Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 38 - Date?

Chapter 38 Date?

She remembers that five years ago, she secretly came to B city and found the place where she met Nian Xi. Unfortunately, at that time, the place was in a total mess. She was told that this piece of land was bought by a developer to build a resort.

It is the Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

After that, she had never been to B city until she was assigned this mission.

Looking around, Fu Zhengzheng smiles bitterly.

If she hasn’t been here six years ago, how could she know that it used to be a residential area?

The sad, warm, thrilling, and lingering scenes six years ago are as vivid as the playback of movies.

When she looks up at the flashing words again, she feels disgusted—she would not have missed Nian Xi but for the construction of the resort.

Fu Zhengzheng slowly walks forward with a sigh.

Suddenly, a man rushes from a lane, hitting her directly. She doesn’t watch out and is knocked to the ground.

Fu Zhengzheng picks herself up while looking at the man. As she is about to say something, the man looks back and runs away without looking at her.

Well, she is a little familiar with the man’s figure and posture. Where has she seen him? Staring in his direction, she thinks doubtfully.


“Ouch!” A cry of surprise.

“Oh!” A muffled hum.

Fu Zhengzheng, who is about to pick herself up, is knocked down again. She loses balance again. She randomly grabs something with both hands by instinct.

But what she grabs is the arm of a man who also loses balance. The man presses against her straightly.

He picks up himself quickly and is ready to run too.

Fu Zhengzheng is embarrassed and annoyed. She also picks herself up swiftly, grabbing the man’s arm. “None of you have eyes? What’s the rush for going on the rampage?”

While being dragged by Fu Zhengzheng, the man sees the former man getting on a taxi at the intersection. Then taxi disappears in just two seconds. Being also annoyed, he gets rid of her and says in a toneless voice, “I don’t know there is a human squatting here.”

Fu Zhengzheng gets furious and she scolds, “You scolded me for not being a human? You are not a human!”

The man pats his clothes and turns around to leave without replying Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t agree. She rushes over and stops the man in a bright place. “You hit me and swore at me. How about you apologize to me?”

“It’s you again?” The man suddenly grabs Fu Zhengzheng’s arm, saying, “Tell me, did you intentionally come out to stop me so as to help Zhou Bing run away?”

“Let me go! Why do you grab me so hard?” Fu Zhengzheng recognizes that the man is Ji Muxian. Seeing that he doesn’t loosen his grip, she pinches him violently.

“Ouch—” Ji Muxian gasps with pain but doesn’t let her go. He says with a darkened face, “Tell me, what is your relationship with Zhou Bing?”

He failed to catch the bad guys because of the woman twice. How can he not suspect this woman?

Relying on her ability to fight and her identity as a female, Fu Zhengzheng spoke in a loud voice. But now she finds herself at a disadvantage. That, coupled with curiosity, makes her soften her voice, “Who is Zhou Bing? The man who just ran past? Why do you chase him?”

“You know the answer! Tell me, what is your relationship?”

Fu Zhengzheng deliberately clicks her tongue and says, “I also feel familiar with that man, but I didn’t see him clearly, so I can’t think of him now.”

Ji Muxian loosens his grip, takes out his phone and shows a picture to Fu Zhengzheng. “Zhou Bing. Do you know him?”

Fu Zhengzheng recognizes that he is the security captain of Weihan as soon as she sees the picture. A few days ago, he helped her to take things. A few doubts flash through her mind.

“Do you know him?”

He asks as if he was interrogating a prisoner, which makes Fu Zhengzheng irritated. She answers without hesitation, “No, I don’t know!”

“Really?” Ji Muxian doesn’t miss Fu Zhengzheng’s slightly dodgy eyes, and he grabs her arm again, saying in a louder voice, “Tell the truth!”

“I don’t know him. Please let me go, otherwise, I will report to the police that you assault me.”

Ji Muxian looks at Fu Zhengzheng with distain and then loosens his grip.

That look irritates Fu Zhengzheng. At least, she is a beauty in the police station. Even if she is not as beautiful as a flower, she has bright and brave temperament. How can he distain her?

Look at him. He wears an ordinary jacket and damn black trousers and shoes, which are ugly and of low quality.

It’s hard to imagine that such a person would buy such expensive clothes for his mother!

But before she swears at him, he says abruptly, “ID card!”

“ID card?” Fu Zhengzheng is confused. But she soon understands, sneering, “You want to check my ID card? Humph, you run after others every day. I think I shall check your ID card. Maybe you are the criminal who broke into people’s house to rob and murder! I have to call the police!”

She nimbly jumps aside to avoid Ji Muxian who is going to grab her cellphone, threatening, “If you dare to grab my cellphone, I will shout that you rob me. Don’t move. The security guards in this resort are patrolling there. As long as I call for help, they will come soon.”

Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng is really dialing, his eyes are about to burst with fire. But he doesn’t come forward, and just explains in a different tone, “They owe me money and have not paid it back.”

Indeed, what they have done doesn’t fall under her purview. If she really reports to the police, there may emerge some unnecessary troubles.

She puts away her cellphone and looks up and down at him with a skeptical look. “They borrow money from you? It seems that they dress better than you.”

In fact, what she wants to say is that Zhou Bing is the security captain with a high income in Weihan. How can he borrow your money?

“They,” Ji Muxian pauses for a while, and continues, “They take drugs.”

“Oh.” Fu Zhengzheng now believes his words. She shakes her head and signs, saying, “Collecting debts! People who borrowed money are winners these years. Anyway, money is really a good thing.”

Isn’t it because of money that Han Siqi is so arrogant?

Ji Muxian glances at the resort and says coldly, “Isn’t it easy for a woman to live a rich life? Just wait at this gate.”

“Wait for what?”

“Wait for an old man who needs a partner.”

“Fuck, you swore at me!” Fu Zhengzheng is furious, but Ji Muxian has stridden away.

Fu Zhengzheng runs after him, retorting with all kinds of vicious words behind him. But he stops a taxi as if he didn’t hear it. Seeing that, she pushes him away and rushes into the taxi first. Then she locks the door and asks the driver to drive quickly.

Looking at Ji Muxian’s angry look outside, she feels happy now.

When she gets home, it is already over twelve o’clock in the evening.

Looking at the dark room, Fu Zhengzheng gently opens the door and closes it. When she is about to change her shoes, she finds there is something wrong in the room. She immediately becomes vigilant in panic, looking around in darkness.

After her eyes adapt to the indoor light, with the dim street light, she notices a dark shadow standing not far in front of her

She can’t think of another man who has such a figure except for Han Siqi.

She wants to shout, “Is it funny to pose as a ghost?” But she doesn’t say it. She pretends not to see him and bows her head to change shoes.

When she is about to bypass him to go upstairs, he grabs her arm and says, “Do you still know you shall come back?”

There is a faint smell of alcohol. Fu Zhengzheng frowns while shaking off his hand, and then goes forward.

However, he grabs her again. He turns around and steps forward, pushing her against the door.

“Let me go!”

Although she can’t see his eyes clearly, she can feel that the light coming from his eyes can pierce her. She doesn’t struggle to free herself anymore, and pretends to say with ease, “How can you exactly control the time of a date?”

“Date? Who allowed you to date?” Han Siqi’s voice becomes a little harsh.

How can Fu Zhengzheng not notice Han Siqi’s changes? She suddenly feels very happy, saying unhurriedly, “I learned from you. You were also dating, weren’t you?”

“Are you jealous?”

“Jealous? I have never been jealous before. Usually it is men who are jealous of me.” Fu Zhengzheng pretends to ask in surprise, “Oh, Mr. Han, you’re not jealous of me, are you?”

“Don’t challenge my patience.”

Fu Zhengzheng makes a frightened expression and says, “Oh, Mr. Han, you can’t do that. If your beautiful and gentle fiancée knows it, she will definitely kill me. I am…”

Suddenly Fu Zhengzheng feels a warm touch on the lips, and then a faint smell of alcohol rushes towards her, making her feel disgusted. So she pushes Han Siqi away hard.

Han Siqi seems to have already expected for it. He holds her face with both hands, and moves his body close to hers, almost squeezing her into the door.

How can a drinker have such great strength? Fu Zhengzheng beats him hard on the body.

Suddenly the room is lit. Both Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng tremble and stop at the same time.

Chen Qiaolan asks in a tentative voice, “Zhengzheng? Are you back? Master Siqi?”

“Grandma Chen, where are you going?” Fu Xing probably just woke up, crying vaguely.

“Lie down, Xingxing, or you will catch a cold. Grandma is checking if your Mommy and Daddy are back.” Then there are light footsteps coming from far to near.

Fu Zhengzheng is nervous and a little shy. She wants to push Han Siqi away for fear that Chen Qiaolan would see the intimate scene. But Han Siqi refuses to let her go. It seems that he doesn’t fear to be discovered.

In order not to make loud noises, Fu Zhengzheng moves to the left bit by bit. Han Siqi now cooperates with her to move in the shadows.

“Grandma Chen, are my Daddy and Mommy back? Daddy— Mommy—” Fu Xing yells in Chen Qiaolan’s room, and there is also sound of jumps.

Fu Zhengzheng knows that Fu Xing is jumping on the bed again. Every night, he likes to jump like this whenever he is happy or angry.

Hearing no sound, Chen Qiaolan says with self-mockery, “I am suffering from acousma. It seems that I am too old. The two young people haven’t come home in the middle of the night.”

Probably because she sees Fu Xing standing in the room without putting on his coat, she returns to her room while clapping her hands and exclaiming, “Oh, my dear, quickly go back to your bed. If you catch a cold, you will have injections.”

The large house becomes silent again. Fu Zhengzheng sighs with relief, but finds that she is still fully embraced by Han Siqi. She wants to push him hard, but fears to wake Chen Qiaolan again. She just tries to free herself with slight movement.

“Once you have a new lover, you dislike the old one?” Han Siqi refuses to let her go.

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