Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 329 - Fright During Visiting the Grave

Chapter 329 Fright During Visiting the Grave

Han Siqi tells Lu Song to guard the grave of Lin Yongcheng’s father, but Fu Zhengzheng stops him and says she will arrange for it. Then she takes out the phone to call someone.

Finding the name of the subscriber that she dials is Xiao Yicheng, Han Siqi can’t help casting confused eyes to her.

Ignoring him, Fu Zhengzheng gets through to Xiao Yicheng, “Yicheng, can you give me the phone number of your cousin, Xiao Liang?”

“Xiao Liang? OK, I’ll message it to you.”

Xiao Yicheng doesn’t ask why. After hanging up the phone, he messages Xiao Liang’s phone number to Fu Zhengzheng.

Then Han Siqi understands her intention.

“My wife becomes smart.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles complacently, “I’m smart in nature and only muddle-headed sometimes.”

She wants to call Xiao Liang but is stopped by Han Siqi.

“Message his phone number to Yang Tao. Let Yang Tao go to visit Xiao Liang directly. The sooner, the better.”

Fu Zhengzheng meditates and thinks what he said is reasonable. Then she calls Yang Tao, tells him about it roughly and then gives him Xiao Liang’s phone number.

Yang Tao scolds himself for being careless on the phone and says he will arrange for it at once.

Fu Zhengzheng throws her phone away and lies on the sofa, “We don’t need to do anything now. All we can do is to wait for the fish to swallow the bait.”

But Han Siqi still feels worried. He calls Lu Song again and tells him to send someone to carefully check the terrain on the way and see if there are possibly dangerous sections.

Fu Zhengzheng thinks Han Siqi is too cautious, but she doesn’t say anything and lets him do it.

It’s quite calm in the next two days. Fu Zhengzheng drives to work every day, visits Li Yin in the hospital at noon and then comes back for work.

She knows Han Siqi and Yang Tao both send someone to protect her secretly, so she isn’t afraid that her car will be tampered with in the daytime.

She has asked Yang Tao for several times, but he says Lin Jiao has no unusual actions. In addition to taking food to Li Yin, she keeps the shop every day. She doesn’t go to stock. The fruit is sent to the shop directly by the supplier.

Soon, it’s the Qingming Festival.

Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi get up early.

“Be careful. Pay attention to the situation around. If you find something is wrong, you must contact me in time.” Han Siqi has told her many times.

Fu Zhengzheng is tired of it, but she still nods earnestly and comforts Han Siqi, “I will. Don’t worry.”

Han Siqi goes to the parking lot of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort with her. Lu Song and other men are waiting there. Seeing them come over, Lu Song goes up quickly.

“Mr. Han, Miss Fu, the car has been checked. No problem.”

Han Siqi nods slightly and then turns to look at Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles at him and then gets into the car.

When Fu Zhengzheng starts the car, Han Siqi tapes at her window.

Fu Zhengzheng rolls down the window and opens her mouth before him, “Be careful. Pay attention to the situation around. If I find something is wrong, I will contact you in time.”

Han Siqi has nothing more to say. After her car runs out of the parking lot slowly, he casts his eyes to Lu Song.

Lu Song nods seriously, “Mr. Han, everything is ready. There should be no problem.”

“OK. Go.”

Lu Song and other men get into the car and leave.

Han Siqi looks at the parking lot that becomes quiet and then gets into his own car.

As soon as Fu Zhengzheng drives to the gate of Jiaye Garden, she sees Lin Xiaoyue waiting aside with items for visiting the grave. She stops the car by Lin Xiaoyue and sounds the car horn at her.

Lin Xiaoyue smiles at her, puts the items to the trunk and then sits on the passenger seat.

“Xiaoyue, are you nervous?”

Lin Xiaoyue shakes her head, “No. Yang Tao said they had arranged everything. I believe in him. And I believe in Sister Zhengzheng.”

Fu Zhengzheng cracks up, “What you said almost makes me nervous.”

“Sister Zhengzheng, I didn’t mean that…”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “I know. I’m joking. Sit stably. I will drive.”

Fu Zhengzheng drives at a constant speed. The car runs out of the urban area soon. Then there are fewer vehicles on the road.

Lin Xiaoyue sits straight on the passenger seat and stares outside. They almost arrive at Village Lin, but nothing unusual has been found, so she can’t help feeling doubtful.

“Sister Zhengzheng, why has nothing happened? It’s too calm.”

“Take it easy. We haven’t reached the destination.”

“Is the grave the most dangerous place?”

“I don’t know. I hope nothing will happen.” Fu Zhengzheng still has a fantasy about Lin Jiao.

The car stops at the entrance of the Village Lin.

Before getting out of the car, Fu Zhengzheng receives Yang Tao’s call.

“Zhengzheng, nothing unusual has been found by now. After getting out of the car, you and Xiaoyue will walk to the grave. There are many people today. Be careful.”

“OK, got it.”

After getting out of the car, Fu Zhengzheng helps Lin Xiaoyue carry joss sticks, candles and other items. They go to the grave together.

Because the graveyard on the hilltop is shared by several villages, it’s big in size. Today is the Qingming Festival, and it’s a fine day, so many people come to honor their ancestors.

Lin Xiaoyue looks around nervously. Fu Zhengzheng withdraws a hand to hold Lin Xiaoyue’s arm and comforts her in a low voice.

“Xiaoyue, behave as you came to visit the grave with your brother before. Don’t be afraid. Everything is fine.”

Lin Xiaoyue realizes she is too nervous. She smiles and nods.

“Xiaoyue, your family has moved away from here for several years. Perhaps you don’t know many people in your village, right?” Fu Zhengzheng tries to distract Lin Xiaoyue.

“Yes. More than six years. We’ve been away from here since my brother began to work under Mr. Han. But when I lived in the village, I didn’t like to go around, so I didn’t know many people in the village. I guess few people in the village know me. They won’t know who I am unless I tell them my parents’ name.”

“A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood. Even if they knew you before, after six years you’ve been old enough to marry and maybe the acquaintances can’t recognize you when they see you again.”

Lin Xiaoyue smiles embarrassedly, “But I always dislike the villagers. When we lived in the village, they usually bullied us. Otherwise, my brother wouldn’t go to the police training school. Nor would there be the conflicts later on.”

“Now your family has moved away from here. Isn’t it good?”

“Thanks to Mr. Han. In the past, I studied hard and hoped that I could go to a good university, find a good job and move away from the village with my mom and brother.”

“Only a few people bully good people and are scared of the evil ones.”

“That’s true.”

Fu Zhengzheng responds smilingly to what Xiaoyue said while pretending to enjoy the views and looking around. They meet many people on the way, but most of them come to visit graves with their families. No one suspicious has been found.

They talk and walk. Soon they come to the grave of Lin Xiaoyue’s father.

Lin Xiaoyue puts the things down, walks around her father’s grave, squats down before the tombstone and pulls up some weeds.

“It’s only a few months since I came here last time. So many weeds have come out.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “Spring has come. Weeds flourish naturally.”

Wen Jiyun’s grave springs to her mind. She looks toward it and can’t help opening her eyes wide. Three people are squatting before Wen Jiyun’s grave and taking piles of joss paper from a black bag.

Are they visiting Wen Jiyun’s grave? Is Wen Jiyun’s son Wen Jun, who has disappeared for six years, among the three ones?

She must tell Yang Tao to follow them quickly!

At this moment, a thin and tall man stands up suddenly with a bunch of artificial flowers in his hand. Perhaps he wants to climb to the top of the grave. When he climbs to the grave top, he raises his head and glances unintentionally at Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng moves her eyes immediately by pretending to enjoy the views. But she has seen clearly the appearance of the thin and tall man in that instant. Isn’t he the guard at the parking lot of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort yesterday?

Is he Wen Jun?!

Or is he sent here by Han Siqi to protect her and Xiaoyue secretly?

Fu Zhengzheng’s hands are sweaty and her mind is messy. Then Yang Tao speaks to her.

“Zhengzheng, don’t care about anything else. Just do what you should do with Xiaoyue.”


Then Fu Zhengzheng squats down, takes out the items from the bag and lays them out.

She takes out a lighter and is about to burn a pile of joss paper, but Lin Xiaoyue stops her at once.

“Sister Zhengzheng, wait.”

“What?” Fu Zhengzheng extinguishes the fire of the lighter.

Lin Xiaoyue walks over, twists the joss paper to left and right and then separates it into pieces.

“My mom says ghosts’ fingers are stiff. If we burn the joss paper in piles, they can’t separate them into pieces and can only spend a pile of money as one piece.”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing, “I’ve never heard of such a saying.”

Lin Xiaoyue laughs too, “My mom told me that. I said to my mom that burning joss paper was only a trick to fool ghosts and who knew if there was really a hell? But my mom said burning joss paper was to honor the deceased ancestors, so we must be devout.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng copies Lin Xiaoyue’s examples and separates the joss paper into pieces.

Lin Xiaoyue pushes the high weeds before the tombstone aside and inserts joss sticks and candles. Fu Zhengzheng piles the separated joss paper next to them.

But the weeds pushed aside rebound soon and disarrange the joss paper.

Lin Xiaoyue moves things aside and begins to pull up the weeds before the tombstone, “The weeds are too high. I’ll pull up some so that we can burn joss paper.”

Fu Zhengzheng helps her to pull up the weeds.

When they just begin to pull, Fu Zhengzheng feels something is wrong and stops Lin Xiaoyue’s hands immediately.

“Xiaoyue, don’t move!”

“What’s wrong?” Lin Xiaoyue’s hands are suspended in the air and she looks at Fu Zhengzheng confusedly.

Fu Zhengzheng moves her hands slowly to the roots along the weeds and pulls up a weed lightly.

Lin Xiaoyue has found something is wrong too. She intends to reach out her hands but is stopped by Fu Zhengzheng again.

“Don’t move. Leave it to me.”

Lin Xiaoyue stops.

Fu Zhengzheng grabs some weeds and pulls up them lightly. A clod of earth is pulled up together.

She flicks the earth carefully. When she sees clearly what is exposed vaguely under the earth, she can’t help gasping.

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