Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 403 - Cooperate Again

Chapter 403 Cooperate Again

“Satisfy his demand. He Menghuai has taken the trap map to you.”

Then Ji Muxian remembers Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone is monitored. He begins to hesitate, “Sir, we don’t have enough police numerical strength for surveillance.”

“Now the Angelic Music virus makes residents panicky. If the financial circle is disturbed, I’m afraid the whole B City will be chaotic. The most important thing is to reassure the people. Satisfy his demand.” Miao Kangjian says resignedly.


“Let’s contact later.”

Ji Muxian puts down the phone and conveys Miao Kangjian’s instruction to Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi reluctantly.

Hearing that, Han Siqi says slowly, “Fu Wenhai won’t give us too much time for consideration and preparation. I guess he will call soon. Let’s talk about how to tackle it.”

“He is sure to ask Zhengzheng to take the trap map to a place they designate. Siqi, how many men of you can be used except those protecting Xingxing?”

“It’s not a problem.”

“Not a problem?” Ji Muxian doesn’t understand his meaning and casts inquiring eyes to him.

Fu Zhengzheng has guessed Han Siqi’s meaning and feels anxious, “Fu Wenhai is so crafty. He calls me at this time. It means he is well prepared. I’m afraid we’ll remain in the passive position.”

While she is speaking, her cellphone rings. All alert eyes fix on her cellphone simultaneously. She takes out her cellphone quickly and finds it’s from Sun Qiubo. She sighs with relief and answers it.

“Zhengzheng, which ward is Tian in?”

She tells Tian Xin’s ward number to Sun Qiubo. Soon there is a knock at the ward door. She goes to open it. Sun Qiubo and He Menghuai enter together.

“How is Tian?” Sun Qiubo asks while running to the bed.

Fu Zhengzheng wants to say something, but she sees He Menghuai take out an envelope and hand it to Ji Muxian. Therefore, she turns around and stares at the envelope.

“Here is the trap map. Keep it well.” Ji Muxian unfolds it for a look. Then he gives it to Fu Zhengzheng.

Han Siqi takes the trap map before Fu Zhengzheng, “Let me keep it.”

He Menghuai speaks under his breath, “Chief Xiao and Deputy Chief Miao told you to give the trap map to them so as to control the situation and ensure the absolute safety of Zhu Ting and Zhengzheng. Other things can be talked about at length.”

Ji Muxian nods and gives tacit consent.

He Menghuai is indignant, “Damn Fu Wenhai! After finding he hacked the bank account information of users by means of the Angelic Music virus, we intended to arrest him. Unexpectedly he was so sensitive. He kidnapped Zhu Ting and disappeared immediately. He also schemed the fight in Rongsheng and ordered someone to kill Pu Xiangchen who found his secret. Is he doing something desperate like a cornered beast?”

“Wait!” A question springs to Fu Zhengzheng’s mind, “Pu Xiangchen just found the relationship between Fu Wenhai and Angelic Music website. Fu Wenhai sent someone to kill him this early morning. It happened too fast, didn’t it?”

Han Siqi speaks, “Fu Wenhai must have a computer whiz. They found Pu Xiangchen was investigating them, so Fu Wenhai had him killed to ensure the better implementation of his own plan.”

He Menghuai murmurs, “Fu Wenhai was so stupid. He killed Pu Xiangchen at this time. Wasn’t it tantamount to exposing himself? Besides, if he realized the threat from Pu Xiangchen’s investigation, everything would be all right, so long as he didn’t hack the users’ bank accounts. He needn’t have run. We went to arrest him and accuse him of financial fraud. We can’t convict him because of Angelic Music, because it’s not addictive and instead it makes listeners comfortable.”

“It becomes more complicated.” Fu Zhengzheng has a headache.

“It’s not complicated. Let’s sort the time sequence.” Han Siqi says, “First, Pu Xiangchen found the relationship between Fu Wenhai and Angelic Music. Next, Fu Wenhai gave the order to kill Pu Xiangchen. Then, Angelic Music users found their bank accounts were hacked and called the police. The police went to control Fu Wenhai, but he had escaped. Later, Pu Xiangchen was found dead. Finally, Fu Wenhai blackmailed Zhengzheng to swap the trap map of the coffer for trade secrets and Zhu Ting’s life.”

Fu Zhengzheng shouts in surprise, “It might only be Fu Wenhai’s cover to hack the users’ bank accounts to alarm people. His purpose was to hack the trade secrets of everyone! But after he got the trade secrets, he was not supposed to hack users’ bank accounts. It would expose himself earlier to the police. Fu Wenhai was not supposed to do such a foolish thing.”

Ji Muxian straightens his body, “Unless hacking users’ bank accounts was not part of Fu Wenhai’s plan.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes light up, “Someone knew his aim and exposed him deliberately?”

Han Siqi says, “That person should be a computer whiz too and of the same gang with Fu Wenhai. The superior has sent several computer experts to help us, right? why did he only kill Pu Xiangchen? The person is Pu Xiangchen?”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head at once, “If Pu Xiangchen and Fu Wenhai are of the same gang, he is sure to be clear about Fu Wenhai’s means and know he will come to no good end if he does it, unless he is backed by someone more powerful than Fu Wenhai. But such an influential person hasn’t been found in B City now. Unless…”

Meeting Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes, Han Siqi laughs embarrassedly, “How can it be?!”

He Menghuai breaks in, “If Pu Xiangchen didn’t act alone and were all right, Mr. Han’s guess would be reasonable.”

Ji Muxian agrees with He Menghuai, “Without Pu Xiangchen, we couldn’t have known the relationship between Fu Wenhai and Angelic Music website so soon. Pu Xiangchen is a computer whiz. We’re clear that Fu Wenhai isn’t so proficient at computers. If Pu Xiangchen is Fu Wenhai’s accomplice, he is sure to be related to Angelic Music website. He’s most likely to hack bank accounts of Angelic Music users beyond Fu Wenhai’s expectation and then frame Fu Wenhai, who was made unprepared and had to flee hurry-scurry.”

“Even if Pu Xiangchen were still alive and supposing your guess is right, what’s the purpose of Pu Xiangchen to make internal strife?” Fu Zhengzheng asks.

“It’s nothing more than conflict of interest. Pu Xiangchen is smart. His death may be only an accident and out of his own expectation.”

“But it’s my spur-of-the-moment decision to ask Pu Xiangchen for help. If I hadn’t asked him for help, his plan would have been useless, right?”

“It’s true that you asked him for help on the spur of the moment, but maybe it’s a good chance for him to use your plan for his own.” Ji Muxian breaks his silence and says suddenly, “Tong Lean transferred funds secretly from the account of Rongsheng Group. How come it was known by the minority shareholders so that they besieged Tong Lean repeatedly?”

He Menghuai curls his lips and breaks in, “Those snobs didn’t dare to speak loudly when they saw Tong Lean in the past. Now they even dare to fight with him, definitely because Tong Lean has lost his power and influence.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t think so, “Don’t you think they are instigated by someone? Perhaps the person deliberately leaks the news that Tong Lean transferred funds to the minority shareholders and fans the flames. The more chaotic it is, the greater flurry Tong Lean will be in. If he is busy enough with his own affairs, he can’t help Fu Wenhai. Without Tong Lean’s assistant, Fu Wenhai will become passive. Then the man behind the scenes can profit from it without efforts.”

He Menghuai scratches his head, “We just suspected Pu Xiangchen was involved into the crime. Now there is a person behind the scenes. How many people that we don’t know are taking actions behind us?”

While he is talking, Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone rings. It’s from the unknown number. She can’t help shivering.

Others all fall into silence. Ji Muxian nods at her slightly. She heaves a sigh and answers it slowly.

“Have you made a decision?” The person comes straight to the point.

Fu Zhengzheng asks uneasily, “I can give the trap map to you, but how can I make sure that you won’t leak the trade secrets?”

“They are stored in the vdisk. I’ll tell you the vdisk account and password. What I want is the coffer. It’s unnecessary for me to do other things to make trouble for myself.”

“What about Zhu Ting?”

“So long as I get the trap map, I will tell you where she is.”

“What shall I do?”

“You come out alone with the trap map. I will tell you where to go.” The person seems to feel Fu Zhengzheng’s hesitation and repeats smilingly, “Don’t worry. I’m only interested in what I want. It’s unnecessary to make trouble for myself. But if you bring the policemen and destroy my plan, I can’t ensure Zhu Ting’s safety or that I won’t post the secrets in my vdisk account online.”

“Don’t do anything crazy.”

“So long as you don’t, I won’t. After I’m sure that the trap map is true, our deal is done. Then I will tell you the vdisk information and Zhu Ting’s whereabouts. You have five minutes to get to the hospital gate. I’ll pick you up. You have to take the responsibility if you are late.” Then he hangs up the phone.

“He knows I’m in the hospital!” Fu Zhengzheng feels sweaty all over.

“It seems we’re all under his surveillance.” Ji Muxian signals Han Siqi to give the trap map to Fu Zhengzheng.

Han Siqi is reluctant to take out the map, so Fu Zhengzheng reaches her hand into his pocket for it, “Don’t worry. He wants to get the trap map rather than me.”

Han Siqi looks nervous, “Do you believe what he says?”

“I have to. Time is running out.” Fu Zhengzheng takes the map and then runs out.

“Zhengzheng!” Han Siqi intends to follow her, but Ji Muxian stops him.

Fu Zhengzheng runs out of the hospital and looks around, but no car is parked nearby. She is about to call that person when he calls her first, “Go southward. A green taxi is parked by the roadside. The key is inside it. Drive it and keep going southward.”

Fu Zhengzheng walks southward for over one hundred meters and sure enough sees the green taxi. She gets into the taxi, starts it and continues driving southward.

When she is close to the end of the road, the person calls again and tells her to drive to Shengyin Mall.

Shengyin Mall? It’s one of the most popular malls in B City. Isn’t he supposed to take the trap map at an empty place?

Though Fu Zhengzheng is confused, she drives to Shengyin Mall. As told, she comes to a corner of the locker room and plans to check her cellphone in. But all lockers are occupied, so she feels anxious. At this moment, a man opens a locker, takes out his things and then leaves. She goes to the locker immediately and plans to put her cellphone into it.

“Miss Fu, the policemen outside follow you here, right? You don’t trust me.”


“You don’t need to explain. Put your cellphone with the positioning system into the locker. Then drive the taxi westward. I will wait for you on the way and take you to see Zhu Ting.”

“You change your mind!” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t feel easy to go with the person rashly with the trap map.

The person seems to know what she is thinking and laughs, “I don’t. Safety is most important. I know you don’t dare to see me alone with the trap map. Let’s compromise on both sides. Put the trap map and the cellphone into the locker together – the locker can only be opened with your bar code. Give me the trap map after you ensure Zhu Ting’s safety. Then I will tell you the vdisk account and password.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng thinks he is sincere. She examines the locker carefully again and doesn’t find any problem. Then she puts the trap map and her cellphone into it, keeps the bar code well and goes out.

She drives the taxi westward, but when she gets to the end of the road, no one blocks her taxi. She begins to feel something wrong. Then she turns the taxi back to the mall immediately.

She dashes to the locker room of the mall and opens the locker with the bar code. When seeing what’s inside the locker, she can’t help gasping.

Her cellphone is still there, but the envelope with the trap map is gone.

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