Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 405 - Fu Wenhai’s Death

Chapter 405 Fu Wenhai’s Death

“Dead?!” Fu Zhengzheng feels Zhu Ting look abnormal, but she doesn’t see her expression clearly because the light is dim.

Zhu Ting is short of breath, “When I came here, he had been dead.”

“You didn’t come here with Fu Wenhai? Then how did you come?”

Zhu Ting shakes her head, “I was brought here with my eyes covered, but I don’t know who brought me here. When I opened my eyes, I saw Fu Wenhai lying on the ground.”

Fu Zhengzheng wants to continue asking. A policeman breaks in quietly, “She hasn’t eaten or drunk anything during the whole day. Let her take a rest. If you have questions, please ask her a few minutes later, OK?”

“Ah? Give her some food right now!” Fu Zhengzheng edges aside immediately.

After the policeman takes Zhu Ting away, Fu Zhengzheng walks fast to the crowd. She wants to go inside but is stopped by Han Siqi, and she finds Han Siqi doesn’t enter either.

“Let’s go back.” Han Siqi drags her outward.

She knows the scene is blockaded, so she doesn’t force her way into it. But she is reluctant to leave and looks inside on tiptoe.

“It’s only a corpse. You don’t have to see it.” Han Siqi blocks her sight, so she can’t see anything.

“Is the coffer really inside it?” She whispers to him.

“It should be.” She doesn’t give up and looks on tiptoe. He presses her down, “It’s the business of the forensic.”

“The dead man is really Fu Wenhai?”

“You should believe Zhu Ting and the policemen.”

Fu Zhengzheng is still doubtful, “But Fu Wenhai is so crafty. How come he died so easily? Is it his trick to slip away like a cicada sloughing its skin?”

While they’re whispering, another group of people arrive. By the torchlight, she sees Chief Xiao and Deputy Chief Miao leading the group.

“Chief Xiao and Deputy Chief Miao come here too!”

“The coffer has been found. Fu Wenhai is dead. Your task is finished, so you can go back to sleep.” Han Siqi wants to take Fu Zhengzheng back.

Looking in the direction of the coffer, Fu Zhengzheng isn’t willing to leave. She asks a series of questions as if talking to herself, “Who killed Fu Wenhai? Did the murderer come here with Fu Wenhai together? Did he take away the treasure in the coffer? Who brought Zhu Ting here? What’s the purpose of bringing her here?”

“Go to ask Zhu Ting. Maybe she knows the answers to many questions.”

“Right. Perhaps Zhu Ting has been refreshed.” Then Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi walk down the dirty mountain path.

They come to the place where they parked the car and see many people there. They ask someone and then find Zhu Ting. She is resting in a police car. Fu Zhengzheng shows her official card and then they are permitted into the car.

“Sister Fu, is the treasure in the coffer lost?” Zhu Ting looks much better.

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head, “I don’t know. I didn’t enter – it’s blockaded. Are you sure the dead one is Fu Wenhai?”

Zhu Ting nods seriously, “I’m absolutely sure. I didn’t believe he would die so easily in the beginning, so I checked his corpse carefully. He was shot in the heart from behind.”

“Do you know who brought you here?”

“No. After I sent you the message this morning, Fu Wenhai said he needed to go to the company earlier because there was something to be done. I got into the car with him. His bodyguard drove the car, and he sat at the backseat with me. I had a vague feeling that something was wrong. When I found my cellphone had disappeared from the bag, I felt pain on my back and then passed out. When I came around, I didn’t know where I was. My eyes were covered. My mouth was stuck with tape. My hands and feet were tied. I intended to struggle, but a knife was pressed against my waist, so I didn’t dare to move again. After a long time, I found someone enter and then heard someone fighting. Next someone untied my feet. I thought the person was one of us. Unexpectedly, he pressed a knife against my waist too and ordered me to listen to him. Then I was brought here by him.”

“When you entered, did you hear gunshots?”

“No. When I entered, I heard nothing. It’s dead quiet around. Then they slipped a knife into my hand. I cut the rope with it. I opened my eyes and found it’s dark around. Only a torch was lighting on the ground. I picked it up instantly and shone it around only to find Fu Wenhai’s corpse.”

“That means when you entered, Fu Wenhai had been dead? Didn’t you run out for a look?”

“I did, but it was pitch-dark outside, so I couldn’t see anything. I went back to the coffer to check Fu Wenhai’s corpse and found his cellphone in his pocket, so I called the police.”

Han Siqi breaks his silence, “You just said the word ‘they’?”

“Yes. There should be several persons. In the beginning, one of them pressed a knife against me. There was also a driver. After we got out of the car, the man with the knife stood with me side by side. When I entered the coffer, there was a little threshold. My eyes were covered, so I couldn’t see anything. I stumbled and someone steadied me in front. I suspect the person standing in front of me killed Fu Wenhai. But that’s all I know. Nothing more.” Zhu Ting seems to sigh for not getting much useful information.

There is a light knock at the window. Fu Zhengzheng twists her head and sees Yang Tao. She opens the door and gets out of the car instantly.

“Yang Tao…”

“Go back to rest with Siqi. Let’s talk tomorrow.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows his meaning is “I’m busy now and have no time to answer your questions”, so she swallows all questions back.

After Han Siqi gets out of the car too, Yang Tao opens the door and gets into it.

Some police cars start the alarm and run down the mountain, including the one with Yang Tao and Zhu Ting inside.

“Mr. Han.”

Lu Song? Fu Zhengzheng lifts her head to look at him.

Han Siqi nods slightly, “Hum, how is it going?”

“It’s done as you instructed. Nothing is unusual.”

“OK. Take buddies back to sleep.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks Lu Song, “Hey, Lu Song, did you and your men always guard the Lingshan Mountain? Didn’t you find anything unusual or some furtive guys?”

Lu Song answers, “We didn’t find anything. Maybe they came up from the path we don’t know.”

“Path? But Zhu Ting said they drove here. Aren’t there only two roads? You didn’t find them when they came up under your nose, did you?”

“The Lingshan Mountain has a high altitude. Moreover, the two highways around the mountain are connected and long. We’re short-handed, so it’s normal to omit somewhere.” Han Siqi explains to Fu Zhengzheng while waving at Lu Song.

“OK.” Lu Song waves and whispers to a nearby guy, who nods and leaves.

Seeing Lu Song still following them, Fu Zhengzheng asks out of curiosity, “You were told to go back for sleep, weren’t you?”

Lu Song smiles, “You haven’t got home.”

Han Siqi glances at Lu Song contentedly and opens the door for Fu Zhengzheng. After she is seated into the car, he gets into it, starts it and drives downhill.

It begins to rain again, and the rain is increasingly heavy.

Gazing at the windscreen wiper swinging rhythmically, Fu Zhengzheng murmurs, “After Li Xiaomeng died, the coffer key was lost, and many mysteries were left to us. Now we are moving closer to answers. Unexpectedly, Fu Wenhai died and one more mystery is left to us. Who could kill him so easily on earth? Zhu Ting was brought here. Apparently, they wanted to utilize her to call the police. If nothing was stolen in the coffer, why did he do that? You know so many people are coveting the coffer, but he leaves what he obtains to the police. It’s unreasonable.”

“He must have his intention. Perhaps he wants to get something that’s more important than the coffer.”

“Is there anything more important than the coffer? Any antique in the coffer is invaluable!”

“They choose to give them up perhaps because most of them are antiques that’re closely monitored by the police, and it’s difficult to dispose them. It’s also possible for them to go for wool and come home shorn.”

“It’s far-fetched. Hey, as you say, the person wants to get what’s more important than the coffer…Rongsheng Group? Wenhai Building Materials?” Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes light up, “Tong Lean?”

“The relationship between Tong Lean and Fu Wenhai is always concealed, so he may have no relationship with Wenhai Building Materials.”

“It’s pretty good to own Rongsheng Group. After Fu Wenhai’s death, Rongsheng Group will be owned by him. The person that could enter the coffer with Fu Wenhai must have been trusted by him. It’s probably Tong Lean.”

“Tong Lean is in the police office.”

Fu Zhengzheng corrects herself immediately, “Then the person is his subordinate.”

Han Siqi says with a wry smile, “It can’t be Tong Lean. Both Tong Lean and Gu Yang can die for Fu Wenhai.”

“Um…” Fu Zhengzheng is frustrated.

“Let’s go home to sleep now. Tomorrow Yang Tao will give you a clear answer.”

“I hope so.”

When they go back to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, it’s already past 3:00 a.m. Suddenly Fu Zhengzheng remembers that Tian Xin is still in the hospital and Muxian is in the Lingshan Mountain, so she jumps high with anxiety.

“Qiubo is looking after her.”

“Will Tian be in danger?”


“Luckily, Tian is considerate, or Muxian will feel dead anxious in the hospital.”

“All Han family members are considerate.” Han Siqi takes Fu Zhengzheng’s hand and goes home.

Fu Zhengzheng glances at him and makes a face.

After getting home, she can’t fall asleep though she is tired after a nervous and busy day, because she keeps thinking about the coffer and Fu Wenhai’s death. She barely falls asleep when it’s almost dawn. But she wakes up as soon as day breaks and gets up hurriedly.

Han Siqi wakes up too. He doesn’t stop her. Instead, he also gets up, drives her to the gate of the municipal police office with dark circles and then goes to the company.

After calling Yang Tao, Fu Zhengzheng goes straight to his office.

“The dead person is verified to be Fu Wenhai. The murderer is unknown. The scene was cleaned before, so no clues have been found. Everything in the coffer is intact and nothing is lost – it’s confirmed by the way things are placed. It’s mysterious why the murderer didn’t touch the coffer treasure and utilized Zhu Ting to call the police.” Yang Tao tells her what she wants to know before she opens her mouth.

“No suspect?”

Once Fu Zhengzheng finishes, He Menghuai enters, “Captain Yang, the person is brought here.”

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