Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 330 - Out of Their Expectation

Chapter 330 Out of Their Expectation

Fu Zhengzheng flicks the earth carefully. When she sees clearly what is exposed vaguely under the earth, she can’t help gasping.

It is an explosive lead!

It is mingled with weeds. If she had lit the fire, the consequence would have been unimaginable!

Lin Xiaoyue sees the lead too. Her face becomes pale and her hands cling to Fu Zhengzheng’s arm tremblingly, “Sister Zhengzheng…”

Fu Zhengzheng manages to calm down. She pats Lin Xiaoyue’s hands and comforts her in a slightly trembling voice.

“Don’t be afraid. As long as it is not lighted, it’s powerless.”

“Zhengzheng, what’s going on?” Yang Tao hears something wrong and asks worriedly.

“We’ve found an explosive under the weeds before the tombstone.”

“Dynamite or a time bomb?”

“It has a lead. It should be a dynamite package.”

“Stay put. We’ll be there soon!”

Only in a few seconds, Yang Tao and He Menghuai who are in disguise appear in front of the grave of Lin Xiaoyue’s father.

“Don’t move. Leave it to me.” He Menghuai asks others to step aside. He carefully removes the sod covering the explosive package.

Yang Tao takes trembling Xiaoyue away.

“Yang Tao, there…” Fu Zhengzheng is about to raise her hand to point at Wen Jiyun’s grave when her arm is held tightly by someone. Looking back, she finds Han Siqi.

“Siqi, why are you here?”

Han Siqi doesn’t answer her. He growls at Yang Tao angrily, “That’s the policemen’s perfect arrangement?”

Yang Tao drops his eyes, “Mr. Han, sorry, we…”

“What’s the fuck use of ‘sorry’?”

“Siqi, the rival is too foxy.” Fu Zhengzheng holds the back of Han Siqi’s hand and signals him not to scold Yang Tao.

“The rival is too foxy? Why don’t you say the policemen are too stupid?”

Finding that she can’t persuade Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help becoming angry, “You sent Lu Song to check here, but you didn’t find the problem either, right?”

For fear that Han Siqi will scold Lu Song, she corrects herself at once, “Now it’s not time to find out who is to blame. We need to investigate how the explosive package was buried under our noses. Didn’t Xiao Liang said no strangers came and went out of here these two days?”

Yang Tao smiles wryly at Han Siqi, “Muxian has gone to investigate.”

“Yang Tao, there…” Fu Zhengzheng raises her hand but finds the three guys before Wen Jiyun’s tomb have disappeared.

“They are my men.” Han Siqi sees through her facial expression.

“Oh, no wonder.” Fu Zhengzheng’s mind is eased slightly.

By now He Menghuai has taken out the dynamite package. He weighs it in his hand and says with lingering fear, “If the explosive package with such a weight is detonated, half of the hilltop may be destroyed.”

Yang Tao gasps. Lin Xiaoyue looks scared. She grabs Yang Tao’s hand and asks in a hoarse voice, “Sister Zhengzheng, who hates you so deeply?”

Yang Tao didn’t talk with Lin Xiaoyue about Lin Jiao.

Fu Zhengzheng keeps silent and doesn’t respond.

Some policemen have checked around carefully, but they’ve found nothing. They have eye contacts with Yang Tao, and then Yang Tao walks aside to talk with colleagues over the intercom.

Finding Han Siqi is still keeping a straight face, Fu Zhengzheng drags him aside and says in a low voice, “Nothing has happened. It’s out of their expectation too. Xiaoyue is also here.”

Han Siqi is still angry, “If something happens, it will be useless to regret. Anyway, it’s their neglect of duty.”

Of course, Fu Zhengzheng knows Han Siqi is worried about her, but she still warns him with eyes, “OK, stop. Yang Tao is sad too. No one hopes anything will happen.”

Then Yang Tao comes over and looks at Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi apologetically, “Mr. Han, please take Zhengzheng back and help her get over the shock. We’ll deal with everything here.”

Hearing that, Han Siqi intends to drag Fu Zhengzheng away. She forces him to stop his steps and looks back at Yang Tao with doubtful eyes.

Yang Tao explains, “Except the dynamite package, nothing else and no one strange have been found here. Perhaps the person burying it has left early.”

Fu Zhengzheng is puzzled, “Didn’t Xiao Liang say no strangers came to and went out of the hilltop these two days. Is it…?”

Yang Tao nods, “Muxian has gone to investigate the local people coming to and going out of the hilltop there two days. There are three villages. We’ll go to help him.”

“The workload is heavy. I’ll go to help too.”

When Fu Zhengzheng is just done, Han Siqi drags her out.

“Hey, Siqi, hey…”

“Mr. Han, please wait!” Yang Tao runs after them quickly.

Fu Zhengzheng throws off Han Siqi’s hand and tries her best to stop her feet. Then Han Siqi stops and looks at Yang Tao coldly.

Yang Tao braces himself to implore, “Mr. Han, could you please take Xiaoyue back with you?”

“We’re not going her way.” Han Siqi refuses directly.

“Siqi!” Fu Zhengzheng glares at him discontentedly and then turns around to wave at Lin Xiaoyue, “Xiaoyue, I’ll take you back.”

Lin Xiaoyue runs over and glances at Han Siqi timidly.

“Don’t worry. I’m going your way.” Fu Zhengzheng glances at Han Siqi. Then she holds Lin Xiaoyue’s arm and walks past him.

Han Siqi follows her helplessly.

When they walk to the entrance of Village Lin, Han Siqi takes out the key from Fu Zhengzheng’s pocket and gets into her car.

Many cars are parked at the entrance of the village. It seems that people drive from the city to visit the graves in the countryside. Fu Zhengzheng looks around, but she doesn’t find Han Siqi’s car, so she feels strange.

“Where is your car?”

Han Siqi backs the car. After they both get into it, he explains in a deep voice, “I didn’t drive it here. It’s in a high profile.”

That accounts for it.

Fu Zhengzheng leans against Han Siqi’s backrest and laughs, “Driver, we’re both seated. You can drive now.”

Lin Xiaoyue can’t help laughing. Han Siqi pats Fu Zhengzheng’s forehead hard and then starts the car slowly.

Fu Zhengzheng sits back embarrassedly. Lin Xiaoyue rests her head on Fu Zhengzheng’s shoulder and sighs, “Sister Zhengzheng, I cannot calm down until now. when I saw the explosive lead in the beginning, my feet shivered for quite a while. Zhengzheng, you are really a heroine and looked as if nothing had happened. I admire you so much.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “Don’t admire me. Didn’t you hear my voice trembling in the beginning? I feel like a survivor of a disaster.”

Seeing Han Siqi raise his eyes from the rear-view mirror, she corrects herself while patting her chest at once, “Luckily, I prayed for a talisman from Lingshan Nunnery the other day. It’s indeed effective. When I’m free, I’ll go to Lingshan Nunnery again to redeem my vow through donation.”

She leans forward to the front seat again and grins, “Siqi, you must go with me then. You wore the talisman for me, so you must redeem the vow with me together.”

Han Siqi doesn’t respond.

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at his back and then sits back.

“Xiaoyue, I’m sorry that you can’t honor Uncle Lin normally.”

Lin Xiaoyue waves at once, “It doesn’t matter. When my brother comes back and my mom recovers in a few days, we will come here again.”

“Have you decide the date for your engagement with Yang Tao?”

Lin Xiaoyue smiles embarrassedly, “Yang Tao says his parents are free at any time. When my brother is free and comes back, we’ll arrange for it temporarily. Anyway, we’re not going to hold an engagement ceremony. Only two families will meet and dine together.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “It’s good to omit trivial formalities. So long as you love each other sincerely, that’s enough.”

The car enters the urban area soon. After it runs to the gate of Jiaye Garden, Lin Xiaoyue gets off the car and then Han Siqi drives to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

Fu Zhengzheng wants to call Yang Tao to ask how their investigation is going, but she is afraid that Han Siqi will be discontented, so she gives up. After thinking for a while, she leans towards Han Siqi and says, “Siqi, let’s go to the hospital to visit Li Yin.”


His resolute tone makes Fu Zhengzheng give up. In fact, she wants to ask what Lin Jiao has done during half of the day. But Yang Tao has sent someone to watch Lin Jiao, so she thinks she might go there in vain.

The lunch time has passed. Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng eat something out and then return to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Back home, Fu Zhengzheng sees Tian Xin telling stories to Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao in the sitting room, so she walks to them curiously.

“Tian, why are you not in the restaurant?”

Seeing them come back, Tian Xin laughs, “Today all people around the country have a day off. Can’t I give myself a holiday?”

Fu Zhengzheng keeps a straight face deliberately, “You find such a pleasant-sounding reason for your laziness.”

“Please. What if I’m lazy? You are a shareholder, but you even don’t know how many tables there are in the restaurant. I’m much more dedicated than you.”

Fu Zhengzheng sits by Tian Xin and whispers to her, “It’s said that only pregnant women are lazy. Are you…?”

Then Fu Zhengzheng touches her belly.

Tian Xin rolls her eyes at Fu Zhengzheng, “Aunt, have you prepared your gift for the first meeting with the baby?”

“It’s a piece of cake. I’m wondering if you can deliver the goods on schedule.”

“The goods can be produced anytime.”

Then they both burst into laughter.

Not understanding their enigmatic words, Fu Xing just giggles with them.

Fu Zhengzheng leans against the sofa and stretches herself lazily. Fu Xing walks to her at once and begins to pat her legs.

Tian Xin lies down too and tells Fu Xing, “Xingxing, pat my back please.”

Fu Xing looks around awkwardly and doesn’t walk to her, “Elder aunt, sorry, I’ll pat your back after I pat my mother’s legs.”

Fu Zhengzheng winks at Tian Xin complacently, “Look, that’s my natural son.”

Tian Xin doesn’t take it to heart, “How complacent you are! I’ll bear twins and make you jealous.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “You’re bragging.”

Hearing twins, Fu Xing becomes interested at once. He sits down next to Tian Xin and begins to massage her legs.

“Elder aunt, after you bear twin boys, could you give one to me to play?”

“Play?” Tian Xin bursts into laughter and responds, “So long as you pat my back, I will give one to you to play.”

Finding Tian Xin has attracted her son’s attention successfully, Fu Zhengzheng wants to say something. Then her phone rings. The call is from Yang Tao, and she connects it immediately.

“Zhengzheng, we’ve got a clue.”

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