Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 363 - Li Xiaomeng?!

Chapter 363 Li Xiaomeng?!

Seeing the woman in front of him, Han Siqi also opens his eyes wide and gasps.

The woman has the same appearance as Li Xiaomeng!

Li Xiaomeng died a few months ago. Yang Tao and Muxian checked her body. It can’t be wrong.

Now that Li Xiaomeng died, this woman in front of them is supposed to be another one.

Who is she? What is her relationship with Li Xiaomeng?

Why is she here?

The questions come to Han Siqi’s mind instantly. With a sense of foreboding, he drags Fu Zhengzheng behind him quickly and stares at the woman warily.

“Who are you?!”

Startled by the couple’s expressions, the woman feels puzzled. While picking up the HelloKitty, she explains softly, “I’m Lin’s cousin, Zhang Min. Lin is changing clothes and asks me to open the door for you. Please forgive me if I am abrupt.”

“Are you really Zhang Lin’s cousin?” Fu Zhengzheng still doesn’t believe it. She takes a step away and stands with Han Siqi shoulder by shoulder.

When Fu Zhengzheng saw Zhang Lin for the first time, she thought Zhang Lin looked sort of similar to Li Xiaomeng, so she repeatedly asked if Zhang Lin knew Li Xiaomeng. Zhang Lin said she had never heard of the name. Fu Zhengzheng thought Zhang Lin just looked similar to Li Xiaomeng, so she didn’t take it seriously. But she never thought her cousin Zhang Min that Zhang Lin often talked about would look the same as Li Xiaomeng!

If they are not twins, is it possible that there would be another person that looks the same as her?

She thinks it unbelievable and feels restless.

She feels Han Siqi nudging her arm lightly. Twisting her head, she sees Han Siqi winking at her. It turns out that Zhang Min is inviting them to sit inside.

“Lin is changing her clothes and will be ready soon. Please come in and have a cup of tea.”

“Oh, all right.” Fu Zhengzheng nods at once and is ready to enter after her, but Han Siqi holds her back.

Li Xiaomeng indeed died, and Zhang Min can’t be Li Xiaomeng, but what if she is Li Xiaomeng’s close relative and comes to take revenge on them?

Understanding Han Siqi’s facial expression, Fu Zhengzheng smiles and communicates with him with eyes.

If Zhang Min really has a relationship with Li Xiaomeng and comes to take revenge on her, she can make a mystery of herself, instead of appearing in front of them undisguisedly and make them psychologically prepared, right?

“Sister Zhengzheng, why don’t you come in?”

Zhang Lin has changed her clothes. She comes out of the room, sees Zhang Min standing at the door and doesn’t see Fu Zhengzheng enter, so she runs over, holds her arm warmly and pretends to blame Zhang Min, “Sister, I’ve told you to greet Sister Zhengzheng and her husband, haven’t I? But you let her stand at the door. Oh, please.”

Without explanation, Zhang Min just looks at Fu Zhengzheng and smiles.

“No, no, I thought we entered the wrong house.” Fu Zhengzheng stops exchanging glances with Han Siqi, manages to calm down, holds Zhang Lin’s hands and explains smilingly.

If they don’t enter the house, they can’t be in contact with Zhang Min and thus they will know nothing about her.

“Let’s go inside.” Zhang Lin holds Fu Zhengzheng’s arm and drags her in. Then Zhang Lin looks back and sees Han Siqi still standing at the door, so she calls him at once, “Please come in together. We’ll have the cake right now.”

She has a sweet tongue. Thought it’s the first time that she has seen Han Siqi, she greets him just like an old friend.

Han Siqi feels surprised, but Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t take it to heart.

Fu Zhengzheng drags Han Siqi to enter the house, “Siqi, let’s go inside. Don’t delay.”

After they enter the house, they see four others. Zhang Lin introduces her close college friends to them.

“Lin, light the candles. Dinner is ready.” Zhang Lin’s mother shouts in the kitchen.

“OK.” Zhang Lin and her classmates go to fetch the cake and insert candles.

Fu Zhengzheng peeks at Zhang Min again. She finds that Zhang Min just looks the same as Li Xiaomeng, but her speech and behaviors are different from those of Li Xiaomeng. She turns her head sideways at Han Siqi and finds him sizing Zhang Min up too.

Zhang Min finds that Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi peek at her repeatedly, and feels suspicious, but she doesn’t ask anything.

After eating the cake, Zhang Lin calls others to sit at the table. Fu Zhengzheng sits next to Zhang Min deliberately. During the dinner, Fu Zhengzheng says Zhang Lin often talks about her, drinks a toast to her and asks many questions about her personal life and work. She answers all questions about her life, but she only gives vague replies to the ones about her work. Thinking that she is working in the military and has to obey the military disciplines, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t ask more.

After the dinner, Zhang Lin says she has booked a box in a KTV for karaoke. With an excuse that she hasn’t recovered from her cold, Fu Zhengzheng gives her wishes to Zhang Lin and then leaves with Han Siqi.

Once getting into the car, she is going to call Yang Tao. Han Siqi takes her hand and puts something on her palm. Fu Zhengzheng sees two pieces of hair.

“Whose is it?”

“Zhang Min’s.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng recalls when they were about to have dinner, Han Siqi stumbled over a stool carelessly and almost fell. Zhang Min was standing next to him and supported him subconsciously. He pulled her hair at that time without being noticed.

“Awesome.” Fu Zhengzheng wraps the hair with a napkin smilingly and calls Yang Tao. He is in the police office. They drive to the police office, hand the hair to him and tell him in detail that they saw a woman looking the same as Li Xiaomeng at Zhang Lin’s house.

Yang Tao is also astonished to hear that because Li Xiaomeng’s body was checked by himself and he is completely sure that it’s Li Xiaomeng’s body. Moreover, when he investigated Li Xiaomeng, he didn’t find she had a twin sister.

“Zhang Min really looks the same as Li Xiaomeng. When Siqi and I saw her for the first time, we thought she was Li Xiaomeng and were startled. But during the dinner, I observed her especially and found her tone, expression, and behaviors are completely different from those of Li Xiaomeng.”

Yang Tao doesn’t say more and just raises the napkin with the hair inside, “After the DNA is tested, we’ll be clear.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods and is about to leave when Yang Tao calls her.

“Zhengzheng, lots of hooligans have come from D City recently and made much trouble. I’m afraid they come for the coffer and distract us on purpose. You should be cautious.”

“I know.” Then Fu Zhengzheng leaves with Han Siqi.

After the incident happened on the bridge last night, they didn’t call the police. Lu Song and his buddies caught one guy from the rival gang. After interrogation, they have known that these guys all come from D City and are affiliated to an organization named Brotherhood. It’s extremely influential in D City. Its head is called Xiao Jinchong. It’s said that anyone has to save his face in D City. The hooligan isn’t clear about why Qiao Jinsong sent them to D City. He is only a shrimp following the shoal of fish.

After a careful investigation, Lu Song tells Han Siqi that Xiao Jinsong will send his trusted subordinate Tang Feng to B City and he may do something eye-catching.

Lu Song means that these gang of guys may scramble for the coffer at any cost. After all, Fu Wenhai is influential in B City. They dare to attack him openly and unscrupulously. That means they don’t fear anything.

Han Siqi tells the information to Fu Zhengzheng and Muxian. No wonder he is more and more worried about Fu Zhengzheng.

On the way, Han Siqi, who is driving, says suddenly, “Now that Zhang Min is working in the military, I’m afraid it’s inconvenient for Yang Tao to investigate her. How about asking your brother for help?”

“Right. My brother is in the military. Well, why didn’t you say earlier?” Fu Zhengzheng takes out her phone at once, calls her brother Zhen Chao and tells him briefly. Zhen Chao says he will investigate her right away.

Fu Zhengzheng puts down the phone, thinks for a while and says, “Perhaps we should go to visit Fu Wenhai again. Anyway, we are just suspecting him secretly. We may have to deal with him for a long time. We haven’t got the key and are still not clear about the specific location of the coffer.”

“Do you still expect to find the coffer? I guess it’s already difficult enough for you to bring Fu Wenhai to justice.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng is frustrated and doesn’t say more. After they get back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, she washes simply and then goes to bed. Han Siqi has some work to deal with, so he begins to work without noticing her.

Fu Zhengzheng tosses and turns on the bed and can’t fall asleep. She bears Zhang Min’s face in her mind constantly until Yang Tao calls her. She connects the call immediately.

“DNA test result has come out?”

“Yeah. According to the data, they have no genetic connection.”

Although Fu Zhengzheng has expected the result, she still can’t help exclaiming, “They can look so much alike without genetic connection. Unbelievable!”

“I also think it unbelievable.” Yang Tao tells her some points for attention and then hangs up the phone.

“Zhang Min and Li Xiaomeng have no connection?” Han Siqi sits nearby and asks.

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “They are totally unrelated.”

Han Siqi smiles, “Nothing is too strange in the world. We’ve seen some persons that look alike, but we haven’t seen two people that look the same.”

“Yes.” Then Fu Zhengzheng sits in a daze opposite to the wall. Knowing she is thinking, Han Siqi doesn’t disturb her and continues to work.

Recently several things have happened to Fu Zhengzheng and he has spared much energy for her. Now his eldest brother has been away for a holiday with his sister-in-law. It’s also an exploratory trip. The whole Weihan is left to Han Siqi. He feels the time isn’t enough for him and he has to make decisions for many things.

While Han Siqi is working in front of the computer, Fu Zhengzheng shouts at him suddenly and excitedly, “Siqi, I’ve got an idea!”

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