Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 399 - Everyone is Panicky

Chapter 399 Everyone is Panicky

Fu Zhengzheng follows him hurriedly.

In the office of Deputy Chief Miao, Yang Tao is reporting to him.

“…They all claimed that their online bank accounts had been hacked. I asked them. They all downloaded Angelic Music online. The music is popular in the city. Now more and more people claim that their bank accounts are hacked and become panicky.”

Miao Kangjian bangs the desk with anger, “Can’t the evil be stopped?”

“We’re trying to remedy the situation, but it can’t be controlled for the moment. The department concerned has contacted a computer whiz to help us.”

“The website of Angelic Music is operated by Fu Wenhai. Now that the users’ bank accounts are hacked, it must be related to him. Control him right now!”

“Muxian has already gone with our teammates.”

Miao Kangjian paces up and down while snapping in a low voice, “Luckily, we’ve found that the website of Angelic Music is operated by Fu Wenhai. Otherwise, we’ll become headless chicken after the users’ bank accounts are suddenly hacked.”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t help interrupting to ask, “I always think Fu Wenhai’s main target is the coffer. What’s his intention of operating the website of Angelic Music?”

Yang Tao answers, “He may want to take advantage of the chaos to add troubles. I think Fu Wenhai still aims for the coffer. Zhengzheng, it’s the emergency period. You must be careful!”

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “I will.”

Miao Kangjian asks, “Yang Tao, you got information from a formant this morning, didn’t you? How is the investigation going?”

Yang Tao replies, “The suspectable garbage sorter has disappeared. Menghuai is hunting him.”

“Only when this person is found can we know what Fu Wenhai will do next. Dispatch more people to assist Menghuai.”

“OK.” When Yang Tao is about to turn around, his cellphone rings. He answers it, talks briefly and then hangs up the phone. He raises his cellphone to Miao Kangjian, “It’s Pu Xiangchen. He is a computer whiz and comes to help us solve the bank account hacking case. He has arrived at the gate. I’ll go to welcome him.”

When he just stops, his cellphone rings again, “What? Calm him down. I will be there soon.”

“What?” Miao Kangjian stares at him.

“Menghuai says they have found the garbage sorter. His surname is Hu. He resists arrest. He has caught someone as a hostage in a tea house and is confronting the police.”

Miao Kangjian’s face changes, “Don’t let him hurt the hostage! Where is he? Let’s go!”

Yang Tao is about to take a step. Thinking of Pu Xiangchen, he turns around to look at Fu Zhengzheng, “Zhengzheng, you are acquainted with Pu Xiangchen. Please go to the gate and take him to my office. I will arrange someone to receive him.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng responds. Yang Tao goes out with Miao Kangjian while calling.

Fu Zhengzheng runs to the stairs instantly.

Walking out of the building, she sees Pu Xiangchen standing at the gate and looking around. Then she runs to him.

Pu Xiangchen is glad to see Fu Zhengzheng, “Miss Fu, What a coincidence!”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “I come to welcome you specially.”

“Oh? Where is Sergeant Yang?”

“He is out for a task. Let’s go.” Fu Zhengzheng keeps thinking about the website and turns around hurriedly.

“Watch out!” Pu Xiangchen grabs her arm and pulls her backward suddenly.

It turns out that Fu Zhengzheng turned around so quickly that she almost knocked into a young man with glasses who lowered his head and walked fast.

The man is startled apparently. He pauses immediately and apologizes, “Sorry, are you OK?”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles embarrassedly, “That’s all right.”

The man smiles at her, nods at Pu Xiangchen behind Fu Zhengzheng and then moves on hurriedly.

“Let’s go.”

Fu Zhengzheng takes Pu Xiangchen to Yang Tao’s office. Sure enough, someone comes to receive him. He says goodbye to her and then leaves with that person. Then she goes back to her office.

Qi Juan is calling in the office. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng enter, she talks briefly and then hangs up the phone.

Fu Zhengzheng walks to the washbasin to wash hands. Qi Juan moves close to her and looks at her nervously, “Sister Fu, have you listened to Angelic Music?”

“No.” Fu Zhengzheng is startled suddenly, “Did something happen to your family?”

“Sister Fu, how farsighted you are! I heard that the computers used to download Angelic Music have been infected with viruses. All the information inside them are hacked. I’m quite lucky, because I downloaded the music into my Pad that’s specially used to listen to music. But my mom downloaded the music into the computer on which she often shops online. Twenty thousand yuan in the E-bank has been stolen. She just cried to me on the phone. That’s her salary for half a year. My father is in no mood to work now. He has sold all the stocks whose prices are still rising and withdrawn all his money.”

“Do they still listen to Angelic Music?” Fu Zhengzheng wants to tell her that it can give listeners hallucination.

Qi Juan waves and says, “No one is in the mood for listening to it now. People whose money has been stolen are heart broken, and those whose money hasn’t been stolen are worrying about their own bank accounts. What’s worse, not only users’ money is stolen but also their individual privacy in computers are hacked.”

Qi Juan whispers to Fu Zhengzheng, “My former classmate stores her intimate portrait photographs in the computer. Now she is extremely worried and afraid they will be used by lawbreakers.”

“She may be blackmailed with the photos? Now it has caused such a great influence. Even if they want to blackmail her, they can’t spare the time.”

“We’re afraid that they will spread out the photos frenziedly. She is almost nude in the photos. How can she face others without feeling embarrassed? She hasn’t got a boyfriend. These guys are so bad.” The more Qi Juan says, the angrier she becomes.

Fu Zhengzheng comforts her immediately, “The police have started to investigate the case. I think it won’t be long before those guys are brought to justice.”

“I hope so. Now everyone is panicky and feels the world isn’t wonderful. But it also confirms a famous saying that there are no free lunches in life. We should be cautious about free things. These guys cherish dark designs. They do nothing but the evil things. It’s the fault of their parents, because they don’t educate the bad guys to be good.”

Qi Juan keeps talking while tidying the desk.

Fu Zhengzheng is in no mood for what she says. Her mind is occupied by the garbage sorter that Yang Tao and other colleagues go to catch and Angelic Music that makes everyone panicky, so it’s in a mess.

After she has lunch at the canteen and returns to the office, Han Siqi calls her.

“Chen Xiaoxiang has confessed that she is hired to add medicine that can make you sleepless in your nourishing soup.”


“She is not clear. That person contacts her by cellphone. Before she entered Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, that person gave her fifty thousand yuan, demanded her to add the medicine into your food for ten consecutive days and promised that she would get another fifty thousand yuan after it’s finished.”

“It turns out that it’s a scheme that Chen Xiaoxiang said she wanted to experience the life of wealthy people in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Aunt Chen is utilized. Make me sleepless…They want to push me to listen to Angelic Music and bring me hallucination, and then they try to control my mind and demand me to give them what they want?”

Without commenting, Han Siqi says, “All computers that have downloaded Angelic Music are infected with viruses. Actually, the computers are controlled by those guys. Maybe they also want to know whatever you do through the network and even more information that they need. For example, what does the trap map look like? Where is it?”

“That means so long as I download Angelic Music, I will fall into the trap, right? In retrospect, the person who has recommended Angelic Music to Li Yin must belong to the gang! It’s a pity that Li Yin can’t contact the person now. Li Yin and Aunt Chen are both chessmen.” Fu Zhengzheng feels lucky not falling into the trap.

“He has done so much to make sure you will listen to Angelic Music.” Han Siqi pauses and then asks again, “The trap map is supposed to be his target. Why does he hack the information and bank accounts of other users?”

“Well…” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t know how to answer, “Perhaps he just wants to distract the police and thus achieve other aims.”

Even she herself thinks the answer is far-fetched.

“Anyway, his intention focuses on you. You just stay in the police office and don’t go out. I’ll go to pick you up after work.”


“Don’t go anywhere. Do you hear me?” Han Siqi stresses again.

“Yes. By the way, Fu Xing…”

“Xingxing has a cold today. I asked for a two-day leave for him and told Zhenghua to bring him back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Don’t worry, Xingxing is safe. I’m most worried about you.”

“You’re protecting me, aren’t you? I’m not even worried about myself.” Fu Zhengzheng shows her absolute trust in him unconsciously.

“You can’t let down your guard!”

“I – got – it, Dear Mr. Han. Ok, let’s talk after work.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone with a grin before Qi Juan comes in.

Though Qi Juan doesn’t know whom Fu Zhengzheng talked to, she guesses from the light tone and stares at her curiously.

“Sister Fu, did you talk with your husband on phone? So sweet.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s facial expression has become normal. She smiles, “Do you usually talk with your boyfriend on the phone in this way?”

Qi Juan flushes, “I’m single.”

“Really? There are so many handsome guys in our police office. Who do you like? I can be a matchmaker.”

“I don’t want to have a policeman boyfriend. I’m going to find a graduate majoring in computer as a boyfriend. Thus, I won’t be afraid that my computer is infected with viruses. Whoever dares to hack my computer with a virus, I will ask my boyfriend to fight back with another virus.”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t help laughing. At this moment, her cellphone rings. Once she connects it, Yang Tao speaks in panic, “Fu Wenhai has disappeared.”

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