Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 340 - Many Doubtful Points

Chapter 340 Many Doubtful Points

Han Siqi explains to Fu Zhengzheng, “Muxian means that someone wanted to throw Lin Jiao into prison to protect you.”

“Protect me?” Fu Zhengzheng becomes more confused.

“You have the trap map. Before obtaining it from you, the person coveting the coffer must ensure your safety.”

“Now that he just wanted to protect me, why did they kill Lin Jiao at last?” Fu Zhengzheng is more and more confused.

“Perhaps he was afraid that Lin Jiao would threaten your life again if she escaped. Lin Jiao might be driving to Lin Hong’s residence and died on the way. Which driver will not pull out the key when he leaves his car, not to mention an experienced driver like Old He? His behavior doesn’t make sense at all. Besides, I find he was a hooligan under Wen Jiyun seven years ago. Later, he stopped doing evil and reformed himself, making a living by driving the taxi. He is addicted to gambling and once gambled away much money. But there are two house properties under his name, and the taxi is also owned by him.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks instantly, “Does he always work for Wen Jun secretly?”

“I guess so.” Then Ji Muxian continues, “After Luo Jiahua ran over and killed Lin Jiao, he became faint, or he might have escaped from the scene. I checked the surveillance video carefully. While Luo Jiahua was driving, he wore a pair of big sunglasses and zippered his jacket to the top. The lower part of his face was hidden. It’s hard to see his appearance clearly in the surveillance video.”

Han Siqi feels surprised obviously, “Those engineering vehicles of Rongsheng Sand Company following behind were used to mislead the police?”

Fu Zhengzheng figures it out finally and summarizes, “Rongsheng Group may be manipulated by Wen Jun behind the screen, and Lin Jiao’s death is related to them. They want to protect my safety before getting the trap map, right? I always thought only the man behind Li Xiaomeng was most interested in the coffer. Unexpectedly, Wen Jun is also interested in it.”

Han Siqi asks suddenly, “Is Wen Jun possibly the man behind Li Xiaomeng?”

Fu Zhengzheng disagrees with him, “It’s impossible! Everyone knows Li Xiaomeng’s father Li Ming robbed and killed Wen Jun’s father Wen Jiyun. It’s a blood feud. How could they become lovers? Li Xiaomeng was pregnant before she died.”

Han Siqi thinks and says, “What if Wen Jun knew Li Xiaomeng while Li Xiaomeng didn’t know the man was Wen Jun?”

“Um…” Fu Zhengzheng has never thought of it, “Well, my mind just became clear. Now I’m muddled again.”

Ji Muxian breaks in, “What Siqi says isn’t impossible. But it is only our speculation. I have a feeling that the person chooses to seek your cooperation now, perhaps because he has realized we’re closer and closer to him. Therefore, he can’t wait. He must get the trap map before he is exposed.”

“If he is sure that Zhengzheng has the trap map, he may take drastic actions!” Han Siqi’s voice sounds worried.

Ji Muxian stands up, closes the notebook, puts it into his pocket and then looks at Fu Zhengzheng, “Have a good sleep first. Think about how to do it if the person calls you again. I’ll go back to the police office.”

Recalling that Tian Xin said it had been 24 hours since she saw Ji Muxian last time, Fu Zhengzheng calls him at once, “You will go back to the police office? Tian is waiting for you at home.”

“I’ll make arrangements. You must be cautious.” Then Ji Muxian walks out.

Han Siqi sees Ji Muxian off. When he closes the door and comes back, he sees Fu Zhengzheng still in a daze, so he sits next to her and holds her lightly into his arms.

“Are you nervous?”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles and nods lightly, “Actually, I’ve been prepared psychologically, but I can’t help feeling anxious at the critical point somehow.”

“It’s normal.” Han Siqi puts her hands into his palms.

Fu Zhengzheng exhales a deep breath and looks at him with pretended lightness, “It feels like the climax of a TV play is coming. I’m both expectant and nervous!”

Han Siqi encourages her smilingly, “Don’t be nervous. I’ll stay with you anytime. Moreover, only after the climax can everything be ended. Then we’ll regain a quiet world and can carry out our baby plan with our minds eased.”

Fu Zhengzheng bursts into laughter and becomes relaxed.

But soon she turns her thoughts to Fu Xing and becomes worried again, “Siqi, shall we stop Fu Xing going to the kindergarten for the time being?”

“In fact, if there is danger, he won’t be safe anywhere. Don’t worry, I’ve arranged multiple protections for Xingxing. Even in kindergarten, I’ve arranged many bodyguards.”

“That’s great. I’m most worried about Xingxing. Of course, I’m also worried about you!”

Han Siqi laughs and says, “My Kung Fu skill has been improved. Whom you should be worried about is yourself now. OK, don’t think too much. Have a good sleep and keep your mind clear anytime. Only in this way, can you deal with everything more calmly.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods and wants to rise. But Han Siqi stops her, lifts her up transversely to the bed and puts her down lightly. Then he stares at her and says in a serious voice.

“Miss Fu Zhengzheng, from now on, I will give you a comprehensive assessment: during this period of time, no matter what you encounter, you have to deal with it calmly and cooperate actively with the leaders and me. You mustn’t act recklessly, nor can you treat your own life lightly. The task can’t be changed, but you can be flexible. Before you do everything, you must make sure you are absolutely safe. Do you hear me?”

Looking at Han Siqi’s serious look, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing.

But Han Siqi doesn’t laugh, “It’s a serious topic. Please take it seriously.”

Fu Zhengzheng straightens her body and pretends to be serious too, “Mr. Han Siqi, I’m clear. I’ll follow your order seriously!”

Then Han Siqi’s face becomes mild. He sits down and embraces her tightly into his arms.

“Darling, remember we need to bear a brother for Xingxing and make money to raise them.”

“I only agreed to bear a sister!” Fu Zhengzheng corrects him.

“Xingxing said he wanted a brother.”

“All right. It can’t be decided by us if we’ll bear a brother or a sister.”

“How about preparing two names first to prepare for two possibilities?”

“You are crazy.” Fu Zhengzheng laughs and pokes Han Siqi’s forehead, “What’s the rush of naming? It’s not late to give a name after he or she is born.”

“Isn’t it better to be prepared?”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs and pushes Han Siqi’s face, “Well, enough. Don’t you have work to do? Finish it earlier so that you can sleep earlier.”

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng relaxed, Han Siqi cups her face in his hands, kisses it and strokes it. Then he tucks her in and walks away to do his work.

Fu Zhengzheng lies on the bed, twists her head and looks at Han Siqi’s figure. Firmness can be seen in her sweet eyes.

However, because of that call about the key, Fu Zhengzheng tosses and turns and can’t sleep sound at night, though Han Siqi stays with her. She can’t help bringing the key and the trap map to her mind alternatively.

Han Siqi understands her of course. Knowing her anxiety can’t be eliminated quickly; he just holds her into his arms and comforts her now and then.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t drift into sleep until the day almost breaks. When she opens her eyes, it has been bright. Raising her hand and looking at her watch, she finds it’s already 9:30. She jumps up suddenly with a start.

“What’s up?” Han Siqi asks softly beside her ears.

Fu Zhengzheng grabs and puts on her clothes quickly while scolding him, “It’s already 9:30. You didn’t wake me up. I’m late for work!”

Han Siqi can’t help laughing, “Are you muddled after a sleep? Today is Saturday.”

“It’s already Saturday?” Fu Zhengzheng closes her eyes, meditates and then pats her head, “Look at my memory. I even forget what day it is today.”

“Go back to sleep?”

“I’m fully awake.”

Fu Zhengzheng rises and puts on her clothes. Then she gropes for her phone and has a look. She looks disappointed, “It’s past 9:00. Why hasn’t that man called me?”

“Take it easy. Maybe he is hiding in a corner and peeking at us.”

Without saying anything, Fu Zhengzheng rises to wash.

After washing, she sits on the sofa in a daze and looks as if she doesn’t know what she should do.

“Let’s go to eat breakfast.” Han Siqi takes absent-minded Fu Zhengzheng downstairs.

They come to the dining room and sit down. As soon as they pick up the breakfast Chen Qiao Lan brings to them, Han Siqi’s phone rings.

While he is answering the call, Fu Zhengzheng eats breakfast alone.

“Yongcheng said he wanted to come back in a few days.”

Fu Zhengzheng becomes cheerful at once, “Xiaoyue and Yang Tao are waiting for his return to determine their wedding. By the way, will Qiao Keren come back with him?”

“He didn’t mention that.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng remembers that Lin Xiaoyue’s mother has relapsed into coronary heart disease. She takes out her phone, calls Lin Xiaoyue and asks about it. Lin Xiaoyue says her mother is still in the hospital, but her illness isn’t serious.

“I’ll go to see you soon.”

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone, picks up a piece of cake and puts it into her mouth, while saying to Han Siqi, “Aunt Lin is sick and in the hospital. I need to see her.”

“I’ll go with you.” Han Siqi wipes himself with a piece of napkin paper and stands up too.

“Give Yongcheng a lesson when you’re free. Tell him to be bolder. After such a long time, he still hasn’t made progress in his relationship with Qiao Keren. I think Aunt Lin’s illness is caused by her worry about him.”

Han Siqi just walks and doesn’t respond, so Fu Zhengzheng pulls his hand, “Do you hear me?”

“It can be sensed but cannot be explained in words.”

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at him, “Don’t tell me you are born with the skill to hit on girls!”

Then she winks at him, “It’s said that your dad is always popular among women. It seems that among the three sons in your family, only you have inherited all the experience from your dad, so you are self-taught.”

Han Siqi pats the back of her head.

“You hit me again. What I say is true. But I warn you not to pass it down to my son. I don’t hope that he will be entangled with many women just like you.”

Seeing Han Siqi’s face darken, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing.

At this moment, her phone rings. She quivers and stops her feet immediately…

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