Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 23 - Where Did You Go Last Night?

Chapter 23 Where Did You Go Last Night?

If he really had amnesia, is his experience of studying abroad, as Chen Qiaolan said, a fiction? Is it to create a memory for him so as not to make him feel his childhood is blank?

She remembers when she knew Nian Xi, he told her that he had been confined by his aunt in a chamber for ten years. Although he knew a lot of knowledge about books, his ability to deal with people in reality remained in his teens.

Nian Xi said that he would learn from his elder brother and be a real man like him.

So, in just six years, can a child who spent ten years in a chamber really become so strong? You know, Han Siqi works in Weihan independently.

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head. Estimating that Han Siqi may have gone far, she goes out with money too.

She leaves the villa district, walks a few more streets and waits at the corner of a small teahouse nearby.

Not long after, she sees Yang Tao rush in. He grabs her hand and asks in a hurry, “Zhengzheng, where did you go last night? I have looked for you everywhere. Tell me about the fire. It is not simply an accident caused by misusing the fire, is it?”

“You sit down and have a cup of tea first. Get your breath back.” Fu Zhengzheng takes back her hand and hands him a cup of tea. Then she tells him the whole thing about the conflict between her and Lin Jiao and her sister, and the disappearance of Lin Jiao’s family from B city overnight after the fire.

Having recovered from anxiety, Yang Tao listens carefully to Fu Zhengzheng. Then it takes a long time for him to say, “You are right not to call the police, and I also don’t think it was done by Lin Jiao. But their escape seems to prove that she did it.”

“Will it be possible that someone imputed blame to her? Did she offend someone or did I offend someone?” Fu Zhengzheng is also puzzled.

“Zhengzheng, I wish it was done by Lin Jiao. At least we can remain vigilant. If it was done by someone we don’t know, it would be difficult for us to guard against. I really worry about you now. You can take Fu Xing back to A city, and I will have someone else to replace you.”

“No! I don’t want to be a quitter. Yang Tao, I know you worry about me, but isn’t everything all right now?”

“Zhengzheng, actually…” Yang Tao says hesitantly. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng waiting for his words, he pauses and slowly continues, “I found that employees in Weihan Group were involved in drug trafficking, so I reported to the director to investigate Weihan secretly and asked him to transfer you from A city. In fact, it was out of my own self-interest. I didn’t find out what Weihan Group had to do with this case.”

Fu Zhengzheng stares at him with wide eyes. “What! You…”

Yang Tao, afraid to annoy Fu Zhengzheng, keeps apologizing, “Zhengzheng, I’m sorry. I just want to take the opportunity to let you live closer to me, hoping to get more chances. Zhengzheng, I will tell the director the truth when I come back. You had better take Xingxing back to A city first, because I don’t want you to get hurt anymore.”

I don’t want you to spend one more minute with Han Siqi. Yang Tao thinks secretly.

Fu Zhengzheng leans against the table, saying nothing for quite a while.


“Yang Tao,” she interrupts Yang Tao, “Now Han Siqi is on intimate terms with Li Xiaomeng, the daughter of the drug lord, Li Ming. Don’t you think it deserves our attention? After all, only you and I know Li Xiaomeng’s identity. Will it be an accidental discovery?”

“There shouldn’t be something wrong. It was through many channels that I found out Li Xiaomeng’s identity. I did not find that she had any intimate contact with undesirables. She is just an ordinary kindergarten teacher.”

“You can’t jump to conclusions. Now I stay at Han Siqi’s home, so I can try to find out about it. You don’t persuade me or stop me any more. I have tried hard to get the clue, so I won’t give up easily. But I will protect myself properly. This matter is just an accident.

Fu Zhengzheng’s determined tone makes Yang Tao have no choice but to sigh quietly. “Okay, then you have to take care. I will investigate the case about Lin Jiao.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods. Yang Tao watches her leave with caring and nostalgic eyes. She goes to a nearby supermarket and buys some snacks before returning to Han Siqi’s villa.

At dusk, Han Siqi comes back with Fu Xing. After dinner, Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing to her room to do homework for the reason that he needs a quiet environment.

After finishing his homework, Fu Xing asks his mother to tell stories as usual. Fu Zhengzheng is happy secretly, and she makes up a story about making a laughing stock of herself when she was a naughty, ignorant child. Fu Xing laughs so heartily that he rolls on the bed.

“Xingxing, actually such funny things happened to everyone when they were young. If you don’t believe it, you can ask your daddy to see if he has any interesting things to share with you.”

“Good idea.” Fu Xing runs to Han Siqi smilingly.

Fu Zhengzheng tidies up herself and then comes to Han Siqi’s room. When she pushes the door in, she sees that the two persons, who look like father and son, are laughing in the big bed.

Fu Xing says while riding on Han Siqi’s chest, “Daddy, I told you a joke about my mother, and you should also tell me a joke about your childhood.”

“I was very smart when I was a child, so I never made a laughing stock of myself like that.”

“Han Siqi, do you mean that I’m stupid? You swore at me indirectly and now you do that again. Do you want a good smack?” Fu Zhengzheng says angrily with arms akimbo.

“I didn’t say you’re stupid. You’re much smarter than Fu Xing.” Han Siqi blinks.

Fu Xing immediately protests, “Daddy, I’m much smarter than Mommy, okay?”

“Fu Xing!” Fu Zhengzheng shouts. Then she says, “Well, Han Siqi, you said you were smart, but you can’t even remember your childhood. You are bragging.”

“Mommy, Daddy must have been kidding you. I remember things when I was two years old. Daddy, you tell Mommy where you and Grandma take this picture.” Fu Xing waves a small photo frame in front of Han Siqi.

In the frame is a picture of a mother and her son. Han Siqi, smiling widely, was about seven or eight years old then and he looked really like Fu Xing. The woman standing beside him is his mother. The background is a blue sea.

Han Siqi glances at the picture casually and says, “It was taken abroad when I was a child.”

Fu Zhengzheng stares at him in a state of shock. In the afternoon, she pointed at the frame and asked Chen Qiaolan, who was cleaning the room. Chen Qiaolan clearly told her that it was a picture taken at a seaside in China!

Maybe everything is as she guessed?

Fu Xing pushes his stunned mother and says, “Mommy, Daddy said you were not fully recovered, so you should go to rest early. Tomorrow I want you and Daddy to drive me to kindergarten.”

“Let’s go.” Fu Zhengzheng leads her son to their room.

She lies in bed but can’t fall asleep for a long time. Suddenly, she has another idea, and she quickly wakes up her sleeping son. “Xingxing, Mommy is studying how to tell one’s fortune through one’s moles. Let me look at your moles.”

“Mommy, don’t you know where my moles are?” Being wakened, Fu Xing is a little impatient.

“The mole on the foot means people don’t need to walk. Yeah, it means that my son will be an official, sitting in a big sedan chair lifted by eight men. But it is not the best mole. The best mole grows here.” Fu Zhengzheng points at the root of her thigh and says to her son, “Have you ever seen anyone with moles here?”

“Mommy, the teacher said that watching people taking a bath or peeing would lead to sties.”

“I didn’t ask you to peep at someone who is peeing. I mean you accidently see, for example, you bathe or pee with someone, and you see their moles. For instance, didn’t you and your daddy bathe together yesterday?”

“Daddy doesn’t have moles here. Mommy, I am going to sleep.” Fu Xing turns around and wraps himself in a quilt.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t believe what he said. “You didn’t see it clearly, did you?”

“I saw it clearly. I am sure. I am sleepy.” Then Fu Xing doesn’t reply her and falls asleep.

Fu Zhengzheng doubts what her son has said. She puts on her coat and stands in front of the window.

Suddenly a beam of light sweeps through her eyes and makes her eyes hurt, so she slightly avoids it. Then she finds that it is Han Siqi’s car that drives away.

It is so late. Where is he going?

She wants to follow him, but worries that it will be inconvenient for her to come back. She picks up the phone Han Siqi bought for her today, but dares not to call Yang Tao. After all, the SIM card was prepared by Han Siqi.

Will he go to talk business with friends, such as Fu Wenhai?

Or will he go to date a woman, such as Li Xiaomeng?

Forget it. Leave it aside. Fu Zhengzheng lies down slowly, having a bee in her bonnet.


The brilliant sunshine penetrates the floor-to-ceiling glass and brings in warmth.

Fu Zhengzheng goes downstairs while holding Fu Xing’s hand. Seeing that Han Siqi has sat down for breakfast, Fu Xing runs happily to greet him.

After breakfast, Fu Zhengzheng and Fu Xing come to kindergarten in Han Siqi’s car.

As soon as they get off the car, Fu Zhengzheng sees Li Xiaomeng standing at the kindergarten gate to greet children.

“Good morning, Xingxing. Good morning, Xingxing’s mother.” Seeing the three persons coming to kindergarten like a family, the smile on Li Xiaomeng’s face remains unchanged.

Fu Xing and Han Siqi kiss goodbye. When Fu Xing enters kindergarten and there is no “other people”, Li Xiaomeng whispers to Han Siqi, “Siqi, why didn’t you tell me when you left last night.”

“I thought you were tired and I didn’t want to wake you up.” Han Siqi “flirts” with Li Xiaomeng as if there were no other people.

Fu Zhengzheng pretends not to hear them and leaves.

Han Siqi drives to catch up with her. “Get on the car.”

“Thank you for your goodwill. But I am just an ordinary employee. If I take the boss’s car to work, I am afraid it will damage your image. Anyway, it is not far from here, so I will walk there.” Fu Zhengzheng admits that she is a little angry.

“You look jealous like that.”

“Do I need to be jealous? I just feel sorry for Miss Li. She is a good girl.”

“Do you mean that if someone becomes my woman, she will have grievances?”

“Will you have grievances?”

“Do you have grievances?” Han Siqi drives slowly to keep abreast of her.

“Yes, of course.” No sooner has she said that than she finds that she was tricked by Han Siqi. Blushing and pouting her lips, she ignores him and picks up her pace.

Han Siqi blows the horn for several times. Seeing that she looks angry, he has an indescribable feeling, and explains unconsciously, “Since I had a traffic accident a few years ago, my head often hurts. Xiaomeng is good at massaging.

“Traffic accident? How many years ago?” Fu Zhengzheng asks immediately.

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