Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 402 - Trade Secrets are Leaked Out

Chapter 402 Trade Secrets are Leaked Out

“Where is he?”

“He may be dead.”

“What do you mean by saying that he may be dead?”

“We find two corpses in the car that have been burnt out of shape. The corpses have been burnt into coke. His mother is distinguishable, while Pu Xiangchen is beyond recognition. But it can be judged from the figure that it’s probably him.”

“Block the scene. Ask the technical detachment to detect it.”

“The technical detachment is on the way. The scene is blocked. But because it rained heavily before, few clues are left at the scene.”

Ji Muxian glances at the emergency room, paces up and down quickly and then roars through clenched teeth in a low voice, “Continue to investigate! There will be clues!”

After Ji Muxian hangs up the phone, Fu Zhengzheng asks anxiously, “Is Pu Xiangchen dead?”

Ji Muxian nods while calling Miao Kangjian to report it.

“Dead! He is really dead!” Fu Zhengzheng’s face becomes pale.

Han Siqi knows she is guilty. He takes her to sit down and comforts her softly.

Lin Xiaoyue stands aside and sobs. After Ji Muxian hangs up the phone, she walks to him with her head lowered and apologizes.

“Captain Ji, sorry, I didn’t take good care of Tian.”

Ji Muxian asks in a gruff voice, “Who knocked into Tian?”

“A guest. He didn’t mean to. He…” Lin Xiaoyue looks around and doesn’t find him, “He brought Tian here with me. Where is he?”

Han Siqi breaks in, “I didn’t see anyone else when I got here.”

Lin Xiaoyue says, “Maybe he is afraid to suffer beating.”

At this moment, a doctor comes out of the emergency room. They run and gather round him immediately.

The doctor says in a low and heavy voice, “The adult is all right, but the baby… sorry, we’ve done our best.”

Lin Xiaoyue cries again. Fu Zhengzheng feels cold all over.

Ji Muxian is going to rush into the emergency room, but he is stopped by the doctor, who points to the other side, “We’ve taken the patient to the ward. You can go there to see her.”

Ji Muxian runs fast to the other side. Han Siqi goes there with Fu Zhengzheng. Lin Xiaoyue follows them.

In the VIP ward, Tian Xin lies on the bed quietly. Her face is as pale as a sheet. Ji Muxian sits on the bed edge silently and smooths her hair on the forehead.

Fu Zhengzheng stands aside and looks at Tian Xin with a broken heart.

Finding Lin Xiaoyue is still wailing, Han Siqi says in a low voice, “Please go back now. We’ll stay here.”

Lin Xiaoyue sniffs, “But Tian…”

“We can look after her.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng realizes Lin Xiaoyue is neglected, so she takes Lin Xiaoyue out of the ward, “It’s not your fault. No one hoped such an incident would happen. Go back for a good rest. The restaurant relies on you. Thanks for you hard work.”

“It’s nothing.” Lin Xiaoyue shakes her head at once.

“If you don’t go back, aunt will be worried.”

Then Lin Xiaoyue intends to leave, but she still glances at the ward restlessly, “If there is something, please remember to tell me.”

“Everything will be all right.”

After Lin Xiaoyue leaves, Fu Zhengzheng turns around to enter the ward, but she sees Han Siqi come out.

“I suspect the person knocked into Tian intentionally.”

Fu Zhengzheng is both shocked and confused, “Did Tian offend him?”

“Look at the video.”

Han Siqi shows a cellphone video to Fu Zhengzheng.

The video was shot in Tian’s restaurant. A man with a hat and sunglasses paced slowly into the restaurant. He lifted his head and looked around. He seemed to have found something and walked forward fast. Then in next second, Tian was covering her stomach and squatting on the ground. Lin Xiaoyue rushed to her. The man was gesticulating nearby. Perhaps he was apologizing and explaining. Then he helped Tian Xin go out of the restaurant with Lin Xiaoyue.

The video stops. Fu Zhengzheng clicks it immediately, “Wasn’t the person’s face shot?”

Han Siqi takes back the cellphone and shakes his head, “No. Look at the way he’s dressed up. It means he was well prepared and didn’t want to be recognized.”

“There is no hatred between Tian and him. Why would he do that?”

“He was instigated by someone.” Then Han Siqi glances at the ward.

Fu Zhengzheng seems to understand, “When Tian is hurt, Muxian is sure to accompany her and put down what he is doing. Is it…”

“Now it’s the emergency period. They are trying to distract and scatter the police.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks indignant, “So hateful! Do they think they can stop us from bringing them to justice in this way? But we’re in a passive position. I can do nothing but stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare. It’s unknown if the hare will crash into the stump. Alas…”

“It seems that we’re in a passive position. But actually, they have exhausted their tricks. So don’t worry, the hare is sure to crash into it itself.”

While they are talking, Ji Muxian walks out, answering a call. He signals Fu Zhengzheng with his eyes. She takes the hint and enters immediately to see Tian Xin.

Tian Xin has come to her senses and is looking outside with teary eyes. Fu Zhengzheng goes forward to get tissues and wipes tears for her.

“Don’t cry. You also need to be nursed for a month after the miscarriage. Crying is bad for your eyes. The baby is gone, but you can have another one in the future. The most important thing is that you’re fine.”

Tian Xin blinks and tears roll down her face again.

Fu Zhengzheng feels heart-broken and chokes with sobs, “Don’t cry. Don’t cry. If Muxian enters and sees you crying, he will be sad.”

Then her cellphone rings. It’s from Ji Yashu. She raises the cellphone to Tian Xin and then connects it.

“Zhengzheng, has Tian come around? Why can’t I get through to Muxian and Siqi?” Ji Yashu’s voice is husky. Apparently, she has cried for a long time.

“They may be calling. Tian has come around.”

“Great. Tell her not to be sad. Nurse the body well. So long as she is fine, everything is all right. I have to take care of Xiaoxiao and Xingxing, so I can’t go to the hospital…”

“Mom, you don’t have to come here. It’s so late. Siqi, Muxian and I are all in the hospital. Don’t worry. we’ll take good care of Tian.”

After Ji Yashu tells some points for attention, Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and looks at Tian Xin anxiously.

Then Ji Muxian and Han Siqi come in together.

When Fu Zhengzheng sees Ji Muxian come over, she rises to give him the seat. Then she sees Han Siqi wink at her, so she goes out with him.

“According to Muxian, it’s confirmed that the two burnt corpses in the car are indeed Pu Xiangchen and his mother.”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs, “They have lost their lives because of me.”

“It’s useless to say it now.”

Fu Zhengzheng wants to say more when her cellphone receives a message. She opens it and is greeted with some topsy-turvy data from an unknown number.

“Junk message.” She shows the message to Han Siqi.

“Wait!” Han Siqi grabs her hand quickly and reads the message carefully. He looks shocked and pale.

“What’s up?” Fu Zhengzheng takes a look, but she doesn’t understand anything.

“It’s part of Weihan’s trade secrets. It seems that they have got all trade secrets of Weihan.”

“Trade secrets?”

Han Siqi nods and gasps, “If these trade secrets are leaked, it will bring an unimaginable consequence to Weihan.”

“They want to force us to swap what they want for the trade secrets?”


At this moment, Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone rings. It’s from the number that just sent the massage.

Han Siqi drags her into the ward instantly, closes the door, signals Muxian who is whispering to Tian Xin to be silent, and then lets Fu Zhengzheng answer the call by turning on its loudspeaker.

“Hello? Who is that?”

“Miss Fu, have you shown the message to Mr. Han?” A device is used to distort the voice, so the person can’t be distinguished to be male or female.

Fu Zhengzheng asks in reply, “What do you want to do?”

The person laughs, “My purpose is simple. Swap the trap map for the secrets.”

“What if I don’t?”

“First, all trade secrets of Weihan will be leaked soon; second, wait to bury Zhu Ting.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s face changes sharply. When she is about to respond, Han Siqi shakes his head at her. She takes the hint, manages to calm down and asks slowly, “Zhu Ting? The lawyer? Why will I bury her?”

The person laughs at once, “Do you still want to fool me at this moment? Even if you don’t care about Zhu Ting’s life for your own sake, you should consider Weihan’s lifeline, right? In fact, you are clear that the trap map won’t be useful unless it’s given to the person who has the coffer key. Otherwise it’s tantamount to wastepaper. So let’s take what we need, OK?”

Fu Zhengzheng keeps silent for a few seconds. The person says coldly, “I’ll give you some time for consideration, but I’m not so patient. It will be your fault if the financial circle of B City is in a tumult.”

Then he hangs up the phone.

“He hung up.” Fu Zhengzheng puts the cellphone into her pocket and then finds her palms sweaty.

Ji Muxian looks at Han Siqi confusedly, “How could the trade data be stolen so easily?”

Han Siqi shakes his head and then twists his head to look at Fu Zhengzheng.

Recalling that she once visited Angelic Music website with his computer, Fu Zhengzheng says with a guilty conscience, “Was the computer infected with a virus because I visited Angelic Music website?”

Ji Muxian nods, “The evil backstage manipulator creating Angelic Music virus is called a blood genius.”

Fu Zhengzheng is very upset, “He asked Li Yin to recommend Angelic Music to me. Then he instigated Chen Xiaoxiang to tamper with my medicine to make me sleepless. He has set two traps for me. I’m to blame for not listening to Siqi. If I had used my own computer, it wouldn’t have happened.”

Han Siqi doesn’t think so, “Even if you use your own computer, he will make it break down soon. Then he will try to lead you to use my computer.”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs and then looks at Ji Muxian, “What shall I do? If I swap the trap map for Weihan’s trade secrets, I will be regarded selfish, won’t I?”

Ji Muxian ponders for a while and then says, “He said the financial circle of B City will be in a tumult. It seems that what he has got is more than the trade secrets of Weihan. We have to take the provocation. I’ll call Deputy Chief Miao.”

When Ji Muxian is about to call, Miao Kangjian calls him…

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