Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 337 - Take Care of the Family Member’s Mood

Chapter 337 Take Care of the Family Member’s Mood

When Ji Muxian walks to the staff quarter with Yang Tao, he stops his steps suddenly and asks a series of questions, “Where did Lin Jiao go during the three hours when she was missing? Why did she hijack the taxi until three hours later? What did she hijack the taxi for? Where did she plan to go?”

Yang Tao keeps silent for a while and then says, “I asked Menghuai to retrace the route of Lin Jiao’s driver and examined the surveillance video all the way. But we only saw Lin Jiao hit Fourth Ring Road from Sanjing Road. Around Sanjing Road, it is an old town without surveillance. Only the main roads such as Fourth Ring Road are equipped with surveillance.”

“That means during the three hours when she was missing, she might stay around Sanjing Road?”

“Maybe. Go to west along Fourth Ring Road, you will get out of the city. Perhaps Lin Jiao wanted to escape to the countryside after she knew what she did had been exposed. By the way, I also suspected she would turn to Fu Wenhai. But according to our colleague that watched Fu Wenhai, he hadn’t gone out since he got home at 6:00 p.m. Besides, Fu Wenhai doesn’t live in the west of the city.”

Ji Muxian walks ahead slowly without saying anything.

Yang Tao catches up with him, “It seems that Luo Jiahua and Lin Jiao don’t have common circles. He doesn’t have the motive to kill Lin Jiao, either. Hey, Muxian!”

“What?” Ji Muxian stops.

Yang Tao hesitates and then shakes his head.

Seeing Yang Tao swallow back the words on the tip of his tongue, Ji Muxian stares at him at once, “What comes to your mind?”

“Talking of motive…” Yang Tao hesitates in speech and can’t finish his words.

“You suspect Siqi?”

“No!” Yang Tao shakes his head, “I don’t believe Siqi would do that. But as far as I know, he also sent his man Lu Song to search for Lin Jiao. You should know what kind of person Lu Song was before he works for Siqi.”

“Lu Song is measured and always helps the police.”

“I know. I just associated Lu Song suddenly with Rongsheng Sand Company you mentioned. He seemed to be related to Rongsheng before. I think too much. I know how shrewd he is.” Yang Tao smiles embarrassedly, “By the way, Deputy Chief Miao just asked us to pay more attention to the coffer case. But I told him although Lin Jiao’s death was irrelevant to the coffer, she endangered Zhengzheng’s safety so we couldn’t ignore it. But now Lin Jiao has died, so we can go back to our main task.”

Ji Muxian nods.

“Well, let’s go back to catch up on sleep. I haven’t told Zhengzheng what happened to Lin Jiao. I will tell her when she comes to work tomorrow morning. If other family members of Lin Jiao can’t be contacted, we’ll have to inform Li Yin to deal with it. She has been pregnant for almost seven months. It may be a problem.”

Ji Muxian doesn’t respond. They enter the staff quarter together.


Han Siqi gets up early. Fu Zhengzheng opens her eyes and finds it’s just 6:30 a.m., so she lies down again.

“Why do you get up so early?”

Han Siqi answers while adjusting his clothes, “If I take over brother’s work earlier, he will be able to go on a holiday with our sister-in-law earlier. Go back to sleep. I’ll tell Lu Song to drive you to work.”

Fu Zhengzheng rises at once, “I’ll drive to work myself.”

Han Siqi doesn’t object, but he warns her repeatedly, “You must watch out for safety.”

“Got it.” Fu Zhengzheng responds under the quilt.

Han Siqi walks to the bed, gropes to the middle part through the quilt and then pats lightly.

“Get up at 7:00, or you’ll have to go out in a hurry.”

“Got it. You should be careful too.” Fu Zhengzheng just wiggles her body under the quilt and doesn’t stick her head out.

Han Siqi smiles, walks to the door gently, goes out and closes the door behind him.

After Han Siqi leaves, Fu Zhengzheng becomes fully awake. Her mind is occupied by Lin Jiao. She gropes for her phone. Seeing no calls or messages on it, she guesses maybe Lin Jiao wasn’t found last night. She wants to ask about the situation, so she rises at once.

She changes her clothes and takes what she needs. Then she goes downstairs to enter the dining room. Fu Xing is having breakfast. Seeing her, he greets her at once, “Good morning, mummy.”

“Take it easy. Where are your sister and grandma?” Fu Zhengzheng strokes her son’s head and sits down next to him.

“My sister has finished her breakfast. She forgot her scarf, so grandma takes her back to fetch it.”

“Why do you eat slower than your sister does?”

“When she was having dinner, I went to do a poo.” Fu Xing makes a face at Fu Zhengzheng embarrassedly and then he forces an artificial smile.

Fu Zhengzheng sticks out her tongue at him and shrugs. Seeing Chen Qiaolan bring a bowl of hot oatmeal, she stands up quickly to take it.

“Thank you.” Fu Zhengzheng takes a sip of oatmeal. Then she looks towards the gate and asks Fu Xing strangely, “Hasn’t Uncle Wan come?”

Fu Xing bites the spoon with teeth, points outside and says unclearly, “Uncle Wan, Uncle Zhao and Uncle Qian are all at the gate. They are waiting outside at this time every day.”

Fu Zhengzheng still feels worried, “You must listen to them on the way to and from school. Don’t run around. Understand?”

“I got it. Grandpa, grandma, dad and elder uncle tell me to listen to Uncle Wan and not to run around every day. They say there are many bad guys outside. Mummy, don’t worry about me. I remember it firmly.”

Looking at her serious son, Fu Zhengzheng smiles.

Soon Fu Xing finishes his breakfast. He waves at Fu Zhengzheng, climbs down the chair, returns to the room to fetch his schoolbag and then goes towards the gate.

Fu Zhengzheng rushes the oatmeal, wipes her mouth and then walks fast to the gate. She sees Ji Yashu and Xiaoxiao arrive too. A business purpose vehicle is parking at the gate and Wan Zhenghua is lifting Fu Xing into it.

Fu Xing opens the car window slightly and waves at Fu Zhengzheng, “Mummy, I’ll listen to these uncles. Don’t worry.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods and looks at her son smilingly.

After Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao are seated, Wan Zhenghua and two other bodyguards get into the car too. The driver starts the car slowly and drives off.

When the car has gone far, Fu Zhengzheng says goodbye to Ji Yashu and then walks to the parking lot.

“Miss Fu, good morning. I’ve checked your car. There’s no problem.” When Fu Zhengzheng just walks to the entrance of the parking lot, a young guard greets her.

Fu Zhengzheng recognizes the guard is the one that tapped Han Siqi’s car window last time. He is also the man who burnt paper before Wen Jiyun’s grave that day. Recalling that Han Siqi said this man had great comprehensive quality, she can’t help asking, “Why are you still a guard here?”

The guard smiles shyly, “Mr. Han asked me to check your cars every day. He said it’s an arduous task and told me to perform it with great care.”

Siqi is more and more cautious.

But she doesn’t say anything. She smiles at the guard and gets into the car.

When she drives to the gate of the police office, she receives Yang Tao’s call.

Before Yang Tao speaks anything, she asks, “Has Lin Jiao been founded, Yang Tao?”

“Have you come to work?”

“I just reached the parking lot.”

“Come to my office. I’ll tell you in detail.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng has a sense of foreboding. She parks the car quickly and rushes to Yang Tao’s office.

“Yang Tao…Gee, why are your eyes so red? You didn’t sleep last night?” Once entering the office, she sees Yang Tao’s eyes full of blood streaks.

“I stayed up late. Lin Jiao died.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, “What? How?”

“she died in a car accident.” Yang Tao tells her what happened last night in detail.

“My God. How can it be like this!”

Although Lin Jiao has harmed her for several times, she still can’t help feeling chilly when she hears Lin Jiao’s death, especially the horrible scene.

“According to the evidence we’ve got, it should be a common traffic accident. The driver that hit her is very cooperative and is willing to compensate, but we can’t contact Lin Jiao’s family members…”

“You have Li Yin’s phone number, don’t you?” Fu Zhengzheng blurts. Seeing the hesitation in Yang Tao’s eyes, she understands it immediately and lowers her voice, “Li Yin is close to Lin Jiao. I’m afraid she will have pregnancy discomfort again if she hears the news.”

“I’m worried about it too, so I haven’t called Li Yin.”

“I know Lin Jiao has a sister named Lin Hong. But after the conflict with me half a year ago, Lin Hong and her family moved away from B City. I don’t know where they are now. I’ll ask Li Yin about Lin Hong’s whereabouts, OK?”

“Be euphemistic to prevent Li Yin from suspecting.”

“I’ll go now.” Fu Zhengzheng nods and goes out. When she is out, she calls Zhang Lin, saying she has something to do temporarily and will go to work later. She asks Zhang Lin to help her solve it if there is something. Zhang Lin agrees at once.

Fu Zhengzheng drives back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, puts the bag of ginseng to her car and then comes to Li Yin’s shop. Li Yin has opened the shop and is sitting and eating noodles.

“The expectant mother is so diligent.”

Li Yin turns her head sideways and sees Fu Zhengzheng. She stands up immediately, “Don’t you have to work? Why do you come here so early?”

Fu Zhengzheng gives the bag to her smilingly, “I told you that I would give you ginseng to build up your health, didn’t I? I’m afraid I will forget it if I don’t bring it now, so I skip work to bring it here specially.”

“It doesn’t matter to bring it here earlier or later. You don’t need to bring it specially.” Li Yin, who doesn’t know the truth, says this, but she is moved in the heart. When she takes the bag, she touches her belly and smiles, “My baby is excited to hear what you say. It is rolling in my belly to say thank you.”

“Really?” Fu Zhengzheng moves closer to her and touches Li Yin’s belly. Sure enough, she feels strong fetal movement, “Wow, it’s true. How can it be so naughty? I remember Fu Xing was quiet in my belly. I thought it was a girl at that time.”

Hearing the conversation, Mrs. Liu runs out immediately and reminds Li Yin, “Hey, don’t be so emotional. When you were discharged from the hospital, the doctor repeatedly told you to remain calm, not to quick-tempered and not to affect the baby’s mood.”

Li Yin strokes her belly and smiles at Mrs. Liu, “Aunt, I am not. I was just moved when I saw Zhengzheng skip work to bring ginseng for me.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng becomes anxious. She racks her brains, trying to figure out how to lead the topic to Lin Hong on the condition without making Li Yin become suspicious.

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