Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 331 - Bear as Many Kids as We Can

Chapter 331 Bear as Many Kids as We Can

Finding Tian Xin has attracted her son’s attention successfully, Fu Zhengzheng wants to say something. Then her phone rings. The call is from Yang Tao. She connects it immediately.

“Zhengzheng, we’ve got a clue.”

Fu Zhengzheng rises immediately to go upstairs while asking in a low voice, “What clue?”

“We’ve found a man called Xiao Dawen in Xiao Liang’s village. Yesterday, he returned to the village from the city to repair his ancestors’ graves, which are not far from the grave of Lin Yongcheng’s father. We think he is the most suspectable one, because he works as a remover in a fruit wholesale market, and he once caught fish by making torpedoes in the village.”

Another remover!

Yang Tao continues, “Menghuai and I have come back and are going to ask Xiao Dawen something. Muxian is investigating where the explosive comes from.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks worriedly, “Hasn’t Lin Jiao done anything unusual?”

“According to the teammate watching her, she doesn’t go around these days. She only shuttles between the hospital and the shop. I’ll contact you again after we find Xiao Dawen and ask him about it.”

Then Yang Tao hangs up the phone.

“What’s going on?” Han Siqi enters the room and asks.

Then Fu Zhengzheng tells him what Yang Tao just told her on the phone.

“Xiao Dawen?” Han Siqi calls Lu Song instantly and briefly repeats what Fu Zhengzheng just said.

Fu Zhengzheng is puzzled, “You send Lu Song to look for him too while Yang Tao and Menghuai have gone to look for Xiao Dawen?”

“It’s easier for people in the underworld to ask for information.”

Then Han Siqi holds Fu Zhengzheng’s face in his hands and says seriously, “Darling, you made the decision today and you knew you dangerous it was. Although I didn’t object to your task, I have the bottom line. I hope you’ll make sure your safety and not touch my bottom line again.”

“Siqi, I…”

“Don’t tell me it’s only an accident today. I don’t want to hear that. You can perform your task, but I demand that you do it under the condition that you are safe.”

“There is only one flaw in today’s plan.”

“Do you think it makes sense?”

Knowing Han Siqi will talk with her about it sooner or later and he is worried about her, Fu Zhengzheng isn’t angry. She holds his hands and shakes them, “I was very cautious today, wasn’t I? Don’t worry. I’m not muddle-headed anymore.”

Han Siqi stares at her for quite a while and then holds her into his arms tightly.

“Zhengzheng, when I heard the word ‘explosive’ today, my heart was almost in my mouth. Do you know how scared, nervous and worried I was?”

Hearing Han Siqi’s slightly trembling voice, Fu Zhengzheng is moved at once. She holds him tightly too and apologizes.

“Siqi, sorry…”

“What I want to hear isn’t sorry. I want you to promise that you will try your best to avoid danger.”

“I promise.”

“You must promise that you won’t take the lead for anything.”

“OK, I promise.” Fu Zhengzheng responds seriously again.

“You must be careful anytime.”

“Of course.”

Apparently, Han Siqi is satisfied with Fu Zhengzheng’s reply. Still, he adds worriedly, “You must think about Xingxing and me before you make any risky decision, because you don’t just belong to yourself. You also belong to Xingxing and me.”

“I will!” Fu Zhengzheng buries her head into his arms, “Darling, don’t worry. I want to live with you together until old age and look after our grandson with you.”

Hearing that, Han Siqi smiles and strokes her hair, “We have to wait for many years before we have a grandson, so it’s more practical for us to produce several more sons after you finish the task.”

“Several more sons?”

“Do you think we will have too many sons? You promised the other day that you would bear about ten kids for me.”

“Please. Do you really regard me as a sow?” Fu Zhengzheng pushes him away and turns her head aslant to glare at him.

“Isn’t it good to be a sow?”

“If I were a sow, wouldn’t you become a boar? As the deputy general manager of Weihan Group, don’t you think the comparison is beneath your dignity?”

Han Siqi doesn’t think so, “It’s our private words. Why is it beneath my dignity? Does a person with dignity not need sex?”

“You become amorous in the daytime, so you’ve returned to the topic again.” Fu Zhengzheng lies on the bed and stretches herself, “I’m not in the mood.”

Han Siqi sits down next to her, lowers his head and wears a serious expression, “Zhengzheng, were you scared on the way to perform the task?”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “I wasn’t scared at all somehow. I only felt a little nervous at most. I think perhaps it’s because I was protected by your men and the policemen.”

Han Siqi frowns immediately and tells her carefully, “If you need to perform a task again, you must make yourself scared.”

Fu Zhengzheng is confused, “Why? When a person is scared, the mind will be messy and may be not able to make correct judgments.”

“You can’t rely too much on the people protecting you secretly, or you will become careless. Moreover, what if they fail? It’s not impossible.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks what Han Siqi says is reasonable. In order to ease his worry, she nods.

“I’ll remember that.”

Then Han Siqi’s facial expression relaxes. He strokes her face which is reflected in his eyes, “What happened in Lingshan Nunnery is a lesson. I was careless too. A fall into the pit, a gain in the wit.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs naughtily, “Teacher Han, I have grasped what you teach me.”

Han Siqi pokes her forehead. She covers it with her hand instantly and sticks out her tongue at him.

Han Siqi smiles and rises, “Have a rest. I have to go out.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at the clock. It’s already 3:00 p.m., so she asks, “Where are you going?”

“I’ll go to earn money to raise little pigs.”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing. Knowing he will go to work, she doesn’t stop him. After he goes out, she calls Yang Tao again.

“Have you found Xiao Dawen?”

“He doesn’t come to the fruit market today.”

“Ah? Does he escape because he knows he did something illegal?”

“I’m not clear about the details. But in that case, he is more suspectable. We’re looking for him. By the way, a colleague just called me and said the explosive in the package was fake and couldn’t be detonated.”

“It couldn’t be detonated?”

“That means even if you burnt joss paper on the explosive package then, there would be no problem.”

Fu Zhengzheng becomes muddled, “Did they rack their brains to make an explosive package that couldn’t be detonated? They wanted to fool us, or they didn’t know the explosive package couldn’t be detonated at all?”

“I think the question can’t be answered until the suspect is arrested. I’ve got to go.”

“Hey, hold on.” Fu Zhengzheng stops him from hanging up anxiously, “Somehow, I feel what happened recently is strange.”

“Why strange?”

“Since I came back to B City, many incidents have happened around me. Take Lin Jiao as an example. She has tried to kill me for several times and it’s impossible for me to defend effectively. But finally, I am safe and sound. Don’t you think it’s strange? There seems to be an umbrella protecting me invisibly. But I don’t think this protection comes from you and Siqi.”

Yang Tao keeps silent for a while and then says, “Actually, I once had such a suspicion, but each time I got to the bottom, I found the avoidance of each danger was reasonable.”

“Just because everything is reasonable, I feel something wrong.”

“You suspect…”

Fu Zhengzheng interrupts him, “I’m not suspicious of anyone. I just have such a feeling, but I can’t explain clearly what’s wrong, so I talk with you.”

She knows who Tang Tao refers to, but she doesn’t suspect that person in fact. Nor does she want to suspect that one. Although she knows it’s not right to judge subjectively if a person is good or bad, she is greatly impressed by that person.

“I’ll talk with Muxian about it. Zhengzheng, have a good rest. I’ll contact you later.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone. Then she lies on the bed with her thoughts wandering.

Previous crises were all related to Fu Wenhai to a certain degree. No wonder Siqi says he can’t help feeling jealous. No wonder Lin Jiao thinks Fu Wenhai has feelings for her and she is suspicious of him. But what happened today seems to have nothing to do with him. How can it be explained?

Fu Zhengzheng feels her mind messy.

Forget it. Have a sleep and sort out thoughts.

She lies down. But she tosses and turns and can’t fall asleep. Then she sits up, watches TV for a while, but there are no interesting programs. She feels extremely boring.

“Zhengzheng? Are you asleep?” A light knock comes to her ears along with Ji Yashu’s voice.

“No.” Fu Zhengzheng rises quickly and opens the door, “Mom, what’s up?”

Ji Yashu gives her a box smilingly, “Your dad’s friend has brought some superior ginseng from Changbai Mountain. You can put it in your tea.”

Fu Zhengzheng pushes it back immediately, “Mom, please keep it to enjoy yourself. Look, how healthy I am. I don’t need to build up health.”

“I have my share. So do Tian and your sister-in-law. Take it. It is uncommon ginseng. I’ve mailed some to your parents.”

“Thank you, mom.”

“You are welcome. We’re a family.” Ji Yashu goes out smilingly.

Fu Zhengzheng returns to her room and opens the box to have a look. There is a piece of ginseng like radish tassels. She doesn’t know about ginseng quality, but she doesn’t like the smell of ginseng. So, she puts the ginseng back and throws it on the table.

“Han Siqi’s parents treat you nicely at last, but you waste their kindness. How ungrateful you are!” There is a sound by her ears. Then she picks up the ginseng box and places it before herself seriously.

It’s superior ginseng, but she doesn’t like it. She thinks maybe she can give it to Li Yin who is pregnant to build up her health. In this way, the ginseng can play its role.

Thinking of this, Fu Zhengzheng finds a bag and puts the ginseng box into it. When she is about to go out, Li Yin calls her.

“Zhengzheng, I’ve got out of the hospital. Don’t go to the hospital to see me again.”

“Out of the hospital? Great! I’ll go to your shop to see you tomorrow.”

“OK. Aunt, be careful!”

Listening to Li Yin’s shout, Fu Zhengzheng asks worriedly, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just talked with Liu Lin’s aunt. She comes to look after me for some days.”

“Look after you? Where is your cousin?” Fu Zhengzheng feels strange.

“She has gone out of the city to purchase fruit.”

She has gone out of the city? God. Has she escaped just like Xiao Dawen? Fu Zhengzheng is astonished.

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