But for a Slime

095.5 - The Cost of Naivety

As he did so, he began expressing mana while manipulating and moving his points around him. He did this for quite some time and soon began to notice a subtle oddity. It felt like he could actually see his mana points and the mana that was expressing from them as well as from his own center. He frowned upon noticing this, and began exploring this new reality. He continued to manipulate and express almost subconsciously, but kept most of his focus on the odd feeling of sight that he had.

He first began working on his mana points, flowing them around and testing to see if he was correct in their positioning by looking at where he perceived their position was before opening his eyes to verify. He soon came to realize that he really was somehow seeing them a bit more than what proprioception would offer. He’d been aware of them in much the same way as he’d been aware of his hands or feet with closed eyes, but this seemed more… precise.

He paused his testing and simply tried to become more aware of the sense and began to notice disturbances and changes that shuddered through him. This sense was more of the feeling of a brush of air over the hairs on the body, and he wasn’t certain at all what he was noticing. There was a large wave of it coming from directly above his chest, outward in a cone before it dissipated rapidly. His eyes flickered open as he glanced down at his chest to see if there was… Oh! Mana!

Joe quickly began focusing on the mana streaming from his chest and comparing it to the feeling of its place in this new sensation and became quite certain that it was his mana. He immediately tested emitting mana from some points and noticed the same thing almost immediately, the soft tickle of blowing wind came from the mana point and followed it as it moved around him. Joe grinned, enjoying the sense of discovery before stopping the mana point from emitting. Huh… that’s… really cool, but what’s going on. Why haven’t I noticed it … seems like quite a powerful skill, although why am I only noticing it now… it’s a weird… wait…

Joe’s thoughts lurched to a halt as he immediately noticed that he still felt the strange ghostly wind brushing across his senses. It was much fainter than what he felt from his own center or mana point and it came from off to his side, just about... Oh… ooh! Wow! Ok… that’s… His eyes opened to verify what he was now quite certain of and he noticed the mana flowing out from Garnedell’s chest, blowing upwards in a stream. Zilnek lay on the bed as well, but curled up and snoring softly. Huh… Garnedell must have stayed up to watch out for me. Joe grinned softly, grateful for Garnedell’s obvious concern before Joe turned back to his exercises by closing his eyes again to verify. It only took moments before Joe was grinning once again. Mana senses… is this my mana sense? Hah! Then… Joe’s joy faded and he pursed his lips. No… Kilniara never mentioned a sense like this… Gwenvair neither, so… is it… Not Garnedell… Huh…

Joe pondered the idea, even considering asking Garnedell but then quickly tabled it as he really didn’t want to interrupt what he was learning nor bother Garnedell’s practice. Add it to the list of questions! Joe dove back into his various practices once again, but spent almost all the time focused on trying to discover what this new sensation was. For the next hour or two, Joe’s practice proved fruitful, but his efforts to uncover what this new sensation was proved futile and he soon decided to end his practice since he was starting to feel the soreness of his efforts while also simultaneously realizing he probably wasn’t going to find an answer.

Wrapping up his practice, he withdrew his Presence with a sigh, also noticing quite quickly that there was an effort to it that caused his mind to seem to ache almost like a migraine headache, although not quite as forcefully. A soft subtle throbbing that echoed his heartbeat throbbed in his mind and he groaned. As his Presence retracted, his control grew quite sloppy and he felt it buck under his control, the ‘H’ shape it currently held above and below the bed collapsed into a rather sloppy sphere much like a blob of water collapsing in a zero G. He shuddered again with the collapse and struggled to pull it back in. When he lost control of his Presence as it wobbled into a collapsed sphere, he heard Garnedell gasp slightly and twitch even across the way on his bed and Joe struggled harder, pulling his Presence back into himself. When he finally had it back to what was normal, his body melted, his core and limbs relaxing utterly with its completion. Man… felt… a … a lot like having a limb hyper extended… not… not really painful until you try to pull it back.

After he’d exhausted his mana and presence efforts, he soon found his mind racing with thoughts about his predicament. When he wasn’t able to find a solution, he once again sought escape. He stood, leaving his bedding a mess as he quickly threw on his clothing and headed out of the room.

It was early enough that he found the common room still empty although the light from the kitchen fireplace flickered brightly in from the kitchen. The sounds of the sour innkeeper’s wife bustling and preparing for the day came through the door with the flickering dance of flames but Joe didn’t seek company for the day. The innkeeper’s wife didn’t seem quite so happy to be up so early either, as she shouted out from the kitchen.

“Food isn’t to be ready for a good great bell an’ no amount of hurryin’ an’ shoutin’ will make it any faster! Sit all quiet or be on your way!”

Joe blinked in surprise at the shout but then shut his mouth. There was no meaningful reply to be given and his worry gave his anger a short fuse but he had no desire to start a pointless fight. Still, agitation drove him and he finally left the inn to the small courtyard out back. He was driven to action but had no meaningful action available to him, so he sought to simply burn the energy away.

He didn’t know how long he spent in the courtyard, his fists and feet flying in controlled but overly powerful punches and kicks while his body twirled through intricate over the top katas that were normally never used in any meaningful combat situation. They proved useful today, however, as it pushed his body to move and contort in extreme movements that helped him drive thoughts from his mind, leaving it empty of worry and soon only on his own efforts as his mind was too busy calculating his movements and position within the small courtyard.

He didn’t know how long he burned himself out in the courtyard but when he did finally end his practice, it was because he’d noticed two people quietly watching from the side. When he ended, finishing with the appropriate super hero pose, his entire body suddenly protested its abuse as he stood and Joe grimaced, holding back a moan from the pain that radiated throughout his whole body. He took a moment to assess and quickly realized it was just the pain of a well done workout and no meaningful sprains or strains. He sighed deeply before stretching himself and turning towards Garnedell and Zilnek.

Both the boys had stood quietly the whole time and he’d been grateful for their patience, but seeing their faces, he grew concerned.


Zilnek leapt forward a small step, his excitement through the roof, “That was amazing! How did you…can … I want to do that. Can you teach us? Will you?”

Joe’s worry dropped at Zilnek’s excitement and he glanced over to see Garnedell staring at him with a star struck gaze as well. Seeing both boys excited, he calmed and smiled back at them.

“Sure. You could learn to do it. It will take work and effort… lots of time, too. But yeah, you’ll be able to fight like that soon.”

“Tomorrow!?” Zilnek asked excitedly and Joe laughed, shaking his head.

“No. No, no, no. A lot longer than that. Much longer than that.”

Zilnek’s excitement faded away at that but Garnedell still seemed passionate and took over the questioning, “How long?”

Joe paused, pursing his lips, “Doing it badly? Maybe five years or so… doing it decently might take ten or fifteen years. To truly master it would be much longer, but…”

Zilnek interrupted with a gasping shout, “Five years!?”

Joe smiled, “Five to ten years. Five if you’re a genius!”

Zilnek smiled, “Ten years if you are not?”

Joe hid a frown at Zilnek’s excitement but nodded, “Yes?”

“You… That’s not long! Why did you … Ha! Ten years!” Zilnek turned away from Joe and into his own thoughts while mumbling excitedly to himself.

Joe turned to Garnedell and quirked an eyebrow in question. Garnedell smiled before shaking his head and stepping up to Joe to speak softly.

“Ten years is not long for such powerful growth.”

Joe frowned at that but then nodded softly, “Truly?”

Garnedell looked up at Joe and then just chuckled but said nothing. Joe realized Garnedell had nothing else to say and he turned back to his own thoughts. Both waited patiently for Zilnek to calm down. After another few moments, Garnedell lost patience and coughed softly. The cough brought Zilnek rapidly back and he turned before flushing red in embarrassment.

“Sorry. Sorry.”

Joe chuckled and shook his head, “No. It’s fine. I’m glad you are finally excited about training.”

Zilnek stared up at him, his thoughts turning serious and Joe finally felt some hope that Zilnek would grow a bit more respectful and serious. Hopefully a better student. Or just a bit more enjoyable to be around, at least.

Zilnek pondered for a time, obviously not really focused too much on replying to him and more lost in thought. Joe allowed him his time to think and after some time, Zilnek finally turned to speak with Joe.

“I will practice hard, Joe.”

Joe smiled, nodding, “You sure?”

Zilnek’s eyebrows knit and he looked up at Joe, “I will put my effort in to this, Master Joe.”

Joe hid his grimace, recognizing that Zilnek was attempting to be serious, “That… makes me happy.”

Zilnek nodded seriously, “Yes.”

Zilnek then fidgeted for a time in thought before speaking again, “I… may I train.”

Joe smiled, “Sure. Do you want my help?”

Zilnek smiled, “I… yes?”

Joe nodded, “Sure. Garnedell?”

Garnedell nodded quickly, “Please, but I need a moment.”

Joe smiled, “Sure. I’ll start with Zilnek.”

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