Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 408 - Different Guesses

Chapter 408 Different Guesses

Fu Zhengzheng stands up quickly and looks at the door alertly. When seeing Ji Muxian come in, she sighs with relief.

Sun Qiubo is also startled. Seeing Ji Muxian, she sticks out her tongue and whispers to Fu Zhengzheng, “Don’t you the police officer have enough opportunities to show your great strength? So great strength is used to open the door.”

Ji Muxian’s mouth corners twitch, and he explains in a muffled voice, “I didn’t know the door wasn’t locked.”

Then he walks fast to Tian Xin.

Fu Zhengzheng picks up her bag and goes out.

Sun Qiubo shouts behind, “Hey, didn’t you say you asked for leave to accompany Tian specially? Why do you leave now?”

Fu Zhengzheng looks back at Sun Qiubo and pouts her lips at Ji Muxian as a signal.

Looking at the whispering couple, Sun Qiubo takes the hint, picks up her things and then runs out.

After they go out of the inpatient department, Sun Qiubo feels bored and swings her shoulder bag, “What shall we do?”

“Do what we should do respectively. I’ll go to see Siqi.”

“Who shall I go to see?”

“He Menghuai – if you really don’t want to see him, you can find a good-looking man casually on the street to accompany you.”

Sun Qiubo rolls her eyes at Fu Zhengzheng spitefully and pretends to be injured, “You are both heartless. I expected your consolation, but you made fun of me together. I have two false friends.”

“Don’t blame us for making fun of you. Menghuai loves you deeply. To think that you would say that now! Tian and I couldn’t stand to hear it, let alone Menghuai. If he heard it, he would be sad.”

“That’s because I feel sad for Tian. When her husband is most needed, he can’t be seen at all. Tian is considerate, while I’m not. If I am ill in the future, He Menghuai has to come back no matter how important his task is. I’m not so selfless.”

Knowing that Sun Qiubo’s bark is worse than her bite, Fu Zhengzheng comforts her smilingly, “In fact, police officers are not so busy every day. We are just particularly busy recently. Come now. Don’t be upset. Let’s have a drink?”

Sun Qiubo waves, “No. Now that your task has been finished, Menghuai may be free. I’ll go to see him and ask him to go back to A City with me again. My parents keep urging me.”

“Maybe…he is less busy. Talk patiently. If he has a tight schedule, please be patient.” Actually, Fu Zhengzheng isn’t sure if they will have less workload, because many mysteries of Fu Wenhai’s case are still waiting for them to solve.

“Do you need me to drive you to Weihan Building?” Sun Qiubo shows her car key.

“No, thanks. I’ll take a taxi. Go about your business.”

Without saying more, Sun Qiubo turns around and heads for the parking lot. Fu Zhengzheng walks to the hospital gate and then goes to Shuguang Hospital by taxi to see Li Yin.

Lin Xiaoyue brought Tian Xin to the nearest hospital. Because Tian Xin is weak, so she isn’t transferred to Shuguang Hospital affiliated to Weihan.

Li Yin looks good, perhaps because she has a good constitution and Liu Lin is back. Besides, her baby gets better day by day. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng come in, she gets out of the bed to greet her.

Fu Zhengzheng goes forward immediately to support her, “You are still in confinement. Don’t move.”

“Don’t worry. I feel that I have recovered completely.” Li Yin gives her a chair smilingly.

Liu Lin’s aunt smiles aside, “She is in high spirits now as if she had taken magic drug.”

“That’s because Aunt Liu takes good care of her.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles at her and then looks around.

Li Yin solves her confusion at once, “Liu Lin is away to buy something.”

Liu Lin’s aunt adds with a smile, “To buy grapes for her.”

“It isn’t easy to buy grapes in this season, is it?” Fu Zhengzheng looks at Li Yin.

Liu Lin’s aunt answers again before Li Yin, “So long as they are sold, that’s OK. His wife wants to eat them, so no matter how far it is, he is willing to go. After being jailed for several months, he has become completely different, not only treating me with filial respect but also taking good care of his wife and baby. It seems that his deceased parents bless him.”

Looking at Liu Lin’s aunt who beams from ear to ear and Li Yin who looks happy, Fu Zhengzheng feels glad for them.

They talk about the baby for a long time. When it’s near the dinner time, Fu Zhengzheng leaves the hospital and returns to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

“Mummy, did you go to see my elder aunt? Grandma said the baby in her belly was gone. Is it true?” Once Fu Zhengzheng enters the house, Fu Xing begins to ask her questions.

“Grandma has told you that?” Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing to sit down. Then she finds his eyes are red and Xiaoxiao is sitting on Han Tengyue’s laps and sobbing.

Han Tengyue pats Xiaoxiao’s back while telling Fu Zhengzheng, “Your mom has gone to the hospital to send meals to Tian and Muxian.”

“Aunt, please protect our younger brother.” Suddenly Xiaoxiao curls her lips and says that to Fu Zhengzheng.

Finding Fu Xing is staring at her stomach, Fu Zhengzheng understands instantly. For fear that Xiaoxiao will be made sadder, she replies with an embarrassed smile, “Um, OK, I will.”

When she hears someone smiling behind, she looks back and sees Han Siqi. Then she sticks out her tongue towards him.

“I don’t know when your mom will come back. Now that you are back, let’s have dinner now.” Han Tengyue rises with Xiaoxiao in his arms and then spares one hand to hold Fu Xing.

Fu Zhengzheng sees Han Siqi winking at her. She rolls her eyes at him and then goes to the dining room quickly.

After dinner, the couple play with the kids till Ji Yashu comes back and takes them upstairs to sleep. Then they go back to their own room.

Back to the room, Fu Zhengzheng talks about the case of Fu Wenhai with Han Siqi. She doesn’t stop until her mouth is parched and her tongue is scorched.

Han Siqi hands a glass of water to her. After she drinks it up, he embraces her and touches her stomach.

“What are you doing?” Fu Zhengzheng looks at him confusedly.

“Let me see if Xingxing’s younger brother is good.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows Han Siqi is making fun of her, so she puts his hand aside, “The seed hasn’t sprouted yet.”

“You’re wrong. I haven’t sowed a seed.” Han Siqi takes the glass from her hand, puts it on the table and then holds her in his arms.

Fu Zhengzheng struggles, “Hey, hey, we haven’t finished the topic.”

“Nothing to talk. Let’s come straight to the point.” Han Siqi lifts her transversely and goes to the bathroom.

“I mean the topic about Fu Wenhai, not what you say! Hey, hmm…”

Fu Zhengzheng’s voice is muffled soon.


After it has rained for several times in succession, the weather becomes increasingly hot. Two weeks have passed in the blink of an eye.

The coffer case that once provoked much discussion in B City comes to an end. The news media reduces the report on it finally. All treasures in the coffer have been handed over to the relevant department. It’s said many cultural relics are exhibited in the provincial museum.

The scheduled commendation meeting is delayed after many policemen including Ji Muxian and Yang Tao plead repeatedly, because they think Fu Wenhai’s case hasn’t been finished and leaders respect their opinion. Thus, their positions are not adjusted as planned.

Fu Wenhai’s case comes into a deadlock because the key person – fake Pu Xiangchen – can’t be found. It’s only for sure that the real Pu Xiangchen disappeared two years ago and Pu Xiangchen that the policemen saw was fake. They made image comparison with the photo of the fake Pu Xiangchen and found some suspects, but they were excluded from suspicion at last. The fake Pu Xiangchen becomes a mystery.

After repeated deliberation, they reach two conclusions.

One conclusion is that Fu Wenhai contacted Fu Zhengzheng for the trap map with nothing to fear, because he thought he had the trade secrets and many celebrities’ privacy, but actually he was schemed against by Pu Xiangchen and was killed at last; the other one is that Fu Wenhai didn’t escape actually, and his escape was false. He had planned to swap the trade secrets and Zhu Ting for the trap map kept by Fu Zhengzheng, so he ordered Tong Lean to cause trouble. After getting the trap map, he thought he was safe, so he rushed to see the coffer that he had dreamed of for a long time. Unexpectedly, he was killed by someone coming later.

“At that time, many people did suggest that the coffer case should be put aside temporarily, because it’s more important to reassure the residents.” They gather in Tian Xin’s restaurant and discuss the case privately. Ji Muxian expresses his doubt in this way but is stopped by Yang Tao immediately, because “many people” cover a large group of ones, including main leaders.

“Let’s bypass whether Fu Wenhai really had something on these people. According to the complicated situation at that time, the suggestion was not unreasonable. Anyway, they want to defend their own interests at most and are not supposed to be involved in the case of killing Fu Wenhai. The point is the fake Pu Xiangchen. Perhaps he killed Fu Wenhai.” Yang Tao explains.

“He killed Fu Wenhai, but he doesn’t touch the coffer and took Zhu Ting there. Did he just want to help the police to find the coffer? Is there really such a knightly and kind person on the world? He seems magic. Lu Song arranged so many people to guard the Lingshan Mountain, but they didn’t find him. How did he vanish?” After He Menghuai stops, he sees them roll their eyes. Then he keeps silent.

“After Fu Wenhai’s death, who is the biggest beneficiary?” Fu Zhengzheng’s question changes the focus of the discussion.

Yang Tao shrugs helplessly, “Rongsheng Group and Wenhai Building Materials have been acquired, but the acquirer is an original Rongsheng shareholder. It’s not strange. But the land won by Tong Lean and Gu Yang have been taken over completely.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks immediately, “Are the persons taking over the turf from D City?”

Yang Tao understands her meaning and shakes his head, “I had such a suspicion in the beginning. They were not born in B City, but they are not new here. Some of them have been here for two or three years.”

“Two or three years?” Fu Zhengzheng is sensitive about the expression, “the fake Pu Xiangchen had been here for two or three years too.”

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