Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 362 - He will Suffer Torment

Chapter 362 He will Suffer Torment

Lu Song leans forward, holds the backrest of the front seat and then sticks out his head forward.

“Brother Song, they are Tu Wei and his men.” The driver stops the car. Seeing Tu Wei and his men who passed by them turn round, he sounds the horn and then starts the car to follow Han Siqi.

Lin Yongcheng sits on the backseat of the car Han Siqi is driving, with Qiao Keren in his arms. Han Siqi drives fast. Fu Zhengzheng, who is sitting on the passenger seat, looks over her shoulder and asks worriedly, “How is she?”

Lin Yongcheng shakes his head and holds Qiao Keren who is as cold as ice more tightly subconsciously.

Fu Zhengzheng asks worriedly about Mrs. Lin, “What about Aunt Lin? You have rushed her to the hospital?”

“No. I received Xiaoyue’s call on the way. She told me Yang Tao had got there. I would have continued to drive there, but when I thought of Keren…” Lin Yongcheng stops with a complicated expression.

Fu Zhengzheng knows Qiao Keren is filial. She also knows Qiao Keren’s position in his heart, so she can understand his guilt towards his mother and his worry about Qiao Keren. She wants to comfort him, but Han Siqi pats her with his hand, so she doesn’t say anything.

Han Siqi rushes Qiao Keren to the hospital where Lin Yongcheng’s mother is. When they get to the hospital, Qiao Keren has come back to life. After a detailed examination, the doctor concludes that she has a cold and has been frightened excessively. She isn’t healthy enough, so she needs to be hospitalized for several days for observation and treatment.

Perhaps because Qiao Keren is really sick, she doesn’t decline Lin Yongcheng’s considerate care, but she still hates to see him. Lin Yongcheng doesn’t say anything and just takes care of her silently.

After Qiao Keren takes medicine, she begins to be infused on the bed. Then Fu Zhengzheng barely sighs in relief. She glances at Lin Yongcheng and wants to leave space to the two persons who have a knot undone in their mind. She is also concerned about Mrs. Lin and pouts her lips at Han Siqi. But Han Siqi ignores her and casts his eyes to Lin Yongcheng.

“Yongcheng, your mother’s ward is right diagonally across this one. Go to check how she is now.”

Lin Yongcheng stands up quickly, glances at Qiao Keren who is dropping her eyes and then goes out with hesitation.

After Lin Yongcheng goes out, Han Siqi tells Fu Zhengzheng, “It’s already midnight. Go to buy some night snacks.”

“OK, I’ll go right now.” Fu Zhengzheng glances at Qiao Keren, goes out and closes the door behind her, without saying anything.

She knows Han Siqi sends her and Lin Yongcheng away with excuses because he must want to talk with Qiao Keren alone. She doesn’t ask anything. She knows he must have his intention. After all, that incident happened because of him. Perhaps he is the so-called trouble-solver.

Once she comes out of the ward, Lu Song goes to her.

“Miss Fu, does Mr. Han have any instruction?” Just like Lin Yongcheng, Lu Song is used to calling her Miss Fu too.

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head immediately. Looking at the five strong men in suits guarding outside, she thinks they are too eye-catching and says, “It’s getting late. Tell them to go back to sleep. Two guys are supposed to be enough here.”

Lu Song responds at once, “No, we can’t be so careless. We’ve got a beating tonight.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng knows he won’t leave, so she doesn’t say more and walks to Mrs. Lin’s ward that is diagonal across Qiao Keren’s.

When she just walks to the door, she hears a vague cry in the ward. She stops her feet and hears Mrs. Lin’s voice with a whimper.

“Where can I find a satisfying girlfriend for my son later? I shouldn’t have talked so much. Why did I meddle in it?!”

Next Lin Xiaoyue begins to sob, “Mom, it’s not your fault. It’s mine. Brother, if you want to blame, just blame me.”

Lin Yongcheng sighs, “Skip it. Neither of you should be to blame. I only have myself to blame.”

“Now it’s not the time to blame anyone. We should think about how to explain to make Qiao Keren forgive you.” Yang Tao says.

The ward becomes quiet again instantly. Fu Zhengzheng sighs secretly and is about to open the door when some noises come from the ward suddenly.

“Hey, hey, mom, what are you doing?”

“Don’t move. Watch out for the syringe needle.”

“I’m going to see Keren and implore her to forgive Yongcheng.”

Fu Zhengzheng opens the door quickly and sees Mrs. Lin struggling to get out of the bed. Lin Yongcheng, Lin Xiaoyue, and Yang Tao are pinning her down carefully.

Mrs. Lin sees Fu Zhengzheng first and bursts into cry at once, “Zhengzheng, I have looked forward to the arrival of my daughter-in-law for a long time. But when she just came, such a thing happened. What can I do?”

Fu Zhengzheng goes forward to hold and comfort her, “Aunt, calm down. Siqi is talking with Keren. After they finish talking, it may go in a favorable direction.”

“Really?” Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoyue both stop crying instantly and stare at her expectantly.

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “Please think about it. Keren must be unwilling to return to B City because there are many unhappy memories here. But for Yongcheng, she came back. It shows Yongcheng’s position in her heart. Moreover, she can feel Yongcheng’s sincere love for her. But she can’t accept the fact for the time being. After she vents her anger completely, that will be fine.”

Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoyue exchange their glances and think she has a point, so their minds are slightly eased. But obviously, Lin Yongcheng isn’t optimistic about what Fu Zhengzheng says and still looks grave.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t dare to give them too much hope, for fear that the greater the hope is, the more disappointed they will feel. She helps Mrs. Lin sit down while asking about Mrs. Lin’s health to change the topic.

Reassured by Fu Zhengzheng, Mrs. Lin barely sits down and sighs for several more times.

After about half an hour, the ward door is opened again. Han Siqi walks in. All eyes in the ward are cast to him simultaneously.

Lin Yongcheng goes over first. He opens his mouth but doesn’t say anything.

Seeing their anxiety, Han Siqi smiles, points to outside and tells Lin Yongcheng, “Keren is in the ward alone. Please go to stay with her.”

Lin Yongcheng takes his steps right away. But when he just walks two steps, he stops and turns around to look at Han Siqi.

“Go ahead, talk something to please her.” Han Siqi pats Lin Yongcheng’s shoulder lightly.

Hearing hope from Han Siqi’s words, Lin Yongcheng becomes cheerful and goes out quickly.

“Mr. Han, they…” Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoyue ask in doubt simultaneously.

“Everything is fine now.”

“Really?” They still look at Han Siqi with unconvinced eyes.

“Of course.” Han Siqi replies confidently. Seeing Mrs. Lin’s face crack into a smile, he says suddenly, “But Keren doesn’t have a good health foundation. What’s worse, she has a cold, so the doctor says she should be nursed for some days, and…”

“I’m going to cook soup to build her up right now.” Mrs. Lin struggles to get out of the bed again.

Fu Zhengzheng and Lin Xiaoyue pin her down again, “Aunt (mom), your infusion hasn’t been finished!”

Mrs. Lin says in a louder voice immediately, “My illness comes from worry. seeing them all right, I get well now.”

Looking at the dramatic scene, Yang Tao is amused. He looks at the infusion bottle and laughs, “The infusion will be finished soon. There is no rush.”

Mrs. Lin is still anxious, so she tells Lin Xiaoyue, “Xiaoyue, eavesdrop outside Keren’s ward to check if they are really reconciled.”

Lin Xiaoyue responds and strides out. She is also concerned about it.

About 20 minutes later, Lin Xiaoyue runs in with a beam and reports good news to them, “My brother is feeding Keren. Though I don’t hear what they say, I feel they are harmonious.”

Hearing that, Mrs. Lin begins to beam too.

Yang Tao smiles, “Mr. Han, Zhengzheng, it’s wee hours. Please go back to sleep.”

Mrs. Lin says at once, “Mr. Han, I’m really sorry to bother you for half a night because of our family affair.”

Fu Zhengzheng waves smilingly, “Aunt, Yang Tao, don’t always call him Mr. Han. It’s uncomfortable to listen. Just call him Siqi as I do. How pleasant it is to the ear!”

“Um…” Yang Tao and Mrs. Lin are both surprised.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles wittily, “You’re my senior schoolmate and rank senior to me. There is nothing wrong to call him Siqi, right? As for aunt, you are an elder, and it’s reasonable to name a junior one by his name.”

Han Siqi laughs and breaks in, “It’s only a name. So long as you can call me smoothly, that’s OK.”

Han Siqi wears a smile rarely, and the ambiance in the ward becomes lively.

After a small chat, Han Siqi sees Fu Zhengzheng tired and leaves the ward with her.

In the car, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help asking what Han Siqi talked with Qiao Keren so that she could change dramatically.

Without telling Fu Zhengzheng in detail, Han Siqi just sketches in a word, “Now that it makes her sick very much, she can’t let Yongcheng off. Why not stamp on him and torment him slowly?”

“You persuaded Qiao Keren in this way?” Fu Zhengzheng laughs out, “It seems that Yongcheng will suffer torment.”

When they get home, it’s almost 2:00 a.m. They wash briefly and then go to bed.

Because they stayed up late, they can hardly rise when the alarm goes off the next morning. However, Han Sixian has left the company for a holiday and Min Zhongxu is also away, so the whole Weihan is waiting for Han Siqi to call the shots. With no choice, he gets up with dark eye circles. But he prevents Fu Zhengzheng from getting up and says he will ask for a leave for her so she can sleep longer. But Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t want to ask for a leave, so she also gets up with red eyes.

When she comes to the police office, she is feeble and keeps yawning. Zhang Lin thinks she has a cold and gives water and medicine to her while sighing.

“Well, Sister Zhengzheng, I intended to invite you and your husband to my birthday party, but you seem…” After the key incident, Zhang Lin knows the relationship between Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi.

It turns out today is Zhang Lin’s birthday that she is always talking about. Fu Zhengzheng smiles embarrassedly at once, “I’m all right. Your birthday party is important. I’ll go to it on time this evening!”

Fu Zhengzheng asks about the address of Zhang Lin’s house and calls Han Siqi about Zhang Lin’s birthday before she goes off work. Han Siqi makes the time to accompany her to buy a HelloKitty for Zhang Lin as a gift. That’s Zhang Lin’s favorite. At 6:30 p.m., they come to Zhang Lin’s house on time.

Fu Zhengzheng calls Zhang Lin under the building of her residence. When ringing the doorbell, Fu Zhengzheng thinks Zhang Lin will open the door, so she hides her face behind HelloKitty deliberately to make fun of Zhang Lin.

“Are you Sister Zhengzheng?”

Finding it’s not Zhang Lin’s voice, Fu Zhengzheng knows she is impolite and puts down HelloKitty to apologize. However, when she sees clearly the person in front of her, she is in a cold sweat. Her hands tremble and HelloKitty drops on the ground.

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