Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 37 - Your Taste Has Not Improved Yet

Chapter 37 Your Taste Has Not Improved Yet

“What?” Fu Zhengzheng turns around.

“What’s on your mind?”

“Nothing.” Fu Zhengzheng says in a toneless voice and then leaves.

Ji Muxian stares at Fu Zhengzheng’s back for a while before he leaves.

After taking back her clothes, Fu Zhengzheng comes directly to the kindergarten to pick up Fu Xing.

“Mommy, what’s for dinner tonight?” Fu Xing is obviously in a good mood, because he does not stop talking all the way.

Fu Zhengzheng knows that her son’s happiness comes from Han Siqi who took Fu Xing to kindergarten this morning. Although she didn’t come with them, she could imagine how proud Fu Xing was in front of other children after winning back his lost face.

“Mommy, don’t prepare too much rice. Daddy won’t come back for dinner at night.”

“How do you know?” Fu Zhengzheng, who is preparing rice, stops immediately.

“Daddy told me this morning that he would go out for dinner tonight and asked me to carefully do my homework in the evening. He said he would check it when he came back.”

It turns out that he has already arranged today’s appointment.

Fu Zhengzheng is a little upset. Realizing her bad mood, she immediately goes to the kitchen and busies herself with cooking.

Then the doorbell rings. Fu Xing comes to open the door cheerfully. “It must be Daddy coming back.”

Fu Zhengzheng hurriedly wipes her hands to see who it is, but finds that Chen Qiaolan is coming in with luggage in her hands.

Fu Zhengzheng asks while taking over her luggage, “Aunt Chen, didn’t you take care of your daughter-in-law in confinement? Why are you back?”

Chen Qiaolan smiles honestly, “I don’t have any daughter-in-law. I only have a daughter, and my grandson is more than three years old.”

It seems that Han Siqi has already planned to make her a maid for him. But why did he do that?

Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng is confused, Chen Qiaolan hurriedly explains, “I just went to Master Siqi’s home to help him clean up for several days. In the afternoon, I received a call from Master Siqi asking me to come back and take care of you.”

“Han Siqi’s home? Isn’t this his home?” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t know what Chen Qiaolan means, but she soon understands. The first thought in her mind is: Han Siqi asked Chen Qiaolan to clean another house. Did he plan to let Qiao Keren live in there?

Matrimonial Home?

“Mommy, I am hungry.” Fu Xing pulls Fu Zhengzheng’s clothes.

Chen Qiaolan puts down her luggage and hurries to the kitchen. “Xingxing, Grandma is going to cook for you now.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t stop her. She takes Fu Xing to the living room and asks him to do his homework.

“Mommy, are you still unhappy?” Fu Xing, who has just taken out his book, puts it down again, walks to his mommy and bows his head. “Mommy, I apologized to the boy and our teacher today. Don’t be angry, will you? I won’t fight anymore.”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head immediately and touches his face, saying gently, “Now that you admitted your mistake, Mommy is not angry anymore. Go and do your homework.”

Fu Xing nods seriously and then goes to do his homework.

“Zhengzheng, it seems that your mobile phone is ringing.” Chen Qiaolan yells in the dining room.

Fu Zhengzheng rushes over. Seeing it is from Xu Yan, she answers it at once.

“Zhengzheng, would you like to accompany me for dinner? I’m really nervous. Please, sweetie.”

Fu Zhengzheng now remembers what Xu Yan said to her in the afternoon. She is about to refuse, but then she promises after thinking for a while. “OK, I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Really? That’s great. I’ll wait for you at the door. See you later!”

Hanging up the phone, Fu Zhengzheng asks Chen Qiaolan to look after Fu Xing, and then goes directly to the Glamour Restaurant.

About twenty minutes later, she arrives at the door of the Glamour Restaurant.

“Zhengzheng, I am here.” Xu Yan sees Fu Zhengzheng coming out of the car at first glance. She rushes over, bends her arm around Fu Zhengzheng’s, and then walks in with Fu Zhengzheng.

“Slow down. Give me time to breathe, OK? You can’t meet your prince charming in a hurry.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles while looking around at the parking lot at the door.

“He has greeted the doorman and is ordering first.” Xu Yan slows down with shyness.

“Wait a minute! Zhengzheng, look over there.” Xu Yan suddenly turns around and takes Fu Zhengzheng to the back of a car.

Fu Zhengzheng, who is looking for Han Siqi’s car, is startled. But she immediately follows Xu Yan’s eyes and sees a car she is too familiar with slowly driving in.

The car stops at the free parking space. The right door opens first, and a long-haired woman is getting off.

Her delicate features and exquisite figure complement each other. Besides, her flower-like smile is so sweet that even Fu Zhengzheng can’t take back her eyes for a while.

How beautiful! Fu Zhengzheng inwardly praises.

Meanwhile, Han Siqi is getting off from the other side.

The woman comes naturally to hold Han Siqi’s arm, looking timid and lovable. She slightly raises her head and says something with her little mouth. Seeing Han Siqi nods slightly, her smile becomes more brilliant. Then they go to the Glamour Restaurant together.

Xu Yan touches Fu Zhengzheng lightly, saying, “That girl is Qiao Keren.”


“I have seen her twice in Weihan before. It seems that she is more beautiful than before. Love is really magical.” Xu Yan sighs, without noticing Fu Zhengzheng’s different expression.

Are they a perfect match? Fu Zhengzheng is jealous. It is not until Xu Yan pulls her into a private dining room that she barely lifts up her spirits

“Xiao Yicheng, this is my good friend Fu Zhengzheng.” Xu Yan waves shyly at the man in the private room.

“Hello, my name is Xiao Yicheng.” The man in formal clothes hurriedly gets up and greets to Fu Zhengzheng.

“Hello.” Fu Zhengzheng also greets him while looking slightly up and down at the man.

He is tall, slightly overweight and quite strong. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, which are pleasing to the eye.

Fu Zhengzheng secretly pinches Xu Yan’s hand, conveying the message that “this man is good.”

Xu Yan glances at Fu Zhengzheng and blushes slightly.

Xiao Yicheng hands over the menu and recipe in an easy manner, saying, “I have ordered these dishes first. What else would you like to order?”

Xu Yan hurriedly takes it, but Fu Zhengzheng gets up and says, “Xu Yan, you order first, and I will go out to make a phone call.”

Then she gets out of the private room.

She walks along the long corridor while pretending to be on the phone. She can’t help looking sideways at every private room whose door is open, but she doesn’t find Han Siqi and Qiao Keren.

She remembers that the last time Han Siqi and Fu Wenhai had dinner at room 308. Is he at room 308 this time?

With this in mind, she walks to the third floor in spite of herself.

In fact, she does not know why she does it. She clearly knows that it will be embarrassing to come across Han Siqi, but she just can’t control herself.




The nearer to room 308, the faster Fu Zhengzheng’s heart beats. She tells herself for several times, “Go back. Xu Yan and her friend are waiting for you.”

She wants to return, but her legs don’t obey her brain’s command.

Just as she is approaching room 308, the door unexpectedly opens. Han Siqi comes out while answering the phone. When he comes face-to-face with Fu Zhengzheng, he is stunned.

Hanging up the phone, he goes straight to her and says, “Why are you here? Are you tracking me?”

Hearing this, Fu Zhengzheng, who is originally flustered, says with disdain, “Who do you think you are? Tracking you? I, I just forget which room I was eating in.”

“Who do you come here with?” Han Siqi comes to her, and his eyes look cold and annoyed.

Fu Zhengzheng straightens her back and says, “It has nothing to do with you. The restaurant is not yours. Why can’t I come here?”

But when she looks him in the eye, her eyes can not help but become dodgy.

“With a man?”

“Yes! With a man!” Don’t you come with a woman?

“Go back!” Han Siqi grabs Fu Zhengzheng’s arm and pulls her out.

“Let me go!”

“Let her go!”

Two voices sound at the same time. Fu Zhengzheng looks back and finds it is Xiao Yicheng.

“Is this the man who has dinner with you?” Han Siqi glances at Xiao Yicheng coldly and sneers, “Your taste has not improved yet.”

“So what? I like him. That’s enough.” Fu Zhengzheng takes the opportunity to get rid of Han Siqi.

“Are you okay, Zhengzheng?”

“I am fine. Let’s go.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles to Xiao Yicheng.

Han Siqi stops Fu Zhengzheng who is about to leave, and orders coldly, “Fu Zhengzheng, don’t forget your identity this month. You’d better go back and take good care of my son now, otherwise…”

Fu Zhengzheng pulls Xiao Yicheng and shakes her head slightly. Xiao Yicheng glances at Han Siqi and doesn’t say anything, and then he follows Fu Zhengzheng to the stairway entrance.

Han Siqi’s face darkens. At this time, Qiao Keren comes out, and she looks at him in doubt, asking, “Siqi, what happened? I heard some noise outside.”

“Nothing.” Han Siqi looks at the stairway entrance and then goes back to their room.

Qiao Keren also looks at that direction but doesn’t see anything. Then she follows Han Siqi to the room suspiciously.

When they walk to the second floor, Fu Zhengzheng immediately loosens Xiao Yicheng’s arm and says apologetically, “I am so sorry.”

“It’s all right. That man is…”

“Zhengzheng, where have you been? How can you make a phone call without bringing your phone! We can’t find you anywhere.” Xu Yan gasps while running over.

When they had ordered the dishes, they waited for a while but Fu Zhengzheng still didn’t come. Then they went out to look for her, but found that she was not on the second floor at all. They ran back to call her, but found that her cellphone was still in the bag.

Most of the people who come to this restaurant are wealthy and powerful. Since Fu Zhengzheng was so beautiful, Xu Yan was afraid that she would get into trouble. So she hurried to look for Fu Zhengzheng with Xiao Yicheng.

Fu Zhengzheng now finds that the cellphone in her hand is the smaller one bought by Yang Tao.

“It’s all right. Zhengzheng said she had just gone to the first floor to make the phone call. She forgot which room we were in when she came up, so she went to the third floor by mistake.” Xiao Yicheng helps Fu Zhengzheng explain.

When Xu Yan asked her, Fu Zhengzheng saw Xiao Yicheng nodding to her, knowing that he would hide what happened upstairs. She smiles at him and then they go back to their private dining room together.

Fu Zhengzheng seldom speaks during the meal. Since Xu Yan has a good impression of Xiao Yicheng, Fu Zhengzheng praises Xu Yan timely, which makes Xu Yan very happy. The meal is quite satisfactory.

After dinner, Xiao Yicheng invites them to go to the Karaoke. Fu Zhengzheng leaves on the grounds that she has to take care of her son, although they persuade her to stay.

In the taxi, Fu Zhengzheng is haunted by the scene that Han Siqi and Qiao Keren walked into the Glamour Restaurant arm in arm, for which she is depressed for a long time.

Has he come back yet? Maybe he won’t go back tonight. His another house has been cleaned already, hasn’t it?

Come on, don’t think too much. Her purpose of approaching Han Siqi is to find out if there is any illegal behavior in their company. Anyway, she is not here to fall in love with him.

Looking at the bright lights outside the window, Fu Zhengzheng thinks of Fu Xing. Is he sleeping now?

Just then, the car stops and the driver looks at her apologetically. “Sorry, the car is out of order. It can’t move anymore.”

“Ah?” Fu Zhengzheng has to get out of the taxi. When she looks around, she finds it is a completely strange place. She remembers that the driver said one section of road was under construction, so they took a detour. But who has expected that the taxi would break down?

The driver points at the intersection ahead and says, “This road is called Lvyin Road. You go ahead and walk through this intersection. There are many taxis over there.”

“Lvyin Road? It seems that I’ve heard about it somewhere.” Fu Zhengzheng repeats involuntarily when she finds she is familiar with the name.

“Yes, there is a famous Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort on the Lvyin Road. It’s not surprising that you’ve heard of it.” The driver smiles while picking up the tools to repair the taxi.

Sure enough, when she looks up, she sees the flashing words “Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort”.

Fu Zhengzheng suddenly taps her head: My goodness! It is here. How can I forget about this place!

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