Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 401 - Where is the Coffer on Earth?

Chapter 401 Where is the Coffer on Earth?

When Fu Zhengzheng is asking Yang Tao about Zhu Ting, someone breaks in hurriedly, “Captain Yang, another incident happened!”

“What? Tell me slowly.” Yang Tao’s voice becomes low.

“What happened? Yang Tao?” He has hung up the phone.

Han Siqi asks Fu Zhengzheng, “What happened?”

Fu Zhengzheng feels both anxious and confused, “I have no idea. I just heard someone say an incident happened and then the phone was hung up.”

“It is an eventful day.” Han Siqi takes out his cellphone and dials someone’s number.

Fu Zhengzheng looks out of the car window with anxiety, lost in meditation.

Fu Wenhai has disappeared. Zhu Ting can’t be contacted. It’s unknown whether Pu Xiangchen is dead or alive.


She used to think everything was under control, but unexpectedly they become passive so quickly.

She never expected Fu Wenhai would be closely related to Angelic Music and so many people would be influenced.

She can’t understand why Fu Wenhai operates Angelic Music. She doesn’t believe his aim is the money in the users’ bank accounts. Does he want to hack more personal secrets in all users’ computers so as to force them to do something for him?

“Siqi…” She twists her head and finds Han Siqi calling, so she keeps silent instantly.

Soon, Han Siqi hangs up the phone, “Other shareholders of Rongsheng Group clashed and fought with Tong Lean’s men. It’s said the scene was chaotic.”

“Really? Which side started the fight, other shareholders or Tong Lean’s men?”

“Isn’t it the same?”

“It’s different. Tong Lean has underworld background. If his men started the fight, the scene must have been very violent. But logically speaking, as a composed man, Tong Lean was not supposed to start the fight in the present situation.”

Han Siqi smiles, “Tong Lean didn’t act as you think.”

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “His men started the fight? Really?! Fu Wenhai is in trouble. He should try to help him, right? How come he started the fight?”

“Maybe he is helping Fu Wenhai.”

“You mean he is distracting the police for Fu Wenhai?” Fu Zhengzheng ponders and agrees with Han Siqi. “You have a point. They have used the strategy such as distracting the police for several times. What do you think Fu Wenhai will do with Tong Lean’s shield?”

“You always think Fu Wenhai’s final aim is the coffer, don’t you? Then he will come to you next.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s stomach knots, “Me? Fu Xing!”

“Fu Xing is all right.”

“Are you sure?” Fu Zhengzheng is still uneasy.

Li Xiaomeng forced her to surrender the coffer key with Fu Xing as a hostage last time.

“Fu Xing is downstairs.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng remembers Han Siqi told her that Fu Xing was brought home from the kindergarten.

“Fu Xing is safe. You and I are both fine. Why does Fu Wenhai think I will cooperate with him to look for the coffer with the trap map?” Her parents come to her mind. But thinking of her brother, she feels relieved. Zhen Chao is clear about her task. She knows her brother won’t give her worries in any case.

But her heart begins to beat fast soon, “Zhu Ting’s cellphone is left in Fu Wenhai’s house, but her whereabouts is unknown. Fu Wenhai has seen through her intention? He plans to coerce me with Zhu Ting?”

Han Siqi nods, “Now that Fu Wenhai sends someone to kill Pu Xiangchen, it means Pu Xiangchen has been found. When there is something wrong with his computer, he is sure to suspect people around him. Zhu Ting is the most suspectable one.”

Fu Zhengzheng is very frustrated, “If he really coerces me with Zhu Ting’s life, I will have no choice. If we know their whereabouts, perhaps we can prepare for rescue. But it’s a pity that we don’t have a clue! Fu Wenhai is so crafty!”

Han Siqi skips to another topic, “The coffer must be in B City. Guess its direction.”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “How big B City is!”

“We’ve seen the coffer key. It’s different from a common safe key. The coffer also has a trap map. It means the layout of the coffer is not simple. The common resident houses can’t satisfy the need. Li Ming designed the coffer to hide his illegally earned money, so it must be able to span a long time. Six years have passed so far. Such a place is impossible to be inside the urban area.”

“You mean the suburbs?” Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes light up, “Ancient graves? Caves? Except that the west of the city is featured by water, three other sides are surrounded by mountains. Things can’t be hidden in water. He is likely to hide them in the mountains, right? Is the coffer in…”

Talking of it, she pauses and straightens her body suddenly, “the North Mountain?”

They speak simultaneously. Fu Zhengzheng feels excited, “You also think it is in the North Mountain?”

Han Siqi nods slightly, “Fu Wenhai often goes to Lingshan Nunnery in the North Mountain. He grew up in the underworld. Being a Buddhist may be only an excuse. Perhaps there is something he is more interested in. Tell your thought to Yang Tao and listen to his opinion.”

While nodding, Fu Zhengzheng calls Yang Tao, but she can’t get through to him. Then she calls Ji Muxian. After quite a while, he answers her call, and she tells him what she thinks.

Her thought is accepted by Ji Muxian. He says he will send someone to search and investigate right now.

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and hears Han Siqi arranging someone to the North Mountain. She can’t help feeling strange.

“Muxian said he would send someone to search and investigate.”

“A fight just broke out in Rongsheng. The influence of Angelic Music hasn’t been effectively controlled. Residents are panicky. Pu Xiangchen who helps the police and his mother have disappeared. All these things need to be dealt with. The police are busy rushing from one to another. Besides, that’s only your guess. Muxian has to report to superiors step by step. If the police go to the North Mountain to search for Fu Wenhai and Zhu Ting, I’m sure only a few policemen can be dispatched there. Moreover, they may not be able to gather there soon. In addition, if the policemen carry out the task, it will attract attention, so my men are most suitable to be sent there.”

Fu Zhengzheng tells him at once, “Don’t dispatch the men guarding Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort! Our family members can never be in danger!”

“Don’t worry! Please believe my arrangement.” Han Siqi smiles mysteriously, “A thousand days a country nurtures its soldiers and all for one day’s battle.”

“What do you mean?”

“You only need to make sure your own safety. Others are not your business!”

“I hope all of us are safe, including Fu Xing, you, me, our families, Zhu Ting and all policemen.” Fu Zhengzheng sighs and walks to the window slowly. Night has fallen and it’s raining heavily.

She doesn’t know if the rain is timely or not.

She doesn’t know how it is going outside.

Fu Zhengzheng turns around and walks to the door with a heavy heart.

“Where are you going?” Han Siqi follows her immediately.

“I want to see Fu Xing.”

When answering, she has gone out of the room. But she stops at the door and waits for Han Siqi to go downstairs with her.

Fu Xing has a slight cold indeed. Ji Yashu is feeding radix isatidis medicine to Fu Xing. Fu Zhengzheng walks over immediately.

“Mom, let me feed him. Please have a rest.”

Listening to Fu Zhengzheng’s low and deep voice, Ji Yashu feels something is wrong. But she doesn’t ask anything. She hands the bowl to Fu Zhengzheng while signaling Han Siqi with her eyes to walk away.

Fu Zhengzheng pretends not to see that and is ready to feed the medicine to Fu Xing.

“Mummy, let me drink it myself. Please take a rest too.” Fu Xing imitates Fu Zhengzheng’s tone and coaxes her sweetly. He takes the bowl from her hand, puts it on the tea table, squats before the tea table and drinks it slowly.

Fu Zhengzheng squats by her son and turns her head sideways to look at him drinking.

Suddenly Fu Xing takes up the bowl, moves it away, tilts his head and asks, “Mummy, I have a cold. You may be infected, so please keep away from me. I didn’t play with my sister today.”

Looking at her thoughtful son, Fu Zhengzheng’s nose twitches.

Since she accepted the case again, the time she spent with her son has become less and less. She suddenly feels she isn’t a good mother.

But now she has no time to look after her son. What she can only do is ask Han Siqi to arrange someone to protect her son.

After these things are done, she will spend a lot of time accompanying him.

“Zhengzheng, hurry up, go to the hospital with Siqi!” Ji Yashu runs in hurriedly and suddenly.

Fu Zhengzheng stands up immediately, “Go to the hospital?”

“Something happened to Tian. Siqi is waiting for you outside. God bless Tian. She is pregnant.”

Tears roll down Ji Yashu’s face. She puts her palms together devoutly and keeps praying.

As soon as Fu Zhengzheng hears that something happened to Tian, her stomach knots. Without asking more, she picks up the cellphone from the table and rushes out. When she runs to the door, Wan Zhenghua and others are entering. Before she opens her mouth, Wan Zhenghua has said.

“Mr. Han is waiting for you outside. Leave them to me. Don’t worry.”

The car horn is sounded hurriedly. Fu Zhengzheng nods at Wan Zhenghua and then dashes out.

“What’s wrong with Tian?” After getting into the car, she asks Han Siqi anxiously.

Han Siqi drives at lightning speed while answering slowly, “She was knocked into by someone and has a stomachache.”

“My God, was she knocked into in her stomach?”

Han Siqi doesn’t answer. After over twenty minutes, they come to the hospital where Tian Xin is. They call Lin Xiaoyue and are told that Tian Xin has been sent into the emergency room.

They rush to the door of the emergency room. Lin Xiaoyue, whose eyes are red, goes to them, “Sister Zhengzheng, Mr. Han, sorry, I didn’t take good care of Tian.”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at the light of the emergency room and asks anxiously, “What happened? Why did Tian stay in the restaurant so late?”

“Tian doesn’t vomit so violently as before, so she comes to the restaurant every day. She usually teaches me and then waits for her husband to drive her home. But he didn’t show up as usual today, so she walked around in the hall to see if there was something that needed to be improved. Unexpectedly, a guest knocked into her in her stomach carelessly with the elbow. When I brought her to the hospital, she cried with a stomachache. I’m afraid…” Lin Xiaoyue looks pale and begins to cry.

“How could it be?” Fu Zhengzheng becomes anxious too. She stares at the emergency room and is too anxious to comfort Lin Xiaoyue.

“How is Tian?”

Fu Zhengzheng looks back and sees Ji Muxian with sweat all over his face.

“She is still in the emergency room.”

Ji Muxian rushes to the door of the emergency room and props a hand against the door. He swears with blue veins standing out.

At this moment, his cellphone rings.

“Captain Ji, we’ve found Pu Xiangchen’s car in a wood to the west of the city.”

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