Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 388 - Don’t Molest Her Anymore!

Chapter 388 Don’t Molest Her Anymore!

Seeing his serious expression, she is strange, “What’s up?”

Han Siqi takes her to sit down, “I’ve decided that we will have Fu Xing only.”

“Why do you say that suddenly?” She knows he always wants one more kid.

Han Siqi’s eyes are full of sympathy, “I can’t let you suffer again. When you were pregnant with Xingxing, I wasn’t with you. You must have suffered a lot, right?”

It turns out that he is frightened by Tian Xin’s vomiting. Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing.

But Han Siqi doesn’t laugh, “I will make up for the anguish you suffered during the six years with double love.”

“I lied. My appetite was better than that of Linglong when I was pregnant. Moreover, my brother looked after me, so I didn’t suffer a lot. Don’t be so guilty.” Fu Zhengzheng reaches out her hand to soothe his frown, but Han Siqi pulls her into his arms.

Feeling him unusual, she leans her head against his chest, changes the topic smilingly and tells him the headache of Sun Qiubo.

Hearing that, Han Siqi says lightly, “The restaurant is on track. You can find someone to manage it for a few days.”

“It’s not a short time. Tian will be absent for at least three or four months. If Qiubo’s parents agree to their marriage, Qiubo will be engaged in preparing for the wedding. It will take time too. They have spent lots of time and energy on the restaurant. Even if a suitable manager can be found, they won’t feel easy to leave it to a stranger.”

“I can recommend a suitable candidate.”



Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes light up, “Oh, why didn’t I think of Xiaoyue? Yongcheng and Qiao Keren have got the marriage certificate, so Aunt Lin won’t relapse probably. Xiaoyue majored in public administration and is indeed the best candidate. I’ll call Xiaoyue right now.”

Fu Zhengzheng calls Lin Xiaoyue and explains her intention. Lin Xiaoyue agrees happily and says she will go to the restaurant for a look tomorrow morning. After hanging up the phone with Lin Xiaoyue, she calls Sun Qiubo and tells it to her. Sun Qiubo is excited to hear that. She says she will call Lin Xiaoyue by herself and then hangs up the phone in a hurry.

“Hey, I haven’t finished.” Fu Zhengzheng shouts to the cellphone that is beeping, “The girl threw me aside immediately.”

Han Siqi smiles, “It’s the best solution that she contacts Xiaoyue. She can help Xiaoyue know about the restaurant as soon as possible.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks he has a good point, so she doesn’t say more.

In the following days, Sun Qiubo is busy with her own business and doesn’t have the time to contact Fu Zhengzheng. Tian Xin reacts strongly, so Ji Yashu doesn’t ask her to have dinner with the large family and arranges two servants to look after her specially. Fu Zhengzheng comes to see her every evening before she comes home.

After Min Zhongxu is back, Han Siqi becomes more light-hearted apparently and has more time to accompany her. Nothing has happened for an unknown reason: Han Siqi guards her closely or she is alert enough. The calm makes her fidgety.

What makes her more fidgety is about Zhu Ting. Although she gets on well with Fu Wenhai, he doesn’t take her to his house again.

Fu Zhengzheng thinks enough foundation has been laid, so she talks with Yang Tao about dispatching Yu Nan to act.

While they’re discussing, Zhu Ting is engaged in her work in the firm. When it’s the time to go off duty, Fu Wenhai calls her. She answers the call gladly.

“Zhu Ting, I have something to deal with in the company and have to work overtime. Can you…” Fu Wenhai wants to ask her to wait for him in the company, but before he finishes, Zhu Ting interrupts him.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll go home by bus.”

“Um, OK. Let’s contact later.”

“OK.” Zhu Ting hangs up the phone and sends a text message to Fu Zhengzheng to update her.

After quite a while, she receives Fu Zhengzheng’s message, “The plan remains unchanged. Be cautious.”

Zhu Ting deletes the messages, puts away the cellphone, packs her things up, goes out of the firm and comes to the bus stop to wait for the bus. When she is looking ahead for the bus, she feels a person peeking at her nearby. She glances at him with pretending lightness, but he turns around.

Thinking that Fu Zhengzheng said “The plan remains unchanged”, she gets on the bus as if nothing had happened.

Night falls. The streetlamps flanking the road and colorful neon lights illuminate the city again.

Zhu Ting sits by a window, enjoying the night view and thinking where to have dinner. At this time, Fu Wenhai calls her again.

“Where are you?”

“On the bus.”

“You’ve already got on the bus?”

“Yes. I’m close to my home. You have finished your work?”

“Yes. How about waiting for me at the bus stop? I’ll drive there right now. Let’s have dinner together.”


After the bus reaches the stop, Zhu Ting gets off the bus. She notices the person that just peeked at her gets off the bus too.

Fu Wenhai’s car hasn’t arrived. She walks to a convenience store next to the bus stop, buys a bottle of water and then turns back. When she just walks under a landscape tree, she feels someone walking fast to her behind.

She stays calm and continues to walk slowly. But she holds the bottle tightly and intends to play to the score when the person approaches her, because she isn’t sure if the person is arranged by Fu Zhengzheng.



Zhu Ting hears two voices behind her. She turns around and sees a man covering his hand with the other one and shrieking. There is a bright knife on the ground.

“Damn, you dare to show your knife to my woman?” The other man is swearing at the shrieking one. Zhu Ting looks carefully and finds he is Tang Feng.

Finding she is looking at himself, Tang Feng goes to her complacently, “The bastard wants to attack you secretly. I’ll teach him a lesson.”

Then he kicks the man hard and knocks him down.

The man doesn’t seem to be frightened by Tang Feng and wants to pick up his knife when he rises. Tang Feng kicks it away and gives the man one more kick.

Zhu Ting sees the man’s mouth bleeding and stops Tang Feng “panickily”, “Stop. He will be beaten to death.”

Tang Feng spits, “It serves him right!”

Zhu Ting curses unhappily, “Why do you have to beat him to death? If he dies, you have to pay with your own life.”

Tang Feng reaches out his hand to hold Zhu Ting’s shoulder, “Tingting, it’s justifiable defense. As a lawyer, you must be clear about it.”

Zhu Ting throws off his hand and glares at him with a strong aversion, “Don’t call me in this way. You are not my friend.”

While they are talking, the man on the ground picks up the knife from the ground and wants to stab Zhu Ting again. She just shrieks with fear and forgets to dodge it.

Tang Feng drags Zhu Ting and kicks away the man. Then he pushes Zhu Ting away and turns around to punch the man.

Zhu Ting is scared to see the fight. She holds back Tang Feng and asks the other man in a trembling voice, “You…you want to kill me? I am not your enemy.”

“Bitch, I won’t let you off!” The man picks himself up and spits blood. Without explaining, he swears and then runs away.

Tang Feng wants to chase him, but he is afraid that it’s dangerous to leave Zhu Ting here alone. Therefore, after running a few steps, he turns back.

Zhu Ting looks scared and runs fast to the community. Tang Feng chases her behind.

“Tingting, don’t go way!”

“Stop!” A man blocks Tang Feng’s way suddenly.

Hearing the voice, Zhu Ting halts her feet and turns around immediately. When she sees Fu Wenhai, she runs to him at once and looks at him with teary eyes.

“Fuck off!” Tang Feng swears fiercely.

“Please don’t molest Miss Zhu again, or I won’t show mercy to you.” Fu Wenhai looks at him coldly while pulling Zhu Ting to the back, “Don’t be afraid. I’m here.”

Tang Feng says with disdain, “Wow, a hero after the event! When Tingting was attacked by the bad guy, where were you?”

“Attacked?” Fu Wenhai turns his head sideways to ask Zhu Ting, “What happened?”

Zhu Ting shakes her head while sobbing, “I don’t know. I was waiting for you here. A man with a knife rushed to kill me and claimed that he wouldn’t let me off. I don’t know him at all!”

Tang Feng wants to draw Zhu Ting to him, but he is stopped by Fu Wenhai. Seeing Zhu Ting hide behind Fu Wenhai quickly, he sighs, “Tingting, the guy will come to take revenge on you again. Go with me. I won’t allow anyone to hurt you at all. The fair-faced man can’t protect you.”

Then he steps forward.

Pale-faced Zhu Ting is more emotional, “I have never done anything against my conscience. The man won’t come to me again. Did you instigate him to point the knife at me and then you stepped forward to save me? I won’t be fooled by you!”

Tang Feng is anxious, “Tingting, you get me wrong. I don’t know that guy. Didn’t you hear that he wouldn’t let you off? Do you know you are in a great danger? Only I can protect you, understand?”

“You’re not to be bothered. I will protect her.” Fu Wenhai glances at Tang Feng coldly and then walks outward with Zhu Ting.

“Stop! You fair-faced man, you…” Tang Feng chases them while swearing. Fu Wenhai’s two bodyguards block his way at once, and he shuts up resignedly.

Fu Wenhai takes Zhu Ting into the car, starts it and drives off quickly.

Zhu Ting looks over her shoulder and sees Tang Feng’s complicated eyes. Somehow the eyes make her panicky, because the eyes seem to have a special meaning.

Perhaps without Tang Feng, her show wouldn’t be so successful. Is he just a hooligan? Why did he happen to help her when he appeared before her twice?

Is it only a coincidence?

While Zhu Ting’s mind is wandering, Fu Wenhai’s car has stopped. She finds they have got to his yard.

Fu Wenhai thinks Zhu Ting is frightened, so she keeps silent. He turns aside to comfort her softly, “Don’t be afraid. I guess the accomplice of the burglar caught that night wants to take revenge on you. Let’s call the police right now.”

Zhu Ting asks “in panic”, “Is it useful to call the police? I even didn’t see his appearance clearly.”

“Um, I guess that guy is Yu Nan, Yu Dong’s brother. I saw Yu Nan listed as wanted online yesterday. Now that he appeared, he might be caught soon. How about living in my house before he is caught?”

Zhu Ting responds with hesitation, “Um, I don’t think it’s good.”

Fu Wenhai holds Zhu Ting’s hand, “Tang Feng said only he could protect you. I don’t believe. Please give me a chance to have a try, OK?”

When Zhu Ting sees the passion in Fu Wenhai’s eyes, her heart palpitates. She drops her eyes immediately.

Fu Wenhai takes it as her acquiescence and looks glad, “After dinner, I will ask someone to bring your things secretly.”

Zhu Ting nods and gives him the key. He makes a call to arrange instantly.

When they come back from dinner, the room arranged by Fu Wenhai has been cleaned.

“Go upstairs to look at your room?”

Zhu Ting nods. When they are about to go upstairs, the doorbell rings.

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