Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 263 - Qiao Keren Is Missing

Chapter 263 Qiao Keren Is Missing

While Han Siqi and Min Zhongxu are talking, Fu Zhengzheng calls, “Siqi, bad news!”

Han Siqi is astonished, “What happened?”

“Qiao Keren is missing. Come down now. I’m waiting for you downstairs.”

Han Siqi puts down his phone and walks out in haste.

“What happened?” Other people in the room look at him simultaneously and ask in surprise.

“Something happened to a friend. I’ll go to check.” Han Siqi goes downstairs after the explanation.

Fu Zhengzheng is standing at the landing. Seeing Han Siqi come down, she goes up two steps, holds him and says urgently, “Siqi, Qiao Keren is missing.”


“Twenty minutes ago. They asked people in the hospital. Someone said Qiao Keren left the hospital with two men in uniforms, but Chen Yu said they were not his men.”

“What else clues?” Han Siqi walks outward quickly.

“No more. They are still looking for clues.” Fu Zhengzheng goes to the gate and shouts at the kitchen while changing her shoes, “Mom, I’ll go out to see friends with Siqi and won’t come back for dinner.”

“Honey, the meal has been ready…”

Han Siqi has started the car, so Fu Zhengzheng changes her shoes fast and runs out without answering her mother.

She gets into the car, takes out her phone to call Zhu Linglong and asks her and Min Zhongxu to take care of her family.

After hanging up the phone, she dials Qiao Keren’s number but is told her phone is switched off.

She pauses for a while. Then she twists her head and says, “Siqi, it might be done by those guys again.”

Han Siqi nods, “They firmly believe Keren has what they want.”

Fu Zhengzheng pats her forehead heavily and regrets very much.

“It’s my fault! I dragged you back. If you had been there, it couldn’t have happened. If something terrible happens to Qiao Keren, how can we be forgiven by Yongcheng?”

Han Siqi reaches out his right hand to hold her left one, pinches it lightly and says softly, “They are behind us and we can’t see them. They could take Keren away while policemen were there, so even if I had been there, I couldn’t have prevented them either.”

“I hope Qiao Keren can tell them she doesn’t have what they want so that they may let her go.” Fu Zhengzheng counts on luck.

The car comes to the hospital soon. After parking the car, they rush into the hospital and see Chen Yu walk out with his teammates.

Fu Zhengzheng runs to him, “Captain Chen, do you have any clues?”

“Miss Fu, sorry, we…” Chen Yu feels so sorry when seeing Fu Zhengzheng that he even can’t raise his head.

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head at once, “Captain Chen, it’s not the time to find out who is to blame. It’s more important to find Qiao Keren.”

“The camera at the hospital gate doesn’t work. But according to the guard, Qiao Keren was taken away by a white commercial vehicle. He said he couldn’t help staring at Qiao Keren for a few more seconds since she is pretty, so he saw the vehicle head south from the hospital. I have sent someone to check the video surveillance in this section of the road. We can find their direction soon probably.”

“Where are you going now?”

“We are going to prepare for surveillance at any time.”

Then Chen Yu’s phone rings.

“There might be new information.” Chen Yu connects it immediately.

Others all keep silent and stare at him.

After a few seconds, Chen Yu puts down the phone and says fast, “The white commercial vehicle heads for south of the city. We’ll go there.”

“We’ll go with you.” Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi get into the car quickly.

When they haven’t gone far, Han Siqi’s phone rings.

Fu Zhengzheng cranes her neck to look, “Gee, Fu Wenhai calls you?”

Han Siqi connects the phone, says he is busy and asks Fu Wenhai to contact Min Zhongxu.

“Why does Fu Wenhai contact you?”

“He knows Weihai will build a resort in C City and wants to discuss business.”

“He is so informed.”

“Businessmen are all like this.”

The city has been illuminated by colorful lights. The road is filled with pedestrians going home in haste, and the car slows down.

Fu Zhengzheng cranes her neck out of the window and is dragged in by Han Siqi, but his hand moves the steering wheel. As a result, the car leans and is about to collide with a nearby car.

“Be cautious!” Fu Zhengzheng screams, holding the armrests tightly.

Han Siqi sits up immediately, adjusts the steering wheel and slams on the brakes.

With the harsh sound of braking, the car is stopped and they both lean forward. Luckily, they are prepared so they are not hurt.

Han Siqi rushes to drag Fu Zhengzheng, ignoring the curses of those people outside.

“How are you?”

“I’m all right.” Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head at once and asks urgently, “What about you?”

Finding Fu Zhengzheng is fine, Han Siqi scolds her with serious eyes, “There are so many cars outside. How could you crane out? Didn’t you know it’s dangerous?”

Fu Zhengzheng also realizes her action is very dangerous. She says quietly, “I just wanted to see where Chen Yu and his colleagues were.”

“Do you think you can see them at a distance?”

“Everything is OK. I’ll be more cautious.” Fu Zhengzheng grins. Seeing the car pause longer and longer, she knocks on the window faster and faster.

How can Han Siqi not know her anxiety? But the traffic is so heavy and what he is driving is not a plane.

Fu Zhengzheng can’t stand the traffic jam. She takes out the phone to call Chen Yu, “Captain Chen, we are stuck on the road. Where are you?”

Chen Yu answers anxiously, “My teammate says the white commercial vehicle goes towards the Cuizhu Mountain, but two lorries collided ahead, so it may take about three hours for the road to become clear. We are running to the Cuizhu Mountain.”

Hearing what Chen Yu says, Fu Zhengzheng becomes more anxious. She puts her phone in her pocket. She doesn’t dare to crane out again and just cranes her neck to look ahead in the car.

You know they can go out of the city after bypassing the Cuizhu Mountain, and it will be more difficult to find them.

Her eyes light up suddenly because she sees the shortcut to the Cuizhu Mountain is not far ahead. She rises fast.

“Siqi, Chen Yu says the white commercial vehicle goes towards the Cuizhu Mountain, but a traffic accident happened ahead, so the road won’t be clear soon.” Fu Zhengzheng points to the nearby alley, “That alley is a shortcut. I’ll go from it.”

Han Siqi grabs her instantly, “You are dangerous to go there alone.”

“Don’t worry. I might not be able to meet them, and Chen Yu has gone there with his colleagues.” But Han Siqi still doesn’t loosen his grip, so Fu Zhengzheng points ahead, “I’ll go first. You find a place to park the car and then go from here too.”

She doesn’t negotiate with Han Siqi anymore this time. She throws off his hand and gets out of the car quickly.

“Zhengzheng! Zhengzheng!” Han Siqi rolls down the window and cranes out to shout.

“Don’t worry!” Fu Zhengzheng turns around to response. Then she bypasses the traffic stream and rushes into the alley.

Perhaps because it’s dinner time, few people walk in the alley. Fu Zhengzheng dashes in the alley without obstruction.

She can smell different kinds of delicious food on the way, which makes her stomach growl. It crosses her mind that she and Han Siqi even didn’t have lunch.

She swallows and feels tired, so she stops to gasp for breath in the middle of the alley when a mountain bike comes towards her. She rolls her eyes and reaches out quickly to stop the rider.

“Excuse me, I’m a policewoman. Lend your bike to me.”

The rider is a young man. Hearing her shouting, he stops immediately before her, stands on tiptoe and looks at her suspiciously.

Fu Zhengzheng touches her body and finds she doesn’t bring the bag, so she scratches her head embarrassedly, “Well, I forgot to bring the credential.”

The man puts his feet back to the pedals and is ready to ride his bike away.

Fu Zhengzheng grabs the bike head and implores, “Please. I really need your bike desperately for urgency. Please do me a favor.”

But he doesn’t get down the bike, so she takes out all the money in her pocket and puts into his pocket, “It’s enough for you to buy a new one. Please help me.”

Looking at his bulging pocket, the man frowns and asks slowly, “You are a policewoman?”

“My name is Fu Zhengzheng. I’m really a policewoman!”

But she doesn’t have a credential to prove her identification. Time goes by quickly, and she stamps her feet anxiously.

Maybe her honest look touches the man. He gets down the bike finally and gives it to her.

“Thanks!” Fu Zhengzheng jumps onto the bike and rides off fast.

It’s faster to ride a bike than running with legs. She admires herself in heart for borrowing the bike.

Her phone rings again. She holds the bike head with one hand while answering the call with the other one.

It’s from Han Siqi.

“Zhengzheng, where are you?”

“I’m close to the foot of the Cuizhu Mountain.”

“So fast?”

“I borrowed a bike.”

“Wait for me at the foot. I’ll be there soon. Don’t act alone.”


Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and puts her phone in the pocket.

When she looks up, a long green belt pops up transversely. It’s too late to brake. She swerves the bike head sharply to the left, and the wheels narrowly miss the subgrade of the green belt. Several branches sticking from the green belt whips on her face and she gasps in pain.

But she doesn’t have the time to care about it. because dazzling car lights beam towards her, she hurries to turn right.

Several vehicles speed by her. Feeling she is fine, she signs with relief, grabs the brakes and parks the bike beside the green belt.

The road which she is standing on is the round hill road at the foot of the Cuizhu Mountain. Looking up carefully, she doesn’t see the commercial vehicle, so she takes out the phone to call Chen Yu.

“Captain Chen, I’ve arrived at the foot of the Cuizhu Mountain, but I haven’t the commercial vehicle.”

“You have arrived at Cuizhu Mountain? We are still on the way. I’ve sent someone to drive to the Cuizhu Mountain from another road. My teammate says the commercial vehicle has driven onto the round hill road at the foot of the Cuizhu Mountain. It heads west but has left the surveillance area.” Chen Yu pants heavily.

“Got it.”

“Miss Fu, wait at the foot. We’ll call you when we arrive.”


Fu Zhengzheng looks up at the road sign and knows she is heading for the direction of the commercial vehicle. Looking back and thinking for a while, she rides the mountain bike away.

After riding for a long distance, she doesn’t see the white commercial vehicle and doesn’t receive Chen Yu’s call either. She becomes more and more anxious, so she speeds up her riding.

While riding, she sweeps around for the white commercial vehicle. Suddenly, a large rock crops up ahead. When she finds it, it’s too late to brake, and she is thrown away with the bike…

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