Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 339 - Cooperation between the Key and the Trap Map

Chapter 339 Cooperation between the Key and the Trap Map

While Fu Zhengzheng is laughing and playing with Sun Qiubo and Tian Xin, she receives a message on the phone. She takes out her phone and finds it’s a multimedia message from a strange phone number. Seeing the words of “coffer key” as the subject of the multimedia message, she is shocked and opens the multimedia message immediately. A picture of the coffer key appears.

The blood all over her body seems to be boiling.

At this moment, her phone rings.

She gestures to Sun Qiubo and Tian Xin immediately to tell them to be silent, and then she connects the call.

After the call is connected, a man speaks in a rough voice deliberately, “Is that Miss Fu?”

“This is Fu Zhengzheng.” Fu Zhengzheng is excited, but she tries to restrain herself and talk with him calmly.

“Have you seen the multimedia message?”


“What do you think about it?” Obviously, he is surprised at Fu Zhengzheng’s calm tone.

“I’m wondering what you think about it.” Fu Zhengzheng asks in reply.

“To enter the coffer, a person must have the key and the trap map. I’m sure you’re clear about it. I have the coffer key, while you have the trap map. I think we can consider cooperation.” He is outright and speaks his intention directly.

Few people know what the coffer key is like, let alone the people who have seen it. Does the person only have the key picture, or does he really have the key?

If he really has the key, is he the man behind Li Xiaomeng?

Isn’t he always foxy? Her status as an undercover agent has been exposed, but he calls her so directly. Isn’t he afraid that his identity will be exposed if her phone is monitored?

Perhaps because of receiving no response from Fu Zhengzheng, he says, “You don’t need to reply in a hurry. I’ll give you time for consideration.” Then he hangs up the phone.

“Hey, hold on!” Before Fu Zhengzheng is done, he has hung up the phone. She calls him back immediately but is told the subscriber she dialed is powered off.

“What’s wrong?” Looking at Fu Zhengzheng’s anxious expression, Tian Xin and Sun Qiubo don’t know what happened and stare at her nervously.

Fu Zhengzheng has got out of the bed, “Enjoy yourselves. I have to go back.”

She walks two steps and feels that they are worried. Then she smiles over her shoulder, “Don’t worry. It’s about work. Let’s chat together another day.”

Then she walks out quickly. On the way, she can’t restrain herself from the excitement and wants to call Yang Tao. But when she takes out the phone, she finds there are pedestrians all the way, so she manages to restrain herself and speeds up towards the residence of Han Siqi’s parents.

She opens the door and enters the room. Han Siqi is working before the computer. Seeing her come back, he stops working, turns around against the backrest and smiles at her, “You come back so early. I thought you would chat until midnight.”

Unexpectedly, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t glance at him. She takes out the phone and begins to call someone.

Han Siqi has a sense of foreboding at once and walks to her quickly.

Fu Zhengzheng puts her finger to her lips, signaling him to be silent.

After quite a while, Yang Yao answers the call, “Zhengzheng?”

“Are you convenient to talk now?” Fu Zhengzheng hears noises on the phone.

“I just got to the hospital. What’s up?”

“Who is sick?”

“Xiaoyue’s mother. She relapses into coronary heart disease.”

“Ah? Then please take aunt to see a doctor first. I’ll contact Muxian.”

“OK. I’ll call you back as soon as possible.” Then Yang Tao hangs up the phone in a hurry.

Finding she is dialing another phone number, Han Siqi asks worriedly, “What happened?”

Fu Zhengzheng is about to speak when someone knocks on the door.

Han Siqi glances at her and then goes to the outer room to open the door.

“Muxian, why are you here?”

“Is Zhengzheng here?” Ji Muxian asks.


“I’m here!” Fu Zhengzheng responds simultaneously with Han Siqi. She walks fast to the outer room. At this time, Ji Muxian has entered.

“Muxian, I just received a call.”

Ji Muxian nods, “I know. The monitoring center has called me. However, they couldn’t locate the caller because your conversation only lasted for a short time.

As soon as he drove to the parking lot of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, he received a call from the monitoring center. Then he got out of the car and came here straight for Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng shows Ji Muxian the multimedia message in her phone at once.

Han Siqi also cranes his neck to look, “This is the key picture.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods and then looks at Ji Muxian, “Muxian, few people know what the coffer key is like. Look at the picture. Apparently, it’s taken when the guy is with the key. What should we do next?”

Staring at the multimedia message in the phone, Ji Muxian falls into silence.

Fu Zhengzheng sees Han Siqi’s doubt in his eyes, so she tells him her conversation with the guy on the phone. Han Siqi begins to analyze worriedly, “Few people know what the coffer key is like, but after all, someone knows. The person called you, perhaps just to know if you really had the trap map?”

Ji Muxian nods, “Siqi’s thought is reasonable.”

Fu Zhengzheng becomes anxious, “I’ve been back to B City for over half a month. Though many things happened recently, it’s the first thing that is really related to the trap map, isn’t it? We should take it seriously. What if he really has the key? Even if it’s a tentative call, that means someone is itching to have a go. If we don’t make them believe I really have the trap map, how can they fall into our trap?”

Han Siqi doesn’t say anything and just looks at Ji Muxian.

Ji Muxian frowns, walks slowly to the sofa and sits down while meditating.

Fu Zhengzheng pours a glass of water for each of them and puts the glasses on the tea table.

Ji Muxian fiddles with Fu Zhengzheng’s phone and opens his mouth after quite a while, “We’ll not let the clue go. The guy timed the conversation length exactly to prevent us from locating him. That means he has been well prepared, so we can’t let down our guard.”

“Muxian, do you think he is the man behind the screen?” Fu Zhengzheng asks.

Han Siqi doesn’t think so, “That person is so foxy and couldn’t have given himself away so easily. Even if related to him, the caller is only his stand-in at most.”

“If we can arrest the stand-in, we will have a clue, right?”

“If it’s really instigated by the man behind the screen, I guess it will also not be easy to arrest the caller.”

“Let’s lock the phone number first. When he calls me next time, we can locate him.”

“He must have thrown the number.”

Fu Zhengzheng stops for a while, then she says, “Then we become passive again, right?”

After that, she looks at Ji Muxian again.

Seeing Ji Muxian still silent, Han Siqi calls him softly, “Muxian?”

Then Ji Muxian raises his head, takes out a notebook from his pocket, puts it on the tea table and opens it.

“What’s this?” Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi crane their necks for a look, only to see many names and arrows on it.

Fu Zhengzheng reads the words on it, “Lin Jiao, Xiao Dawen, the taxi driver–Old He, Luo Jiahua, Tong Le’ an, Gu Yang. Except for Lin Jiao and Xiao Dawen, I’ve never heard of other names.”

Han Siqi breaks in at once, “Tong Lean and Gu Yang work in Rongsheng Sand Company.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at him confusedly, “What’s the relationship among them?”

Ji Muxian points to the names on the notebook and explains slowly, “Lin Jiao bought Xiao Dawen to kill Zhengzheng with explosives. After it fell through and was exposed, Lin Jiao hijacked Old He’s taxi to escape. On the way, she was run over and killed by Luo Jiahua’s engineering vehicle. Luo Jiahua’s vehicle is affiliated to Rongsheng Sand Company.”

“It means Lin Jiao connects them together? But Yang Tao said Lin Jiao died in a traffic accident, didn’t she?” Fu Zhengzheng is still confused.

Without answering Fu Zhengzheng, Ji Muxian asks Han Siqi, “What do you know about Rongsheng Group?”

Han Siqi thinks and then says, “Rongsheng Group was started six years ago and was called Rongsheng Company in the beginning. It has developed rapidly during these years. In B City, except Weihan, I think no one else can match it. Rongsheng Sand Company is only part of Rongsheng Group. The group also has many KTVs, clubs, hotels and so on. Rongsheng Group has two executive directors. One is Tong Le’ an and the other is Gu Yang. They are both about 35 years old. They are usually in a low profile and seldom appear in public.”

Ji Muxian continues to ask, “Have you dealt with them?”

Han Siqi shakes his head, “We have different investment fields. Basically, we keep as clear of them as well water and river water. We know each other but it’s only a nodding acquaintance.”

Fu Zhengzheng breaks in, “Is it possible that illegal activities including pornography, gambling and drug abuse are going on secretly in their KTVs, clubs and hotels?”

Otherwise, how could they develop so quickly within only six years?

“Of course. Lu Song once told me.” Han Siqi gives an affirmative answer.

Ji Muxian nods, “I investigated Rongsheng Group secretly and dealt with Gu Yang and Tong Le’ an taking these things as an excuse. They are not so wise as I imagine.”

“You mean?” Han Siqi stares at Ji Muxian tightly.

Fu Zhengzheng seems to realize something, “The group was started six years ago? Is it related to Wen Jiyun’s son Wen Jun? Is he the wire-puller of the group?”

Ji Muxian smiles and then says, “I had such an idea before, but my doubt was dispelled later. Now I suspect that Rongsheng Group also covets the coffer. Think about it, you guys. Lin Jiao itched to kill Zhengzheng. Zhengzheng was unscathed, but Lin Jiao was killed. Xiao Dawen was addicted to drugs, so he borrowed money from Lin Jiao and had to be instigated by her. In fact, Xiao Dawen knew the explosive wouldn’t explode. He said he only wanted to defraud her of money. She was arrested by the police and should have been prisoned for some days, then she couldn’t pose a threat to Zhengzheng. But she escaped recklessly and was killed in a car accident.”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “Muxian, you make me muddle-headed!”

Han Siqi explains, “He means that actually someone instigated Xiao Dawen to make use of Lin Jiao’s plot to throw her into prison. The true purpose was to protect you.”

“Protect me?” Fu Zhengzheng becomes more confused.

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