Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 332 - Harmony Brings Wealth

Chapter 332 Harmony Brings Wealth


When Li Yin says Lin Jiao has gone out of the city to purchase fruit, Fu Zhengzheng has a vague sense that something is wrong, so she calls Yang Tao at once to talk about Lin Jiao.

“Don’t worry. She is being kept under watch.”

“That’s good.” Fu Zhengzheng’s mind is eased. Then she lies down. But with a feeling that something hasn’t been done, she is not comfortable on the bed, so she rises and goes downstairs.

When she just goes downstairs, she hears Ji Yashu comforting someone sincerely, “Take care of yourself. Don’t think about anything for the time being.”

“Thank you, mom. I will.” Nie Wan responds weakly.

Is Nie Wan sick again?

Fu Zhengzheng walks to the sitting room fast and casts her worried eyes to Nie Wan, “Are you sick again?”

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng, Nie Wan shakes her head smilingly, “No. It’s still the old problem. Don’t worry.”

Since the miscarriage, Nie Wan has always been not well and listless. She has seen many doctors and taken much medicine, but all seem to be useless.

Fu Zhengzheng sits next to Nie Wan and feels heart-broken to see her sallow face.

Seeing her facial expression, Nie Wan pats her hand and smiles, “Don’t worry. I guess perhaps that’s because I am afraid of cold. Now it becomes warmer, and I will get better soon.”

Ji Yashu sighs, “Alas. Since you returned to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, you’ve always been sick.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng says, “Mom, is it because her house isn’t suitable for her? How about changing her residence? I remember when I was sick and couldn’t get better in my childhood, my mom would change my room.”

Nie Wan smiles, and Fu Zhengzheng smiles embarrassedly too, “I know it’s superstition, but you may have a different mood if you live in a different place.”

Ji Yashu agrees with Fu Zhengzheng, “But I think it’s not enough to change the residence simply. Your brother should take your sister-in-law to travel about. She is not healthy, and she stays at home every day. Even a healthy person will become sick if staying at home every day.

Nie Wan shakes her head, “Sixian is so busy…”

Ji Yashu doesn’t think so, “Time can be spared. If you let him keep busy, he will never have time to travel with you during the rest of his life. He will feel uneasy to leave the work to Siqi, but I think Siqi can master the overall situation. That’s a deal. I’ll talk with Sixian about it when he comes back this evening.”

Then Ji Yashu looks at Fu Zhengzheng and says, “If your brother goes to travel with your sister-in-law, Siqi will be busier. Please give him a hand then.”

Fu Zhengzheng responds immediately, “Of course. So long as my sister-in-law can get better, it doesn’t matter to be busy.”


Fu Zhengzheng grins at Nie Wan, “Being busy can make life full. Just go out to relax yourself and don’t worry about anything. I’ll help mom take care of Xiaoxiao. Besides, Tian is also here.”

“Someone is speaking ill of me! Who? Who? Stand out!” Tian Xin’s voice comes from the door.

Fu Zhengzheng sees Tian Xin walk in quickly with a straight face. Then she picks up Fu Xing’s ball and throws it at her.

Tian Xin catches the ball and throws it back, glaring at Fu Zhengzheng with a fierce look.

“Fu Zhengzheng, you not only spoke ill of me but threw the ball at me! Do you want a beating?”

Fu Zhengzheng avoids the ball, winks at Tian Xin and laughs jauntily, “Even though I speak ill of you, what can you do? Come to bite me.”

“Do you think I don’t dare to bite you?”

Tian Xin stretches her fingers and pretends to pounce on Fu Zhengzheng with her eyes wide open.

Fu Zhengzheng laughs and stands up. Then she jumps over the sofa against its back and laughs while pointing to Tian Xin, “You are old enough to be a mother, but you are still so playful. If Muxian sees your look, what will he think?”

Tian Xin stops, sits down between Ji Yashu and Nie Wan and glances at Fu Zhengzheng complacently, “Of course he will shout ‘Bravo’.”

Fu Zhengzheng bends over the sofa back and asks Ji Yashu and Nie Wan smilingly, “Do you both believe that?”

Ji Yashu looks at Tian Xin with a smile, and Nie Wan shakes her head smilingly, “Well, I don’t know.”

“Muxian should act like this.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng bypasses the sofa and glances at Tian Xin slowly and expressionlessly. Then she walks to another small sofa, lies down, puts up her feet and presses the phone screen aimlessly.

Fu Zhengzheng’s vivid imitation cracks Ji Yashu and Nie Wan up. Tian Xin looks sideways at Fu Zhengzheng and throws the ball at her again.

Fu Zhengzheng holds the ball in her arms, cranes her neck to Tian Xin and asks while laughing, “Isn’t my imitation vivid?”

Tian Xin glances at her disdainfully, “It’s only false appearance that you see.”

“What’s the truth then?”

Tian Xin pushes Fu Zhengzheng’s face away, “You want to know the truth? Then I won’t tell you.”

Fu Zhengzheng teases, “A few days ago, even my colleagues were worried that with a cold face all day long, making others shiver without being cold, Muxian would be unable to find a girlfriend. If I tell them his girlfriend is so vivacious, outgoing, nice, considerate, competent and beautiful, what will they think?”

“They must be extremely jealous.” Tian Xin takes it for granted.

Fu Zhengzheng reaches out to pinch Tian Xin’s face, “You are not modest at all.”

Looking at Fu Zhengzheng and Tian Xin who laugh and play together, Ji Yashu looks relieved. Then she looks at Nie Wan and can’t help sighing.

“Nie Wan, I didn’t treat you well enough and once said unkindly to you. Don’t take it to heart. Don’t blame me…”

Nie Wan interrupts Ji Yashu immediately, “Mom, please don’t say that. I’ve never blamed you. I just have this personality.”

Finding Ji Yashu’s topic is a little heavy, Fu Zhengzheng and Tian Xin stop playing, sit still and look at them quietly.

Ji Yashu strokes Nie Wan’s hands, pats them lightly and says calmly, “Your dad and I used to hope the three children could live as we planned, including career and love. So when their thoughts were inconsistent with ours, we were furious and even tried to change their minds by all means. However, so many things happened during half the year, so we’ve changed our thinking. We now believe harmony is the most important for a family. We were wrong in the past and made you suffer a lot, especially Zhengzheng…”

Fu Zhengzheng waves with a smile and says, “In fact, I didn’t suffer much. Besides, without the suffering, how can I cherish the present happiness?”

Tian Xin holds Ji Yashu, shakes her arms and says sweetly, “Mom, we’re happy to live together. Why do you mention the unhappy things before?”

Fu Zhengzheng echoes immediately, “Tian is right.”

Finding Ji Yashu still feels guilty, Tian Xin sticks out her tongue and smiles, “Mom, if you’re really guilty towards Zhengzheng, please be nicer to her later, or you can worship her as a goddess three times a day.”

Ji Yashu thinks what she says is ominous and stops her at once, “Don’t talk nonsense. I will not only be nice to Zhengzheng but also treat you both well.”

“Thank you, mom.” Tian Xin rests her head on Ji Yashu’s shoulder and says sweetly, “Mom, you don’t have a daughter. You should take us as your daughters. This is the most correct choice.”

“Yes, you are right. I will take you as my daughters.” Ji Yashu laughs too.

Fu Zhengzheng says with a smile, “You are so honey-mouthed. Maybe Muxian is conquered by your sugar-coated bullet.”

Tian Xin wiggles her body and says complacently, “If he isn’t conquered, how can he be obedient to me? Hey, don’t just talk about me. Do you think I don’t know how you coax Siqi when you are in your room alone? Possibly you are much more honey-mouthed than me.”

Ji Yashu breaks in smilingly, “Don’t think only women like to be coaxed. Actually, men like to be coaxed too.”

Tian Xin turns around to hold Nie Wan and asks curiously, “Have you ever coaxed our brother?”

Nie Wan, who sits there quietly with a smile, never thinks Tian Xin would ask such a question. She looks at Tian Xin embarrassedly and silently with a flushing face and sparkling eyes.

Tian Xin begins to teach her seriously, “Apparently, you haven’t. It’s your fault. Brother is fully engaged in work every day. If you can coax him and say something sweet, it will certainly make him much more comfortable than the hot spring, sauna and massage.”

Seeing Nie Wan more embarrassed, Ji Yashu eases her embarrassment smilingly, “OK, stop teasing your sister-in-law. She is shy. I’ll go to the kitchen to see if the dishes are ready. Go to call the two babies playing in the small garden for dinner a few minutes later.”

Then Ji Yashu stands up and goes out.

Tian Xin continues to hold Nie Wan and whispers to her. As a result, a flush spreads across Nie Wan’s face. Then she lowers her head and shakes it lightly. Fu Zhengzheng sits curiously next to Tian Xin and wants to hear what they are talking about, but she is pushed away by Tian Xin.

“I’m talking something private with our sister-in-law. None of your business.”

Tian Xin whispers something more to Nie Wan and then goes out.

“Hey, Tian…” Nie Wan stands up but Tian Xin doesn’t stop her feet.

After Tian Xin leaves, Fu Zhengzheng moves to her and asks curiously, “What did Tian talk to you?”

Nie Wan smiles shyly and doesn’t answer her.

“Tian usually has many tricks. Don’t be fooled by her.”

Nie Wan smiles and doesn’t say anything.

Soon Han Tengyue takes Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao back. Han Siqi and Han Sixian also come back together. Ji Yashu calls them for dinner in the dining room. Fu Zhengzheng and Nie Wan enter the dining room together. Tian Xin comes too. Then they sit down and have dinner together.

When they just sit down, Ji Muxian returns.

Seeing Ji Muxian come back, Tian Xin rises immediately to scoop food for him while laughing, “You are back so late. I thought you would work overtime. If you come back later, the plates will be empty.”

Ji Muxian smiles, takes the bowl and begins to eat without saying anything.

Looking at the scene, Ji Yashu and Han Tengyue exchange their glances, and their faces crack into relieved smiles.

After dinner, they all stand up and go to the sitting room. Fu Zhengzheng wants to ask Ji Muxian about the situation. When she is about to open her mouth, she sees Tian Xin waving at Nie Wan secretly and signaling her to stay. Nie Wan flushes again. She lowers her head, bypasses the dining room and goes to Tian Xin.

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