Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 361 - Horror on the Bridge

Chapter 361 Horror on the Bridge

The call is from Lin Xiaoyue.

“What?! Have you rushed her to the hospital?” Lin Yongcheng’s phone almost drops from his hand.

Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi are also startled.

“No. I can’t carry mom. I called Yang Tao, but he didn’t answer the call! Brother, come back quickly!” Lin Xiaoyue cries on the phone.

“I’ll be back right now!” Looking at Qiao Keren who is squatting and wailing before the guard bar of the bridge, Lin Yongcheng grits his teeth and goes away while calling for the emergency medical service.

“Yongcheng!” Fu Zhengzheng holds back Lin Yongcheng instantly. After he finishes the call, she says, “I will go to the hospital with Siqi to look after aunt. You stay here to take care of Keren.”

Han Siqi comes forward at once and signals Fu Zhengzheng to loosen her hands, “Let Yongcheng go back. We can stay here.”

Lin Yongcheng looks at Qiao Keren again and seems to let out a sigh. Then he dashes into the car parked nearby and drives off.

“Um…The trouble should be solved by the one that started, but the trouble-starter has left. How can the trouble be solved?” Fu Zhengzheng looks at Qiao Keren who is still wailing and Lin Yongcheng’s car that has run off, stamping her feet in anxiety.

Han Siqi walks with Fu Zhengzheng to the guard bar not so far from Qiao Keren and takes his eyes from her, “Wait till she stops wailing.”

“But she will catch her death of cold.”

Han Siqi lowers his voice, “If she is ill, it will be better. Yongcheng has a chance to look after her.”

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at him, “She hates to see Yongcheng now. Will she allow him to look after her? Impossible!”

“It’s B City. Her parents are not here. Except for Yongcheng, who will look after her?”

“B City is not far from C City. Won’t she call her parents to come here?”

“Do you think she will call her parents to come here in such a situation?”

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised and thinks what Han Siqi says is quite reasonable.

Now Qiao Keren isn’t the one that was spoiled and dependent on her parents completely. She is considerate of her parents, pays attention to her parents’ feelings and knows clearly that Deng Anyu isn’t well, so she won’t make her parents worry about her.

Fu Zhengzheng lets out a long sigh, “Alas…each time something unhappy happens, I always hope time can pass faster. It would be best if the day can be skipped to a happy day.”

“People have joys and sorrows and the moon waxes and wanes. How can everything go smoothly?”

“But at least we can try our best to open our mind and reduce sorrows in life, can’t we?”

Han Siqi nods and smiles, “You’re right. It’s everyone’s hope, but the reality is too cruel sometimes. Not everyone can face it calmly. When something happens, who can hold back his or her feeling rationally? Perhaps only after she vents all her feelings can she calm down and figure out everything.”

“Then let’s wait.” Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, she sighs again, “At such a beautiful night, lovers aren’t affectionate. It’s a pity.”

When Han Siqi is about to say something, they hear some men’s voices and Qiao Keren’s scream. They turn around quickly and see about five men approaching Qiao Keren. They rush over fast.

“Baby, you stand here with few clothes. Are you waiting for me to warm you? Take it easy. I’ll take you away to warm you.” A yellow-haired guy reaches out his hand to stroke Qiao Keren’s face with a lascivious expression.

“Go away! Go away! Ah–” Qiao Keren takes a step back, leans against the guard bar and dodges the hand of the yellow-haired guy in panic.

“Stop!” Han Siqi snaps while running.

The yellow-haired guy’s friends stand in front at once and look sideways at Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng with disdain.

The yellow-haired guy doesn’t turn around and continues to molest Qiao Keren, “Hush – Baby, save some strength to shout on the bed. The louder you shout, the more I will make you enjoy yourself.”

Han Siqi punches a man on the face and kicks another one. Fu Zhengzheng helps him and fights with these guys.

“Damn. You dare to hit my buddies. Don’t you want to live?” Seeing his friends all lying on the ground, the yellow-haired guy takes out his phone immediately to call someone.

Han Siqi rushes over with Fu Zhengzheng to protect Qiao Keren. Then he turns around and knocks over the yellow-haired guy.

Qiao Keren is shuddering. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng, Qiao Keren rushes to her, holds her and begins to cry.

“Don’t be afraid. Everything is all right.” Fu Zhengzheng comforts her at once and takes off her coat to wrap her up. Qiao Keren doesn’t decline.

“Mr. Han!” Lu Song and his men run over hurriedly. Finding Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng, and Qiao Keren are fine, they turn around and plan to chase those guys that have escaped.

“Let them go.” Han Siqi stops him.

Lu Song stands aside without raising his head, “Mr. Han, sorry.”

Han Siqi walks closer, looks at him and asks slowly, “Did you drink?”

Lu Song explains in haste, “I thought everything would be all right tonight, so I drank with buddies. As a result, I fell asleep in the car. We’ll never be delayed by alcohol again!”

To leave some space to Lin Yongcheng and Qiao Keren, Lu Song parks the car a dozen meters away. In fact, he just took a nap. Unexpectedly, Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng encountered the hooligans.

The bastards seem to be bored with living. He has to find out who they are tomorrow and then give them a lesson. Lu Song snorts in the heart.

Han Siqi pats Lu Song’s shoulder and doesn’t scold him, “You work hard recently.”

When he and Fu Zhengzheng returned to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, Lu Song called him and asked if they would go out at night. He knew these nights were peaceful and Lu Song wanted to take buddies out for relaxation, so he said they wouldn’t go out. Unexpectedly, Qiao Keren disappeared. When Lin Yongcheng asked for Lu Song’s help, he called Lu Song at once and forgot that.

Hearing that, Lu Song shakes his head, “I’m all right. I have to protect you.”

Fu Zhengzheng walks over with Qiao Keren and says, “Siqi, let’s send Keren to the hotel first. She is too cold.”

Han Siqi nods and is about to drive the car. Suddenly, two minibuses stop by them. Once the door is opened, a dozen men flock out of the minibuses with bright knives.

Seeing the yellow-hair guy among them, Lu Song knows these men are prepared for a fierce fight. He stands before Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng, and Qiao Keren instantly while shouting to the buddies behind him, “Fetch weapons.”

His buddies rush to the car. Those men want to prevent them and swing their knives at them.

“Who are you? Who is your boss?” Lu Song asks loudly while defending against them.

A guy under Lu Song snaps at those people, “How bold you are! You even dare to hit Mr. Han and Brother Song?!”

You know, in B City, even if hooligans haven’t seen Lu Song, they have heard of his name. Besides, he is Han Siqi’s trusted subordinate now. Who doesn’t know Weihan in B City? Thus, Lu Song is more well-known. Generally, no one dares to provoke him. But these men dare to swing knives at them tonight.

“I don’t care who you are. I’ll knock you over first!” Then the yellow-haired guy waves and others rush up in a crowd.

Realizing his fame can’t frighten these men, Lu Song guesses they may be newcomers. He winks at his buddies and they all stand in front of Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng, and Qiao Keren.

“Mr. Han, leave now!”

There are a dozen men in the rival gang, but Lu Song has five buddies. If the rivals don’t hold long knives in hands, they won’t take them seriously. But now that the rivals have knives, they’d better be cautious.

Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng aren’t frightened by the gang, but Qiao Keren has never experienced it. Moreover, she was exposed to cold just now. Now she is frightened, so her legs become feeble. She even can’t stand stably, let along run. Han Siqi wants to support her, but she collapses on the ground unexpectedly. Han Siqi is startled and lifts her up transversely while reminding Fu Zhengzheng to be careful.

Fu Zhengzheng nods and defends Han Siqi in front.

With long knives, the rivals gain the upper hand gradually. Lu Song becomes anxious.

At this moment, a car rushes over and runs into the crowd suddenly. The guys with knives leap away instantly and intend to attack the person in the car.

The person in the car opens the door suddenly, jumps out of the car, swings a stick at them and knocks over about five men.

“It’s Yongcheng!” Fu Zhengzheng shouts excitedly.

With no time to look back, Lin Yongcheng fights while shouting, “Trunk!”

Lu Song takes the hint, fights his way through the crowd, rushes to the trunk, takes some long sticks and throws them to his partners. Soon, they gain the upper hand and turn the tables.

The men with knives are hit fiercely and shout in pain.

“Let’s go!” The yellow-haired guy jumps into a minibus first and shouts at others.

Other men all rush to the minibuses, but how can Lu Song and his buddies be willing to let them go? They begin to chase those guys.

Finding those guys will escape, Lin Yongcheng throws away the stick, rushes to Han Siqi, takes Qiao Keren from him and shouts worriedly, “Keren? Keren?”

Fu Zhengzheng touches Qiao Keren’s face that is as cold as ice and leads Lin Yongcheng to the car at once, “She has passed out. Rush her to the hospital.”

“Look out!” Lu Song shouts.

It turns out that when a minibus is started, the yellow-haired guy swings a knife at them.

Fu Zhengzheng looks up and sees the knife flying to her. With no time to dodge it, she lifts her hands in front by instinct to protect herself and closes her eyes.



“Yongcheng, how are you?”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t feel the pain and opens her eyes quickly. Then she sees Lin Yongcheng and Qiao Keren lying on the ground. Han Siqi is squatting before them and holding Qiao Keren.

Lu Song comes over to help Li Yongcheng stand up. Lin Yongcheng’s wrist is bleeding.

It turns out that Lin Yongcheng who stood next to Fu Zhengzheng saw the knife flying over, lifted his leg and kicked it away. But he lost balance. He was afraid Qiao Keren will be hurt when she fell, so he managed to cushion her fall. He didn’t notice the knife on the ground when he fell down, so his wrist was cut.

Lin Yongcheng picks himself up. Finding Qiao Keren is fine, he sighs with relief and takes Qiao Keren from Han Siqi again, “It’s only a small cut and not serious. Give her to me.”

“But your wound…”

Ignoring what Fu Zhengzheng says, Han Siqi hands Qiao Keren to Lin Yongcheng. After they get into the car, he signals Fu Zhengzheng to get into it too and gives his car key to Lu Song. Then he sits behind the wheel of Lin Yongcheng’s car, starts the car and drives off.

“Take the guy back and ask his background.” Lu Song gives the instruction and then walks to Han Siqi’s car, while calling someone to go to the hospital, just in case.

“Brother Song, these gang of guys may not be local.” A buddy driving the car says suddenly.

“It seems that lots of underworld guys from other places have come to the city and make trouble around recently.” A buddy sitting on the backseat with Lu Song echoes.

Lu Song frowns and has a sense of foreboding.

Then he hears a harsh sound of brake.

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