Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 389 - Move to His House

Chapter 389 Move to His House

Seeing Zhu Ting’s confused eyes, Fu Wenhai opens the door smilingly while telling her, “My bodyguards Wan Ping and Wan Zheng.”

The door is opened. Sure enough the two tall bodyguards enter. Zhu Ting has met them twice. One of them holds a suitcase. Zhu Ting knows it’s hers.

Wan Ping points to the suitcase and says in a low voice, “Boss, what you instructed has been done.”

Fu Wenhai nods and points to upstairs, “Carry it to the room on the west of mine.”

“OK.” Wan Ping carries the suitcase upstairs instantly.

“Boss, here is what you want.” Wan Zheng gives Fu Wenhai a bunch of keys.

Fu Wenhai takes the keys, puts them into his pocket and doesn’t talk to him anymore. He takes Zhu Ting upstairs. When they just get upstairs, Wan Ping has come out. He stands aside to make way for them.

“Thank you.” Before Zhu Ting finishes, Wan Ping has dashed downstairs.

Fu Wenhai smiles, “You don’t need to say thank you to them.”

“They helped me. I should say thank you at least.” Zhu Ting enters the room with a smile.

Fu Wenhai enters too. While Zhu Ting is looking at the room, he laughs and says something meaningful suddenly, “Actually, they have the gate key.”

“Then why did they knock at the door?” Once Zhu Ting finishes, she understands the meaning and turns her head away shyly.

Obviously, they were afraid to catch them doing something affectionate if they entered suddenly.

To conceal her embarrassment, Zhu Ting changes the topic, “Do they live close to your house?”

“They live downstairs, next door to the room you lived last time.”

Zhu Ting looks back in surprise, “Really? I didn’t find that last time!”

“They lived outside that night. They usually stay with me, except that night.”

Zhu Ting feels lucky for not taking rash actions that night. Hearing what Fu Wenhai says, she is surprised again.

The two reticent bodyguards created a chance for her and Fu Wenhai to stay alone, or Fu Wenhai told them to do it?

That day, she thought Fu Wenhai usually lived in the large house alone.

But when she said it’s lonely for him to live here alone that day, he didn’t respond, so she concluded he lived here alone. In retrospect, she was so careless. She had known Fu Wenhai had private bodyguards to protect him since he was attacked.

“What are you thinking?”

Zhu Ting withdraws her thoughts and explains, “Nothing much. I just think I will bother you when I live here.”

“It’s not a bother at all. I’m only afraid that you are not willing to live here.” Fu Wenhai takes the keys Wan Zheng gave him out of his pocket and hands them to Zhu Ting, “If you want, you can live here forever.”

Zhu Ting is shocked. She doesn’t take the keys. Instead, she looks up and stares at him.

Finding she doesn’t take the keys, Fu Wenhai feels embarrassed and intends to put them back to his pocket. Meanwhile he tries to save his face by saying with a smile, “We go to work and come back together every day. The keys are unnecessary for you.”

“It would be better to have the keys. What if you work overtime or have social activities?” Zhu Ting holds his hand to take the key. But his grip is tight. She fails to catch the key, and instead her hand is held by him.

Zhu Ting wants to withdraw her hand anxiously, but she can’t.

Fu Wenhai uses more strength and pulls her into his arms, “No matter how large a house is, it is not lively without a hostess.”

God, how clear the hint is! Zhu Ting doesn’t break free from his hug, but she feels astonished.

It’s far from the end of the task. How can he bare his heart to her so quickly?

No, no, no.

Zhu Ting pushes him away, turns her face aside and thinks how to respond.

Luckily, Fu Wenhai opens his mouth first, “Sorry, I forget myself. Don’t have psychological stress. I won’t force you to do anything.”

Looking the deep feeling in his eyes, Zhu Ting sighs with relief secretly.

After Fu Wenhai leaves, she looks at the room secretly. When she is sure there are no monitors or similar things, she sends a message to Fu Zhengzheng, saying briefly that she has moved to Fu Wenhai’s house.

Actually, Fu Zhengzheng has known that and is happy in the room.

“Zhu Ting has moved to Fu Wenhai’s house. I guess she will find something soon.”

Apparently, Han Siqi thinks she is over optimistic, “Fu Wenhai is nice to Zhu Ting, only because she looks like Li Xiaomeng. He only takes her as a comfort. She is not sure to get his complete trust.”

Fu Zhengzheng is still optimistic and joyful, “Now that he lets Zhu Ting move to his house, it means he has trusted Zhu Ting to a certain degree. I believe he will let down his guard against Zhu Ting after some days. It goes better than we imagined. It seems that Fu Wenhai loves Li Xiaomeng deeply.”

“He will certainly test Zhu Ting again.”

“Zhu Ting is calm and should be able to stand the test.”

“I hope so.”

“She will. Let’s wait for her good news.” Fu Zhengzheng is confident about Zhu Ting.

Han Siqi asks, “What good news do you hope that she will bring to you?”

“I want to know how Fu Wenhai contacts his subordinates. Then we can accurately know what they will do next.”


Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “His cellphone has been monitored.”

“You only monitor one cellphone number. A person can have many numbers.”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head again, “According to our investigation and verification, it’s doubtless that Fu Wenhai only has one cellphone number, the one that is monitored by us. Before the branch company of Wenhai Building Materials adjoining the cement plant affiliated to Rongsheng Group was demolished, we suspected there must have been a basement connecting them. They must have met there frequently, because we found Fu Wenhai, Gu Yang and Tong Lean went to inspect their own branch companies simultaneously for several times. However, now the two buildings have been demolished. Since then, we haven’t found Tong Lean and Fu Wenhai appeared at the same place again. Without Gu Tang, Tong Lean can’t make his decision on many matters. He is sure to contact Fu Wenhai. In another word, they must have other ways to contact each other.”

Han Siqi thinks and asks, “The Internet?”

“The IP addresses of Fu Wenhai and Tong Lean have been locked. Whatever they do online is monitored by the police.”

“Maybe they don’t contact recently.”

“It’s impossible. Let’s put the contact between Tong Lean and Fu Wenhai aside. I think Fu Wenhai must be closely related to Lin Jiao’s death. After the policemen caught Lin Jiao, they didn’t expect she would watch for a chance to escape. That means Lin Jiao’s escape was accidental. Gu Yang must have known Lin Jiao’s relationship with Fu Wenhai, so he didn’t dare to do anything to Lin Jiao and would ask Fu Wenhai for his opinion. You know, after Fu Wenhai broke up with Lin Jiao, he helped her a lot. I remember Li Yin said she escaped from B City with her cousin’s help. Besides, their fruit shop was also started with the help of Lin Jiao’s friend. Don’t we know Lin Jiao’s capability? Fu Wenhai must have helped her behind.”

“You think Lin Jiao’s death was instigated by Fu Wenhai?”

“I always have such a suspicion. Gu Yang steps forward to take all responsibilities, and his aim is to protect someone.”

“Then do you think how Fu Wenhai contacts Gu Yang and Tong Lean?”

“Through the Internet.”

“Don’t you say their IP addresses have been locked?”

“I know little about computers. But the other day I met a computer whiz. Today I asked him, and he told me the IP address can be hid when they contact someone. So long as it’s well timed, they won’t be found by people who are monitoring them.”

“You suspect Fu Wenhai contacts his subordinates in this way?” Han Siqi ponders, “If what your friend says is true, it’s a problem. It’s so esoteric that Zhu Ting can’t find anything.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “That friend has a software. So long as we can install it into the computer, whatever the user does furtively can be found.”


“Maybe. I don’t know much about computers. But now Zhu Ting has moved to Fu Wenhai’s house. So long as she can approach Fu Wenhai’s computer and install the software into it, we will know if he is susceptible. I told Yang Tao, and he said it’s feasible. But given that it has been only a short time since I met the computer whiz friend, he said he needed to discuss the plan with the leader. He hasn’t given me a reply yet.”

“Your friend is awesome.”

“Yes. I also think so.” Fu Zhengzheng says with admiration.

“When did you meet such a person?”

“He is the person recapturing my bag that day.” when Fu Zhengzheng finds Han Siqi looking sideways at her, she realizes the jealousy in his words. She laughs and explains at once, “How petty you are! I regard him awesome, because he knows more about the Internet than us. Although he is an IT elite, how can he be compared with my husband as a business talent?”

It pleases Han Siqi. He pats the back of Fu Zhengzheng’s head lightly and says, “Bad and good people are mixed up. Don’t be credulous.”

“I will be swindled of money and love at most.” Han Siqi pulls a long face instantly. Fu Zhengzheng cups his face in her hands, kisses it and laughs, “I’m joking. My love has been swindled by you completely, hasn’t it?”

“If someone dares to swindle your love, I will kill him.”

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at him, “Do you really think your wife is so disappointing?”

“I just warn you to be cautious anytime.”

“Got it, my dear husband.”

Then they laugh happily together.

At this moment, someone knocks lightly at the door. Han Siqi goes out to open the door and sees the new servant Chen Xiaoxiang standing outside with a box on her hands.

Chen Qiaolan isn’t well recently, so her distant nephew Chen Xiaoxiang comes to replace her.

“Good evening, sir. This is a package for madam.”

Han Siqi becomes alert immediately, “Package? Why would someone deliver a package in the evening?”

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