Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 355 - She Becomes His Woman

Chapter 355 She Becomes His Woman

Qiao Keren is lifted upstairs by Lin Yongcheng. Although knowing his room is on the third floor, she embraces him tightly instead.

Lin Yongcheng goes fast to his room and closes the door with his foot. While kissing her, he walks to the bed, puts her on it, lies prone on her and reaches out one hand to lift Qiao Keren’s clothes. But he feels her body become stiff, so he can’t help stopping.

“Keren, I…” He thinks she is resisting him. He doesn’t want to do anything that will make her unhappy.

But Qiao Keren, whose face is as red as a ripe apple, closes her eyes suddenly, turns her face aside and holds his hands that he wants to withdraw.

Lin Yongcheng has an upsurge of passion. How can he resist such a draw? He bends over excitedly to keep her lips in his mouth and reaches his hands inside quickly to feel her body temperature.

The scene has appeared in his dream for hundreds of times. Now when he is personally on the scene again, it feels like a dream, because the happiness comes too fast.

“Keren, I love you.” He moves his lips down while murmuring.

His palms are a little rough and rub her body heavily and hotly. Though it’s a little painful, Qiao Keren has got a different sense of touch. Her excitement at the bottom of her heart is drawn out together. She is so shy that she doesn’t dare to open eyes. She just let all cells become lively.

Feeling her excitement, he takes off her clothes quickly, moves lips down and then stops at the vivid butterfly tattoo on her waist.

Qiao Keren knows where he stops. She never thought he would like the butterfly, so she becomes more excited, reaches out one hand to stroke his short hair, wiggles her body slightly and feels his hot kiss.

A low but pleasant sound comes from her throat and makes Lin Yongcheng shiver. Suddenly, he leans forward, props his palms by her neck and gazes at her eyes.

“Keren…” He says in a hoarse voice.

There is a flush on Qiao Keren’s cheeks. She didn’t expect he would stop to gaze at her, so she drops her eyes shyly and responds quietly.

Lin Yongcheng props himself against his elbows, cups her face in his hands, stares at her and asks again, “Keren, do you know who I am?”

Looking at Lin Yongcheng whose eyes are full of expectancy but voice quivers, Qiao Keren feels strange.

Seeing her silent, Lin Yongcheng becomes anxious, “Keren, tell me who I am.”

Qiao Keren bursts into laughter, “You are Lin Yongcheng.”

“Really?” Lin Yongcheng looks surprised and excited. Seeing Qiao Keren nod, he can’t choke back his excitement anymore. He presses his lips against hers and begins to enjoy himself in a sweat skillfully.

She knows he is Lin Yongcheng. She is clear that he isn’t the substitute for another one any longer.

Tonight, she is completely his woman.

The drizzle has stopped outside the window before they notice it. The moon which is above the cloud just appears and then hides into the cloud shyly.

Lin Yongcheng embraces Qiao Keren into his arms with his hand as her pillow. He strokes a light bruise on her body and feels sorry, “I hurt you.”

“I’m all right.”

Qiao Keren buries her head into his arms feebly. She is too shy to say that she likes the process very much.

Lin Yongcheng smiles. He feels how feeble Qiao Keren is in his arms and kisses her fragrant hair with satisfaction.

It’s not a dream. His beloved woman is really lying in his arms, and she is willing to do it.

Suddenly, Qiao Keren sits up, holds Lin Yongcheng’s hands and checks them carefully.

The blood lines that she scratched just now can still be seen vaguely on his hand backs.

Lin Yongcheng raises his hands and smiles, “Never mind. My hands are often scratched on the construction site.”

“Do you need to apply unguent or something else?” When her hand was scratched, he would apply unguent for her.

Lin Yongcheng withdraws his hands, touches her back with one hand and pulls the quilt with the other one.

“So long as you don’t catch a cold, I will be fine.”

Qiao Keren straightens her body, “It’s already April. How can I catch a cold so easily? I’m not so weak.”

Lin Yongcheng looks at her front, swallows and feels one of his body parts moving slightly.

Meeting his eyes, Qiao Keren realizes her present look is improper. The flush which just disappeared spreads across her face again. She retracts back to the quilt instantly, but she finds it’s more embarrassing to hide under the quilt, so she climbs out of the bed quickly and turns her back to him.

Lin Yongcheng holds her from the back and wants to be closer to her. But one of his body parts is against her, so he moves backward quickly.

Of course, Qiao Keren feels his change and doesn’t dare to move.

Just now, she behaved actively only because she was driven by passion and got impetuous. Now she calms down and feels shy no matter what she does.

Lin Yongcheng turns her around and holds her tightly again.

In the past, he didn’t bare his heart to her. He just loved her silently and protected and looked after her carefully. Now she has recognized and accepted his love. They have been so intimate. What else is he too shy to do? He is itching to let out all his passion tonight.

It’s almost dawn. Qiao Keren curls motionlessly in Lin Yongcheng’s arms. Lin Yongcheng is very sleepy now, but he doesn’t want to close his eyes. He keeps recalling what happened tonight in detail.

After such a night, he can’t find other expressions to show his feelings, except “over the moon”. He doesn’t want to sleep. He wants to impress what happened tonight firmly in his memory.

He thinks Qiao Keren is moved because of his baring of heart, but he doesn’t know what great pressure Han Siqi has imposed on Min Zhongxu and what an important role Min Zhongxu has played behind them.

But those are not important. The point is he has got his lover.

However, if Qiao Keren knows he is the hero of her sexy photos one day, he doesn’t know what will happen.

Only him, Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng know it. They will keep the secret. So long as he can hold his tongue, everything is supposed to be all right.

He won’t tell her the secret. He isn’t stupid. Of course, he won’t tell her.

Feeling Keren move in his arms, he holds her tightly and subconsciously.


When the sun sets, evening lights are lit. The breeze blows and makes people refreshed.

Fu Zhengzheng is dressed casually and drives to SensBund Western Steak Shop alone.

She is cheerful these days. One reason is that Lin Yongcheng has called his mother finally and said he has a girlfriend, but she catches a cold and will go back to B City with him when she gets well; the other reason is that Yao Jun’s wife calls the police in another place, and she is sent to B City by the local police and testifies that everything Yao Jun did was incited by Gu Yang. The police arrest Gu Yang immediately. It seems Gu Yang has expected the day early. He confesses quickly that he bought Xiao Dawen and caused Lin Jiao’s death. He also confesses that the quarry conflict in the west of the city and the gas leak in the east of the city on the night when Fu Zhengzheng and Yao Jun met are both his tricks. But he says these have nothing to do with other people, including Tong Lean. He takes all the responsibilities.

Yang Tao and Muxian know Gu Yang must be defending someone by confessing quickly, because he only has a modeled key. But no matter how the police interrogate him with both threats and inducements, he doesn’t give any clues that can help the police find the person behind him. But anyway, Gu Yang is a head of Rongsheng Group. Arrested by the police, he will hit the headlines in B City for some days. Besides, the police’s pressure can be relieved temporarily – losing one assistant, the person behind Gu Yang will restrain himself.

Fu Zhengzheng once asked Yang Tao if Fu Wenhai would be regarded as the suspect behind Gu Yang. Yang Tao said he was suspectable, but they had no irrefutable evidence, which made her disappointed.

Fu Zhengzheng comes to the steak shop, parks the car and walks in smilingly. Once entering, she hears Xu Yan’s voice, “Zhengzheng, I’m here!”

Fu Zhengzheng sees Xu Yan waving at her in a corner by a window.

Fu Zhengzheng walks to her quickly, stares at her and then laughs, “With a nanny taking care of you, you look different. Your face glows with health.”

Since Xu Yan and Xiao Yicheng were married, Xiao Yicheng’s grandma has been looking forward to seeing her great-grandson before her death. Therefore, Xiao Yicheng’s parents, who are doctors, have made a pregnancy plan for Xu Yan. The plan details her daily diet and exercise for the best pregnancy. Xiao Yicheng is asked to supervise its implementation. Xiao Yicheng is so filial that he can’t go against the wish of his parents and grandma. Therefore, he has to take good care of Xu Yan as required, and thus is teased as a nanny by Fu Zhengzheng.

Xu Yan knows Fu Zhengzheng is teasing of course and complains embarrassedly, “Bother! It has been a long time since we met last time, but once seeing me, you make fun of me.”

“I’m not making fun of you. Instead, I’m praising Yicheng.”

“Praise me? For what?” Xiao Yicheng walks in smilingly with a plate of fruit and puts the plate in the middle.

Fu Zhengzheng points at Xu Yan and laughs, “You take good care of Yan, and we are envious of her extreme happiness.”

Xu Yan retorts, “Please be satisfied. Who doesn’t know that Mr. Han makes a pet of you? You are indeed happy. I’m not, because I’m not free at all. Look, I have no time to bring you the gifts I bought for you and Xingxing during my honeymoon until now. Every day after work I have to do various exercises at home and eat tonics that are thought to be good for health. I’ve almost become a medicine furnace.”

Hearing Xu Yan’s complaint, Xiao Yicheng just smiles and doesn’t say anything.

Fu Zhengzheng is clear about Xu Yan’s temper. Hearing her resigned tone, Fu Zhengzheng comforts her immediately, “They are for your sake. Old people are all like this. Once you get married, they are eager to have a grandson. So are Siqi’s dad and mom. Although we’ve got Fu Xing, they keep hurrying us into bearing another one. We’re thinking about it.”

Comforted by Fu Zhengzheng, Xu Yan becomes cheerful, “If the condition permits, it’s good to have one more kid. What do you think, Yicheng?”

“I think so.” Xiao Yicheng echoes with a smile.

The talk atmosphere becomes joyous instantly. It has been a long time since Fu Zhengzheng and Xu Yan met last time. They keep talking till 9:00 p.m. They don’t leave SensBund until Xiao Yicheng’s parents call to hurry them.

After parting from Xu Yan and Xiao Yicheng, Fu Zhengzheng drives to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Before driving far, suddenly she sees four or five men punching and kicking another one. Her sense of justice surges. She stops the car at once. Worrying that she can’t beat them, she has a good idea and shouts “the police are coming.” Then the men escape.

The man hit by others lies still on the ground. Fu Zhengzheng calls 120 for emergency medical service and goes to lift the man to ask how he is feeling. Unexpectedly, when she sees the man clearly, she is startled…

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