Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 398 - He is Implicated Again

Chapter 398 He is Implicated Again

“Mr. Han, I’ve found some earliest users of Angelic Music. They did have hallucination before.”

“Report the information to the police right now.”


“Investigate Chen Xiaoxiang as soon as possible.”

“OK.” Lu Song hangs up the phone instantly.

Meeting Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes, Han Siqi explains, “Lu Song has found that some earliest users of Angelic Music all had hallucination before. I told him to report the information to the police.”

Then he rises and intends to go out.

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t feel easy to let Chen Xiaoxiang stay here. She is a threat to our safety.”

“Mom thought Chen Xiaoxiang was wronged and tried her best to persuade her to stay. If you ask her to leave rashly, mom is sure to be unhappy.”

Han Siqi thinks and smiles, “I will make Chen Xiaoxiang leave by herself with a good reason.”

“Don’t act recklessly…”

“You can count on me. Go to bed now.” Then Han Siqi goes out.

Fu Zhengzheng opens her mouth, but she doesn’t stop Han Siqi.

They have found that there is something wrong with Chen Xiaoxiang. If she still stays here, it’s indeed dangerous. Fu Xing is the most worrying one in the family. Luckily, Ji Yashu and Han Tengyue nearly accompany him anytime at home. Wan Zhenghua and other bodyguards never move a step from him outside for protection. Other servants in the family have worked here for many years and are trustable. Only Chen Xiaoxiang who replaces Chen Qiaolan is an exception.

They all believe in Chen Qiaolan, and Chen Xiaoxiang looks simple and honest, so they trust the latter as much as the former. Fu Zhengzheng feels lucky. It’s found early, or who can ensure Chen Xiaoxiang won’t harm her with sinister measures for profits?

After over ten minutes, Han Siqi comes upstairs.

“It’s done. Darling, you can go to bed with your mind at ease.”

“What did you do?”

“Nothing. I only added something into the water dispenser in her room.”

“Did you poison her?”

“It’s just laxative. I only hope she will be hospitalized for a few days.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t feel easy, “What if she doesn’t like to drink water just like me?”

“She will drink. I packed the stewed chicken claws and wings that mom bought for Xingxing and intended to discard them. She offered to discard them for me.”

Fu Xing loves eating stewed food, but Han Siqi doesn’t allow him to eat because it gives too much internal heat. However, Han Tengyue and Ji Yashu often buy it secretly for Fu Xing to please him. Han Siqi has discarded the food for several times in the beginning, but later on, he chose to turn a blind eye.

Fu Zhengzheng understands immediately and can’t help laughing, “Chen Xiaoxiang likes them too. She will not discard them. In order not to be found, she is sure to eat them up in her room tonight.”

“Smart. Let’s go to bed.”

“So many things happened. How can I fall asleep?”

“They have nothing to do with you. Let’s wash and go to bed.” Han Siqi takes Fu Zhengzheng to the bathroom.

Fu Zhengzheng has a sound sleep after being sleepless for several days. The reason is unknown – she didn’t drink the soup medicine in the daytime or Han Siqi’s “medicine” to treat sleeplessness is effective.

Woken up by the prompt sound of a message, she picks up the cellphone lazily, glances at it and then becomes wide awake.

The message is from Zhu Ting, “The cleaner in Fu’s house may be a liaison. I saw Fu put a piece of paper with words into a garbage bag.”


Fu Zhengzheng can’t help shaking her head. The police once suspected the old man who had worked as a cleaner in the community for more than three years. In his sixties, he shares his life with his mentally challenged son who is over thirty years old. After the police’s investigations, their suspicion of the old man was dispelled.

She thinks and replies, “Did you see what was written on the paper?”


Perhaps because she receives no more messages from Fu Zhengzheng, Zhu Ting sends another one, “I suspect they will do something.”

“Got it.” Fu Zhengzheng shows the messages to Han Siqi, “What do you think?”

Han Siqi reads the messages carefully and says after a while, “Is it Fu Wenhai’s another test to Zhu Ting?”

“What if it’s not a test to Zhu Ting? We need to prepare ourselves for two eventualities, just like last time.”

“You have investigated the cleaner and the suspicion of him has been dispelled. If Fu Wenhai really conveys his instructions in this way, who is most likely to touch the garbage besides the old man?”

“The garbage sorter?” Fu Zhengzheng almost jumps.

She calls Yang Tao immediately and tells her suspicion to him.

“If it’s not Fu Wenhai’s test to Zhu Ting, something will probably happen. We have to find out the background of the garbage sorter as soon as possible just in case.”

“I’ll arrange now.” Yang Tao hangs up the phone in a hurry.

“I need to go to the police office. I didn’t have time to ask Yang Tao about Angelic Music.” Fu Zhengzheng stretches herself and puts on clothes while murmuring, “Yang Tao’s voice sounded soft, but it didn’t seem that he just got up. He must have stayed up the whole night. Muxian is tied up in looking after Tian recently. Menghuai is busy with his wedding. Yang Tao has no great assistants. How hard he is!”

Han Siqi smiles disapprovingly, “Do you think the vice squad only relies on the three of them?”

“They are competent. I can’t talk with you. I need to ask about how it is going.”

At this moment, Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone rings. The call is from Yang Tao. She answers it immediately.

“Yang Tao, any new information?”

“It’s not about the cleaner. I reported the hallucination caused by Angelic Music to Chief Xiao last night. It drew his attention at once. Moreover, someone has provided information about the users of Angelic Music. The municipal police office has established a special group the same night and began to investigate the audio files of Angelic Music. We got a piece of astonishing information this morning.” Then Yang Tao takes a sip of water. Fu Zhengzheng is anxious.

“What astonishing information?”

“It’s from Pu Xiangchen: the website of Angelic Music is created by Fu Wenhai.”

“What?! Are the audio files of Angelic Music that can make users have hallucination developed by Fu Wenhai and his gang?”

“Angelic Music is a new kind of audio drug and is introduced from abroad.”


“Yes. Listeners will feel comfortable, but they won’t be addicted. Just because of this, the provider can be declared guilty.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks another question, “Let’s not talk about the conviction for the moment. Generally, drug dealers traffic in drugs for exorbitant profits, don’t they? But the music is free on the website.”

“I have no idea. We have begun to investigate Fu Wenhai because of Angelic Music.”

“Do the Angelic Music files carry viruses?”

“We haven’t found such a problem. Their motive is unknown. We need to investigate. But it’s not found that Angelic Music files are related to the coffer, so you don’t need to care about them. I will ask someone to investigate. Don’t forget our focus. Be cautious not to be fooled by a possible scheme – make a feint to the east but attack in the west.”

“I know.”

“OK, I will tell you if there’s anything new about the investigation. I need to work.”


Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone.

Han Siqi can’t help frowning, “Fu Wenhai is implicated again.”

Fu Zhengzheng frowns too, “Yang Tao said Angelic Music wasn’t found to be related to the coffer for the moment. But I think something is wrong.”

Han Siqi nods, “Fu Wenhai has dreamed of the coffer for so many years. It’s impossible for him to give it up.”

“Rongsheng has got into trouble, and Gu Yang and Tong Lean are under the watch of the police, so Fu Wenhai doesn’t dare to act rashly so he puts the coffer aside temporarily? When we let down our guard, he will tackle with me?”

After Lin Jiao died, Fu Zhengzheng thinks that it’s strangely calm around her.

“Fu Wenhai usually thinks in depth and plans carefully. No matter what he does, he must have his purpose. We need to be cautious.”

While they are talking, Lu Song calls Han Siqi, who answers immediately.

“Mr. Han, we’ve found Chen Qiaolan. She has recovered long before. She hasn’t returned to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort because of Chen Xiaoxiang.”


“Chen Xiaoxiang left home half a year ago. She worked as a waitress in a hotel in the beginning. Due to vanity, she hung about with some hooligans. Her family intended to take her home to prevent her from following bad examples. She disagreed resolutely and almost broke up with her family. Chen Qiaolan knew it and went to persuade her. Then Chen Xiaoxiang demanded that so long as she was allowed to live in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort for a period of time and experience the life of wealthy people, she would go back to the countryside with them. Her family thought they couldn’t afford her accommodation in Ten- Mile Sunshine Resort. Then Chen Qiaolan had an idea that her niece replaced her to work here.”

“What about the hooligans around Chen Xiaoxiang?”

“I’ve investigated them. The hooligans are nobodies and they indulge in eating, drinking and pleasure-seeking every day.”

“Investigate which of them becomes rich and generous suddenly.”


After Han Siqi puts down his cellphone, Fu Zhengzheng says at once, “Chen Xiaoxiang may be just manipulated by someone. We should find out the person behind her.”

Han Siqi gets up and puts on clothes, “Chen Xiaoxiang isn’t very clever. She stays at home and doesn’t go out every day. The house is monitored. She can’t contact people outside. The possible contact tool may be the cellphone.”

“Then I will ask someone to investigate her recent calls.” Fu Zhengzheng is ready. Then they go out together.

After coming downstairs, Fu Zhengzheng looks around and doesn’t see Chen Xiaoxiang. Another servant Mrs. Zhu explains that Chen Xiaoxiang had diarrhea last night and was sent to the hospital and hasn’t come back.

Fu Zhengzheng glances at Han Siqi and smiles, without saying anything.

Han Siqi drives her to the gate of the police office. After seeing her enter, he leaves with his mind at ease.

Fu Zhengzheng gets to the office, but she is restless. It’s almost noon. She thinks and calls Yang Tao. Knowing he is in the office, she picks up a file casually as an excuse and then heads for his office.

When she just walks to the door of Yang Tao’s office, he rushes out.

Seeing her, Yang Tao points ahead and says “Something happened. Go to the office of Deputy Chief Miao.” Then he runs away.

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