Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 25 - It Can Get Big and Hard as I Want It to

Chapter 25 It Can Get Big and Hard as I Want It to

“What’s wrong, Mommy?” Fu Xing asks nervously.

“I, I left my purchases in the taxi. I’m so careless.” Fu Zhengzheng stammers while feeling ashamed. When she looked at the mobile phone, she asked Yang Tao to hold the bag with bras in it. After she put the phone away, she hurried to leave and forgot to bring the bag back.

Fu Xing breathes a sigh of relief, says with a grin, “It’s not the first time that you leave things behind. It doesn’t matter as long as you don’t leave yourself behind.”

Fu Zhengzheng pinches Fu Xing’s face and can’t help laughing.

“Come and eat. Fu Xing said he was hungry just now.” Chen Qiaolan smilingly serves everyone a bowl of meal.

After dinner, Fu Zhengzheng helps Chen Qiaolan clean the table, and Fu Xing also comes to help. He wipes the table which Chen Qiaolan has wiped once again with a rag, and asks, “Grandma Chen, did my daddy was a good boy like me when he was a child?”

“Yes, you are as good as your daddy when he was a child.” Chen Qiaolan smiles. She likes Fu Xing who looks exactly the same as the young master when he was a child. She was shocked when she first saw Fu Xing. Master Siqi said that it was because the Fu Xing looked like herself that he would recognize him as his adopted son. Chen Qiaolan, an honest woman, always believe in what the young master says and likes Fu Xing as Han Siqi does.

“Was Daddy as lovely as me?” Having said that, Fu Xing makes a cute expression and climbs up to Han Siqi, putting his face beside Han Siqi’s face to make a comparison.

It makes Chen Qiaolan burst into laughter.

Watching the joyous scene, Fu Zhengzheng sighs. She has dreamed of such a scene many times: a family accompanies Fu Xing to eat at the table, sharing some happy experiences from time to time. That should be the happiest time for a family.

Unfortunately, she was expelled from home by her parents before Fu Xing was born. Besides, Nian Xi was missing. Fu Xing has suffered with her ever since he was born.

As her eyes move to Han Siqi’s face, she finds that he is also looking at her. Fu Zhengzheng is surprised and quickly brings herself down to earth.

“Grandma Chen, was he?” Fu Xing keeps asking.

“Yes, yes, you are as lovely as your daddy when he was a child.” Chen Qiaolan takes a break before she answers, “When Master Siqi was a child, he was the treasure of his family. My lord, madam and two young masters love him very much. Alas, I remember when Master Siqi was missing, the whole family were getting frantic.”

Han Siqi, who is playing with Fu Xing, suddenly looks at Chen Qiaolan, and Fu Zhengzheng also immediately asks, “Missing?”

Chen Qiaolan changes her face, realizing that she has had a slip of the tongue. She immediately picks up the bowls and says, “Go on. I will clean up the kitchen.”

When she goes to the kitchen and puts down the tableware, she pinches herself hard and scolds herself for being talkative. She has always been remembering the command of the lord and madam, but Fu Xing looks really like Master Siqi.

Fu Zhengzheng walks to the door and sees the scene. She knows that she can’t coax the truth out of her now, so she thinks she should cotton up to her first and looks for opportunities to ask. At that time, Fu Xing calls her. “Mommy, come to accompany me quickly. Actually, I’m not in a good mood today.”

“Why are you in a bad mood?” Fu Zhengzheng immediately comes out and asks.

Sitting on Han Siqi’s body, Fu Xing, with a “little mouse” wrapped in a piece of tissue in his hand, half crouches on the table with a sad face, “Oh, Mommy, Haohao has not come to kindergarten for two days. I really miss him.”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at Han Siqi, but he looks indifferent.

“Maybe Haohao has transferred to another kindergarten. With so many children in the kindergarten, you can make new friends.” Fu Zhengzheng comforts him.

“But only Haohao will make mice with me.”

Fu Zhengzheng discontentedly takes Fu Xing upstairs and says, “I have told you many times. You can make anything except little mice. You can ask other children to teach you to make something else.”

“Oh.” Fu Xing replies in frustration. When he sees Han Siqi going out, he shouts immediately, “Daddy, I haven’t taken a bath yet. Could you help bathe me?”

“Mommy will bathe you.” Fu Zhengzheng taps her son on the butt.

“I-don’t –want- you!” Fu Xing shakes his head, imitating the kids in the advertisement. “I am a man! Mommy is a woman! Men only bathe with men!”

As Fu Zhengzheng is about to say something, Han Siqi has come to take Fu Xing.

Fu Zhengzheng stares fiercely at her son, who sticks on Han Siqi like an octopus. Fu Xing, resting his head on Han Siqi’s shoulder, grimaces at her and says, “Mommy, you are so thin. It seems that I can’t kiss you anymore.”

“Why?” Fu Zhengzheng is puzzled.

“It’s said on TV that thin men and women can’t be kissed.” (The pronunciation is the same as “It is improper for men and women to touch each other’s hand in passing objects” in Chinese).

Han Siqi laughs heartily and says, “Thin men and women can’t be kissed. You only kiss Daddy in the future.”

Fu Xing immediately holds Han Siqi’s face and kisses him loudly from left to right.

“What’s the logic?” Before Fu Zhengzheng figures it out, the two men, who look like father and son, have entered Han Siqi’s room.

If it is really a family of three, they should be very happy, shouldn’t they? Fu Zhengzheng is shocked by the sudden thought coming from her mind, and then she grows somewhat gloomy.

Hans Siqi seems to have amnesia. Can it be explained as he forgot the days spent with her for some reason after he left?

He was also missing when he was a child. Maybe it happened during the decade when he was taken away by his aunt?

However, she remembers Min Zhongxu once said that they were in the same class from kindergarten, and went to Weihan together after graduation from university. Min Zhongxu has no need to tell lies.

Eh! Fu Zhengzheng suddenly straightens up her waist. Min Zhongxu probably meant that they were in the same class in kindergarten and went to Weihan together after graduation from university, but he didn’t explicitly say that they were together during the years from kindergarten to university!

Fu Zhengzheng becomes thrilled immediately. She hastens to come to the door Han Siqi’s room, but then she stops.

What if Han Siqi is really Nian Xi and what if he is really involved in the drug trafficking case? What should she do?

How can she not know how serious the crime is?

Will she send her lover to prison with her own hands?

Will she and Fu Xing really watch how his daddy go to prison?

But it is her duty. How can she bend the law for the benefit of her lover?

“Daddy, fill up the water quickly!”

The happy voice of Fu Xing from the room interrupts Fu Zhengzheng’s thoughts. She blames herself for her unnecessary fear. After all, she hasn’t confirmed whether Han Siqi is Nian Xi.

Ah, isn’t it the best opportunity right now?

Fu Zhengzheng gently pushes open the door and tiptoes to the bathroom door to eavesdrop what they say.

After the loud sound of water, there comes Fu Xing’s voice again, “Daddy, why do you have hair on your body?”

“Because Daddy is a man.” Han Siqi answers.

“I am a man too!” After a little pause, she hears the exclamation of Fu Xing again. “Wow! Daddy, it suddenly gets so big and hard! How did it do that?”

“It can get big and hard as Daddy wants it to, and you can do it too.”

What? Fu Zhengzheng is startled.

“But I can’t!”

“You’re a kid now, so you surely can’t do it. When you grow up, yours will become bigger and harder than mine.”

“Really?” Fu Xing claps his hands with admiration. “I’m going to be as strong as Daddy!”

“Of course!” Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng is thrilled. Han Siqi must be naked now. If she breaks in right now, she must be able to see his whole body clearly!

With the only aim to see that mole, she doesn’t care about whether it is proper to do so. She reaches out her hand to hold the door handle, but takes back immediately. After thinking for a while, she runs back to her room to take Fu Xing’s clothes, and then goes to turn the door handle.

When her eyes adapt to the water vapor inside, she hears the scream of Fu Xing, “Ah, Mommy, you get out. You can’t peep at men taking a bath!”

“I’m here to send you clothes for fear that you might catch a cold!” Fu Zhengzheng rightly puts the clothes on the clothes rack, pretending to look at her son, but she is actually glancing at Han Siqi. However, she soon gets disappointed—Han Siqi’s upper body is naked, but his lower body is wrapped up in a bath towel!

“Put the clothes there and go out quickly!” Fu Xing covers his penis with his hands, shaking his body in a hurry.

Han Siqi doesn’t stop bathing Fu Xing, and he deliberately says, “Do you think your mommy intentionally intrudes in to see Daddy bathing?”

“Mommy, how shameful! How shameful!” Fu Xing covers his penis with one hand and strokes his red face with another hand.

Humph! Fu Zhengzheng quickly takes back her eyes. Then she trots out with a red face and closes the door.

Little rascal, I bathed you the first day you were born. Do you think I am coming to see you? Fu Zhengzheng, who is a little angry, is unwilling to give up, sitting on the sofa to think about new ideas.

A cellphone rings. She looks for the phone by the sound and finds it coming from a pocket of Han Siqi’s coat.

In the bathroom, there is constant laughter of Fu Xing and Han Siqi. Fu Zhengzheng quickly takes out his mobile phone and sees a call from Fu Wenhai.

She remembers at lunchtime, Xu Yan mentioned that this batch of building materials manufactured by Wenhai Building Materials was unqualified. Presumably he calls to talk about this matter.

She immediately thinks of his face with an air of a scholar. To be honest, she has a good impression of Fu Wenhai. What’s more, Yang Tao has investigated and found that what he was running was a standard building materials factory which enjoyed good reputation.

It’s really hard to deal with big companies, because they don’t take you seriously. Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head and sighs for Fu Wenhai.

“The floor is slippery. I’ll pick you up.”

“No, Daddy. I’m a man.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng puts the cellphone back and quickly walks to the door of the bathroom. As she glances at the corner of the wall, she is almost frightened to jump up, but she soon finds that it is a plasticine mouse on a tissue. She immediately realizes that it is her son’s masterpiece. With her eyes shining, she comes up with an idea which she thinks is excellent.

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