But for a Slime

095.4 - The Cost of Naivety

Kilniara stepped forward once again to follow Gwenvair but did nothing to reach out towards her, “You Heard! You know it to be truth. He accepts us! He said so.”

Gwenvair shuddered, no longer trying to escape but staring at Kilniara with wet eyes full of tears and fear as hope struggled against the pain and fear. She still shook her head no but said nothing this time.

Kilniara took another very small step forward and opened her arms wide, but kept them well away from her, “He accepts.”

Gwenviare began hiccupping, holding back painful sobs.

“He accepts. He accepts you!”

Gwenvair broke down into tears and Kilniara stepped forward, cautiously slipping her arms around Gwenvair. Gwenvair froze for a bit, stiffening when she felt Kilniara’s arms enwrap her. Kilniara noticed and whispered once again.

“He spoke the words, with caution, thought, and deliberation. He accepts me. He accepts you. He accepts us both.”

Gwenvair shuddered, tears rolling down her face in a veritable stream even as mucus began streaming from her nose. Great body wracking painful sobs shook her body and Kilniara simply held her for a while. The cries occurred for some time until finally Gwenvair recovered herself. They remained in each other’s arms, both now crying in relief and some small amount of joy. After the lengthy cry, Gwenvair pulled her head back, but kept her body pressed into Kilniara’s hug, still trembling over the almost loss.

“But… what happened.”

Kilniara frowned and pulled her own head back to stare at Gwenvair, both their faces pressed in close to one another, “He did not understand. His people do not take more than one wife.”

Gwenvair grew concerned, “He will be harmed?”

Kilniara shook her head, “No. I believe he is simply a non-bonded race.”

“Then, it is pity!”

Kilniara immediately laughed, “He was going to give up me for you.”

Gwenvair immediately jerked back at that, “What!”

Kilniara chuckled, “His people… it is a legal… let me tell the story… and return to the inn to cha…”

Gwenvair immediately shook her head, “No… I can’t… not yet. I .. no…”

Kilniara grimaced, “We have… no other place.”

Gwenvair paused, then nodded with a grimace of her own, “Then… can we wait until he has left?”

Kilniara smiled softly, nodding, “Then let us return to the inn. We can watch the entrance and return after he has left for the dungeon.”

Gwenvair chuffed at that, “He always goes, doesn’t he!”

Kilniara smiled, “Our husband is… a good man!”

Gwenvair’s smile grew slightly more sincere with that and she looked up at Kilniara with a hint of true joy. Kilniara smiled back and drew Gwenvair to her side as she began leading them back to the inn.

“Let me tell you the story after you left. He was… quite distraught.”

The two girls leaned against one another as they tiredly returned, their exhaustion more emotional than physical. It was a long, long day for both. And a long, long time before they saw Joe once again.

* * *

The older guard at the inner gate watched as he saw the eccentric’s wife sprint off into an alleyway, calling loudly after the young woman who’d been crouched at its entrance. He cared little for any who might be there. His job was only to keep the miscreants out. But, the name called… and the eccentric’s wife… The older guard sighed and turned to the younger.

“We need to send a runner.”

The younger guard grimaced, “Yes.”

“Send Orgna,” the older guard said with a subtle hint of satisfaction.

The younger guard was less subtle, smiling brightly, “That… is genius!”

Guard Orgna was soon sprinting eagerly to the clan gate, excited to be passing on such an important message to the Matriarch. The clan guards at the clan wall attempted to keep him from his duty, but speaking of the eccentric and the First in Line for Matriarch quickly had him sprinting onwards into the clan grounds. He did not shirk his duty, finding and reporting to the Matriarch immediately, but when he returned, he may have taken a slightly longer detour than necessary. It was not often he got to enjoy the clan grounds!

* * *

Garnedell sat on his bed while he heard the rustling of clothing in the other room. Zilnek joined him shortly after, sitting on his bed, then laying back down. Garnedell frowned to see Zilnek’s eyes drift close but he pushed to remain awake. Joe… needs me… after… Garnedell looked at Zilnek laying. Just… head down… for a bit… that’s… Garnedell thought of how he could help Joe while he waited. Just a bit more… Kilniara’s going to be gone… soon… The rustle of changing clothes and movement continued. Girls take… so… long… it’s…

Garnedell woke to find Joe’s room empty, Joe already awake and gone. Garnedell cursed, rising quickly himself. Poor for an apprentice to rise after the master! He castigated himself, but also felt relieved that master proved to be a kind man, willing to allow such comforts to his apprentices. He slapped Zilnek on the shoulder as he came running back in for his clothing.

“Up! The master is already up and gone!”

Zilnek jerked from the slap but then leapt up with a curse, mumbling the entire time as he rapidly dressed. Zilnek may have a poor mouth but proved unwilling to test the ire of a master because of slovenly apprentices. They rushed from the room and staggered down the stairs still sleepy. They arrived at the bottom and the two boys nodded with agreement when they found the common room tables empty.

They both turned to the inn courtyard as master was likely to be there but Zilnek skidded to halt, “Gwenvair?”

Garnedell’s eyes widened and he nodded quickly, “I’ll check outside as well! I… do not think master would leave without us. Would he?”

Zilnek grimaced at that, sighing, “We can only hope.”

Garnedell nodded and raced to the front door with greater urgency than before. He came to the door and flung it open before running out into the middle of the street. Normally, he wouldn’t have had the courage to do such a thing with the innkeeper likely beating him badly for such poor manners, but with his current backing. Garnedell couldn’t keep the smile from his face with that realization but he still stood in the middle of the street casting his gaze in all directions. He found the street empty and frowned. He… did not abandon us… that I am certain of, but…

As he turned to leave, he heard a soft voice call out, “Garnedell?”

Garnedell quickly turned to find Gwenvair and Kilniara huddled against the alleyway looking towards the inn door, “Kilniara. Gwenvair! You are OK? Master was quite concerned for you!”

Gwenvair smiled softly at that, “Kilniara told me.”

Garnedell chuckled, “I believe all is well.”

Gwenvair nodded at that while Kilniara giggled and slapped her lightly on the arm, “I told you all is well.”

Gwenvair looked to Kilniara and her smile grew as she nodded, but said nothing.

The three stood silently for a bit before Garnedell waved back to the door, “Then come inside? You must be cold.”

Gwenvair quickly shook her head, embarrassment flooding her cheeks, “No… not… I… I need to be alone. I only returned for clothing.”

Kilniara shook her head, “You are not leaving.”

Gwenvair looked up at Kilniara, searching her face for a moment before nodding with a slightly grimmer look and a sigh, “OK, but… I … want some time. I need time to…”

Gwenvair was cut off when the inn door creaked open loudly once again and Zilnek came out with a soft shout, “Garnedell! Garnedell? Garnedell… oh! Oh! Hey, Gwenvair. All is well?”

Gwenvair nodded with a smile, “Yes.”

Zilnek smiled back, “I am glad for you. Please do well by my sister and master.”

Both girls flushed red at that and looked away before Zilnek turned to slap Garnedell on the shoulder, “We did not miss master. He is in the courtyard, practicing. You must come see. It is… amazing!”

Garnedell’s interest piqued and he turned to the two girls. Kilniara appeared interested but Gwenvair shuddered, her embarrassment still quite high. Kilniara frowned and finally nodded, “I must stay with my sister.”

Zilnek nodded and turned away, “I’ll return. Come quickly, Garnedell. You do not wish to miss this.”

Garnedell nodded then looked back at the two girls, growing thoughtful. I am head apprentice. How can I best serve master and my fellow apprentices. What … how… The thought came to him and he smiled brightly, “Head back to the room. Master will likely return to the dungeon as he always does. You will have until noon to rest and be comforted.”

Gwenvair pondered it but still seemed pensive, “But… if he…”

Garnedell quickly shook his head, “No. I will tell master you are resting. Master is wise. He will know to allow you your privacy.”

Gwenvair thought on this for a moment before nodding and the two girls rose up on stiff knees before returning to the inn. He opened the door for the two girls; a strange tradition that Joe appeared to do for any woman he met. It was a tradition Garnedell did not understand, but his master and his people were wise, and he would learn from them.

In the common room, all three separated and the girls rapidly fled up the stairs to the room. Garnedell stayed to watch them safely retreat before he turned to the courtyard. He opened the door to eagerly see his master before he stopped, stunned. He did not move for a long, long time.

* * *

Joe fretted after Kilniara left, unable to really return to any sleep nor find a meaningful rest. He tossed and turned on the sheets in worry, his mind bouncing back and forth between both ladies being on the streets alone during what was still essentially night, the current issue which could see Gwenvair dead, and the realization that he was now dating two very beautiful women and wrestling between his own desire and resolving this issue in a way he felt compelled to seek. There was such an easy answer that solved the whole problem, but he found himself unable to accept it. His efforts at sleep ruined by his mind too wired to rest but also finding himself now seeking an escape.

He ultimately found escape in practice, soon fascinated once again by mana, mana points, and now Presence. He fell into his practice and delved into it deeply. He took a deep breath to calm himself even as he quickly closed his eyes and disappeared into his thoughts while manipulating his points. It took a bit, but he was soon able to get back into his practice again. Once his thoughts were corralled, he soon thought of ways to increase his efficiency and had his Presence flowing outwards as well, although he kept most of it, with some effort, flowing upwards and downwards, not allowing it to press into the rooms on the other side of the wall.

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