Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 262 - Faint from Rage

Chapter 262 Faint from Rage

Han Siqi tells his parents again that he will stay in C City with Fu Xing, so face-paled Han Tengyue rolls up his eyes in a rage and falls backward straight.


Ji Yashu is so panicky that she just shouts without running to him.

Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi rush over at the same time and support Han Tengyue’s back on both sides.

“Dad? Dad?”

Finding his father doesn’t respond, Han Siqi becomes panicky too. He shakes his body and shouts urgently.

Zhen Mingzhi shouts instantly, “Don’t shake him. He is faint. Pinch his philtrum.”

Han Siqi pinches his father’s philtrum immediately.

Chen Yuying brings a glass of water quickly and passes it over, “Feed him some water.”

Fu Zhengzheng takes over the glass and moves it to Han Tengyue’s lips slowly.

After quite a while, Han Tengyue’s lips move and he drinks some water slowly. At last, he gets over it and opens his eyes slightly.

Seeing Han Tengyue revive, Ji Yashu sighs with relief. Her feet become feeble and she collapses on the ground.

Fu Zhengzheng puts down the glass at once and runs to support Ji Yashu.

“Mom, how are you?”

“Don’t touch me. I don’t want to see you.” Ji Yashu wants to push Fu Zhengzheng away, but she is too weak now.

“Ah! What happened? What’s wrong with you?”

Zhu Linglong shouts.

Fu Zhengzheng shouts at the door, “Linglong, come to help me.”

Zhu Linglong runs over, lifts Ji Yashu and asks urgently, “Aunt, what’s the matter?”

Ji Yashu strokes her chest, closes her eyes and says, “I’m almost irritated to die.”

Min Zhongxu helps Han Siqi support Han Tengyue to the sofa and says with a grin, “Uncle, don’t be angry. It’s bad for health.”

Han Tengyue doesn’t look at Min Zhongxu but stares at Han Siqi and says resolutely, “Siqi, I must take Xingxing away!”

Fu Zhengzheng is afraid that Han Siqi will provoke Han Tengyue again, so she responds before him, “Please cool down first. We will discuss it after you cool down.”

“Honey!” Zhen Mingzhi glares.

“Why has no one come to pick me up after class? Don’t you miss me?”

They look back together and see Fu Xing enter the house with heavy steps and pouting lips. He looks unhappy.

Afraid that the broken glass will hurt Fu Xing, Chen Yuying goes over and takes him to the kitchen, “I was watching TV just now and forgot the time. Are you hungry? I’ll cook delicious food for you.”

Seeing Han Tengyue revive and Chen Yuying take away Fu Xing, Ji Yashu rises quickly to go to the kitchen.


“Zhengzheng, leave my aunt alone. Let’s clean it.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods and fetches the broom to sweep the broken glass on the ground while winking at Han Siqi at the same time.

Zhu Linglong helps to tidy the messy tea table.

“Dad, take the medicine.” Han Siqi passes the medicine to reduce blood pressure to his father.

Han Tengyue doesn’t take over it but snorts, “No matter how much medicine I take, it will be useless, if you don’t allow me to take Xingxing back.”

Min Zhongxu seems to understand something. He takes over the medicine and the glass from Han Siqi and smiles, “Uncle, you don’t look well. Why don’t you take the medicine? If the blood pressure rises, you can’t even look after yourself. How can you look after Xingxing?”

Han Tengyue hesitates. Then he takes over the medicine and eats it.

“Uncle, how about taking you to the hospital for an examination?”

“Unnecessary. So long as I’m not irritated, I will be fine.”

Knowing his father is meaning him, Han Siqi keeps silent.

Min Zhongxu smiles, “Uncle, let me help you lie on the bed. Then you will recover faster. Health is the basis of everything. Nothing should be discussed before you recover.”

Perhaps Min Zhongxu’s words work. Han Tengyue says nothing more and rises slowly. Min Zhongxu winks at Han Siqi, makes eyes at Zhu Linglong, and then helps Han Tengyue upstairs. Han Siqi follows them.

Zhu Linglong looks around and asks under her breath, “Zhengzheng, what happened?”

Fu Zhengzheng looks up and finds only they are left in the sitting room. Her father has returned to his room.

“Alas, it’s a long story.”

She tells her briefly the dispute between her parents and Han Siqi’s after she made peace with Han Siqi.

Zhu Linglong sighs, “Hardly has one wave subsided when another rises. I saw you drag Siqi away in the hospital and knew you would certainly make peace, so I didn’t follow you. I planned to ask you about the detail when I came to eat dinner with Zhongxu after he finished the work. Unexpectedly the situation has been a mess before dinner.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels upset too, “It’s my father’s fault in the final analysis. Why did he transfer Fu Xing’s household registration to C City? Now Fu Xing’s grandpa and grandma have known it. How could they not faint from rage? If Siqi hadn’t taken the responsibility, I’m afraid a fight might have broken out.”

“So serious?”

“You didn’t see the chaotic situation at the beginning. Your uncle itched to eat my father.”

“My uncle looks really fierce when he loses his temper, but I think your father can’t be bullied easily either.”

“You are right. A battle between two powerful rivals. Do you think it will be peaceful? Alas, your uncle said resolutely that he must take Fu Xing back to B City even if he died. I don’t know what to do.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll figure out a solution.” Zhu Linglong comforts Fu Zhengzheng, “Alas, how do my aunt and uncle know Xingxing’s household registration has been transferred to C City?”

Fu Zhengzheng meditates and then shakes her head, “I have no idea. When we came down, they were quarreling fiercely.”

“They went to kindergarten today and wanted to take Xingxing away from the kindergarten secretly.” Zhen Mingzhi comes out of his room and explains seriously.

“What? Take Xingxing away secretly?” Fu Zhengzheng is astonished.

Zhen Mingzhi nods complacently, “I have expected it before, so I told all teachers in the kindergarten, and I even told the guard and the driver that no one can take Xingxing away from the kindergarten with any reason except myself. I just asked the kindergarten leader and was told that Xingxing’s grandpa and grandma coaxed and pestered outside the kindergarten for half an afternoon today, but they were denied access.”

“They were denied access to the kindergarten? Uncle, you are so awesome.” Zhu Linglong flatters him.

“The kindergarten is very responsible. They kept saying they were Xingxing’s grandpa and grandma but couldn’t prove it. Could they be allowed into it?”

Fu Zhengzheng is unwilling to hear that. She asks, “Dad, how do they know that you have transferred Fu Xing’s household registration?”

“They managed to find the kindergarten leader later. She told them if they wanted to handle the kindergarten transfer procedure for Xingxing, they must take Xingxing’s household register and the valid identification of themselves. I think they saw the copy of Xingxing’s household register there.”

Fu Zhengzheng complains, “How could you transfer Fu Xing’s household registration without discussing it with me? Fu Xing’s grandpa and grandma are driven up the wall.”

“Honey, after Fu Xing’s household registration is transferred, we will have the initiative and the ones getting angry will not be us. Isn’t it good?”

“No. Didn’t you hear Fu Xing’s grandpa say that he would take Fu Xing back to C City even if he died?”

Zhen Mingzhi snorts, “Die? Do you think he is willing to die? Only you can be frightened.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels upset and says, “I won’t talk with you. I’ll help mom to cook.” Then she walks towards the dining room and Zhu Linglong follows her.

In the dining room, Ji Yashu is feeing Fu Xing noodles.

“Mom, you can have a rest. Let me feed him.” Fu Zhengzheng says with a smile.

Ji Yashu turns a deaf ear to her words and continues feeding Fu Xing with kind eyes.

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng come in, Fu Xing snatches the chopsticks in Ji Yashu’s hands, “Grandma, I’ll eat by myself.”

“Hey, hey. Don’t move. It’s hot. Let me feed you.”

Fu Xing doesn’t obey, “I’m a man. I have to do my own business by myself.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows Fu Xing is afraid to be criticized by her, so she says immediately, “Fu Xing, it’s hot. Just let your grandma feed you.”

“OK.” Fu Xing makes a face to Fu Zhengzheng at once. Then he puts down his hands and waits at ease for Ji Yashu to feed him.

Seeing Ji Yashu ignore her, Fu Zhengzheng feels snubbed and enters the kitchen to help her mother.

The bowl of noodles is eaten up. Fu Xing burps and pushes away the bowl, “Grandma, I’m full. I’ll go to play.”

“Go ahead.”

Ji Yashu looks at Fu Xing entering the sitting room smilingly. Then she looks at the kitchen, rises and drags Zhu Linglong towards the yard.

Now it’s dusk. It’s still a little chilly at dusk without sunlight in spring.

Zhu Linglong embraces Ji Yashu and smiles, “Aunt, it’s a little cold. Mind you don’t catch a cold.”

When stepping to the middle of the yard, Ji Yashu twists her head and asks seriously, “Linglong, Fu Zhengzheng is surnamed Fu, but why her father is surnamed Zhen?”

“Um, well, it seems that Zhengzheng changed her surname.”


“It seems to have something to do with Siqi. I’m not clear about the detail. You can ask Tian. She is Zhengzheng’s best friend.”

Finding she can’t get the answer from Zhu Linglong, Ji Yashu takes her eyes from her and takes out the phone to call Tian Xin.

Zhu Linglong knows her temper, so she leaves Ji Yashu alone and goes back to the house. Fu Xing is folding paper there. She goes to him, whispers and then takes him upstairs.

Fu Xing takes Zhu Linglong to Han Tengyue’s room.

Han Tengyue looks better now and is talking seriously with Han Siqi on the bed. Seeing Fu Xing come in, he becomes joyful immediately.

Fu Xing climbs onto the bed, moves close to Han Tengyue, embraces his neck and asks, “Grandpa, are you sick? If you are sick, you must take medicine.”

Han Tengyue pats his grandson’s forehead and laughs, “No. I was just tired and had a sleep.”

“Let me punch your back.”

Fu Xing stands up and punches his back, which makes Han Tengyue grin from ear to ear.

Looking at his father’s love to Fu Xing flowing from his eyes, Han Siqi is a little touched. He turns his head aside and walks away.

Min Zhongxu walks close to him and says with a grin, “No wonder most lovers refuse long-distance relationship. My wife and I are so lucky because we don’t have such trouble.”

Han Siqi glances at him and asks in a deep voice, “Have you posted the employment advertisement?”

Min Zhongxu becomes serious quickly and replies, “The employment advertisement was posted on the Internet this morning, and many people have called to ask about detailed information. The personnel transferred from the headquarters have arrived. I hired two villager houses temporarily. One is used for accommodation while the other is used for employment. It will be turned into a temporary office after the employment is finished tomorrow. The location of the project department is being selected. Materials are on the way, and it can be built after its location is chosen.”

“OK.” He is always not worried about Min Zhongxu’s work.

“Siqi, the project goes so smoothly. Is it greatly related to your brother-in-law?”

“He just recommended us. It’s mainly because we come at the right moment of attracting businesses and investment in C City.”

When they are talking, Han Siqi’s phone rings.

Min Zhongxu cranes his neck to look and finds it’s from Fu Zhengzheng.

“You are so interesting. You even need to make a call when one is upstairs and the other is downstairs. Can’t she just shout?”

Han Siqi ignores him and connects the phone.

“Siqi, bad news!”

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