Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 333 - Made Her too Exhausted to Walk?

Chapter 333 Made Her too Exhausted to Walk?

After dinner, they all stand up and go to the sitting room. Fu Zhengzheng wants to ask Ji Muxian about the situation. When she is about to open her mouth, she sees Tian Xin waving at Nie Wan secretly and signaling her to stay. Nie Wan flushes again. She lowers her head, bypasses the dining room and goes to Tian Xin.

Their mysterious looks make Fu Zhengzheng curious. She pretends to walk slowly while glancing at them from the corners of her eyes. She sees Tian Xin slipping something to Nie Wan. Nie Wan shakes her head as if she wants to push it back. Tian Xin slips it to her pocket directly and then walks out fast.

Fu Zhengzheng withdraws her eyes immediately and quickens her pace.

Knowing that Fu Zhengzheng is peeking at them, Tian Xin catches up with her, pokes her secretly and rolls eyes at her.

Fu Zhengzheng holds back Tian Xin, winks at her, pouts her lips towards Nie Wan and then whispers to Tian Xin, “You didn’t give her that thing, did you?”

Tian Xin asks discontentedly, “Now that you know, why do you ask?”

“We’re all misguided by you.”

“Bah! I’m leading you to happiness, OK?”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at Han Sixian who is talking with Han Siqi. Then she covers the mouth with her hand and chuckles, “Do you think our brother will accept it immediately?”

Tian Xin tries to hold a straight face and whispers, pretending to be serious, “I think he will not only accept it immediately but love it at once. You know, even Muxian who is reticent always enjoys it.”

“You tell the truth finally.” Fu Zhengzheng laughs.

“Fu Zhengzheng, you trick me into telling the truth. It seems that I should have hit you with the ball with more strength!”

Before Tian Xin raises her hand, Fu Zhengzheng has slipped into the sitting room. Looking around, she doesn’t see Ji Muxian. Turning around and looking towards the gate, she sees Ji Muxian’s figure and runs after him quickly.

“Second Brother!”

Ji Muxian, who has stepped out of the gate, stops his feet and turns around fast.

Fu Zhengzheng runs to him and asks smilingly in a low voice, “You must have been busy the whole day.”

“Yes. Xiao Dawen has been found and confessed everything.” Ji Muxian knows what she wants to ask.

“Ah? So quickly?”

Ji Muxian nods, “Thanks to Siqi’s help.”

“Do these things have something to do with Lin Jiao…”

“Xiao Dawen has confessed it was instigated by Lin Jiao. He became addicted to drugs some days ago. Lin Jiao lent much money to him, but he couldn’t repay the money. Besides, Lin Jiao promised him a great profit. Driven by that, he agreed to take the risk to do it for Lin Jiao.”

“Is it possible that Xiao Dawen’s addiction to drugs and Lin Jiao’s lending money are both Lin Jiao’s traps?”

“Maybe. My teammates have arrested Lin Jiao. She is being taken back to the police office. I’ll go and have a look.”

Fu Zhengzheng calls him anxiously, “Hey, does Xiao Dawen know the explosive package is fake?”

Ji Muxian stops again and nods, “He said he knew the danger of the explosive. He only wanted to swindle money out of Lin Jiao, and he didn’t want to be sentenced to death.”

“Luckily, he is not stupid. But Lin Jiao is really…” If Li Yin knows how cruel Lin Jiao is, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t’ know what she will think.

“I’ll go to the police office. I will tell you if there is progress.”


Looking at Ji Muxian’s figure, Fu Zhengzheng becomes light-hearted. After Ji Muxian leaves, she turns around and returns to the house.

“That’s a deal. Sixian, arrange your work in hand and let Siqi take over the business completely.” Han Tengyue says, sitting opposite to Han Sixian and Han Siqi.

Han Sixian nods, pats Han Siqi’s shoulder lightly. He doesn’t say anything but just smiles.

Han Siqi presses his lips together and nods seriously.

Ji Yashu holds Xiaoxiao who has fallen asleep to Han Sixian, “She might be tired because of playing this afternoon and fell asleep as soon as finishing the dinner. Take her back early. Mind she won’t catch a cold.”

Han Sixian takes Xiaoxiao over and nods. Then he glances at Nie Wan and signals her to stand up and return. But Nie Wan is sitting there in a daze and doesn’t see his eyes. Tian Xin, who sits by Nie Wan, touches her arm and pouts lips towards her. Then Nie Wan notices, stands up quickly and catches up with him while lowering her head.

Nie Wan’s face is still flushing, and one of her hands is still in her pocket. Seeing that, Fu Zhengzheng glances at Tian Xin. They smile at each other tacitly. But for fear that Han Siqi’s parents will find it, they pretend as if nothing had happened.

After Han Sixian has left with Xiaoxiao and Nie Wan, Ji Yashu points at upstairs to Han Tengyue, “Xingxing is asleep too without taking a shower. Let’s wipe his body.”

“Ok.” Hang Tengyue stands up. They go upstairs straight.

Fu Zhengzheng waves at Tian Xin. Then she goes upstairs and returns to the room with Han Siqi.

“Darling, what did you and Tian laugh about furtively just now?” After entering the room, Han Siqi asks Fu Zhengzheng while taking off his coat.

“Ah? We didn’t laugh.” Fu Zhengzheng pretends not to know what he is talking about and intends to go to the bathroom.

Han Siqi walks to the bathroom door quickly and blocks it.

“You don’t share happiness with me!”

“Oh, please. No happiness. I want to go to the bathroom.”

“Can you go to the bathroom if you don’t tell me?”

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at him sulkily, “Do you want to hear the happiness between women?”

Hearing it, Han Siqi gets out of the way.

When Fu Zhengzheng just enters, Xiao Dawen comes to her mind. Then she sticks out her head from the bathroom and smiles at Han Siqi, “Thank you for helping the police arrest Xiao Dawen.”

Han Siqi leans against the bathroom door and makes eyes at her, “How to thank me?”

Fu Zhengzheng cups some water in her hands from the bathroom and pours it to Han Siqi unexpectedly. Han Siqi is startled and jumps away. Fu Zhengzheng laughs out.

“What about this one?”

“You dare to fool me?” Han Siqi rolls up his sleeves and walks to the bathroom quickly with a pretended fierce look.


Fu Zhengzheng locks the bathroom inside at once. She knocks on the back of the door and wiggles her waist complacently, “I fool you. What can you do? Come to catch me!”

Han Siqi isn’t in a hurry, “Darling, I will make you too exhausted to walk unless you sleep in the bathroom tonight.”

“I will sleep in the bathroom and bath for the whole night.” Fu Zhengzheng isn’t afraid of his threatening. She runs a hot bath while humming a tune, throws her clothes aside and then begins to enjoy the bath.

Looking at her nightgown on the bed, Han Siqi curls his lips. He ignores her, walks to the desk, turns on his laptop and begins to work.

Half an hour later.

The song in the bathroom stops at last. Then it is replaced by shouts, “Siqi? Siqi?”

Han Siqi stands up quickly, picks up her nightgown and walks to the bathroom, “Darling?”

“I forgot my nightgown and underwear. Bring them to me.”

“Open the door.”

“You’ve got them?”

“Of course.”

“Darling, you are so nice.”

The door is opened. Then Fu Zhengzheng sticks her head out and retracts it after she gets the nightgown.

“Where is my underwear?”

“You don’t need to wear it. Spare the trouble.”

Understanding Han Siqi’s implication, Fu Zhengzheng curls her lips, chokes back the laughter, puts on the nightgown quickly and then comes out.

Han Siqi is still standing outside. Thinking of the previous joke, she is afraid that he will attack her, so she whips her wet hair deliberately.

Han Siqi takes down the dry towel from her neck instantly, wipes her wet hair, takes her to sit on the bed and then blows her hair with a hair dryer.

Fu Zhengzheng sniggers over distracting Han Siqi’s attention successfully. She is sitting while Han Siqi is standing opposite to her. She sees the curve in his waist when she raises her head. Recalling that he threatened to make her too exhausted to walk, she smiles evilly, holds Han Siqi’s waist, rubs it deliberately and pretends to be very happy, “Darling, you are so sweet.”

Han Siqi takes some steps back, moves Fu Zhengzheng’s head to the other side and blows her wet hair in another part.

Fu Zhengzheng holds back the laughter, leans forward slightly, holds his waist again and buries her face under his waist.

The pleasant touch makes Han Siqi excited. He planned to finish his work before doing something else originally, but now he begins to blow her hair quickly.

Fu Zhengzheng ignores him. She twists her lips, whistles towards the front and then buries her face again.

Han Siqi can’t stand it anymore. Not caring whether her hair is dry or not, he throws the hair dryer on the table and presses Fu Zhengzheng down on the bed.

At this moment, Fu Zhengzheng’s phone rings.

The two people who are about to make love stop simultaneously.

“My phone.” Fu Zhengzheng wants to rise.

Han Siqi continues immediately. He pulls the quilt and covers them with it. Then he covers Fu Zhengzheng’s ears with hands and bends over her body.

After quite a while, Fu Zhengzheng who is sweaty lifts the quilt, takes a shower with Han Siqi in the bathroom and then goes back to the bed.

Thinking of the call just now, she picks up her phone quickly for a look. Seeing the missing call from Yang Tao, she calls him back at once.

“Yang Tao?”

“Zhengzheng, are you at home?”

“Yes, what’s up?”

“Lin Jiao escaped.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, “Escaped? How could she escape?”

“The teammates watching her received our call, arrested Lin Jiao hiding in a community and intended to take her back to the police office. On the way, she suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom. She looked so anxious that the teammates took her to a nearby public toilet, for fear that she would have problems if she was not allowed to do that. They thought so long as they guarded the only exit, there would be no problem. Unexpectedly, Lin Jiao stunned an old lady in the toilet, wore her clothes and escaped in disguise. We’re trying our best to search for her now. We guess she doesn’t dare to see you in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, but you’d better be cautious before we arrest her.”


Seeing Fu Zhengzheng in a daze after she hangs up the phone, Han Siqi walks to her, “Who escaped?”

“Lin Jiao.”

Han Siqi takes out his phone, calls Lu Song, tells him what happened and asks him to investigate Lin Jiao’s whereabouts.

Finding Han Siqi calls Lu Song again, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing, “I find Lu Song can deal with everything and seems more competent than Lin Yongcheng.”

“Of course, before he works for me, people in the underworld of B City have known his name. Except for Scarman and Old Yao, perhaps Lu Song is the most influential one in the underworld of B City.”

“Scarman and Old Yao?” Fu Zhengzheng only pays attention to those that aim at the coffer. She hasn’t heard the two men from Yang Tao and Muxian, so she doesn’t pay special attention to them.

“They are two well-known guys in the underworld of B City. Most dock markets in B City are their sphere of influence. They follow the code of brotherhood and abide by the law most of the time. They only play the touch ball at most, so they are in peace with the police. Actually, I have sent someone to watch people around them long before and found they seem to be uninterested in the coffer.”

“Oh, no wonder. I don’t know where Lin Jiao will escape.”

While they are talking, there is a knock on the door.

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