Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 400 - Get Others into Trouble

Chapter 400 Get Others into Trouble

Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone almost falls from her hand, “What about Zhu Ting?”

“Her whereabouts is unknown. Please be cautious. I called Siqi. He will go to pick you up.”

“Then Fu…”

“Let’s talk later.” Yang Tao hangs up the phone.

Finding Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t look normal, Qi Juan asks, “Sister Fu, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Fu Zhengzheng forces a smile with a show of calmness.

Qi Juan gives her a glass of water.

“Thank you.”

Fu Zhengzheng puts the water aside, picks up the cellphone, looks at it and then puts it down.

Zhu Ting’s whereabouts isn’t clear, and she doesn’t contact Fu Zhengzheng. She probably stays together with Fu Wenhai and can’t contact Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Wenhai is in the teeth of the storm because of Angelic Music. He will probably be prosecuted for financial fraud by the police. He has felt the crisis, so he escapes with Zhu Ting?

Fu Wenhai’s focus is the coffer, isn’t it? Why does he operate the website of Angelic Music?


Fu Zhengzheng lifts her head and sees Han Siqi’s concerned eyes.

“Siqi, why are you here?” He talked with her on the phone a few minutes ago. She is so excited that her hand touches the glass on the desk because she rises too fast.

“Be careful!” Han Siqi reacts quickly, grabbing the glass and putting it aside. Then he takes her hand and looks at it carefully, “Is it burnt?”

“No. You…”

Fu Zhengzheng is about to ask anxiously, but on the edge of her vision, she glimpses Qi Juan looking at them and sniggering, so she throws off Han Siqi’s hands embarrassedly.

“This is my colleague, Qi Juan. This is my husband, Han Siqi.”

“I know. I once saw him.” Qi Juan stands up instantly and smiles at Han Siqi.

Fu Zhengzheng looks around, “You once saw him?”

“In newspapers and on TV. All young ladies in B City… Sister Fu, I’ll go to the next-door office.” Seeing Han Siqi rise his chin at her, Qi Juan flushes and runs away.

Fu Zhengzheng knows why Qi Juan runs away with a flush, but she is in no mood for a joke. She trots to close the door. Then she turns around and asks hurriedly, “Do you know Fu Wenhai’s disappearance?”

Han Siqi nods, “Zhu Ting’s whereabouts is unknown too.”

“The police haven’t reached a conclusion on the case of bank accounts hacking. Why does he escape?”

“All targets point to him. If he is convicted of financial fraud, can he escape then?”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at him confusedly, “Has the total money of Angelic Music users in their bank accounts been counted?”

Han Siqi shakes his head, “It can’t be counted within a short time.’

“I think no matter how large the sum is, it’s not more than the wealth of Rongsheng Group. Such a big Rongsheng Group can’t prevent him from coveting the coffer. Why does he expose himself with Angelic Music?”

“I can’t figure out why, but all evidences show that he is closely related to it.”

“Is it possible that…he is framed by someone?”

“Who is likely to frame him?”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t answer the question and remains silent. But Han Siqi opens the mouth first, “If Fu Wenhai is in trouble, who will benefit most?”

Fu Zhengzheng becomes serious, “Tong Lean?”

Han Siqi shakes his head, “It’s impossible for Tong Lean to get such a chance. According to Fu Wenhai’s personality, if he can’t control Tong Lean, how could he leave everything to be managed by Tong Lean?”

“Before Gu Yang was arrested, Fu Wenhai was not on his guard against Tong Lean, because he could make them restrain mutually. But Gu Yang has been put into jail and will be sentenced to death soon. Seeing that, perhaps Tong Lean thinks he may not have a good ending. Besides, no one restrains him anymore, so he stabs Fu Wenhai in the back, right? Only the most trusted person can have the chance to do it.”

“Tong Lean is not so shrewd.”

“Anyway, he has done business for so many years, so he must have learnt some means from Fu Wenhai more or less.”

Han Siqi doesn’t agree with Fu Zhengzheng, “Tong Lean transferred most of the funds from Rongsheng Group, but he didn’t show a sign of escape. It means that he did it for Fu Wenhai. Perhaps he wanted to take all responsibilities if he was exposed as Gu Yang did. After someone leaked the news to shareholders, they went to denounce Gu Yang publicly for what he did. Then the money was transferred back. It shows Fu Wenhai’s consideration for Tong Lean. In another word, Tong Lean is faithful to Fu Wenhai, and Fu Wenhai is loyal to Tong Lean.”

Fu Zhengzheng is a little frustrated, “Then who is likely to frame Fu Wenhai? Or no one frames him, and he did it himself because he lost his mind?”

Han Siqi smiles and takes her to sit down, “Take it easy. Let’s wait for Lu Song’s call. If we know what Fu Wenhai dispatched Hu Xiaolin to do, all of it will be clear.”

Hu Xiaolin is the garbage sorter that the police are searching for.

“Yang Tao says Hu Xiaolin has been found. But he has caught someone as a hostage in a tea house and is confronting the police. I don’t know how it is going.”

“He was shot to death.”

Fu Zhengzheng is astonished, “What? Shot to death? Then the clue is broken again, isn’t it?”

“The police are investigating all people that Hu Xiaolin has contacted in the past 12 hours. But I think Lu Song will be faster than them.”

Then Han Siqi’s cellphone rings. Seeing the call is from Lu Song, Fu Zhengzheng cranes her neck.

“Mr. Han, we’ve found the order to Hu Xiaolin sent by Fu Wenhai. He was asked to kill a person named Pu Xiangchen. Hu Xiaolin had arranged it before he was besieged by the police. I haven’t found those guys. Perhaps Pu Xiangchen is in great danger now.”

“Pu Xiangchen?”

Fu Zhengzheng shouts right away, “Pu Xiangchen is in the police office now!”

“Tell the information to the police.” Han Siqi says and then hangs up the phone while rising quickly, “Tell me Pu Xiangchen’s exact position.”

“Maybe the computer room. You have to ask Yang Tao.”

Han Siqi walks out with Fu Zhengzheng while calling Yang Tao. But the line is busy all the time.

Fu Zhengzheng holds Han Siqi, “He should be in the east building.”

They run into the east building and just meet the colleague who brought Pu Xiangchen here. Fu Zhengzheng asks him immediately where Pu Xiangchen is.

“Pu Xiangchen? The computer expert? He has left.”

“Left? When?”

“Ove an hour ago.”

Fu Zhengzheng is anxious, “He was invited here to help us solve Angelic Music case. Why did you let him go before it’s solved?”

The colleague shrugs resignedly, “We didn’t allow him to leave. But he received a call, saying that his visually impaired mother fell and broke her leg. Moreover, the computer experts dispatched by the superior arrived, so we let him go back.”

Fu Zhengzheng calls Pu Xiangchen at once, but his cellphone has been switched off. Her face becomes pale, “It seems that he is really in danger.”

Her colleague looks at her confusedly. Han Siqi takes her out and heads straight for the parking lot.

“Why does Fu Wenhai want to kill Pu Xiangchen?” Fu Zhengzheng can’t help asking Han Siqi after she calls the director for leave.

Han Siqi is about to start the car, but he turns back the key, “Now that Fu Wenhai can create the website of Angelic Music and the virus, there must be a computer whiz operating it for him. He doesn’t seem to be so proficient at network.”

Fu Zhengzheng adds immediately, “Because Pu Xiangchen found and reported the relationship between Fu Wenhai and Angelic Music website through the software Zhu Ting installed into Fu Wenhai’s computer, as soon as the deposits of Angelic Music users in bank accounts were stolen, we were sure Fu Wenhai was the suspect and he was unlikely to dissociate himself from the suspicion. Meanwhile, the computer whiz behind Fu Wenhai found what Pu Xiangchen did, so Fu Wenhai wants to kill Pu Xiangchen before he destroys their plan.”

“Isn’t it a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure if they kill Pu Xiangchen now?”

Fu Zhengzheng is speechless. She thinks and analyzes, “Maybe Fu Wenhai has realized his danger. Thinking that he will be arrested by the police sooner or later, he won’t let off the person that has made him lose everything, so he gives his order to kill Pu Xiangchen.”

“Pu Xiangchen has only found that the Angelic Music website is operated by Fu Wenhai, but Angelic Music software is free to users. Though the users can have hallucination, they won’t be addicted. When they realize they have hallucination, they can stop listening. It’s stated clearly on the website that the effect varies from person to person. If it’s not because the bank accounts of users are hacked, the police can’t convict Fu Wenhai, and thus he doesn’t need to send someone to kill Pu Xiangchen. However, Fu Wenhai ordered Hu Xiaolin to kill Pu Xiangchen in the morning, before the users’ bank accounts are hacked.”

“Pu Xiangchen is a computer whiz. Maybe Fu Wenhai is afraid that Pu Xiangchen will destroy more of his schemes and thus thinks he must be killed.”

“What are more of his schemes?”

“Um…” Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “I haven’t figured it out. Perhaps it’s related to the coffer. I asked Pu Xiangchen for help, but unexpectedly…Alas.”

Han Siqi comforts her, “We’re not sure about what happened to Pu Xiangchen, right?”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say more. They return to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Then Yang Tao calls Han Siqi back.

“What’s up?” Yang Tao speaks fast. Obviously, he has many urgent things to deal with.

“I wanted to tell you Pu Xiangchen had left the municipal police office when I called you.” Such a long time has passed. Han Siqi guesses Yang Tao has known the news.

“Yeah. We’ve checked the cameras around the police office. Pu Xiangchen drove towards his home, but he turned to the suburb on the way. We sent someone to his home, and some bloodstains were found there. His mother was missing. We only know so much by now. Pu Xiangchen’s home is in a new community. There are not many residents, and cameras haven’t been installed. It brings lots of trouble to our investigation.”

“The call that Pu Xiangchen received and told him his mother fell and broke her leg was not true. Actually, they kidnapped his mother and wanted to trick him into going there?”

“It’s probable, or Pu Xiangchen won’t change his direction on the way home suddenly. Now that Fu Wenhai has ordered to kill Pu Xiangchen, he and his mother may be in great danger.”

Han Siqi asks, “Which direction does Pu Xiangchen drive towards?”

“The west of the city. We’ve sent someone to go towards that direction to investigate.”

“Has Fu Wenhai’s whereabouts been found?”

“Not yet. Before our men went to control him, he had gotten rid of the policemen we sent to monitor him and disappeared.”

Fu Zhengzheng breaks in anxiously, “Zhu Ting’s cellphone has the GPS system, hasn’t it?”

Yang Tao answers helplessly, “Her cellphone was found in Fu Wenhai’s home, and it’s switched off.”

Another voice breaks in suddenly, “Captain Yang, another incident happened!”

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