Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 397 - There is Something Wrong with the Soup

Chapter 397 There is Something Wrong with the Soup

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “I can’t drink it? Why?”

“The soup has a kind of medicine that can make you sleepless. If you drink it for several more times, you are sure to be completely sleepless at night.”

“What?!” Fu Zhengzheng is more surprised.

She doesn’t have a sound sleep recently. Is it because she drinks the nourishing soup every day?

Ji Yashu doesn’t have a good impression on Sun Meifeng originally. When she hears that, her face darkens, “The medicine is nourishing and can calm the nerves. How can it make a person sleepless?”

“Oh, I should call you aunt, right? I have been a doctor for over ten years. If you don’t believe me, you can test the soup. If there is no problem, you can slap my mouth.”

Sun Meifeng’s assertion makes Ji Yashu doubtful, “I asked a herbalist doctor to prescribe the medical materials, and then they were tested under Doctor Li’s supervision. Xiaoxiang decocted them. How can it cause sleeplessness?”

“You mustn’t drink it! Someone must have tempered with it! Either Doctor Li or the person decocting the medicine!”

Chen Xiaoxiang enters the sitting room with a dust collector and hears what Sun Meifeng says. She rushes over and takes up the bowl with an injured expression.

“You mean I poisoned the medicine? Then I’ll drink it. If I am killed with poison, you don’t need to take responsibilities!”

Then she drinks up the soup at one breath, wipes her lips and stares at Sun Meifeng angrily, “Madam and her family are so nice to me. I have no hatred towards them. Why would I poison them?”

“I didn’t say that you poisoned the soup. I mean a kind of medicine that can make a person sleepless is mixed into the soup.” Sun Meifeng stares at the empty bowl and shouts again suddenly, “You drank up the soup deliberately to destroy the evidence, didn’t you? In my opinion, you are suspectable!”

“Madam, Miss Fu, I am not!” Chen Xiaoxiang looks at the bowl in her hands with teary eyes and becomes speechless. She looks at Ji Yashu and Fu Zhengzheng at a loss.

Ji Yashu looks around and asks suddenly, “Is there some soup left in the jar?”

Chen Xiaoxiang’s eyes light up, “Some may be filtered. Let me see.”

Chen Xiaoxiang runs into the kitchen and runs out with the jar used for decocting the medicine. She covers the jar mouth with a piece of gauze, turns the jar upside down and puts it into a bowl. After quite a while, she gets a little soup that can barely cover the bowl bottom.

“Zhenghua!” Ji Yashu shouts and Wan Zhenghua enters immediately.


Ji Yashu points to the bowl with soup on the table, “Ask Doctor Li to test the ingredients right now.”

“OK.” Wan Zhenghua goes out quickly with the soup bowl.

Sun Meifeng raises her head complacently, “Madam, you’ll only get one result: a kind of medicine that can make a person sleepless is mixed into the soup. You should guard against this girl. Well, I think it’s better to fire her.”

Chen Xiaoxiang wipes tears and says nothing. She sobs and runs back to her room.

“We can’t get the test result soon. Zhengzheng, talk with your friend, I’ll call Xingxing and others to come down for dinner.” Ji Yashu says and then walks upstairs.

“Miss Fu, I need to see Li Yin. See you.” Sun Meifeng knows it’s time to leave.

“Hey, the things…”

“They are given by Li Yin and have nothing to do with me.” Then Sun Meifeng runs out quickly.

After Sun Meifeng leaves, Fu Zhengzheng takes up the jar used for decocting medicine, looks at Chen Xiaoxiang’s room on the first floor deep in thought and then calls Lu Song…

After dinner, Wan Zhenghua and Doctor Li come back together.

Doctor Li shows a test report to Ji Yashu and asks confusedly, “Madam, what’s wrong with the medicine?”

Ji Yashu asks him, “What do you think?”

“Me? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with it. It’ s the medicine that’s nourishing and can soothe the nerves. You asked me to test it last time. What do you think is the problem?”

“Can the soup make a person sleepless?”

Doctor Li laughs, “The soup is nourishing and can soothe the nerves. How can it make a person sleepless?”

“Are you sure?”


Chen Xiaoxiang stands aside and stares at Doctor Li. Hearing that, she bursts out crying.

Ji Yashu sighs with relief. She glances at Fu Zhengzheng and then rises to comfort Chen Xiaoxiang who is full of grievances.

“Madam, thanks for the care from your whole family. Please pay my salary. I want to go home.” Chen Xiaoxiang sobs and runs to her room. Then she comes out with a bag of clothes.

Ji Yashu holds her back immediately, “Don’t blame me for my suspicion. Doctor Li’s test proves you’re innocent, doesn’t it?”

“Madam, I don’t blame you and Miss Fu. I just think it’s not interesting to work here. I guess my aunt has recovered. I’ll give the work back to her.”

“When your aunt recovers, she can come here directly. You can continue to work here.”

Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao climb down chairs to hold Chen Xiaoxiang, “Aunt Xiaoxiang, don’t go. We don’t want to separate from you.”

Chen Xiaoxiang begins to wail again.

“It’s all the meddler’s fault.” Ji Yashu ascribes it to Sun Meifeng.

Fu Zhengzheng feels embarrassed. After all, Sun Meifeng came because of her, so she persuades Chen Xiaoxiang to stay too.

With their persuasion, Chen Xiaoxiang agrees to stay though she is still sobbing.

After dinner, at about 8:00 p.m., Han Siqi comes back from the social activity and brings a piece of surprising news to Fu Zhengzheng who is waiting anxiously: the soup she asked Lu Song to test has the same conclusion as that of Doctor Li. It’s nourishing and can soothe the nerves. There is no ingredient that can make a person sleepless.

“What’s wrong with the soup?”

Asked by Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng tells him in detail what happened at dusk.

“Sun Meifeng might be a wiseacre and talked nonsense?”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “I asked Liu Yun. Sun Meifeng is a little famous in their county town. She might not talk nonsense. Besides, I haven’t had a sound sleep since I drank the soup.”

“Tian drinks the soup too. Ask her…”

“I asked her. She said she had nothing unusual except vomiting.”

Han Siqi stares at Fu Zhengzheng for quite a while and then says slowly, “Is that possible that only your soup is mixed with something else?”

Fu Zhengzheng straightens her body, “So Chen Xiaoxiang drank up my soup intentionally? In this case, we tested it and could only pour the remaining soup that had no problem out of the jar, right?”

Han Siqi calls Lu Song right away and asks him to investigate Chen Xiaoxiang’s background.

After putting down the phone, Han Siqi frowns and asks Fu Zhengzheng, “If we are right about her, what’s the purpose of Chen Xiaoxiang?”

Fu Xing’ s game flashes through Fu Zhengzheng’s mind. Her eyes become serious and she tells it to him.

Han Siqi is surprised, “You mean Chen Xiaoxiang induced Xingxing to draw the trap map of the coffer? She aims at the trap map too?”

“To make the news that I got the trap map by chance sound truer, Yang Tao and the colleagues stressed that I found the trap map in Fu Xing’s bear. Thus, Fu Xing has probably seen the trap map.”

“Xingxing is only a 6-year-old kid. Even if he saw it, he is not sure to draw it.”

“He doesn’t need to draw it. They just need to make sure the trap map is in my hand.”

“They verified it through Yao Jun last time, didn’t they? Why do they take the trouble to do it again?”

Fu Zhengzheng is confused by Han Siqi’s question. She scratches her head, “Maybe…maybe she belongs to another gang?”

While they are talking, Han Siqi’s cellphone rings. He glances at the caller identification and answers it with a casual air, “What’s up?”

It’s the president of Shuguang Hospital, “Mr. Han, you asked me to test your friend’s mental state the other day.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“No. I remember you said your friend didn’t remember what’s going on when she fell from upstairs.”

“Yeah. Any problem?”

“The hospital has received several injured patients these two days. They were hurt due to different reasons. But the similar point is that they don’t remember how they got hurt. That means their minds were not clear when the accidents happened, just like your friend.”

Han Siqi’s face changes, “Ask them if they have the habit of listening to Angelic Music.”

“Angelic Music? You mean the music that has been very popular recently?”

“Yes! Go to ask them right now. I need to know the result quickly.”

“OK. OK.” The president hangs up the phone instantly.

“Siqi?” Fu Zhengzheng has guessed what they talked and becomes excited.

“Let’s wait for the president’s call.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say more and just twists her head to look at the clock.

The clock is ticking. Each ticktock knocks at their hearts.

After about ten minutes, the president calls Han Siqi again and says the patients have all listened to Angelic Music every day before they were hurt.

Fu Zhengzheng puts her ear against Han Siqi’s cellphone. Before he hangs up the phone, she has taken out her cellphone to call Yang Tao. She tells him anxiously what she has known.

Yang Tao is astonished and says he will report it to the superior immediately.

After Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone, she gets extremely excited, “I suspect Angelic Music is a new kind of drug. It will make listeners intoxicated and then lose their minds! Everyone should be banned from listening to it! I have to call Li Yin now!”

Han Siqi presses her cellphone, “It’s only our guess. Without any evidence to prove Angelic Music is a new kind of drug, who will trust you?”

“But the fact is clear. Many people have been addicted! If we take actions later, I’m afraid more people will be hurt!”

“All drugs are aimed at making exorbitant profits, but Angelic Music is free of charge. Moreover, we haven’t heard that any computer has been infected with a virus.”


“Yang Tao said he would report to the superior. You don’t need to worry about it. You just need to remember your task.”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t stop, “You told Lu Song to investigate the earliest users of Angelic Music, didn’t you? How is the investigation now?”

“I haven’t got his reply yet.”

“Several days have passed. Why is it so slow? Hurry him!”

“Take it easy.”

“How can I take it easy? The earlier it’s found, the more people can avoid the harm. Alas, if I had listened to Mrs. Liu earlier and paid more attention to Li Yin, she and her baby might not suffer the pain now.”

“It’s useless to be anxious.”

As soon as she stops, Han Siqi’s cellphone rings again. The call is from Lu Song.

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