Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 356 - Fu Wenhai Is Hurt

Chapter 356 Fu Wenhai Is Hurt

The man hit by others lies still on the ground. Fu Zhengzheng calls 120 for emergency medical service and 110 for the police. Then she goes to lift the man to ask how he is feeling. Unexpectedly, when she sees the man clearly, she is startled.

She never thought the man would be Fu Wenhai!

“Mr. Fu? Mr. Fu?” Fu Zhengzheng pushes him for several times. He doesn’t respond and falls aside feebly.

Oh, my God. Has he been hit to death?

Fu Zhengzheng stretches out her finger to test his breath by his nose immediately. Feeling a hint of breath, she knows he is in a faint and thus feels relieved. Looking up into the distance, she finds those men have disappeared. She can’t help guessing their background.

Fu Wenhai is a suspect of the police now. She and Yang Tao guess that he is the man behind Li Xiaomeng and the manipulator behind Rongsheng Group. At least, as the boss of Wenhai Building Materials, Fu Wenhai is pretty well-known in B City. How can he be hit by a gang of hooligans on the street?

It’s strange. As the boss of Wenhai Building Materials, Fu Wenhai is usually nice and in a low profile. He is honest and kind in business. In B City, whoever knows him speaks highly of him. She has never heard of his conflicts with others. Thus, the attack from the hooligans may not be related to his status as the boss of Wenhai Building Materials?

Does it have something to do with Rongsheng?

Since Gu Yang was arrested by the police, some problems have been found in Rongsheng. Tong Lean can’t tackle so many things simultaneously and is deeply troubled. Are the hooligans sent by his enemy to revenge at this time?

Now that the person behind those hooligans dares to fight against Rongsheng, he must have a powerful background. You know Rongsheng is a leading enterprise, and it’s not easy to demolish it.

It’s not right. If Fu Wenhai is really the man behind Li Xiaomeng, he must have the coffer key. Perhaps the target of the hooligans is the coffer key?

The wail of the ambulance siren interrupts Fu Zhengzheng’s thought. When she looks up again, the ambulance has stopped by them. She helps the medical workers lift up Fu Wenhai and then watches them carry him into the ambulance.

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng standing below in a daze, a medical worker shouts immediately, “Come on. The ambulance is leaving.”

“Ah? Oh.” Fu Zhengzheng gets into the ambulance at once.

Looking at Fu Wenhai’s face as pale as paper, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help worrying for him. Anyway, except her suspicion, she always has a good impression of him, and he has helped her many times. In her memory, he is always gentle and debonair and wears a smile. She has never seen him lose his temper. It’s relaxing to talk with him.

Is he really the man that the police are looking for?

She really hopes he isn’t. Although all questionable points are closely related to Fu Wenhai and Fu Xing also said Fu Wenhai was seen kissing Li Xiaomeng, Fu Xing is so young and such a long time has passed. Maybe he mistook him for someone else?

She can’t connect Fu Wenhai with that foxy and sinister man.

She looks at Fu Wenhai who is in a faint again and suddenly finds his lips moving slightly as if he is speaking something.

Has he come around?

Does he want to tell her who injured him?

Fu Zhengzheng listens closely to his lips. After listening for quite a while, she barely hears what Fu Wenhai says vaguely. It turns out he keeps murmuring “Niuniu”.

Who is Niuniu?

The doctor examines Fu Wenhai, listens close to his lips too and shakes his head, “He is still in a faint. Now he says unconsciously. Niuniu may be the name of a child that he is concerned about.”

A child’s name?

She has known Fu Wenhai for a long time, but she has never heard that he has a child.

Fu Zhengzheng has many doubts.

Soon the ambulance comes to the hospital. Fu Wenhai is moved onto a handcart and rushed to the emergency room by the medical workers. Standing outside the emergency room, Fu Zhengzheng has an unspeakable feeling.

She calls Yang Tao and tells him what happened in a quiet place. Yang Tao says he is not far from here, asks her to wait for him at the door of the emergency room, and says he will come here soon.

Soon after Fu Zhengzheng goes back to the door of the emergency room, she sees men in uniform come over. She knows they are the police that have received her call, so she goes up to them.

“Did you call the police just now?” They ask her at once.

“Yes.” Fu Zhengzheng nods.

When she is about to describe what happened to them, Yang Tao and Ji Muxian arrive together.

“Captain Yang, Captain Ji, why are you here?” The two policemen both know Yang Tao and Ji Muxian and feel surprised to see them.

Yang Tao smiles at them, “We are not far from here, so we come here for a look.”

“Um…” The two policemen look at each other.

Yang Tao points to Fu Zheng, “Don’t worry. We ask questions. You take notes.”

Ignoring the two policemen, Ji Muxian glances at the emergency room and then looks at Fu Zhengzheng, “How is it going?”

Fu Zhengzheng responds at once, “He was just rushed into it. I don’t know how it is going inside. But it seems that he’s hurt terribly and didn’t come around on the way.”

Then she tells them what happened in detail. The two policemen are busy taking notes.

Hearing that, Ji Muxian asks as if he is talking to himself, “Who attacked him so cruelly at this time?”

Yang Tao smiles, “Perhaps only after Fu Wenhai comes around and is asked can we know the answer.”

“He may not tell us even if he knows the person.” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t agree with Yang Tao.

Yang Tao thinks and says, “Let’s go to check the nearby surveillance pictures of that time. We may be able to find the suspect.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “It’s too dark, and I was far away from them, so I didn’t see their appearances clearly. Even if they stand in front of me, I guess I can’t recognize them.”

“Don’t worry. The computer will tell us.” Yang Tao smiles and twists his head to tell the two policemen, “Please wait here. After the injured man comes around, ask him what happened and then call me.”

“OK.” They nod.

Yang Tao looks at the light above door of the emergency room and then goes out with Fu Zhengzheng and Ji Muxian.

In the car, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help asking, “Yang Tao, Muxian, haven’t you found anything about Fu Wenhai?”

Yang Tao answers right away, “We received several anonymous calls. With the informants’ hints, we find Fu Wenhai has close contacts with Gu Yang and Tong Lean. Especially a cement plant affiliated to Rongsheng is next to Wenhai Building Materials. Mu Xian once went to investigate it with teammates. When they went there again the next day, they found a building connecting the two plants was demolished overnight. The manager of the cement plant said a fire broke out at night and the building was old, so it was demolished with an excavator. He also said the building of Wenhai Building Materials was damaged too, so he compensated a large sum of money to the company. We think the more he tries to hide, the more he is exposed. We suspect there must be a dirty secret between the two connecting buildings. But now it has been reduced to rubble, and nothing can be found.”

“In this case, Fu Wenhai is really the person behind Rongsheng?” Fu Zhengzheng isn’t surprised.

Yang Tao continues, “Actually, our investigation goal isn’t if he is the person behind Rongsheng. Instead, we want to make sure if he is Wen Jun, because Lu Song gave us an important piece of information: Gu Yang and Yong Lean were once saved by Wen Jun before they started their careers. Few people know it. Gu Yang and Tong Lean were only hooligans then. It’s suspectable that they could develop Rongsheng into such a big company only in the six years. As for Wen Jun, he started his career early. When Wen Jiyun was murdered, he was in his early twenties and had his own power. I once investigated him. People that once dealt with him all thought he was intelligent, foxy and ambitious. It’s said that he once reminded Wen Jiyun to be beware of Li Ming, but Wen Jiyun doesn’t think so. But after Wen Jiyun died, Wen Jun disappeared overnight. No one knows his whereabouts.”

Listening to Wen Jiyun’s name, an idea springs to Fu Zhengzheng’s mind. She raises her head suddenly, “Hey, Yang Tao! We should show Fu Wenhai’s photo to Xiaoyue!”

“What?” Yang Tao is surprised by her irrelevant words.

“Xiaoyue once saw someone burning joss paper to Wen Jiyun. We showed Wen Jun’s photo to Xiaoyue at that time, so she said he didn’t look like that person. What if we show her Fu Wenhai’s photo?”

Hearing that, Yang Tao’s eyes light up. He tells Ji Muxian who is driving the car at once, “Go to Jiaye Garden.”

Ji Muxian is also a little excited. He turns a quick turn and heads for Jiaye Garden.

But Fu Zhengzheng becomes confused again, “If Fu Wenhai is Wen Jun and also the man behind Li Xiaomeng, how could he and Li Xiaomeng become lovers?”

“Perhaps since he changed his appearance, he has set a trap for Li Xiaomeng. One purpose was to take revenge on her. The other purpose was to get more information about the coffer from her, such as the trap map and the coffer location. Li Xiaomeng might not know the man she loved deeply only had a false display of affection to her until she died. That’s why she put the trap map into Xingxing’ s bear. In fact, she had it in reserve.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks what Yang Tao says is reasonable. She can’t help sighing for Li Xiaomeng.

She always thought Li Xiaomeng was smart. It turns out she was only a chessman of another one.

“By the way, Yang Tao, when you investigated Fu Wenhai, did you find he had a daughter?”

“Daughter?” Yang Tao shakes his head, “We’ve found no information about his family members and relatives. He lives alone.”

“I heard him calling Niuniu when he was in a faint just now. He murmured the name in a faint. The person must be very important to him! I guess it might be his daughter’s pet name.”

“Niuniu…” Yang Tao reads it for several times and says he has no memory about it.

“Is it the pet name of Li Xiaomeng?” Ji Muxian, who is driving, breaks in suddenly.

“Li Xiaomeng’s pet name?” Fu Zhengzheng looks surprised again.

“Even if it’s Li Xiaomeng’s pet name, we can’t make sure if it’s true. Her direct relatives are all dead.” What Yang Tao says frustrates them.

Seeing Ji Muxian stop the car under the building of Lin Xiaoyue’s residence, Fu Zhengzheng smiles again, “Don’t worry. Xiaoyue can help us, right?”

Once the car is stopped, Yang Tao gets out of the car. They go upstairs quickly. As soon as Lin Xiaoyue opens the door, Yang Tao takes out the phone and shows her Fu Wenhai’s picture He Menghuai just sent him, “Xiaoyue, look carefully and tell us if you have seen this person?”

Lin Xiaoyue doesn’t know why Yang Tao asks that, but she knows he must have his intention, so without asking more, she takes the phone and looks carefully.

“I’ve seen this person.” Lin Xiaoyue says affirmatively.

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