Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 409 - Unique Antenatal Training

Chapter 409 Unique Antenatal Training

While Fu Zhengzheng is discussing with them, Sun Qiubo opens the door and enters. She looks at Fu Zhengzheng cheerfully, “Zhengzheng, look, who comes here?”

She edges away and then Zhu Linglong appears. She looks slightly swollen. Min Zhongxu leaps out too.

“Hi, everyone. Hi, Sweetie Zhengzheng, long time no see. Do you miss Linglong and me?”

Zhu Linglong rolls her eyes at him sulkily, “Zhengzheng only misses me. Don’t flatter yourself.”

It has been some days since Fu Zhengzheng saw Zhu Linglong last time. She goes forward gladly, embraces her and stares at her slightly raised stomach, “How are you doing? Is it a good baby?”

“Yes, very good.” Zhu Linglong touches her stomach happily.

“Sit down please.” Sun Qiubo spares two seats and calls Zhu Linglong and Min Zhongxu to sit.

“The baby is good because of my education every day, isn’t it?” Min Zhongxu says complacently, “I teach him in the morning and evening every day, telling him to be good and to please his mom.”

He Menghuai laughs, “It’s just like the saying that a person should be taught to please women since antenatal training, right?”

Sun Qiubo laughs too, “The baby learns how to please women before his birth. Who can be better than him in the future? He will be a lady’s man, won’t he?”

Fu Zhengzheng responds, “Like father, like son.”

Han Siqi comes late. Hearing it, he adds, “If the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant.”

“You’re here.” Fu Zhengzheng moves the chair for him, and he sits next to her.

Teased by everyone, Min Zhongxu pretends to be angry, “Stop! I just teach my son to be good. What are you thinking? Besides, when did I make a pass at other women? When was I not loyal to my wife?”

Zhu Linglong glances at him lightly, “You only have bad luck in adventures with women. Don’t share with us to dampen our spirits.”

“Darling, I swear I’ve never made a pass at other women. My loyalty to you can be testified by God! In my eyes, only you are a woman, and others are all men.”

Others burst into laughter.

But Zhu Linglong doesn’t buy the story and exposes him directly, “How honey-lipped you are! Didn’t you fix your glowing eyes on the dead person and couldn’t move away in the mall? Your mouth even watered. Disgusting.”

Min Zhongxu scratches his head, “I…I didn’t expect there would be two persons that looked so alike, so I peeked a little longer.”

“You just peeked a little longer? Perhaps before she died, you had had feelings for her.”

“Nonsense. She is Siqi’s…” Min Zhongxu pauses quickly. He glances at Fu Zhengzheng and grins embarrassedly.

“You met the woman looking like Li Xiaomeng?” Fu Zhengzheng guesses it from their bickering.

Zhu Linglong nods, “Yes, we’ve met her for several times in malls recently. Damned unlucky.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels strange, “You’ve met her in the mall for several times? Which mall?”

She knows Zhu Ting doesn’t often go to shopping malls.

“Not just one mall. Several malls. Does she do perfume business? She seems to know much about it.”

Recalling Zhu Ting said the murderer killing Fu Wenhai smelt specially, Fu Zhengzheng understands immediately what she is doing. She changes the topic smilingly, “Maybe she just likes perfume. Linglong, you come late. Order a few more dishes.”

Sun Qiubo passes the menu to Zhu Linglong.

Meeting Yang Tao’s eyes, Fu Zhengzheng exchanges glances with him and then helps Zhu Linglong order dishes.

Min Zhongxu wants to sit between Zhu Linglong and Han Siqi, but Han Siqi kicks him away.

Min Zhongxu knows Han Siqi is angry about “Li Xiaomeng is Siqi’s…” that he said. He grins embarrassedly. But he still manages to squeeze himself between them and sits down. Then he murmurs against Han Siqi.

“It has passed for a long time. You’re still unhappy when it’s mentioned. So petty.”

Han Siqi repeats what Min Zhongxu says loudly, “Linglong, your husband says you are petty, jealous and bad-tempered.”

Zhu Linglong’s eyes flash with anger. Min Zhongxu wears an injured expression at once, “Darling, don’t believe him. I mean you are a gentle and good wife.”

Knowing Han Siqi is playing a trick, Fu Zhengzheng glares at him and then tells Zhu Linglong smilingly, “The pregnant woman must be always happy. Only in this way will the baby not be short-tempered after it’s born.”

Min Zhongxu echoes right away, “Yes, right. I have seen it on a book.”

Then Zhu Linglong ignores him and begins to order dishes with Sun Qiubo.

Seeing Min Zhongxu sigh with relief, He Menghuai twists his head and whispers to Yang Tao, “To think that a woman would become so short-tempered after pregnancy.”

“It varies with each individual. Tian Xin still supported Muxian’s work when she was pregnant, didn’t she?” Yang Tao glances at Ji Muxian who is sitting next to him.

He Menghuai sighs, “Captain Ji’s wife is exceptional. She is reasonable and considerate by nature. Xiaoyue is also nice. But Qiubo is not. She is short-tempered by nature. I can’t imagine how my life will be like after her pregnancy. It’s sure to be much more terrible than that of Manager Min.”

“You’d better swallow it back. If Qiubo hears it, you will have a bad end.”

He Menghuai grins and doesn’t say more.

Ji Muxian glances at others and then begins to drink and eat slowly, without saying anything.

He isn’t interested in such a gathering. Besides, Tian Xin isn’t here.

“You have to join it. Tell me how it is when you come back.” Tian Xin told him.

At the thought of what Yang Tao and He Menghuai just said, his usually expressionless face breaks into a smile unexpectedly.

After the meal, they sit there and talk. Then Min Zhongxu leaves with Zhu Linglong. Sun Qiubo and Lin Xiaoyue go out to work. He Menghuai follows Sun Qiubo fawningly to help her. For fear that Tian Xin is bored at home alone, Ji Muxian leaves too. Only Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng and Yang Tao are left in the private room.

“Why does Zhu Ting study perfume?” After others have left, Yang Tao asks the question that has puzzled him during the dinner.

Fu Zhengzheng answers, “She said she smelt a special odor in a man in the coffer. She had never smelt it. She suspected it was the smell of perfume. Perhaps she went to the malls to investigate.”

“Oh? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Even Zhu Ting can’t distinguish what the smell is. I think even if I tell you, we can’t do anything.”

“It’s true.” Yang Tao smiles helplessly and then skips to another topic, “We should investigate the acquirers of Rongsheng and Wenhai Building Materials as well as the ones taking over Tong Lean’s turf. Check if there is relationship between them.”


“They can acquire the companies and take over the turf during such a short time. It’s not easy.”

“You mean…” Fu Zhengzheng becomes serious.

Yang Tao nods, “Angelic Music has a wide range of influence. The fake Pu Xiangchen must have got lots of users’ privacy by means of Angelic Music.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks, “Do you think the fake Pu Xiangchen is still in B City?”

Yang Tao doesn’t think so, “If he finds we are investigating him, he won’t dare to stay in B City. If he comes again, he will change his identity just like Fu Wenhai did.”

“Change his face? Then even if he stands before us, we can’t recognize him, right?” Fu Zhengzheng becomes frustrated.

Yang Tao comforts her, “So long as we find the relationship between the acquirers of Rongsheng and Wenhai Building Materials, the mystery may be solved. It only took them about three weeks to do that. That means they were anxious and had some means of operation. I think they will expose themselves completely to us soon.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks it’s reasonable, “Then we can’t alert them.”

“Of course. Besides, we also need to let down our guard.”

“Apparently.” Fu Zhengzheng adds.

Yang Tao smiles and looks at Han Siqi who keeps silent, “You have worked hard recently. Zhengzheng can take some days off to accompany you.”

Fu Zhengzheng waves, “Even if I’m off work, he isn’t. Shall I accompany him in his company?”

“It doesn’t matter to rest for some days. By the way, Zhu Ting’s law firm will hold a small party tomorrow night. I ask them to hold it at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Look for a chance to meet her and ask about her thought.”

Fu Zhengzheng knows Chief Xiao told Yang Tao the other day that Zhu Ting had finished her task and asked him to send her back to the army. She contacted Zhu Ting, but Zhu Ting requested more time to stay here and investigate the case.

“What if she still refuses to leave?” Fu Zhengzheng asks.

“There are so many people coming and going every day. The murderer killing Fu Wenhai may not be in B City. Just by means of his smell, perhaps she can’t find clues.” Yang Tao thinks and then adds, “She is persistent. If she refuses to leave, give her more days.”

“OK. See you later.” Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi rise and go out.

Out of the restaurant, the Central Street, which is illuminated by colorful lights, is as bright as broad daylight. Gazing at it, Fu Zhengzheng can’t help stopping her feet. She stands on the step and looks at pedestrians coming and going on both sides.

Han Siqi stands beside her and looks into the distance with her. Fu Zhengzheng twists her head and asks him suddenly, “Why did you keep silent just now? You disagreed with Yang Tao and me?”

“When police officers discuss a case, a good citizen shouldn’t break in.”

Fu Zhengzheng is amused, “Good citizen, what do you think about our discussion?”

“I’m too busy recently and haven’t studied it.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng shrugs and then looks into the distance, “I didn’t think the Central Street would be so bustling.”

“It’s always bustling.”

“Really? I didn’t find that. Shall we join in the fun?”

Han Siqi takes Fu Zhengzheng’s hand smilingly and takes her to follow the crowd slowly.

“Because of the task, I didn’t dare to go to such a crowded place in the past. I prefer it actually. I can feel others’ happiness so that I will feel happy too.”

“You don’t need to feel others’ happiness. So long as you can get happiness from me, that’s enough.”

“Isn’t it better to get both?”

“Greedy.” Han Siqi rubs her hair, “How about going to see our house?”

“Our house?” Fu Zhengzheng almost forgets it.

“Do you want to move here?”

“What about Fu Xing and our parents?”

“They will move here with us. Dad has agreed to plan the buildings in the north of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort anew.” In the Splendid Oriental Castle of the first batch of Handa City, Han Tengyue and Ji Yashu prepare three adjacent villas for their three sons.

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng is happy, “Linglong and Yan have moved here. If we move here too, it will be fun.”

Now she doesn’t have anything that’s worthy of being coveted by others, so she doesn’t need to worry about the safety of her family members all the time.

Understanding Fu Zhengzheng’s facial expression, Han Siqi takes her hand and goes forward smilingly. When they walk past the music fountain in the middle, Fu Zhengzheng stops her feet suddenly and stares nearby…

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