Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 338 - Are You Missing Your Men Again?

Chapter 338 Are You Missing Your Men Again?

When Fu Zhengzheng listens to Mrs. Liu telling Li Yin to remain calm instead of being short-tempered while waiting for delivery, she feels anxious. She racks her brains, trying to figure out how to lead the topic to Lin Hong without making Li Yin become suspicious.

“Zhengzheng, go to work now. Don’t delay your work. I’ll ask you to come here after my cousin comes back.”

Hearing Li Yin mentions her cousin, Mrs. Liu becomes discontented right away, “Your cousin is like a kite whose line is broken when she is out. You can’t contact her at all. I didn’t find the sewing kit until midnight yesterday.”

Li Yin explains smilingly at once, “Her mobile phone must be out of battery. Besides, it didn’t take you such a long time to look for it. I found it for you soon, didn’t I?”

Mrs. Liu twists her flat mouth and says with disdain, “I don’t believe she is out to purchase fruit because the purchase list is in the drawer. Don’t think I am old and can be fooled easily. I’ve kept a shop for half of my life. She doesn’t tell you where she is going, so she must be fooling around with a married man. She usually wears heavy makeup in the evening and her fragrance is suffocating. In what way is she like a good girl?”

“Aunt, you misunderstand my cousin. She isn’t such a person!”

Finding Li Yin becomes emotional, Mrs. Liu doesn’t retort, “OK. OK. She isn’t such a person. I’m not serious. I’m afraid you will be affected by her and go astray too.”

Li Yin asks Fu Zhengzheng with a wry smile, “How can I go astray with a big belly?”

Now that Mrs. Liu doesn’t recognize her, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say more and just comforts her smilingly, “Aunt Liu, don’t worry. Li Yin loves Brother Liu heart and soul.”

“I believe it.” A smile lights up Mrs. Liu’s face at once. Seeing Li Yin’s bowl empty, she takes it at once and goes to the back.

Li Yin smiles, “His aunt always dislikes my cousin to dress up, and I can’t be bothered to talk more with her.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks and says on purpose, “Your cousin is still single, so it’s normal for her to dress up. She is old enough to find a boyfriend. I think she hasn’t met her Mr. Right rather than refusing to look for one. You should ask your relatives and friends to look for one for her. The more people help, the more chances she will have.”

“Don’t mention this subject. My eldest cousin called her specially the other day and said she knew a good man. She invited my cousin to go there for a date but was turned down directly. She was so angry that she cursed my cousin on the phone.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows Li Yin’s eldest cousin is Lin Hong. She rolls her eyes and says deliberately, “Oh, your eldest cousin is not in this City, and Lin Jiao is also away. Maybe she has gone to have a blind date, but she didn’t tell you?”

Li Yin waves, “My eldest cousin and her family haven’t been away from B City since they came back after the Spring Festival, so they are in B City now.”

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “They’ve come back?”

“Yes. She and her husband are running a supermarket around Fourth Ring Road. Their business is great.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng stands up immediately, “Li Yin, I have to go to work. I’ll come to see you again when I’m free. Take care of yourself.”

“OK.” Li Yin doesn’t find anything abnormal and sees Fu Zhengzheng off smilingly.

Once getting into the car, Fu Zhengzheng calls Yang Tao, tells him that Lin Hong keeps a supermarket around Fourth Ring Road and asks him to send someone to investigate. After hanging up the phone, she wants to go to Fourth Ring Road to look for Lin Hong. After all, she once saw Ling Hong. But thinking that they had a problem before and Yang Tao would look for her through the industry and commerce department, she takes a turn and goes back to the police office.

When she just gets back to the police office, Yang Tao calls her, telling her that Lin Hong has been contacted and she will go to the traffic police brigade soon.

Fu Zhengzheng asks, “Did you tell her not to tell Li Yin?”

“Yes. There should be no problem.”

“That’s good.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone.

Thinking that Lin Jiao has died at such a young age, Fu Zhengzheng’s heart is heavy.

Then she thinks of Li Xiaomeng, who has the same end, and sighs.

Perhaps it’s another example of the old saying that you may have the chance to elude the natural disaster, but you eventually can’t have the chance to escape from your sin.

Sure enough, what a person does is witnessed by God.

She goes home after work at dusk. Han Siqi, his two brothers and Tian Xin all don’t come back for dinner. Because of Lin Jiao’s death, Fu Zhengzheng’s heart is still heavy. She forces herself to eat some food and then goes back to the room early. Without washing, she curls in the sofa.

At about 9:00, Han Siqi comes back.

As soon as entering the room, Han Siqi goes straight to her and stares at her, “Mom said you didn’t look well. Are you sick?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Because of Lin Jiao’s death?”

Fu Zhengzheng nods.

“She always tried to harm you. Isn’t it better that she died? Do you need to feel sad for her?”

“I’m not sad. Although I don’t like her very much, she is an acquaintance anyway. However, she is gone suddenly and I have an indescribable feeling.”

“Well, don’t think so much. It’s none of your business. Go to wash. Then watch TV or listen to music to relax yourself.” Han Siqi turns around to fetch her night gown.

Fu Zhengzheng nods, takes the night gown and enters the bathroom to wash quickly. Then she comes out and goes to bed.

When she just goes to bed, her phone rings. She takes the phone and sees the call from Sun Qiubo. She connects it at once.

“Zhengzheng, come to talk with both of us.”

“Both of you? You and Tian?”

“Yes, in my room. Give you five minutes. If you come one second later, you will be tickled.” Then Sun Qiubo hangs up the phone.

After Sun Qiubo comes to B City, Han Siqi arranges a room for her specially in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone, rises quickly and then changes clothes.

“What’s up?” Han Siqi who is working before the computer stands up at once.

“Qiubo asked me to go to her room for a chat. Tian is there too.”

“Let me send you there.”

“It’s so near that I can go there alone. Get your business.”

Although Fu Zhengzheng refuses, Han Siqi ignores what she says and goes downstairs with her.

Sun Qiubo’s residence isn’t far from here. It only takes five or six minutes to walk there.

“OK. Go back now. If Qiubo and Tian see us, they will laugh at us for being too affectionate.” Fu Zhengzheng pushes Han Siqi to turn around.

“Just chat here. Don’t go out in the evening.”

“Got it.”

Then Han Siqi turns around and leaves.

After Han Siqi’s figure has disappeared from her view, Fu Zhengzheng knocks on the door. The door is not closed, so she pushes the door and enters.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she enters the room, Tian Xin and Sun Qiubo jump out from the back of the door and begin to tickle her on both sides.

Fu Zhengzheng shouts and runs inside.

“Hey, hey, calm down!”

Sun Qiubo snorts, “I told you to arrive here within five minutes, but actually it took you eight minutes! If we don’t tickle you hard, you won’t remember it.”

“Qiubo, look at her. It’s so near, but her husband sent her here. They also showed off their love at the door of your room. Apparently, they are irritating us deliberately.” Tian Xin fans the flames.

Hearing that, Sun Qiubo pounces herself on Fu Zhengzheng again.

“Let me off, Writer Sun!”

“I won’t let you off even if you call me Grandma Sun!” Sun Qiubo says fiercely.

Finding she can’t avoid Sun Qiubo, Fu Zhengzheng throws off her shoes, slips into the bed and wraps herself completely. When she sees Sun Qiubo unable to attack her, she begins to defend herself.

“Our kid has been six years old. What’s the significance of showing love? It’s your showtime!”

“It has been nearly 30 hours since I saw Menghuai last time. What can I show?” Sun Qiubo rolls her eyes at Fu Zhengzheng, which means she will let Fu Zhengzheng off. Then she lies down on the bed.

Tian Xin climbs on the bed too, squeezes under the quilt and echoes, “It has been 24 hours since I saw Muxian last time. He didn’t answer my call. Zhengzheng, did something serious happen? Otherwise, why are they both so busy?”

“There is an emergency task, but it has nothing to do with us.” They don’t know Lin Jiao anyway, so Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t want to mention Lin Jiao in the evening.

Finding they are both staring at her, she adds smilingly, “I promise you will see your men tomorrow at latest.”

Tian Xin has no response to it, but Sun Qiubo spits at once, “Your men? Do you know how to speak properly?”

Fu Zhengzheng pokes her face, “You have met your parents-in-law. Isn’t he your man?”

“Who told you? He hasn’t passed my parents’ test.” Sun Qiubo’s face flushes slightly. But she pretends to be light and waves casually.

Tian Xin breaks in, “Qiubo, when He Menghuai is free, take him back to visit your parents. I promise your parents will agree immediately.”

“Why are you so sure?” Sun Qiubo stares at Tian Xin curiously.

Tian Xin smiles evilly, “You have lived in He Menghuai’s house for over a month. Perhaps you’ve had a baby. Will your parents not agree?”

Sun Qiubo shouts, “When did I live in He Menghuai’s house? No matter how late it is, I will come back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort! Don’t talk rubbish!”

Tian Xin winks at Fu Zhengzheng, “Zhengzheng, did you see her come back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort?”

Fu Zhengzheng holds back her laughter and shakes her head, “Never.”

“Do you hear that? Not only I say that. If your parents ask me about the situation, we will tell them the truth for your sake.”

“Bad Tian, you’re making fun of me again!” Sun Qiubo pinches Tian Xin’s arm with force.

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “I think Tian’s idea is good. If uncle and aunt don’t agree, you might as well have a try.”

Sun Qiubo rolls her eyes at them, “I won’t copy your examples. I’m not in a hurry anyway. My brother is still single. I’ll wait for a few years. When my brother is married and Tian’s baby grows up, my parents will implore Menghuai to marry me.”

Fu Zhengzheng gives Sun Qiubo a thumbs-up, but Tian Xin discourages her, “What if you become old but He Menghuai falls in love with a young girl?”

Sun Qiubo responds lightly, “If he dares to love another one, I will dare to castrate him.”

Hearing that, Tian Xin grabs Sun Qiubo’s hand at once and rolls her sleeve up, “Let me see if your mark of virginity is still here.”

Sun Qiubo looks sideways at her and withdraws her hand immediately, “Your own mark of virginity has disappeared. Are you qualified to look at mine?”

Tian Xin and Fu Zhengzheng exchange their glances and then laugh tacitly.

Sun Qiubo flushes and kicks them with both feet.

While they are laughing and playing, Fu Zhengzheng receives a message on the phone. She takes out her phone and finds it’s a multimedia message from a strange phone number. Seeing the words of “coffer key” as the subject of the multimedia message, she is shocked…

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