Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 24 - Do You Really Have a Crash on Her?

Chapter 24 Do You Really Have a Crash on Her?

“Are you concerned about the traffic accident or about my relationship with Xiaomeng?” Han Siqi stops the car and tilts his head, looking at Fu Zhengzheng with a faint smile.

Realizing that she has asked quite eagerly, Fu Zhengzheng has to suppress all her curiosity. But she refuses to admit that she is concerned about his relationship with Li Xiaomeng, and refuses to get on his car.

Han Siqi no longer insists. He drives slowly and says unexpectedly, “I don’t think I should hire an employee who doesn’t obey the leader’s command even during the probationary period.”

Although Fu Zhengzheng is a bit frustrated, she gets on his car. What if he really fires her due to unhappiness? After all, she can’t lose the job.

To be honest, she doesn’t want to take his car to work not because she is unhappy. The real reason is that she doesn’t want to be gossiped by other colleagues if they see she go to work and get back together with Han Siqi, which will make it inconvenient for her to search for what she wants.

In spite of her secret anger, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help asking Han Siqi who is driving “intently”, “Er, Mr., Mr. Han, when did you have that traffic accident? How did the accident happen?”

Seeing that Han Siqi does not respond, she thinks he didn’t hear what she said, so she repeats the question again, but he still doesn’t respond. She believes that he has even forgotten it, and she then asks another question, “Miss Li…”

However, Han Siqi interrupts her directly, “Drivers should drive safely. Don’t distract the driver.”

Fu Zhengzheng stops her words and she finds that Han Siqi is also good at stimulating others’ appetite.”

Well, if you don’t tell me, I will go back to ask Aunt Chen. Secretly rolling her eyes at Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng looks outside the window without saying a word.

Han Siqi catches a glimpse of her reluctance, and he slightly curves his lips, driving the car to the underground parking lot.

When the car stops, Fu Zhengzheng looks around. Making sure that there is no one around, she hurries to get out of the car and runs to the elevator first.

Han Siqi watches the scene with great interest. He doesn’t get off until he can’t see her.

“Hi!” Min Zhongxu pops up, slapping Han Siqi on the back and laughing. “To think Mr. Han should be fascinated by a beauty, ha-ha!”

Han Siqi ignores the tease and goes to the elevator entrance.

“Slow down, Siqi. Here’s what you asked me to buy.” Min Zhongxu trots up and presents a delicately packaged box to Han Siqi. When Han Siqi takes it, Min Zhongxu asks, “Say, you don’t buy it for Fu Zhengzheng, do you?”

Han Siqi glances at him arrogantly. “Can’t I?”

Although Min Zhongxu has already expected that, he can’t help asking, “You, regardless of the boss’s order, insist on keeping her. Do you really have a crash on her?”

Being ignored, Min Zhongxu rushes in front of him and says anxiously, “Siqi, you can just flirt with her, but if…”

Han Siqi stops abruptly and says in a cold way, “You preach at me too?”

“Siqi, I’m not preaching; I’m caring about you. We have been brothers for so many years. I also don’t like Qiao Keren, but…”

“Well, I understand what you’re going to say,” Han Siqi interrupts him, but lowers his voice and says, “I know what I should do.”

Watching Han Siqi’s receding figure, Min Zhongxu doesn’t move for quite a while.

Over the past few years, he has seen enough of Han Siqi’s affairs with women, but he always feels that Han Siqi’s attitude towards Fu Zhengzheng is different from that of previous women. He begins to worry about Han Siqi, and begins to regret his prank. If he knew what would happen today, he would never do that.

Min Zhongxu says to himself as he walks, “Siqi, don’t fall in love with Fu Zhengzheng. Even if you don’t have Qiao Keren, even if Fu Zhengzheng is excellent and virtuous, your face-saving parents will not allow you to merry her just because she has son. Don’t hurt others as well as yourself.”


Arriving at the company first, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t go to her office but is thinking about coming to Xu Yan and hesitating to ask her to borrow 500 yuan. As a newcomer here, she is only in good terms with Xu Yan.

Xu Yan immediately takes five hundred yuan from her packet and gives it to Fu Zhengzheng without hesitation.

Fu Zhengzheng is happy to take it, but as she is about to thank Xu Yan, she catches sight of Han Siqi, who is stepping out of the elevator. She immediately grabs the money and walks to the office in a hurry without saying anything.

As Xu Yan sees Han Siqi, she bows her head and does her work at once. She understands the rule chatting about personal matters is not allowed during working time.

Han Siqi has caught a glimpse of Fu Zhengzheng who seems rather furtive. He goes straight out without saying anything.

“Mr. Han, please have tea.” Fu Zhengzheng hospitably sends a cup of tea to Han Siqi and makes a forced smile. “Well, Xu Yan took care of Fu Xing for so long yesterday, so I thanked her.”

Han Siqi looks up and down at Fu Zhengzheng, asking slowly, “Does thank need to take money?”

“I didn’t borrow money from her!” Fu Zhengzheng immediately throws up her hands, but she soon scolds her stupidity secretly.

Han Siqi presents a mobile phone box to her and says, “What else do you need besides the mobile phone?”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked. She once again witnesses Han Siqi’s carefulness and efficiency. But she gives it back at once, “Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Han. Since I’ve already felt sorry to live with Fu Xing in your house, how can I accept your mobile phone?” (“Your” (您) here is a Chinese honorific, whose spelling is composed of the Chinese character “你”, meaning you, and “心”, meaning heart)

Han Siqi doesn’t take it and just replies smilingly, “It is said that ‘您’ is explained as ‘you are in my heart’. You just said ‘您’ to me, so do you want to tell me that I am in your heart?”

Fu Zhengzheng responds rudely, “Mr. Han, you are such a strong man. If you stand on my heart, my heart will only be broken into pieces, won’t it?”

Han Siqi pulls her arm to make her fall in his arms, and then says flirtatious, “Then you can melt me into your heart.”

Fu Zhengzheng pushes him hard and then quickly steps back. “I can’t melt scrap copper and scrap iron. Mr. Han, if you don’t have any other orders, I’ll get down to my own business.”

Han Siqi throws the cellphone box to her and says, “How can the company contact you without a cellphone? Who will take responsibility for delaying your work? Do you want to be fired?”

Fu Zhengzheng is speechless: he threatens her with work again. She has no choice but to take it. But after a few steps, she turns around and says softly, “Mr. Han, could you help me pick up Fu Xing after school? I want to do some shopping.”

“We can shop together after picking up Fu Xing.”

“No! I, I am going to buy things for women.” Thinking that she bought it yesterday, she immediately adds, “I didn’t buy enough of them yesterday.”

Seeing that Han Siqi still doesn’t promise, she grits her teeth and excuses, “I made an appointment with Xu Yan to shop after work. But we just said that and didn’t delay our work.”

Hearing Xu Yan’s name, Han Siqi doesn’t say anything. He takes out a pile of money from his wallet and hands it to her. “Xu Yan’s salary is to support her parents and brother. Give it back to her.”

“I can’t…”

“It’s your future salary.”

Hearing this, Fu Zhengzheng swallows everything she is about to say.

After work, Fu Zhengzheng buys two bras in a small supermarket with Xu Yan. After parting company with Xu Yan, she comes to meet Yang Tao at the appointed place. Yang Tao has indeed prepared a small toy-like mobile phone for her.

“The card has been installed and the call record can’t be found. The phone has been muted and you can adjust it as you like.”

“Ok.” Fu Zhengzheng checks the mobile phone, put it in the bag, and is ready to go.

Yang Tao warns her, “Zhengzheng, if there is anything wrong, you must inform me in time, and you must take care!”

“I know, Yang Tao. I should go now.” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t want to see Yang Tao’s reluctance to part from her.

On the main road, Fu Zhengzheng takes out the mobile phone sent by Han Siqi. Seeing that there are two missed calls, she hurries to call back. As expected, it is Fu Xing’s voice. “Mommy, have you finished shopping yet? I’m hungry, but I can’t eat without you.”

“I’ll be right back.” She hangs up the phone and put it in her bag. When she sees the small phone bought by Yang Tao, she immediately put it in the bottom of the bag, and then rushes to “home”.

Yesterday, Yang Tao said he would prepare a mobile phone for her, so she deliberately borrows money from Xu Yan, so that she would have an excuse when Han Siqi asks where her mobile phone comes from. But she didn’t expect that Han Siqi bought her a phone first. However, how dare she use it to contact Yang Tao? She has to hide the small mobile phone.

At Han Siqi’s home, Fu Xing sits at the dining table and makes a chicken leg with plasticine.

Chen Qiaolan can’t bear to see him behave like that, so she picks up a bowl and is about to fill in it with rice. “Xingxing, if you are hungry, you can eat while you wait.”

“No!” Fu Xing immediately kneads the “chicken leg” into a ball. “Grandma Chen, I’m waiting for Mummy to eat together. My Mummy said that she would be back soon.”

The firm tone makes Chen Qiaolan don’t know what to say. She just looks at Han Siqi.

Han Siqi nods slightly and Chen Qiaolan sits down beside him.

“You said you would be back soon, but you haven’t come back yet. I will make a big mouse to scare you.” Fu Xing mutters and soon he really makes a lifelike “little mouse”. He wraps it in a piece of tissue and looks at Han Siqi complainingly, “Daddy, you are so incapable. You didn’t have Mommy leave the company with you.”

“Your mommy’s feet are very good at running. Do you think we will have a chain around her neck next time? Han Siqi jokes.

Fu Xing pouts his lips and says, “Daddy, I tell you, my mommy is smart, beautiful, gentle and virtuous. Many men like her. If you don’t look out, she will be stolen by others. Then don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

As they are talking, Fu Zhengzheng comes back.

“Mommy, why do you come back so late? I’m too hungry to eat.” Fu Xing comes to hug Fu Zhengzheng, leaving the “little mouse” aside.

Understanding what her son means, Fu Zhengzheng points at his forehead and says smilingly, “It’s shameful to ask Mommy to feed you at such an old age.”

As she puts down her bag and is about to take the bowl from Chen Qiaolan, Fu Zhengzheng suddenly remembers something. She pats her forehead remorsefully.

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