simply, “Oh.”

Joe settled back into the bath, relaxing and calming his anger but as he sat there, he realized that Garnedell’s response was a bit odd, and Joe turned back to Garnedell.

“What do you mean, ‘oh’?”

“Well… I thought you were only saying that to show to the public an upright image.”

Joe’s eye twitched, then he grimaced and turned back to his bathing, “Nope. I meant that.”

“Are you certain?”

Joe heaved a deep sigh then calmed himself, realizing Garnedell was only being concerned, “What do I need to be worried about, besides people’s image of me?”

“That… is all… if she is untainted.”

Joe nodded, “Then I am certain.”


Joe’s certainty took a hit again, “So, what then.”

Garnedell looked at Joe, “Are you certain you explained that to Kilniara?”


Garnedell paused for a bit before continuing, “And she did not think as I that your proclamation was simply for a way to maintain your public image?”

Joe sat up at that, staring at Garnedell before frowning and cursing under his breath, “Well… no I didn’t.”

Joe started to rise from the water quickly and Garnedell called out to him quickly, “Are you certain of what you must do?”

Joe stopped and then settled back down, thinking carefully for a time, asking Garnedell a few more questions before finally feeling like he was a bit more prepared. He quickly stood and turned to Garnedell, now quite grateful for his help.

“Thanks, Garnedell. It could have been… bad.”

Garnedell smiled, “No… but I don’t know if you wish to leave her in worry for too long.”

Joe nodded then dried off, not even dressing but to put on a full body bathrobe of some kind to rush out into the hallway and back towards Kilniara’s room. Need to talk to her… but… I should really be careful how I do this… But… I should let her know she doesn’t need to worry… carefully. Just… slow and steady.

* * *

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