Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 406 - Who is the Murderer?

Chapter 406 Who is the Murderer?

Hearing what Yang Tao says, Fu Zhengzheng asks if there is a suspect. As soon as she finishes, He Menghuai enters, “Captain Yang, he confessed.”

“He confessed finally.” Yang Tao takes materials from He Menghuai and glances through them without showing much surprise and excitement.

Fu Zhengzheng cranes her neck confusedly, “Who confessed?”

“Tong Lean confessed the superior-subordinate relationship between Fu Wenhai and him and many things they did, almost the same as our guess.” Yang Tao gives the materials to Fu Zhengzheng, signaling her to read them.

Fu Zhengzheng isn’t surprised by the relationship between Tong Lean and Fu Wenhai, but she is still puzzled, “Before Fu Wenhai died, he confessed nothing. Now Fu Wenhai is dead. Dead men tell no tales. Why does he choose to confess now?”

“Gu Yang is willing to take all responsibilities for Fu Wenhai. It proves his loyalty to Fu Wenhai. Actually, Tong Lean is the same.”

He Menghuai breaks in, “Zhengzheng, if you see how sad Tong Lean was when he saw Fu Wenhai’s corpse, you will understand how much he cares about Fu Wenhai.”

“In fact, now that Fu Wenhai is dead, it’s not so difficult to break through Tong Lean’s psychological defense as we imagined.” Yang Tao adds.

He Menghuai says with disdain, “Tong Lean and Gu Yang are not so clever. They used to be instigated by Fu Wenhai behind them. They were absolutely obedient to him. Now the boss is dead, and they become headless chickens.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t take the materials, so Yang Tao hits He Menghuai’s head heavily with the materials and then throws them to him, “No matter how brainless they are, they have done business for so many years. Even if they close their eyes, they are smarter than you.”

He Menghuai isn’t convinced, “Captain Yang, don’t look down upon me. I’m just not as wealthy as them, right? Except that, am I inferior to them? But honestly, there are so many treasures in the coffer. I’m dazzled.”

“What treasures are there?” Fu Zhengzheng is greatly interested.

“Various. Besides plenty of gold bricks, there are a large number of antiques. The antiques have been authenticated by experts. They are all genuine cultural relics. We’re going to hand them over to the relevant department of our country. Alas, antiques are too invaluable to be coveted. If I can get one or two gold bricks, I will become wealthy. How expensive gold is now! It’s really…Ouch, why do you hit me again?”

“If you are free, you can go to work as a community police for a few days.”

“I’m busy. I bring the materials to you. OK, I will go back to work now.” He Menghuai curls his lips to Yang Tao while looking at Fu Zhengzheng and then walks out fast.

Ignoring He Menghuai’s murmur, Yang Tao turns on his computer and tells Fu Zhengzheng to look.

It’s the coffer scene where Fu Wenhai was killed. Fu Zhengzheng hasn’t entered the coffer. She looks at each picture with her eyes wide open.

When she sees Fu Wenhai’s corpse, she can’t help sighing, “When he schemed against Li Xiaomeng, did he expect he would have such an end? Alas, Yang Tao, why did Fu Wenhai go to the coffer at this time? It was the risky period. Now that he had got the coffer key and the trap map, the coffer would be owned by him sooner or later. He was supposed to enter the coffer at a more proper time, wasn’t he?”

“I can’t figure it out either. Fu Wenhai was very prudent.”

When Fu Zhengzheng recalls that trade secrets were hacked because of Angelic Music website, an idea flashes through her mind, “Is it possible that Fu Wenhai got many people’s privacy and threatened them with the privacy, so he went to the coffer, thinking he had nothing to fear?”

“You have a point. We suddenly found the relationship between him and Angelic Music and caught him off guard. He couldn’t take anything away. Therefore, if he planned to leave B City, he had to enter the coffer and take some treasures away, or he would live a tough life. The people threatened by him could just help him finish the plan. Then these people…”

Fu Zhengzheng interrupts him, “high officials, sinister gangs and even our colleagues.”

“But it’s an unwise move. He not only didn’t get what he wanted but lost his life. If he was not absolutely sure, he wouldn’t go to the Lingshan Mountain rashly. Why were the tables turned at last?”

“We had expected the coffer was in the Lingshan Mountain and sent some policemen to guard there. Perhaps they disturbed his plan?”

Yang Tao shakes his head, “Not many policemen were sent there. The Lingshan Mountain is so vast. Even Lu Song’s men couldn’t notice everywhere.”

“Though we don’t know who killed Fu Wenhai, they help the police at least so that the intact coffer can be handed over to the nation. Our task can’t be described with ‘perfect’, but it’s not bad, right?”

“Certainly. The coffer case comes to an end. Angelic Music doesn’t exist anymore. The money in all users’ bank accounts have been regained. All hacked trade secrets have been dealt with properly. The sinister gangs lead by Fu Wenhai and Tong Lean are being investigated. A peaceful world will be restored to residents in B City.” Yang Tao says with a beam.

Fu Zhengzheng also feels glad to hear that. But at the thought of Pu Xiangchen, she can’t help sighing, “The coffer was cleaned, and no clues were left. Besides, it rained outside. As a result, we can’t find any useful clue. So is the case of Pu Xiangchen. My God, it rained at a bad time.”

Pu Xiangchen was killed because of helping the police solve the case. His blind mother was involved too. Yang Tao also can’t help sighing.

“Pu Xiangchen was a talent. Without him, we couldn’t have found Fu Wenhai’s scheme so quickly. But we can’t find the murderer that killed him.”

“Murderer? Fu Wenhai and Hu Xiaolin are the murderers, aren’t they?” Fu Zhengzheng feels indignant, “The person killing him actually is only their tool to kill people, so we have avenged him. It’s a pity that we can’t find such a great computer whiz again if we encounter a similar network case.”

“Don’t worry. Xu Wei, Pu Xiangchen’s schoolmate, is on a par with him in computer. He is also a computer expert. Hearing Pu Xiangchen’s death, he was filled with indignation. He told us he would fly back to help us as an obligation if a similar case happened. It’s his comfort to the departed schoolmate.”

“Fly back? He doesn’t live in the city?”

“No, he was born in B City but always lives elsewhere. He came back to take his mother there. Hearing the alarming news, he came to us actively to offer help.”

“Oh, he is really a righteous master. It’s a pity I don’t have the chance to see the master.” Fu Zhengzheng feels regretful.

“Master? Captain Yang, when do you become superstitious?” A colleague is about to knock at the door and asks confusedly.

Yang Tao explains with a smile, “Not a wizard master. We’re talking about Xu Wei, a computer master.”

Fu Zhengzheng recognizes the colleague. He showed Pu Xiangchen the way that day. She smiles at him.

“Xu Wei was the person who wore glasses and kept asking you if Pu Xiangchen was in trouble in the east building that day.” The colleague says and then looks at Yang Tao, “Captain Yang, Chief Xiao asks you to go to his office. Deputy Chief Miao is there too.”

“OK, I will be there soon.” Yang Tao points at the upstairs towards Fu Zhengzheng and then goes out in a hurry. The colleague follows him, leaving Fu Zhengzheng there in a daze.

The man with glasses was Xu Wei? Pu Xiangchen’s schoolmate?

When she went to the gate to greet Pu Xiangchen, she almost knocked into Xu Wei. Pu Xiangchen held her in time, or she would knock into him.

Now that they are schoolmates, why didn’t they recognize each other then?

But it’s normal that schoolmates can’t recognize each other. They are not classmates after all. Maybe they just hear each other’s name.

Without thinking much, Fu Zhengzheng leaves Yang Tao’s office and returns to her own one.

“Sister Fu.”

Zhu Ting?

Fu Zhengzheng walks fast into the office, “How are you? I thought you were resting, so I didn’t go to see you. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” Zhu Ting forces a smile.

Qi Juan isn’t at the office. Fu Zhengzheng closes the door at once and pours a glass of water for Zhu Ting. Then they sit down side by side.

“Thank you.” Zhu Ting takes the glass and sips water.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “Thanks to your help, we have ascertained Fu Wenhai’s identity smoothly and found the coffer for which we have searched for a long time. Your task is perfectly finished. After the following things are settled, Yang Tao will arrange someone to take you back.”

She knows Zhu Ting must have reported the details to the police office.

“I don’t want to leave for the moment.” Meeting Fu Zhengzheng’s strange eyes, Zhu Ting explains immediately, “The murderer killing Fu Wenhai hasn’t been found, right?”

“It’s not the task of you and me.” Fu Zhengzheng sighs while feeling extremely lucky, “Fortunately, you are safe and sound. When I knew Fu Wenhai disappeared with you that day, I was dead worried. I was afraid something would happen to you.”

Zhu Ting laughs lightly, “It’s normal even if something serious happened. You are a police officer, and I am a soldier. Before carrying out a task, we have to be psychologically prepared, don’t we?”

“That’s true, but you are involved in the task because of me. I have to be responsible for you. Since the task is finished now, I am relieved. You were always highly tense during the past days. Have a rest temporarily.”

“I want to continue the investigation with you because I think the case isn’t finished.” Finding Fu Zhengzheng wants to object, Zhu Ting adds, “I’m the only one that has contacted the murderer who killed Fu Wenhai.”

“Do you know the murderer’s characteristics?”

Zhu Ting shakes her head.

“Then there is no difference from never seeing the murderer, so…”

“When I nearly fell, the murder steadied me. I felt that I leaned against his chest. He smelled special.”

“The smell of perfume? Body odor? Perspiration smell? Or other smells?”

“It didn’t seem to be body odor or perspiration smell. I don’t know if it’s the smell of perfume, but I’m sure I had never smelt it. It’s pleasant to smell. If I smell it again, I can distinguish it definitely.”

Zhu Ting speaks urgently. Fu Zhengzheng feels strange, “You are anxious to find the murderer killing Fu Wenhai. Is it because…”

“No! I always remember his identity and mine. I’m eager to find the murderer, because I want to bring the lawbreaker at large to justice – Though he has returned the intact coffer to us, he did murder a person.”

Staring at her for quite a while, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t expose her thought and just sighs, “There are myriads of people in the world. Besides, what if the person’s smell doesn’t last long? For example, he doesn’t use perfume of the same brand anymore.”

“Anyway, this is the only clue. We haven’t tried to search, so we shouldn’t come to a conclusion so quickly.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng’s cellphone rings. The call is from He Menghuai.

“Zhengzheng, I feel something strange.”

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